
Monday, March 01, 2010

Winter in 2010 Part 3

This movie is called "Percy Jakcson and the Olympians." This film is a fantasy adventure film that was directed by Chris Columbus. It's an adaptation of "The Lightning Thief," which was the first novel in the Perry Jackson and The Olympians series by Rich Riordan. Logan Lerman stars in the film as Percy Jackson. It has an ensemble case including the names of Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario, Jake Abel, Rosario Dawson, Steve Coogan, Uma Thurman, Catherine Keener, Sean Bean and Pierce Brosnan. It was released to theaters on February 12, 2010. The film starts at the top of the Empire State Building with Poseidon (played by Kevin McKidd) meeting with Zeus (played by Sean Bean). Zeus said that his lightning bolt has been stolen. He blames Poseidon's son for the theft.

"Public Enemies" is a 2009 American crime film that was co-written and directed by Michael Mann. The film was about the life of John Dillinger, who was a famous bank robber. He lived during the great Depression. Johnny Depp plays John Dillinger. He is monitored by the FBI. The head of the FBI was J. Edgar Hoover back then. FBI agent Melvin Purvis is played by the actor Christain Bale. Purvis is after Baby Face Neslon (plaed by Stephen Graham), and Pretty Boy Floyd (played by Channing Tatum). The film was adapted from Bryan Burrogh's non-fiction book entitled, "Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933–34." The film begins with John Dillinger escaping the Indiana State Prison. His allies John Red Hamiltion overpower guards and free members of their gang (like Charles Mackly, Homer Van Meter, Ed Shouse Jr. and Harry Pierpont). The jailbreak occurs eacisly until Ed Shouse Jr. beats a guard to death. A shootout comes and the gang flees. They go into a farm house hideout. A crooked East Chicago, Indian cop named Martin Zarkovich (who is played by John Michael Bolger) convinces Dillinger and his gang to flee to Chicago in ordr to have protection from the local Mafia. Agent Purvis kills Pretty Boy Floyd in a case. He is promoted by J. Edgar Hoover (being played by Billy Crudup). J. Edgar Hoover back in those days wanted the FBI to be a real national policy agency. He declares John Dillinger as public enemy number one. Dillinger continues to have bank robberties and he kills an East Chicago police officer. He soon meets Billie Frechette (played by Marion Cotillard), who is part Native American. Dillinger buys Billie a fur coat to woo her in romance. Frechette falls for Dillinger even after he tells her who he really is. They quickly become inseparable. Melvin Purvis failed an ambush in a hotel where he believes Dillinger is staying. An agent is shot and killed by the occupant. Purvis realizes the killer was Dillinger, but was Baby Face Nelson and Tommy Carroll. Purvis wants professional lawmen in the case, so J. Edgar Hoover sends Texas cowboys like Charles Winstead (which is played by Stephen Lang). The police arrest Dillinger and his gang in Tuscon, Arizona after a fire breaks out at the Hotel Congress. Dillinger escapes again. The Mafia leader Frank Nitti won't help Dillinger since the U.S. government is prosecuting interstate crime, which imperils Nitti's lucrative bookmaking racket. Dillinger has another shoot out in Sioux Falls. Dillinger is shot and escapes into Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin. There, Baby Face Nelson dies and Dillinger escapes. Frechette talks with Dillinger and Frechette is captured by the FBI. Purvis stops the interrogator Agent Harold Reinecke (played by Adam Mucci) from brutally beating Frechette up. The FBI track Dillinger to a movie theater where they kill him. He finished watching a Clark Gable movie called "Manhattan Melodrama at the Biograph Theater." He is set up by Anna Sage, which is the FBI threaten her with deportation to Romania if she doesn't cooperate. She agrees to set up Dillinger when he lived with her. Later, Winstead meets Frechette in prison. He tells her that he thinks Dillinger's dying words were "Tell Billie for me, 'Bye bye Blackbird.'" The closing text reveals that Melvin Purvis quit the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935 and died by his own hand in 1960, and that Billie lived out of the rest of her life in Wisconsin following her release in 1936.

The movie was innotative in the way it was present. People have found historical inaccuracies in the film. Melvin Purvis and John Dillinger never met wach other in real life in the Tuscon jail. Dillinger didn't turn to contront the FBI agent before he was killed. He didn't issue dying word to Agent Winstead. J. Edgar Hoover even issued a war on crime long before Dillinger came into national attention. Billie was actually arrested before Little Bohemia, not after as depicted in the film, though otherwise the scene is accurate. Anna Sage, Dillinger's betrayer, knew Dillinger for less than a year and was not a good friend as depicted. The movie shows the authoritarian nature of J. Edgar Hoover even back in the 1930's. J. Edgar Hoover was born in January 1, 1895 in Washington D.C. He parents were Dickerson Naylor Hoover and Annie Mrie Scheitlin Hoover. He headed the FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972, which is a very long time (almost 50 years). J. Edgar Hoover was very racist since he used the FBI's COINTELPRO to illegally target civil rights groups, leaders, etc. He opposed the 1956 Supreme Court desegregation decision over the specter in his own words of racial intermarriage and interracial schooling. There is nothing wrong with 2 people of the same race being married. Likewise, there is nothing wrong with 2 people being married who happen to be of different races either or interracial marriage. Love is Love. Many of the Bureau personnel back in the 1960's would use racial slurs against black people. Very few FBI agents back then were black. Even in the time of Hoover's death in 1972, less than 1% of all FBI special agents were black Americans. Hoover targeted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Marcus Garvey. Hoover accused Dr. Martin Luther King of being Communist and the Civil Rights Movement heavily infiltrated by Communists. Hoover failed to mention that Communist is an international banker funded enterprise utilized as a means for the West to expand imperialist policies worldwide. Communism is indeed evil since it strips religious liberty, individual liberties, and true free enterprise. Dr. King explicitly rejected the tenets of Communism (King exposed the fact that unregulated, unbridled Capitalism and Communism are means to oppose the poor in society) in contrary to Christian principles. Such COINTELPRO operations--including efforts to foment violence and assassinations was abhorent and evil. Hoover had a close relationship with Clyde Tolson as his alter ego. They worked closely in the day, ate their meals together, socialized in night clubs, and went on holidays together. Some FBI employees like Felt claim that this relationship was merely fraternal. Others believed that Hoover had a romantic relationship with Tolson. It's hard to find evidence that Hoover had a romantic relationship with a woman in his adulthood. Classical statues of nude men adorned his garden. He lived with his mother until she died. When J. Edgar Hoover died, Clyde Tolson inherited his estate of some USD $551,000 and moved into his house; he accepted the U.S. flag draped on Hoover's coffin. Tolson's grave is a few yards from Hoover's grave in the Congressional Cemetery. The real important issue (beyond Hoover's preference) is that Hoover used policies that violated human civil liberties and he was very prejudice (some feel that J. Edgar Hoover had African American ancestry, which is a reason why he was so adamantly racist toward black people) making him not a great candidate to head any organization let alone the FBI. The FBI was formed in controversy literally. Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte created the creation of the Bureau of Investigation, in July 26, 1908. This was the precursor to the FBI. Charles Bonaparte was the grandson of Napoleon Bonaparte's brother Jerome, King of Westphalia. Napoleon had dissolved his brother's marriage, and Charles's Baltimore grandmother had spent the rest of her life desperately asserting the claim that Charles's father was of royal blood. Charles was an Anglophile of course. Charles Bonaparte hated the Constitution's concept of due process of law by saying that: "....Need anybody cry if an officer's revolver does now and then save our Courts the trouble of trying a burglar, and cut off his chance of `burgling' again when released or escaped from prison?" He said that very few innocent people are lynched by mobs of people, which is a lie. The FBI evolved from the BI in the 1920's. The FBI infiltrated many groups like the Ku Klux Klan especially in the 1960's. J. Edgar Hoover was a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason and a Shriner. Shriners swear an oath to Muhammad and Allah. They wear the pagan-inspired cap that has the Goddess image, the swords, and other emblems.



Pagan Holidays
This very common to expose Christmas, Easter (the word comes from the celebration of paganism in relation to Spring in the form of the Goddess. This Goddess is Eastra in Europe and Isthar or the Queen of Heaven in the Middle East. The early church and even Calvin and Knox didn't celebrate Easter), and especially Halloween's pagan and occult roots. Easter itself is different from the Biblical Passover celebration. Now, it's time to discuss the pagan roots of other so-called Holidays. I haven't written on this issue much, but it's interesting territory to cover. The reason is that the truth is apparent and a wide spectrum of subjects is great to show.
Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday. A lot of people don't know about its origin. Today, tons of people know that even a secular person wouldn't agree with the drunkeness, sexual licenessness, public nudity, and other evils that are common in yearly Mardi Gras celebrations. This is true, yet the corproate CFR-influenced media santisize these reality to justify the celebration of this nefarious unholy celebration. This day is known as Shrove Tuesday or Carnival. This annual celebration is the final day before the fast of Lent or the 40 day period of self-denial and abstinence from merrymaking. Notice that Lent is no where found in the Scriptures. Mardi Gras is heavily associated with the Roman Catholic Church. It occurs between February 3 and March 9 each year. There are celebrations leading up to Mardi Gras Day. The Carnival season is marked by spectacular parades featuring floats, pageants, elaborate costumes, masked balls, and dancing in the streets. Some researchers believe that there are links among the fertility festival of Lupercalia (that occurs each February in ancient Rome) and Mardi Gras. Carnival traditions existed in Europe during the Middle Ages as it's in the ritual calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. Today pre-Lenten Carnivals are celebrated predominantly in Roman Catholic communities in Europe and the Americas. Cities famous for their celebrations include Nice, France; Cologne, Germany; and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. New Orleans, Louisiana, holds the most famous Mardi Gras celebration in the United States. Residents of New Orleans have been celebrating Mardi Gras since the 18th century. Mobile, Alabama, has a lesser known but equally old Mardi Gras tradition. Mardi Gras is informally observed in many North American cities, usually invoking the spirit of the New Orleans festivities. Cajuns celebrate Mardi Gras. Cajuns are an ethnic gorup that have its own culture from French Canadian refugees who settled in southwestern Louisiana during the 1700's.
The French Quarter is the oldes neighbhorhood in New Orleans. It's common to see drunkeness and other wild things occuring in that place. Millions of people go into Mardi Gras given millions and even billions of dollars to the local economy. People show beads to people if a person expose private body parts. This isn't wholesome fun. The beads are their crowning identification as a drunkard and reveler! The beads are first thrown from the floats as seen below, and then become trading items for those who will remove their clothing! Along with beads, the floats throw out beer cups and other items. Floats like "King Cotton" are apart of Mardi Gras celebrations. The good news is that many Christians are expressing their First Amendment rights to protest Mardi Gras and led folks into the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Chrsit.
Valentine's Day existed in Februrary. It's very popular and famous for millions of people globally celebrate it. Gifts like watches, cards, and boxes of chocolates are exchanging between people. There are parties, etc. Candy is common to include the words of "Be My Valentine" on them. Some people don't comprehend the real origin of Valentine's Day or their customs behind it. This day focus on the heart when we know that the human heart can be decietful: "...“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his wages, and according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jeremiah 17:9-10). People want to see what is the origin of this day, what does the red mean in this holiday, and what does the heart shape imagery come from? The answer to these questions start with the ancient Roman Empire. February was the last and shortest month of the year in the Roman Empire. It originally had 30 days and then Julius Casesar named the month of July after himself. Later, he decided to make the month longer and shortened February to 20 days while making July a month of 31 days. Octavius Caesar or Augustus came into power to name the month of August after himself. Later, he substracted a day from February to add it to the month of August in 31 days. It's like this today in our Gregorian calendar. The ancient Romans falsely believed that a month had a spirit gained strength plus reached it speak or apex of power in the middle or ides of the month. This is usually the 15th day (witches back then and today use magic). The day of February 14th was called Lupercalia or the day of the wolf in ancient Rome. This was a day that was dedicated to the sexual frenzy of the Goddess Juno. This day also honored the Roman gods, Lupercus and Faunus, as well as the legendary twin brothers, who supposedly founded Rome, Remus and Romulus. These two are said to have been suckled by wolves in a cave on Palatine Hill in Rome. The cave was called Lupercal and was the center of the celebrating on the eve of Lupercalia or February 14th. On this day, Lupercalia, which was later named Valentine’s Day, the Luperci or priests of Lupercus dressed in goatskins for a bloody ceremony. The priest of Lupercus (or the wolf god) would sacrifice goats and a dog (to smear themselves with blood). They act in a frenzy to run around Palatine hill. They or the priest would fornicate with women (whose names are put in boxes or these love notes called billet. The men of Rome would draw a billt and the woman whose name was on it became his sexual lust partner until the next Lupercalia or February 14th. This is evil and misogynistic). Red represents blood. The human heart shape represents according to Pastor David Meyer, the human female matrix or opening to the chamber of "sacred copulation." Ironically, the Gnostic Valentinians would have a sexual license of the festival called sacrament of copulation or the angels in the nuptial chamber (which they blasphemeously claim was the reenactment of the marriage of Sophia and the Reedemer. Sophia is a Goddess figure in Gnosticism). Later, the Gnostic Catholics were suppressed and the invented St. Valentine day came about in modern times. There is nothing wrong with romance and love between a man and a women (showing gifts, etc.). Yet, is Valentine's Day with its evil origin from Lupercalia necessarily to prove love among 2 people? The answer is no. You can easily show love, gifts, etc. with Valentine's Day. Should a true Christian be associated in any way with this celebration of evil roots? Should we be doing what the heathen have done for so many years and try to justify it as love?” Romans 12:2 answers this very well, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…”

Easily a controversial figure in history is a precise description of Muhammad. He was the founder of Islam, which is a very popular world religion. Today, much of Muhammad's life story is transparent. Yet, mysteries still surround the interesting and intriguisng life of Muhammad. I wrote about Islam intensively before. Now, it's tiem to outline the life story of Muhammad, because in the mind of this man proceed the doctrine (and other compositions within the religion of Islam).
Muhammad was born in ca. 570 or571 A.D. in Mecca. In Islam, he is called the last of the great prophets in history. Muslims believe that he restored the uncorrupted, original monotheistic faith of prophets like Moses, etc. In his lifetime, he was apart of a myriad of fields. They include beign a merchant, diplomat, reformer, military general, legislator, orator, etc. His father was named Adbullah and he died almost six months before he was born. Since he was an orphan, his uncle named Abu Talib took care of him. He lived for 2 years with his paternal grandfather named Abd al-Muttalib of the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe (before he was raised by Abu Talib). He worked mostly as a merchant and shepherd. Then by the age of 125, he was married. His life in Mecca made him discontent. Therefore, he retreated to a cave and the surrounding mountains for mediation and reflection. Muhammad 's major wife was to the widow Khadijah in 595 A.D. Khadijah's cousin was a professed Christian named Waraqah ibn Nawfal. According to Islamic tradition, he was 40 years old when he recieved his first revelation from his god Allah in the month of Ramandan. This was in Mount Hira when Muhammad claims that the angel Gabriel appeared to him in 610 A.D. to command Muhammad to recite various verses. Shia tradition maintains that Muhammad was neither surprised nor frightened at the appearance of Gabriel but rather welcomed him as if he had been expecting him. Years later, he said that Allah is One and people should submit to Allah to have acceptance to God. He gained a few followers and there was hostility with other Meccan tribes. He and his followed were treated harshly and persecution. Some of his followers went into Abyssinia or Ethiopia. He and his remaining followers in Mecca went into Medina or Yathrib back then in 622 A.d. This migration is called the Hijra and marks the begining of the Islamic Calendar or the Hijri calendar. He claimed that revelations or Ayat was sent to him until his death. These formed the verses of the Koran. Muhammad's life or sira and traditions or sunnah are promoted by Muslims. Ibn Ishaq's "Life of Allah's Messenger" was written in ca. 767 to outline Muhammad's life. There are the Hadith collections of his life that date from several generations after Muhammad's death (that show verbal and physical traditions of Muhammad). For most of his life, Muhammad lived in Mecca. The Koran talks about the responisbility of man to Allah, the resurrection of the death, and God's Judgment toward people (with a distinction of Hell and what Muslim call Paradise). Muhammad and his followers fought the Meccans to gain power and make the people there to submit to their new faith. Muhammad died in Monday, June 8, 632 in Medina. He was 63 years old. It is said that his head was resting on Aisha's lap and he murmured his final words soon after asking her to dispose of his last worldy goods, which were seven coins. The words were: "...Rather, Allah on High and Paradise." The tomb of Muhammad is in the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina. Muhammad married many wives after Khadija died. He married Aisha (who was in that time either 6 years old or 10 years old), and 9 additional wives. The Sunnis believed that Aisha was Muhammad's favorite wife. There is the controversy subject of Jihad. Jihad means struggle and Muslims claim that they are struggling in Jihad to be better Muslims. Mohammed once was asked: what is the best deed for the Muslim next to believing in Allah and His Apostle? His answer was: "To participate in Jihad in Allah's cause." -Al-Bukhari vol 1:25. The Hadith promote Jihad and some radical Muslims take it a step further to promote violence even against innocent people that most Muslims reject. Muhammad and his followers followed Jihad in killing people and having slaves plus stealing property in the Saudi Arabian peninsula. Also, slavery was done by Europeans and Muslims too. "The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue" by John Alembillah Azuma is one book exposing this subject out of many. Yet, does a person need to struggle to be a more moral person or just follow the commandments of the Lord? It's better to not have Jihad, but to have inspiration from God to have a sense of holiness. We do know that Islam teach a counterfeit Gospel since they reject that God has a Son, they allow a man to beat a woman, and they that Almighty God can be personal with human beings.

*There is a legacy among African peoples and Arabic people relating to Islam. It's a fact that some Arabic held onto African slaves before Islam was invented. Proponents of Islam claim that the Quran criticizes taking people as slaves. The truth is that professing Muslims held slaves and fake Christians held slaves as well. Islam traveled into North Africa among the Berbers and then it spread into West Africa. The new Muslims used the trade from North Africa into Niger and Ghana. Arab and Persian traders reached East Africa and settled their with local black wives as well. Many Muslims supported slavery and some Muslims opposed it strongly like some Christians did. A companion of Muhammad named Abdur Rehman bin Awf freed 30,000 slaves at his death-bed. Muhammad himself set an example when he purchased Abyssinian Bilal ibn Rabah and set him free. African slaves existed in medieval Baghdad and Damascus. Many Muslim kingdom had slaves and were racist against black people too. Black African slaves made by Muslims existed as far as Indonesia, Pakistan, and India. The Islamic slave trade spread in the Sahara, the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. The Muslims heavily enslaved women (some of the slaves were sexually exploited as concubines, in harems, and for military service). Over 28 million Africans have been enslaved in the Muslim world over 14 centuries. William Wilberforce and other abolitionists help to fight against slavery for 59 years. The Slave trade was banned in Britain by 1807. Christians like William Wilberforce, John Newton, William Carey, David Livingstone, Lord Shaftsbury and General Charles Gordon worked tirelessly to end the slave trade, stop child labour, and set the captives free. Saudi Arabia and Yemen only banned slavery in 1962, and Mauritania in 1980, begrudgingly removed legalised slavery from their statute books. The racist Muslim coward Ibn Khaldun (who lived from 1332 to 1406) compared black people to dumb animals. By the Middle Ages, the Arab word "abd" was in general use to denote a black slave while the word "mamluk" referred to a white slave. Even Ronald Segal, who is most sympathetic to Islam and clearly prejudiced against Christianity, admits that well over 30 million black Africans would have died at the hands of Muslim slave traders or ended up in Islamic slavery. The lesson here is that slavery is wrong no matter who does it whether they are people claiming to be Christians or Muslims.

By Timothy

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