
Monday, March 01, 2010

Winter in 2010

Winter in 2010

Moving forward is a great prescription in life. Yet, moving forward isn't a justification to accept personal compliancy or ignoring the past. The past can acquire itself to be a valuable asset in making necessary reforms not only in the present, but in the timeframe of the future. The past should never be burden to oppress or restrict insight into the future, but it ought not to be exploited into something thrown away to santisize events or truths either. Recently, the new and extensive amount of knowledge pertaining to economics, history, philosphy, and other modes of study certainly have given me a renewed focus in my life. Therefore, I will certainly write about these points more, especially about the errors found among Austrian economics. One of the new things that I've comprehend pertain to the post World War II period in the world. It has been classified as the Cold War. As numerous folks realize, the Cold War was a series of contrived events. Both sides were funded by the same international bankers. Also, the Cold War was a vieled way for the Anglo-American establishment to try to stop even authentic Third World nationalism from taking place in Africa, South America, Latin America, Asia, etc (with the Third World legitimately promoting land reforms, etc.). Even after WWII, the British Empire still tried to control Indonesia for the purpose of continuing the evil, unjustifable policy of Imperialism (in order to dominate Africa and Asia). Fortunately, nationalists from Indonesia in 1945 and 1946 fought valiantly against European imperialism to develop their own independent nation of Indonesia. When overt imperialism failed against the Third World, the elite used neo-colonial methods to pacify the Third World (via IMF/World Bank oppressive loan policies, multinational corporations owning their resources, and formenting evil wars the world over). That was fundamentally evil of course.
Big Pharma research admitted to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer and Merck. This is probably the largest research fraud in medical history according to Mike Adams from Natural News. Dr. Scott Reuben is a former member of Pfizer's speakers' bureau. He has agreed to plead guilty to faking dozens of research studies that were published in medical journals. Dr. Reuben accepted a $75,000 grant from Pfizer to study Celebrex in 2005. His research was published in a medical journal and has since been quoted by hundreds of other doctors and researchers (as "proof" that Celebrex helped to reduce pain during post-surgical recovery). One problem with this assumption is that no patients were ever enrolled in the study. Dr. Scott Reuben faked an entire study and got it published anyway. It wasn't the first study faked by Dr. Reuben. He faked study data on Bextra and Vixx drugs according to the Wall Street Journal. After Dr. Reuben's faked studies, the peer reviewed medical journal called "Anesthesia and Analgesia" was forced to retract 10 "scientific" papers authored by Reuben. The day of London reported that 21 articels written by Dr. Reuben that appear in medical journals have apparently been fabricated too and must be retracted. He signed a plea agreement (after signing a plea agreement) that will require him to return $420,000 that he received from drug companies. He also faces up to a 10-year prison sentence and a $250,000 fine. He was fired from his job at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass. after an internatal audit found Dr. Reuben had been faking research data for 13 years. This is business as usual for Big Pharma. It's been proven that a medical researcher faked clinical trials for the pharmaceutical industy, so-called "scientific" medical journals published his fabricated studies, and drug companeis paid this person close to half a million dollars while he kept on pumping out fabricated research. This story isn't unusual or extraordinary at all. Drug companies bribe researchers and doctors constantly. Medical journals regularly present false, fraudulent studies. FDA panel members rely on falsified research in making their drug approval decision. The mainstream medis regularly quotes falsified research in reporting the news. Fraudulent research, in other words, is widespread in modern medicine. Big Pharma wouldn't operate greatly without this deception. It is falsified research that gives the industry its best marketing claims and strongest FDA approvals. Quacks like Dr Scott Reuben are an important part of the pharmaceutical profit machine because without falsified research, bribery and corruption, the industry would have very little research at all. "Anesthesia and Analgesia" medical journal gladly published Dr. Reuben's faked studies, even though this journal claims to be a "scientific" medical journal based on peer review. The journal shouldn't show science fiction at all. So, we should reject fake medicine and embrace real medicine (not dangerous vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, etc.). We don't need fraudulent research, bribery, and corruption.

five men

The Pinay Circle

The Pinay Circle is a secretive group that few people realize. According to some, the Pinay Circle is more secret than the Bilderberg Group. It's an Altanticist organization of dealing with retired intelligence operatives, military officers, and politicans that try to make changes in government. Some believe that they are credited with engineering the election of Margaret Thatcher in the UK and the possible ousting of Australia's Gough Whitlam. David Guyatt wrote about this issue, but I don't believe in his Left/Right paradigm information as demonizes collectively any conservative. I don't subscribe to that tenet at all. In the 1970's, there were coup d'etats among many governments seen as "communists." By the 1980's, those in the Right side of the paradigm rose up with leaders like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and others. The Secret societies and other groups exploit many legitimate concerns of conservatives to prop up puppet leaders in order to control society more effectively. The Pinay Cercle was created by its founder Antoine Pinay, who was the Premier of France, in 1951. Jean Violet was an organizer of the group as well. He was a member of the secretive fascist group called the CSAR or the Comite Secret pour l'Action Revolutionnaire. It has its own initation rites like Freemasonry. Violet was arrested for adiding the enemy after WWII, he was release, and became a member of Opus Dei. Pinay was a Catholic too. Also, Violet soon managed to hook up with Opus Dei luminaries as Alfredo Sanchez Bella and Otto von Habsburg, who had founded the European Centre of Documentation and Information (CEDI) in 1949. .
Some called the Pinay Cercle Le Cerle. It has been more clandestine than the Bilderberg Group. Both the Bilderberg Group and the Pinay Cerle have members including Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockerfeller. Each three of these people have links or are members to the influential political groups of the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and even the Royal Institute of International Studies (which is the twin of America's CFR). Antoine Pinay was powerful in Europe and America. He have created links with President Richard Nixon. By May of 1952, Antoine Pinary attended the Bilderberg inaugural meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland. In 1969, Pinay worked with the lawyer working for the French intelligence Service SDECE named Jean Violet and Archduke Otto von Habsburg to create Le Cerle (They began secretly recruiting men of influence as members). They wanted to shift the balance of political climate in Europe for more of right paradigm via a campaign of propaganda (with the aid of private intelligence services). Stephen Dorrill is an author who believes that there are inter-connections between Le Carcle and the Gladio netowrk to get "communists" when Communism was funded by the International bankers for decades. Even NATO's SHAPE program in the 1950's was largely made up of ex-Nazis. Le Cercle was more hands on and more involved in direct action than the Bilderberg Group. Le Cerle is heavily made up of intelligence leaders, senior military officers, politicans, banks, and VIPs. Time Out Magazine revealed its existence by 1975 when it released 1500 internal documents. The documents have been missing. Le Cercle Chairman in that time Brian Crozier was involved in the covert action group called "The 61." Han von Machtenburg (which is a psuedoym) is a senior official of Germany's Intelligence serve called the BND is a member of Crozier's 61. He had been exchanging full reports on Crozier's secret get together with Hans Langemann, who was formerly a senior ranking officer of Germany's inteligence servie of the BND (and latterly Head of Bavarian State Security). Langemann in a fit of depression blew the whistle on a number of sinister conspiracies to the left wing German glossy magazine Kronket. Langemann said that Crozier worked with the CIA for years. and that: "...It must therefore be concluded that MI6 is fully aware of, if not indeed one of the main sponsors of", Crozier’s "diverse circle of friends in international politics..." Additional subjects covered in the Langemann papers include the "involvement of the main intelligence and security agencies both as information sources and as recipients for information in these institutions." The papers show that as "undercover financial transactions for political aims" that would be utilised by conducting "international campaigns aiming to discredit hostile personalities or events," the "creation of a (private) intelligence service specialising according to a selective point of view" and the "establishment of offices under suitable cover each run by a corordinator from the central office." It's easy to prove that Le Cerle have ties to the CIA, the Bilderbergers, Propaganda Due or P2, the Opus Dei, the Jonathan Institute, etc. (being funded by the CIA). Members have include CIA Diector William Colby, British SIS/MI6 Department Intellignece Nicholas Elliot, Franz Josef Strauss (German Defence Minister, Head of CSU party and Bavarian Premier), Alfredo Sanchez Bella (head of European operations for Spain’s Secret Service and closely connected to Opus Dei), Giulio Andreotti (former Italian Prime Minister, P2 member and Mafia confidant), General Antonio de Spinola (head of the Portugese putschists), etc. Some Le Cerle members want the French people to unite with Germany.

So, Le Cerle is a secretive, privately funded and transnational discussion group. It meets in parts of the world to promote European integration (as apart of Vatican Paneuropa groups. An unified Europe as we know is a Vatican brainchild for centuries. You can look at the history of the Holy Roman Empire to witness that truth). Some British elite are in the leadership of Le Cerle as well. Today, Lord Norman Lamont is the Chairman and President of Le Cerle. He was a very influential politican and he worked with the Rothschilds from 1968 to 1969. He is a member of the Privy Council. He sought the release of the criminal Pinochet, is a Bilderbergers, and is apart of the Eurosceptic movement in Britain.

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The Tea Party Movement

Some people try to use many of the sincere people from the Tea Party to be infiltrated by the Republican Party. The truth is that the Tea Party was originally made up by independents, conservatives, and Libertarians who were tired of the 2 party monopoly in the American political system. Yet, some of these people need to realize that respect for labor, respect for the struggles of the poor, and true tolerance for all human beings are just a much critical necessity in building up our nation as economic reforms. It came into prominence in 2008 when the Libertarian Party of Illinois planned to hold an April 15, 2009 anti-tax “Boston Tea Party” in Chicago. In February of 2009, it grew more popular. Even CNBC personality Rick Santelli speaking from the floor of the Chicago stock exchange criticized Obama's economic policies and wanted Americans to be Tea party members. Back in 2006, Libertarian Party members members formed the idea of the Boston Tea Party. They wanted Americans to have a pro-freedom party that wanted libertarian solutions. I don't agree with all libertarian ideals as I'm pro-life, I reject Austrian Economics, etc. Although, I know that numerous libertarians are Pro-Life. The Boston Tea Party wanted to reduce the size and scope of government on all issues and in all levels. Soon, establishment Republicans stole the idea and tried to make it their own. Even Ron Paul's media coordinator Steven Gordon went on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow to say that former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich (with ties to the CFR, wants free speech limitations, and is apart of the Bohemian Grove. Gingrich's influence was a New Ager who preached the end of industrialization) and Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee str hijacking the Tea Party movement. Other Republicans embraced the idea like RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Sarah Palin, and Rep. Michele Bachman from Minnesota. They want the Tea Party to merge with the Republican hive mind system. Sarah Palin supports the national Tea Party convention in Nashville. She claims that it will focused on limited government, common sense, and personal responsibility. Some Republicans want Tea Party members to be Republicans. Yet, Tea Party members should be independent and not tow the line of the Republicans or Democrats. Ironically, George W. Bush and the Republicans increased the debt, expanded the government spending (contrary to conservative and libertarian ideals), and supported the 700 billion bailout of Wall Street (with little assistance to the rest of Americans in an authentic fashion). Bush and the Republicans also invaded 2 sovereign nations. These wars kill more than 1 million Iraqis. Democrats have supported the 2 wars as well. War crimes have occured in both wars. The Republicans and Democrats have executed policies that attacked the Constitution and Bill of Rights like the Patriot Act, etc. If the Tea Party leadership embrace the Republican National Committee platform, then it will transform form independence into a puppet tool to promote a nefarious agenda (like bailouts for bankers, government taxation in the wrong areas, perpetual war, and attacks on the Constitution plus the Bill of Rights). Some neo-cons want Sarah Palin to run against Barack Obama in 2012. Palin might lose since many Americans wouldn't like Palin being a puppet of the neo cons. A Republican Presidency like a Democratic Presidentcy will have war mongering and bad economic policies. Real Tea Party activists and supporters need to reject Palin, Huckabee, Gingrich, and the Republicans out of hand. All human beings should have their independent thinking without hive think.

Sarah Palin wants the Tea Party movement to merge with the Republican party. Sarah recently gave speech about the movement. She was speaking to a crowd of Republican faithfuls in Arkansas on Tuesday. Palin praised the movement and the corporate media claims that she rules this movement. She wanted Independents to pick a party, which is deceptive since the 2 party system is a duopoly of faulty choices. Palin declared that America is mired firmly in a 2 party system and the Tea Party has to make a choice. “Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party,” Palin said. “Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken? Which party will best fit you? And then because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’.” Palin is manipulating some in the Tea Party. Palin then commented that the Republican party platform best reflects the beliefs of the Tea Party movement. Her remarks or statements are related to her continued invocations of former President Ronald Reagan. Reagan talked about values, but he didn't walk it on every occassion. Ronald Reagan increased the size of government (contrary to preaching about smaller government, spent more money than his predecessors (which were borrowed at interest from bankers). He funded death squads in Latin America and warned the Sandinistas would be marching through Texas if the Pentagon didn't stop them. He squandered billions of dollars on projects like Star wars. Reagen didn't even support sanctions against South Africa for its promotion of apartheid in the 1980's that Congress override his veto. The Republican President George W. Bush ran up the deficit and the national debt to historical levels. He started 2 war that so far resulted in the murder of over 1 million people. Bush and the neocons trashed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This was done under the pretense of the global war on manufactured terrorism. They kidnapped people around the world and flew them to torture dungeons under the guise of "rendition." Government didn't shrink under the leadership of Bush and the Republicans. Most Americans didn't see their taxes reduced or eliminated. A seat in the Arkansas Palin speech was $175 per seat. Sarah Palin showed her true colors as being a pro-war neo con. Palin said that a nuclear weapon in the hands of regime or terrorist group was the biggest threat to the country (especially talking about Iran. She believed that the country's debt also negativiely affected national security). One threat in America is the huge debt owed to international bankers that have decimated the middle class, shipped jobs to Third World nations, and can improverish future generations. Iran is not a threat to America. The USA attacked its neighbors and other nations for centuries. Some in the Tea Party realize that Sarah Palin is a Trojan Horse being used stir the movement into being an arm of the Republican Party basically. Governor Rick Perry and establishment neocons have deliberately target grass roots constitutionalists (via dirty trick campaigns in trying to stop the growing liberty movement). “Our office was contacted by a national personality, a household name, who told us that they were in a green room at a national public event a few weeks ago with Rick Perry. The individual was shocked when Perry said directly that there were three people who ‘got under his skin’ and who ‘had to be dealt with’ immediately,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote on February 17. Some feel that Karl Rove, who is a Republican political strategist, may steer Rick Perry's response against his critics. Rove is known for dirty tricks. Rove used dirty tricks against the political enemies of Richard Nixon (especially during Nixon's 1971 Presidential campaign according to Wayne Madsen from 2002). Rove is still an asset for the Republicans. Individuals from the Tea party should realize that they are being manipulated by the puppet Sarah Palin. The Tea Party should have their independence and not be swept by the Republicans (asserting their constitutionalist/libertarian roots).

Michael Savage is obviously controlled opposition. He is a famous radio talk show host known for using inciendary rhetoric. He was educated from college. Recently, he showed his true colors to the show. Savage mocked those who believe that 9/11 was an inside job done by the Western intelligence community (with ties to the Papal Hierachy and the Jesuit Order). This 9/11 evil act was done to perpretuate the war on terror. This war on terror has been genocidal against Sunni & Shia Muslims including soldiers as well from America, etc. Savage even refused to see the truth that both Democrats and Republicans are controlled by the same people via the CFR, big Foundations, and other groups. Savage now supports the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII. Pius XII was ungoldy and was involved in the genocide in WWII. Savage claims that Pius XII saved thousands of Jewish people during the Nazi-SS Eurasian Jewish Holocaust. This story has been promoted by Robert Graham, Robert Lieber, and Augustin Cardinal Bea. The Jesuits and Savage attack anyone exposing the Vatican link to World War 2. The Nazi and Bavarian Roman Catholic Heinrich Himmler based his SS/Gestapo on the Jesuit order. Savage obessed with Communism when Hitler and Stalin had a temporary alliance with each other. Communism was added an abetted by the international bankers (like J. Peter Grace, David Rockefellers, and other Pilgrims) in order make central command and control against more people the world. Pius XII sent Hitler a birthday card every year of his dictatorship. Catholic Monisgnor Ludwig Kaas was the Chairman of the German Central Party and he supported Hitler's election in 1933. Knight of Malta Franz von Papen help brought Hitler to power with Papal Knights influenced him (over President Hindenburg). Von Papen was the Vice Chancellor to oversee the activities of Hitler's Empire. Von Papen was the one in 1933 who help negiotate the Reich concordat for Hitler along with the assistance of Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli. This concordat has never been revoked to this very day. So, Savage relies on 3 pro-Ecumenical sources in defending of Pius XII's false religion and crimes. Some Jewish people have been brainwashed to support Pius like Labor Zionist Golda Meir (Rudolf Katsner was caught working with Nazi SS Colonels Adolf Eichman and Kurt Bech to send over 400,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz at the end of 1944. Ben Hecht's "Perfidy" exposed this treason. Kastner allied with Israeli President David Ben Gurion). Albert Einstein was said by Savage to defend Pius XII when he modernized the Big Bang Theory (which has been never proven and it's been promoted by his mentor Belgian Jesuit Georges-Henri Lemaitre. Albert supported heliocentricityinstead of geocentricity). There is the Chief Rabbi of Rome, named Israel Zolli. When the Nazi-SS/Gestapo Lt. Colonel Herbert Kappler eliminated Rome’s old Jewish ghetto sending over 1,000 Jews to Auschwitz, the Chief Rabbi refused to denounce Pius XII. When WWII was over, the rabbi changed his name from Israel to Eugenio after Pius XII's real name of Eugenio Pacelli. That was wrong.. Not to mention that the Papacy was involved in the Ustashi massacres killing over 600, 000 Jewish people, Serbs, and Gypsies in Yugoslavia during WWII. Pius XII worked with Jesuit Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski. The Jesuit Order has been promoting the fight against Protestants and Baptists with their wicked Council of Trent document· Michael Savage is a person either ignorant of real history or a traitor to his own Jewish people since the Papacy slaughtered Jewish people more than any other creed in history. Michael Savage is an Universalist believing that all major religions are valid, so he need to repent of his sins and believe in the real gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He shouldn't be pro-Papacy at all.

Lee Rogers wrote that Council for National Policy interests are backing the Kentucky Senate Campaign of Rand Paul. The CNP is an organization that have corporate ties with links to figures who desire a new world order, the Vatican, and the global elite. They meet 3 times a year and their membership list includes people from the right side of the Left/Right paradigm. Famous people who are members or spoke to this group include George W. Bush, John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney, Bill Frist, Tom Delay, Pat Robertson, and others. The CNP have big links to the John Birch Society (it's a controlled opposition group that is paranoid about Communism when Communism like cartel capitalism are funded by the Anglo-American elite, the Vatican/Jesuit network, Black Nobility bloodlines, etc. Some believed that it was originally financed by Rockefeller money). Even Dr. Stan Monteith is apart of the CNP. Left gatekeeper Huffington Post has an article saying that Paul's campaign is supported by Gun Onwers of America. The GOA is right to promote gun rights as a form of individual liberty, but its leader Larry Pratt is a member of the CNP. Pratt has been linked to the Council for Inter-American Security, which is a a group that was responsible for helping organize the Reagan Administration's policy towards Latin-America which included the implementation of death squads throughout the 1980s. Pratt served as the group’s Secretary along-side Pat Buchanan who was also a high level figure in this group. CNP member Steve Forbes supports Paul's campaign. Lastly, Paul has also received a donation that was described as “generous” from Sarah Palin’s political action committee. Palin was a speaker in front of the Council for National Policy back in 2008 prior to becoming John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate on the 2008 Republican ticket. Some believe that the CNP gave the nod to her before she was made a Vice Presidential candidate. The CNP is in the Republican establishment infiltrating people. Globalists try to control both paradigms of political ideologies in order to control the outcome of a race.

The Tea Party Movement is a force to be reckon with. 2 extremes are common classifications of this movement. One extreme views everything in the Movement as correct and the other extreme views the whole movement as racist (as promoted by Bill Maher), which is a disrepectful slander of course. Ironically, some of the same people who made that slander use offensive sexual slurs against Tea Party leaders. Now, Meghan McCain is apart of the Left/Right paradigm. She is the daughter of John McCain. She said that the Tea Party is full of racists, when I'm sure that the vast majority of Tea Party participants aren't racists. She said these words on the View. She believed that people are turned off by the Tea Party Movement and Sarah Palin. The truth is that young people are turned off by extremists like Meghan McCain and the neo-conservatives. Palin is a puppet and she calls for attacking Iran, which has no legitimate value at all in improving relationship surrounding the Middle Eastern region. Iran doesn't directly threaten America and likewise Iran's true freedom ultimately ought to be executed by the Iranian people. The corporate media is loving the words of Meghan since it furthers political agitation and divides Americans more (similar to the rhetoric of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glen Beck, and Keith Olbermann). McCain criticized
Tom Tancredo, who called for a literacy test for voters during the $500 admission Tea Party fest in Nashville last week. “People who would not even spell the word vote or say it in English put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House… named Barack Hussein Obama,” Tancredo told the those gathered at the Republican Tea Party convention. Of course, I don't agree with Tancedo's policy at all. Tancredo on foreign policy issues is a Republican neo con. He used to be the member of the House of Representatives from Colorado's 6th Congressional district. He not only believes in undeclared wars that violate Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution, but also suggested in 2005 that it would be OK to wipe the Muslim holy city of Mecca off the map in response to al-Qaeda. Trancedo believes that Miami is like a Third world city, which is offensive and bigoted. He opposes even some legal immigration when legal immigration has been blessing in the mosaic of American culture. Barack Obama is far from a socialist when his administration is replete with members from the CFR, Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and the Federal Reserve (made up of the corporate establishment) What is socialism. Socialism is making the government control all of the means of production in an economy. So, we don't live in a totally socialist country. We lived in a mixed economy where private services and governmental services exist in one nation of America (as mentioned in the Constitution I might add). Ironically, Meghan McCain's father was supported by these same bankers and establishment leaders during his failed 2008 Presidential Presidential race. Rhetoric coming from the Republican owned Tea Party “will continue to turn off young voters, and anybody who says different is smoking something,” said McCain’s daughter. Meghan forgot that much of the original Tea Party did discuss about legitimate issues. Now, much of them have been hijacked by neo cons and Republicans. Also, Meghan should know that revolutions composed of people of every age group not just young people. Benjamin Franklin was in his 70s when he supported the American Revolution. Meghan McCain didn't want to question the 9/11 attacks (as represented by Charlie Sheen's letter, but I don't agree with Sheen on every issue). Meghan McCain have legitimate criticism against some issues, but she supports the corporate-funded movement of abortion, the war on terror, and the left side of the Left/Right paradigm.

By Timothy

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