
Friday, September 17, 2010

Bill Maher's hypocrispy (He's anti-9/11 Truth too)

altohone 06:07 PM on 6/25/2009
88 Fans
Maher's treatment of Nader IN NO WAY changes the reality that the Democratic Party is still being run by DLC corporatists into policies that violate our principles...... like the rule of law in the failure to prosecute Bushies or Wall Street donors...... like the Constitution in continued privacy violations, indefinite detentions, bloated defense spending...... like sucking up to regimes, kings and dictators who violate every freedom in the name of trade......etc. etc. etc.Obama challenged Hillary on many of these issues only to now adopt the corporatist position.His failure is the continued catering to the money class and sellout of the activists who tried one last time to reform the party from within.Mahers criticism is fair despite his hypocrisy.

HUFFPOST BLOGGERJeff Norman 05:55 PM on 6/24/2009
77 Fans
The hypocrisy is obvious to anyone who isn't blinded by hatred of Nader. Maher treated a liberal like a buffoon, and then complained that TV hosts treat liberals like buffoons. What's so difficult to grasp, Nader haters? I'm not saying he should have endorsed him; just that Maher could have challenged the legitimacy of Nader's candidacy without being so condescending and rude.

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