
Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Tidbits on Mid September 2010

There are eco-extremists and fascists that want tyranny to enforce a draconian agenda. There are more inspiration to enforce draconian eco-fascism in the world. Climate change is real, but it's not totally man made. That is why alarmists are trying to use evil rhetoric to get people to support their agenda. Some of them won't talk about real environmental concerns (like fluoride, GM, toxic wate dumping, forests, endangered species, etc.) in order to promote eugenics (or the religion of death). Bill Gates recently wanted to use death panels to make rulings on denying health care to the elderly. Gates tried to justify killing old people by saying that it could save money to preserve jobs. This philosophy is apart of social cannibalism or the end justifies the means. Eco-fascism is promoted by the media. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds vaccines for the Third World to the tune of billion and yet in his own speeches Gates has advocated using vaccines to lower global population in the name of reducting CO2 emissions and combating global warming. In other words, Gates invokes the vaccines he funds in the name of imporving health care as a tool of forced sterilization. Evan Thomas in the Newsweek article from September 2009 wrote an article entitled, "The Case for Killing Granny" where he tried to make a case for rationing health care for old people. This is wrong of course. This eugenicist health argument argument is similar to the similar parallel with the environmentalist screed that there is a threat of artifical scacrity to uphold the state as an authoritarian distributor. Some wnat humans to be radically decreased i ntheir population and freedom to be crushed at the expense to accept climate change extremism. One top environmentalist and creator of the Gaia hypothesis is named James Lovelock. He told the Guardian that: "democracy must be put on hold" to combat gloal warming and that "a few people with authority" should be allowed to run the planet. Keith Farnish's recent book called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism like blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age. He is an author and environmentalist. Prominent NASA global warming alarmist and Al Gore ally Dr. James Hansen supported Farnish's book. “The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization,” writes Farnish in the book, adding that “people will die in huge numbers when civilization collapses." Destroying civilization is a key component of modern globalist ideology. Dr. Eric R. Pianka supports the violent death agenda of the eugenics movement. He is an American biologist based at the University of Texas in Austin. He gave a speech to the Texas Academy of Science back in March of 2006 that he advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the world's population via the airborne ebola virus. People (that included scores of top scientists and professors in attendance) stood and applauded Pianka's call for mass genocide. Even curent White House czar John P. Holdren have his 1977 book called "Ecoscience." It mentions the dictatorial, eco-fascist, and inhumane practices being supported in the name of environmentalism. Holdren called for a "planetary regime" to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures like drugging the water supply to lower the human population blatantly. This is real. Global warming hysteria is shown in many guises. Some are more aggressive in times past. More and more people reject man-made climate change. Many people realize that some people exploit the global warming bandwagon to advance an eugenics/population control agenda. The vitriolic nature of the population has itensified. There was the Greenspeace video (that was released back in September of 2007) that shows a mean-faced child exhorting selfish adults for causing climate change. The clip reminds us that even back then, alarmists were coming off as increasingly desperate in their aggressive propaganda ploys. The clip shows that the establishment wants to divide and conquer between the generations in a similar vein to how anthropogenic global warming alarmist Al Gore told kids to not listen to their parents. The Greenspeace video has a hoodie child talking about adults have had their chance to save the Earth (and now it's the responsibility of the next generation to set things right). According to globalist eugenicist, the young can do this. The child's facial expression shows that the effort won't necessarily be kind. One major endgame of the elite is to rebrand climate change as "global climate disruption" and promote the lie of human overpopulation. This is don't promote themselves as false gods (and utilized hyped up fears about an environmental apocalypse) to regulate in evil ways, oppress, and even take lives of the people in a feudal system. They promote slaughter, while we promote life and human development. It's as simple as that.

President Jimmy Carter had a mix legacy in and outside of the Presidency. Jimmy Carter back in his 1980 State of the Union address wanted the Persian Gulf oil as a vital interest of America. He said that this region must be defended by all necessary means even by military force. George W. Bush utilized this rationale to promote his invasion of Iraq in 2003. President Ronald Reagan justify U.S. intervention in the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988 to help ensure the defeat of Iran. President Bush Sr. practipated in the Persian Gulf War against Iraq in 1991 using the Persian Gulf oil justification too. President Jimmy Carter had a lax record in human rights. In early 1977, he sent military aid (in OV 10 Bronco counter-insurgency aircraft) to the Indonesian dictatorship after Indonesia invaded plus annexed the tiny island of East Timor. Much of the country's civilian population were sent into concentration camps. Carter also dramatically increased military aid to the Moroccan government of King Hassan II, whose forces invaded its southern neighbor, the desert nation of Western Sahara, barely a year before the former Georgia governor assumed office. Carter fought Congress to restore military aid to Turkey that had been suspended after their armed forces seized the northern third of the Republic of Cyprus in 1974. Carter promised that the resumption of aid would give Turkey the flexibility to withdraw. Turkish occupation forces remain there to this day. In Carter's Presidency, the U.S. vetoed consecutive UN Security Council resolutions to impose sanctions against the apartheid regime in South Africa. Carter falsely claimed that U.S. investments for the South African police and military supported the cause of racial justice and majority rule. Ironically in Reagan's term, the U.S. imposed sanctions against South Africa. Carter ordered the U.S. air force to fly in Moroccan troops to crush the uprising against the dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Seko (in the then country of Zaire). Carter gave military aid to Islamic fundamentalist mujahadeen to fight the leftist government in Afghanistan. This later caused a Soviet invasion. According to his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, it was hoped that by forcing the Soviets into such a counter-insurgency war would weaken America’s superpower rival. Yet, we are still in Afghanistna in a war. Carter once opposed Palestinian statehood, supported the Shah of Iran, etc. There are other issues. Later, President Carter when he left the Presidency did many legitimate policies. He promoted peace in the Middle East and he won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

Some people want to save big banks, while contributing to the harm of our economy.
Once, U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on April 20, 2007 dnied that the subprime mortgage troubles were big. Now, we have serious issues with our financial system. Even the controversial International Monetary Fund or the IMF said that assistance to banks and their borrowers can be counterproductive. that means that the net worth of anks can cripple tax burdens to finance bank and lead into more severe credit supply contraction and economic decline. Today, the Democrats and the Obama administration are responsible for a great deal of what occurs in the U.S. economy. Most Americans don't like the state of the economy. Many people are angry. Some are placing that anger in the right way in fighting for labor rights, economic justice, and for civil liberties. Reactionaries are exploiting that anger to promote religious bigotry, austerity, extreme deregulation, and a divide & conquer strategy to harm the harmonous fabric that is found in the American culture. President Barack Obama didn't massively confront the fraudulent practices of the international bankers for fear of falsely being called a socialist. Even FDR in the 1930's did policies that angered the bankers. Yet, I do respect the brother Barack Obama for his leadership skills and intellectual. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush continued deregulation policies from 1999 after Glass Steagal was eliminated. There was the mortgage-linked synthetic subprime securities and for betting against them. Geithner, Bernanke, Orszag, Emanuel, Sachs, Bair, Romer, etc. allowed trillions of public dollars to the largest banks. Many of these banks enjoyed hundreds of millions of dollars in yearly bonuses. This was the time when 300,000 Americans are losing their homes via foreclosures every month. That is why some people want to reform the foreclosure situation or the economy might totally collapse. Some regulators want to save the largest banks so bad, that they began to raise capital asset ratios and to shrink their risk assets. The Bernanke Fed went so far as to lend money to the largest banks at zero interest rate, while paying interest on the excess reserves the banks kept at the Fed, a practice that resulted in an outright gift to the banks. Later, credit avilability lowere and the M3 money supply fell the lowest since the Great Depression. Wall Street connected people are still in the President Barack Obama administration. Wars are promoted by Obama and Petraeus. These wars exist in Afghanistan and still in Iraq. So, economic issues ought to be discussed. Indeed, with U.S. real unemployment rate hovering around 17 percent, with 3 out of 4 workers telling pollsters that they doubt that their wages will increase next year, with many American households' financial situation deteriorating, people want radical changed. There are fiscal deficits and people don't have much public confidence. Hopefully, the economy can increase, but some neo cons want to do nothing to solve our problems. Although, we shouldn't support the government unconditionally since our government now is run mostly by a bunch of Oligarchs. It's the corrupt government and corrupt banks caused much of these problems in America not the poor or the rest of the people.

Pro-Abortion violence against innocent Pro-Life people is real. A pro-abortion driver escalates abuse to violence and attempts to hit the Pro-Life advocate with a vehicle. A man verbally harassing pro-lifers outside a late-term abortion center in Albuquerque for days. This escalated his abuse to violence yesterday by driving his large paneled delivery truck up on a curb and striking the large pro-life sign held by Bud Shaver. Shaver was unhurt in the incident, but his sign showing an image an aborted baby was damaged. Shaver jumped into a truck and was able to track down and obtain the license plate number of the vehicle that hit him. He reported the incident to the police. "We just explained our concern [to the police] that this man is starting to escalate his behavior," said Shaver. Police told Shaver that they would talk to the man, but it was unlikely that charges would be filed. This incident took place just 2 weeks after an Arizona man was arrested and his weapons cache was seized by the police at the same abortion business after he threatened to shoot 2 pro-life women. These pro-abortion extremists are evil indeed. These incidents haven't deterred pro-life work in the least. Shaver and hsi wife, Tara, are full time missionaries with Project Defending life. Bud also drives Operation Rescue's Truth Truck, which is on extended loan to the Albuquerque pro-life group. The truck has been outfitted with new signs. They were specifically addressed to late term abortions that are being done at Southwestern Women's Options, which is an abortion clinic that operated by Texas abortionist Curtis Boyd. Since the Shavers relocated to Alburquerque, they have been involved in saving several babies form abortion with the help of Operation Rescue's Truth Truck. In one incident, Tara Shaver spoke at length to a woman named Makayla who had considered abortion at the nearby Planned Parenthood. Tara explained that the images of aborted babies on the Truth Truk and offered the woman help. Days later, Tara recieved a call from Makayla, who told tara that she was not going to go through with the abortion. Makayla said that it was the images on the Truth truck that made the difference. There was a homeless woman named Theresa. She was considering an abortion at Planned Parenthood. Tara used the Truth Truck pictures to open up a conversation with her. Tara was able to help Theresa get an ultrasound, housing, health insurance, and counseling. Because of the Truth Truck and the help, Theresa has decided to keep her baby. "I am so excited to be there for both Makayla and Theresa and am praying that God will use their testimony in the lives of others. People must see abortion for what it Linkis: the murder of innocent children. The truth truck does just that and is a powerful tool that saves countless lives," said Tara. Saving life is very important in the Pro-Life Movement. MSNBC, CNN, and even FOX won't report on these pro-abortion violent people at all.

Secret Societies exist all of the time. It's a fact that 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald Reagan was into the occult and astrology. Ronald Reagan believed in lucy numbers and newspaper horoscopes. An occult philosopher have an influence on Reagan too. This has been reveled in Mitch Horowitz's book called "Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation." Mithc is the editor of chief of Tarcher/Penguin. Reagan took the oath of office in 12:01 to align the inaugural with promising heavenly signs. In a speech and essay produced decades apart, Reagan revealed the unmistakable mark of a little-known but widely influential scholar of occult philosophy, Manly P. Hall. Reagan had an occult book library. Manly P. Hall was a famous philosopher and Freemasonry. He lived until 1990. He wrote on numerous subjects from Native American mythology to Pythagorean mathematics to the geometry of Ancient Egypt, this encyclopedia esoterica won the admiration of readers ranging from General John Pershing to Elvis Presley. Novelist Dan Brown cites it as a key source. He made lectures on such subjects since the late 1920's when he was only 27 years old. Manly P. Hal gave lectures in the Egypto-art deco campus in L.A.'s Griffith Park neighborhood. This place has been caleld a mystery school in the mold of the Pythagoras's ancient academy. Ronald Reagan learned about Hall's book called "The Secret Destiny of America." This was when he was a Hollwyood actor and he gravitated toward politics. Hall's book believed that Secret Societies wanted America to be created as apart of the Great Plan to find an Utopia (filled with self governance and religious liberty). Hall wrote about a strange man desiring the Founding Fathers in Philadephia on July 4, 1776 to sign the Declaration of Independence. Ronald Reagan gave a commencement address to his alma mater of Eureka College. He was the corporate spokesman for GE. He inspired students with comments from occult literature from Hall. For example, Reagan said that: This is a land of destiny...and our forefathers found their way here by some Divine system of selective service gathered here to fulfill a mission to advance man a further step in his climb from the swamps..." Ronald Reagan spoke about the unknown speaker in the July 4th meeting among Founding Fathers. This is similar to Hall's same story. He retold the legend as found in the 1981 story from Parade magazine. This legend is from the work of: “The Speech of the Unknown” in a collection of folkloric stories about America’s founding, published in 1847 under the title Washington and his Generals, or Legends of the Revolution by American social reformer and muckraker George Lippard. Lippard, a friend of Edgar Allan Poe, had a strong taste for the gothic – he cloaked his mystery man in a “dark robe.” He also tacitly acknowledged inventing the story: “The name of the Orator…is not definitely known. In this speech, it is my wish to compress some portion of the fiery eloquence of the time.” Ronald Reagan used apocryphal tales and occult teachings to represent his philosophy and political ideas.

By Timothy

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