
Monday, December 20, 2010

A debate on Reagan on Eoncomics Says:

Well, Paul Roberts was wise enough to finally abandon the Mont Pelerin Soceity of Von Hayek, Friedman, and the rest of that fascist lot. Now, if only he would get away from this Red Ronnie thinking.

txgirl Reply:
Uh, yeaaah, ill advised pedophilia and murder of his pedo-victims, and killing anyone in the sex slavery stable that reached 30. I agree, very ill advised.
The better choice for ‘by far the best president’ is JFK, and his brother Bobby. At least they made a concerted effort to shut out anyone in the ‘white’ house to study thousands of documents, and actually DO things to stop the secret government power brokers, much to their surprise.
Remember, they killed JFK; they ‘missed’/warned Ronnie-I-don’t-remember, Congressman-Reagan. He played ball with GHWBush after that. He sold us out for his own skin.

cdt3 Reply:
Reagan wasn’t elected because he anti NWO. Bush got him elected because of Iran-Contra for the NWO.
He was gov of Cali and let the oil companies have their way and business have their way. Just like Sarah Palin who turned a $1 million budget as gov into $18million debt. Very conservative. Reagan was just as bad. The big cities in Cali under Reagan all had smog everywhere because he unleashed regulation. He took a balanced budget Jerry Brown ( a guy who stood up to Standard oil) had and turned into a huge debt. Reagan was a sellout to oil and made colleges from free in Cali to expensive and in his autobiography purely because Liberals were getting educated and fighting him.
Like Palin, Bush and Schwarzenegger, all these huge Republicans are created by George HW Bush as superstars. When they are nothing more than Haliburton/Bush/BP and war industry puppets. Reagan at the time had to be elected for the NWO because Jimmy Carter wasn’t going to wars, was cutting defense and was a threat to oil companies (just like Al Gore)
Even as critical as I am of Reagan he does deserve respect for eventually snapping out of it when he was hit by Bush by trying to get rid of Nukes later. Reagan is a creation of the NWO into a great hero when he was just an ok pres (only because he did stand up late) and let more banks collapse after him than Bush now who was terrible.
I like capitalism as long as it is regulated. Even the constitution made checks and balances for the president. CEOs should not be allowed to pay off everyone to get votes at all levels. And Unions balance Business when you want actual success and not just the rich rich like is happening now.
The NWO wants no balance and all business. And our country is crumbling because they have had their way for 50 years, lead by Reagan. Our wages under Reagan are half of what they are now because now 2 people have to work to pay for a house, and the savings rates have also crumbled and credit card debt stacked. Reply:

No, deflation would not stop the current crisis. This is insane. This sounds like typical Austrian rhetoric to me.
What your proposing is to abandon the Constitution. Utter non-sense!
Article 1, Section 8
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
The real solution is to get Congress to actually follow the law. Not this ridiculous mythology of Habsburg’s bitch boy Carl Menger. Get away from this fascist free-market brainwashing. Unless you actually want to support your own destruction.

  • deadeye.dick Says:
    Two points:
    One: Roberts lies when he says Reagan didn’t come into office to boost the wealth of the wealthy, but only to fix broken Keynesianism. Reagan throughout his career was sponsored by union busters like Lemuel Boulware of GE. He got elected for the same reason people like Ron Paul – because they associate the decay of living standards with “big government.” Too bad it isn’t true, and too bad the rich did get richer. Remind us, Mr. Roberts – was it Reagan or Clinton who appointed Alan Greenspan to chair the fed?
    Two: Roberts as usual is looking at the squeal and not the pig. There is a direct relationship between prosperity and things like; public investments in technology and infrastructure, public support for commodity prices, tariff rates, etc. If you want to redistribute wealth, either up or down, you’ve got to create it first. While Reagan was fiddling with tax and interest rates, he was letting GM, big steel and other vital industries wither on the vine because protectionism is “big government.”
    Reagan wasn’t the worst president ever, but he was a wanker compared to Kennedy and FDR.

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