
Monday, December 20, 2010

Nearing 2011

People already realize that the tax law will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy. This new law will do little to help the working class people in a radical fashion. Some of it is legitimate like the unemployment benefits (as an economic stimulus). It will cost $150 billion over the next 2 years. It still continues the Bush high up tax cuts (or those making over $250,000 for married couples and $200,000 for individuals at 35%). The Center for Tax Justice said that the wealthiest one percent of taxpayers will pocket almost $77,000 per year. This is more of a result of the deal. The top 1 percent will take home over 25 percent of the total tax cut, but the bottom 60 percent of income earners will share less than that in about 20 percent. Democrats might not even reverse the tax cuts for the rich in 2 years' time despite the White House wanting that. The Republicans will control the House by that time. In the next 10 years, the continuation of the high end income tax rate reduction will cost $700 billion according to the Congressional Budget Office. This is more money sent for infrastructure improvements in Obama's 2009 stimulus package or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. There are many parts of the law to benefit the aristocracy. The law can increase the size of fortunes exempt from the state tax to $10 million for couples and 5 million dollars for individuals. For fortunes beyond these thresholds, the law will lower the tax rate to 35%. The rate will reset to 55 percent after this current year's holiday. This is when the rich could pass their estates without any taxation. The law includes a measure that will allow multi-million dollar estates settled in 2011 for deaths taking place in 2010 to take advantage of the zero percent tax rate. It forms a $5 million exemption to apply to gifts and generation skipping investment. So, the wealthy taxpayers can give gifts to grandchildren according to estate attorney Beth Kaufman of Caplin and Drysdale in a comment to the Wall Street Journal. An all time low of tax rates on capital gains and dividends at 15 percent are in the law. More tax write offs fro corporation are in the law as well. The White House used few measures to benefit some outside of the richest 1 percent of the population (to be used as political cover). There are tax cuts for the poor and middle class. The law also extends funding for federal long-term unemployment benefits for millions of workers for another 13 months at a cost of $56 billion, about a third of the price of the two-year income tax give-away to the rich. Hundreds of thousands of workers have lost their benefits since the November 30 expiration of extended unemployment benefits. Republican held hostage people's lives and these federal benefits could expire at the beginning of 2012 if Republicans continue to control the House. It will reduce the payroll tax rate from 6.2 to 4.2 percent (that effects Social security on the first $106,8000 of a worker's wages). According to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center, 51 million households―a third of the total―will be worse off as a result of the tax package. This is because for those with the greatest need--couples making less than $40,000 or individuals making less than $20,000―the Social Security tax break will not offset the tax break it is replacing, the Making Work Pay credit, resulting in an average household loss of $210 per year for 45 million households. 6 million household will lose their Making Work Pay credit and won't receive compensation in the Obama/Republican plan since they contribute nothing to Social Security (being state or local government employees). The law will help the Wall Street. Wall street and others contributed to the financial speculation that caused 2007 global economic collapse in the first place. The law have tax cuts for the wealthy and long term the elite want austerity or huge cuts in social spending. They mention it in the news all of the time including some political puppets like Lindsay Graham. Of course Bill Clinton (that agreed with deregulation) supports the law in promoting triangulation.

Heathrow Airport is experiencing a huge bizarrd like us in the states have experienced. Britain is having its big freeze. Now, some in the airport want to freeze the passengers who are left stranded at the airport after flights were canceled. There were victims of Britain's coldest December on record. Some were stuck in Heathrow. All flights have been canceled. Flights would remain grounded all over Sunday. The deluge of snow was replaced by blue skies. 2 guys with shovels were trying to shove large snow. This was less than enthusiastic efforts. Some were forced to sleep on the airport floor since all trains and taxis from the airport has also been suspended when their flights were canceled. Newspaper reports promoted Heathrow's PR talking points by reporting that: "...several hundred people were working to… keep passengers in the terminal as warm and comfortable as possible,” but travelers tell a different story. One passenger whose flight to Moscow was canceled, airport staff walked around shouting at travelers. They were telling them to leave immediately. When passengers refused to go after pointing out that had no means of transportation (because all the taxis and trains had been canceled), Heathrow bosses simply turned off the heating and lights overnight and let hundreds of people (like young children and babies) freeze in temperatures of minus 5 degrees. Pictures were sent to Sky News to show people wrapped in thermal blankets proving that the heat was turned off. The Telegraph reported that: "...Travelers whose flights were canceled were told to go home and file lost baggage reports rather than wait for their luggage to be returned from planes.” People from the UK expressed fury about how a country that once survived 8 months of almost ceaseless bombing by the Nazis during WWII is paralyzed by weather (and other nations in Europe like Switzerland, Austria, and Poland, etc. take this bizarre in stride in a regular basis without much chaos).

Christmas has an unique history and components. Christmas embraces a tree to celebrate it. Yet, using a tree to celebrate an occasion has its origin from pagan traditions. Jeremiah 10:2-5 even mention that: "...Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good...." Every year, people who support Christmas claim that it's an holy time. Although, it's origin don't come from God or the prophets at all. The so-called holiday of Christmas was never found in the Bible, observed by the prophets, or never acknowledged by the early church at all. Saturnalia was the time observed by the ancient Romans from December 17th to 24th. The last 2 days of this celebration had gifts shown from house to house. It ended with the winter solstice and it was a time of seasonal pagan worship. Saturn is the youngest son of Uranus (god of heaven) and Gaea (the Earth Goddess) in Roman mythology. Saturn is shown as an old man with a sickle in one hand. According to Fritz Springmeier, Saturn is a code name of Satan. The WINTER SOLSTICE is a day or period of days in the winter when the days are shortest (light) and the nights longest (darkness prevails). This is usually a time in their festivities of drunkenness, revelry and debauchery (perversion), and I must say, that spirit is no different in the world we live today. December 25th was the day celebrated by the ancient Romans as the new celebration of the The birth of the unconquerable Sun," as the days of light would now begin to lengthen and the sun would now begin to regain its dominance. Pagan believed that the sun would die during the winter solstice and rise from death as the solstice ended by the revolving nature in the Earth. So, December 25th was really an ancient worship of the son god not the worship of Jesus Christ. It was a heathen celebration. Romanism used this pagan celebration and formed Christmas. People realized that the Pope and Catholicism killed people via the Inquisition and other acts. I don't need a Rosary, prayer to Mary, purgatory, prayer to saint, prayer to idols, or calling the Pope the Vicar of Christ (which is blasphemy) to prove some spiritual connection to the Lord. I need to embrace God and his will instead. Christmas is Christ-Mass, so it promotes the Mass. Now, the Roman bishop Liberius wanted people to celebrate the birth of Jesus in December 25th, when researchers agree that Jesus was probably born from Spring to late Summer. Many Christians rejected Christmas. The Puritan got rid of Christmas in England by law in 1643. Colonists died the same in New England.  It was only in the 1800's when Christmas was accepted by most Americans because of its pagan nature. There are no words in the Bible that tells us to observe Jesus' birth anywhere. The Yule, Mistletow, Santa Claus, etc. existed from the pagan/occult tradition. What is the lesson? The lesson is that there is nothing wrong with joy, humor, and having fun in life. On the other hand, we can't be conned religiously. You have to understand why things are and the acculumination of events in order to carry on in life in a reasonable fashion. Christmas has been known to be materialistic, religiously exploitative, and doctrinally invalid. Christmas is the celebration of the Romanist Mass not the worship of God. It promotes a spirit of greed, covetousness, and want when God's Spirit can free us form want. We don't need immoral pleasures to please us. We need to do what is right to please God. The truth must come out.

Steve Lefemine have created interesting information about early American history. He believes that the Civil War was God's Judgment on the both the North and South for the National sin of American slavery. American slavery and slavery in general is always morally wrong and a sin. Steve wrote the truth is that some in the church were divided over this issue. Some churches did the wrong thing and wanted to support it and others (from the North and other places, Even some Southern Baptist Convention people have compromised by ecumenically yoking with Romanism via the Manhattan Declaration, etc. Romanism is not real Christianity, but a Christianized form of the pagan historical ancient Babylon. CFR member Dr. Richard Land is the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC. The CFR blatantly agrees with globalization and a new world order like system) opposed slavery to the fullest extent. According to Steve Lefeminine, many Baptists and Methodists in the South before the Revolution and during the 2nd Great Awakening wanted equality and slavery to be abolished. By the 1800's, some compromised for the sake of being politically correct. Baptists formed the American Baptist Anti-Slavery Society in 1840 forcing moderate Baptists to take a stand. Many churches repented in conventions for once supporting slavery and racism. Abraham Lincoln wasn't a perfect man. He did errors, but Lincoln was certainly better than the Confederate leadership that desired slavery to exist forever if they could. Steve Lefemine found out that in December 17, 1860 when South Carolina seceded, there was an outbreak of smallpox during the Convention. Europeans supported the Confederacy since that would be a divided America to be easier to control and manipulate. Lord Robert Cecil (later known as the Marquess of Salisbury) lectured the House of Lords in 1862 on why the American Union should be broken up:

"...we are rivals, rivals politically, rivals commercially. We aspire to the same position. We both aspire to the government of the seas. We are both manufacturing people, and in every port, as well as at every court, we are rivals to each other.... With respect to the Southern States, the case is entirely reversed. The population are an agricultural people. They furnish the raw material of our industry, and they consume the products which we manufacture from it. With them, therefore, every interest must lead us to cultivate friendly relations, and we have seen that when the [American Civil] war began they at once recurred to England as their natural ally." (March 7, 1862, from Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, quoted in James Blaine, Twenty Years of Congress: From Lincoln to Garfield, Vols. I and II (Norwich, Connecticut: Henry Bill Publishing Co. 1884-86).

The national sin of slavery was legally ended when the 13th Amendment was ratified to the U.S. Constitution. We are now approaching the 150th Anniversary of the whole American Civil War. The war caused over 600,000 human beings to die. We know that unjustified wars are wrong. We know that shedding innocent blood is wrong. We know that violence, hatred, enslaving another human being, and bigotry are wrong. So, we have to be careful in how we conduct our lives.

Left Gatekeepers are real in the world. They are of course funded by various big corporate Foundations. Even circles like the Progressive, Mother Jones, Z magazine, Alternative Radio, and Democracy Now refuse to condemn all of the war on terror or call for an independent investigation of 9/11. This investigation can shosw real secrets and answer questions that we still have about the official story of 9/11. There is evidence of government foreknowledge and complicity of 9/11. Yet, Norman Solomon and David Corn of the Nation demonize anyone questioning the official story of 9/11. They ignore documented, specific warnings from U.S. allies that 9/11 was imminent, the put option" stock trades on United and American airlines just before 9/11, that there were multiple war games on 9/11 that paralyzed the air defenses over New York and Washington, and the suppression of FBI agents who had figured out what was coming. Solomon campaigned for censorship at Pacifica Radio (KPFA in Berkeley) on these themes, and a few months later got to go on a US government sponsored trip to Iraq. Meanwhile, non-embedded peace activists were threatened with felony prosecutions for visiting Iraq. Norman ignored oil as a key reason for Bush's invasion of Iraq. If the media did its job, then the Iraq war, the Katrina disaster's mishandled response, and other events wouldn't have taken place. David Corn tried to cover up CIA involvement in drug running. The Nation magazine deny 9/11 complicity or foreknowledge by the feds, they support the Warren Commission, and they are funded by some reactionary, establishment Foundations. The major Left Gatekeepers are David Corn, Norman Solomon, Chip Berlet, and others. In essence, the establishment uses big groups and Foundations to fund so-called "opposition" group in order to limit dissent (and prevent people from really going about corrupt government and corrupt corporate power that are creating these problems in the first place). Also, just believe I disagree with these gatekeepers don't mean I'm a Republican. I agree with environmental rights, labor rights, and anti-war philosophies. I also believe in people having the right to own a gun and I believe in the sanctity of human life from conception to death.

By Timothy

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