
Friday, September 02, 2011

Jesuit information

Below are relevant fragments of a very recent email exchange I had with Eric Jon Phelps ( ) in which I asked him what it means for someone to be Jesuit trained (my questions are in blue, Eric's response is in green):

I would like to know from you what it means for someone to be Jesuit-trained. Does the Jesuit Order keep (close) contact with its pupil for the entire duration of the pupil's life? Do the Jesuits openly manipulate their pupils after their education, steering them into certain directions beneficial to the Order on the excuse of merely 'advising' them? Or do they perhaps do that more stealthily and cunningly, by subtly providing their pupils with information at which the pupil then decides ostensibly by his or hers own volition the course in life ideally never suspecting that the Order is subtly steering them into their preferred direction? How does it pay off to have a Jesuit education? Are Temporal Coadjutors Jesuit-trained by definition?
The Order's Temporal Coadjutors may or may not be Jesuit trained. Those students who are trained by the Jesuits have the greatest possibility of finding a job after graduation. Their education is first, their placement is second and the reason for which the Order trained them. Their grads are found in every profession and walk of life. It is in these vocations that they become the most dangerous, men like Tim Russert and Chris Matthews of the Order's CFR-controlled Press. Many coajdutors are Yale and Harvard Grads. The Order has a Jesuit House at Harvard---the alma mater of Coadjutor Bill O'Reilly. If the Order puts you in political office, it expects you to submit to their advisor, men like Jesuit priest John McLaughlin, the man who wrote Nixon's speeches. If you jettison the Order that put you in office, then you will be punished or killed.
Also I can understand that a person such as Bill Clinton, being a Georgetown graduate, has the opportunity to build up a Jesuitical network from which he and the Order may mutually benefit later in life.


However, when it comes to, for instance, a person such as Fidel Castro or Joseph Stalin who were trained at a very early age, I am more at a loss of imagining how the Order maintains control of their pupils.
By sheer power of the machine put them in power. The CIA put Castro in power and has kept him in that power since 1960. The British SIS put Stalin in power and with the CIA, kept him there until he was poisoned for resisting the Order. He arrested his Jesuit advisor Alexander Poskrebyshev in late 1952. He was poisoned in March of 1953 and AP lived to a ripe old age dying in about 1965.

Therefore, could you please explain to me, in your opinion and knowledge, how the Order keeps on manipulating the lives of their pupils especially regarding those who were trained at a very young age?

The Order rewards their minions with money, power, women and anything necessary to keep these slaves happy. The tools also know that to resist this huge monlithic monster will be suicide as he is reminded of the JFK assassination.



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(1897-1945). Nazi Member of the Reichstag, 1928-1933.
Reich Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda, 1933-1945.
Reich Commisioner for Total Mobilization, 1944-1945. On
May 1, 1945, he poisoned his six children, then shot is
wife and killed himself to escape the advancing Allied

Joseph Goebbels was born into a strict Catholic, working-class
family from Rheydt, in the Rhineland, on 29 October 1897.
He was educated at a Roman Catholic school and went on
to study history and literature at the University of Heidelberg.
Goebbels was exempted from military service during World
War I because of a crippled foot - the result of contracting
polio as a child.

Joseph Goebbels (seated) with his wife Magda, whose Jewish
father died at the Buchenwald slave labor camp, and the
six children whom they killed before killing themselves.
The eldest son in uniform, by Magda's previous marriage,
was in the Luftwaffe and survived the war. Goebbels was
so close to fellow Catholic Hitler that he had him serve
as first witness at his Catholic marriage.

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Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, papal nuncio to Germany, with Goebbels

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Goebbels to the right

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The German elite in the Vatican, including Goebbels and General Steinmann.

Goebbels, pupil of the Jesuits

"Still another fact", writes Frederic Hoffet,5 "shows that Catholicism
is not so foreign to National Socialism as one would wish it to
be. Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler, as well as most of the party's
'old guard', were Catholics....
"This relationship between National Socialism and Catholicism
is particularly striking if one studies more closely the party's methods
of propaganda and internal organization. Nothing is more instructive
in this connexion than the works of Joseph Goebbels. It is known
that the latter was brought up in a Jesuit College. . . . Every page,
every line of his writings recalls the teaching of his masters. There
is the stress placed on obedience, which was to be the principal
virtue of National Socialism . . . the disdain of truth. . . . 'Some lies
are as necessary as bread!' he proclaimed by virtue of a moral
relativism, taken from the writings of Ignatius de Loyola...."
Indeed, it was by assiduously applying this Jesuistic principle that
the chief of Nazi propaganda was to acquire throughout the world—
including Germany—the reputation of one of the greatest liars of
all times.
And Frederic Hoffet6 continues:
"There was, in particular, the National Socialist system of educating
and training its leaders, with which Goebbels had endowed the
regime. This system applied the methods of the Jesuits almost
servilely. The young recruits were grouped in schools situated well
out of town, where they had to spend several years, isolated from
the rest of the world. There, in an atmosphere of austerity, they
were submitted to a training which was in no way less severe than
that of the monasteries of the Company of Jesus. After a noviciate,
which ended in numerous and difficult tests, the future leaders had
to swear obedience: 'Perinde ac cadaver'.. . ."

Edmond Paris - The Vatican against Europe (pp251-252)


"There can be no doubt about the blessings which Christianity has brought": The Archbishop is not alone in using this phrase. It has been repeated and repeated over the Centuries, and the fact is that it is entirely untrue! There is a technique called "The Big Lie", and it simply means to say that if one repeats a lie often enough and forcefully enough people begin to accept it without question. Now it is presently common usage to impute this technique to Dr. Josef Goebbels, Nazi Germany's Minister of Propaganda, and it is quite true that he used both the expression and the technique. But, Joseph Goebbels was trained by the Jesuits, and the technique was Christianity's. It worked (temporarily) for the Nazis, and it has worked for over a millennium for the Christians.

Goebbels and ‘Pille’ Kölsch were inseparable. They arranged for Jesuits like Father
Rembold to lecture to the students, and once Goebbels proudly invited his old scripture
teacher, Father Mollen, to lecture too. At Bonn he studied under Adolf Dyroff,
professor of philosophy. He attended the literary seminars of Professor Berthold
Lietzmann, and wrote well-regarded essays for Professor Carl Enders on the youthful
drama fragments of Johann Wolfgang Goethe. He stayed on in Bonn after term
ended on February 1, and moved into Kölsch’s lodgings in Wessel Strasse. The April
1918 issue of the Unitas journal reported that the two friends had decided to study
next in Berlin.
David Irving - Goebbels, Mastermind of the Third Reich (p28)

When Hitler became Chancellor, who was his Deputy Chancellor? Baron Konstantin von Neurath, a Roman Catholic, was Hitler's first Foreign Minister."

Flip over one page to page 11 and you will read:

"Who was the Nazi chief propagandist? The No. I liar of the Nazi Party, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, head over press, radio, theatre, etc., was Dr. P. J. Goebbels, also a Roman Catholic. Konstantin, Duke of Bavaria, a Roman Catholic, said in his book, The Pope, page 77 that Goebbels 'received a Jesuit education, attended an academy in Catholic Rhineland, and received the scholarship for his training from a Catholic institution."

Sinclair goes on to say:

"Goebbels was trained by the world's most brazen liars."

We quote again from page 15 of the same source:

"Was Bormann a Roman Catholic? The play, THE VICAR, by Rolf Huchhuth, is not fiction; it is as accurate historically as any history book. In the U.S. edition of the play, Huchhuth gives 66 pages of documentation. It has long been known that Goebbels studied for the priesthood. The Austrian Fascist, Dollfuss, also studied for the priesthood. But Rolf Huchhuth says, "Hitler, Goebbels, Bormann, Kaltenbrunner, Hoess...studied for the priesthood."


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Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Georgian: იოსებ ბესარიონის ძე ჯუღაშვილი, Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jughashvili; Russian: Ио́сиф Виссарио́нович Джугашви́ли (help·info), Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) (December 18 [O.S. December 6] 1878[1] – March 5, 1953), better known by his adopted name, Joseph Stalin (Иосиф Сталин, Iosif Stalin; stalin meaning "made of steel"[2]), was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's Central Committee from 1922 until his death in 1953. During that time, he established the eponymous regime, Stalinism. Although Stalin's formal position originally had little significant influence, his office being nominally one of several Central Committee Secretariats, Stalin's increasing control of the Party from 1928 onwards led to his becoming the de facto party leader and the dictator of his country[3], in full control of the Soviet Union and its people. His crash programs of industrialization and collectivization in the 1930s and his campaigns of political repression cost the lives of millions of people. However, it helped industrialize the Soviet Union making it a Great power by 1931. Only six years later, the Soviet Union had become the second largest industrial nation in the world.

During Stalin's reign, the Soviet Union played a major role in the defeat of Nazi Germany in the Second World War (1939–1945) (more commonly known in Russia and post-Soviet republics as the Great Patriotic War). Under Stalin's leadership, the Soviet Union went on to achieve recognition as one of just two superpowers in the post-war era, a status that lasted for nearly four decades after his death.

Stalin was trained by Jesuits while in the Tiflis Orthodox Seminary in Georgia---openly admitted by "Koba" himself to journalist and Masonic Jew Emil Ludwig (Cohen).

Ludwig: What impelled you to become an oppositionist? Was it, perhaps, bad treatment by your parents?

Stalin: No. My parents were uneducated, but they did not treat me badly by any means. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending. In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.

Ludwig: But do you not admit that the Jesuits have good points?

Stalin: Yes, they are systematic and persevering in working to achieve sordid ends. Hut their principal method is spying, prying, worming their way into people's souls and outraging their feelings. What good can there be in that? For instance, the spying in the hostel. At nine o'clock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining-room, and when we return to our rooms we find that meantime a search has been made and all our chests have been ransacked.... What good point can there be in that?

4. Of publishing a false statement for the purpose of concealment of status: (1900 to present day) That the Catholic Church, more specifically the Jesuit Order has maintained countless false statements and documents pertaining to the status of Joseph Stalin. That Fr. Joseph Stalin S.J. was a trained, dedicated and fully ordained Catholic priest of the Jesuit order, who was recruited for a historic mission in his final year at the seminary in 1899. That in addition to failing to recognize Fr Joseph Stalin S. J. Furthermore, that the Jesuit Order did permit Fr Stalin to marry not once but twice, while remaining a fully ordained priest. That for his entire life until his death, there is no indication that Fr Joseph Stalin S. J. was ever defrocked as a priest.

((Ed. Comments to the preceding quote: None of this “supposed inconsistency” is hard to explain. The facts are that the Vatican and her Jesuits were deeply involved in fomenting not only World War I, but also World War II. During World War II the Vatican supported not only Nazi Germany, but also the other Fascist regimes in Europe, such as Mussolini’s Fascist Italy and the Catholic-Fascist state of Croatia. In fact, Roman Catholic Knight of Malta Franz von Papen and the Roman Catholic Centrum (or, Zentrum) Party in Bavaria put Hitler into power! On the other side of the European continent, we find a Jesuit-trained monster named Joseph Stalin running the Soviet Union during World War II, with help from his Jesuit-trained friend, Cardinal Gregory Agagianian. (Both were trained by Jesuits who taught at the seminary in Tiflis, Soviet Georgia.) Stalin’s top intelligence man was Knight of Malta Prince Anton Turkul, who used Jesuits for his couriers! No wonder banks in the West – especially in the USA – helped finance both Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union. Thus by controlling both sides in the conflict, the Vatican and her Jesuits were able to exterminate millions of their favorite “targets”: Jews, Orthodox Christians (e.g., in Croatia), and Protestants (in northern Germany). For more information on these two world wars, please read the TTT newsletters entitled “World War I” and “World War II”. For more information about the Jesuits and their Knights of Malta, please read the four TTT newsletters entitled “Jesuits – Parts I, II, III & IV”. If you would like more information on how the West (especially the USA) financed both Nazi Germany and Communist Russia (i.e., the Soviet Union), then please order Antony Sutton’s books Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. Each one of these books can be obtained for $17.45 postpaid through “Radio Liberty” by calling 1-800-544-8927.))

1917—The Russian Revolution takes place. The Bolsheviks (Communists) seize power in Russia—funded by wealthy Knights of Malta in the United States. Later, two Jesuit-trained thugs, Joseph Stalin and Catholic Cardinal Agagianian, oversee the Soviet Gulag system. (Note: Both Stalin and Agagianian had been trained at the Jesuit Seminary in Tiflis, Soviet Georgia.) Millions of Russian Orthodox Christians are butchered at the hands of a totalitarian Police State. (Remember, the Vatican has long hated Orthodox Christians, and has slaughtered them whenever and wherever it could.)

During his childhood, Joseph was fascinated by stories he read telling of Georgian mountaineers who valiantly fought for Georgian independence. His favorite hero in these stories was a legendary mountain ranger named Koba, which became Stalin's first alias as a revolutionary. He graduated first in his class and at the age of 14 he was awarded a scholarship to the Seminary of Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia), a Jesuit institution (one of his classmates was Krikor Bedros Aghajanian, the future Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, see ) which he attended from 1894 and onward. Although his mother wanted him to be a priest (even after he had become leader of the Soviet Union), he attended seminary not because of any religious vocation, but because of the lack of locally available university education. In addition to the small stipend from the scholarship Stalin was paid for singing in the choir.

Stalin's involvement with the socialist movement (or, to be more exact, the branch of it that later became the communist movement) began at the seminary. During these school years, Stalin joined a Georgian Social-Democratic organization, and began propagating Marxism. Stalin quit the seminary in 1899 just before his final examinations; official biographies preferred to state that he was expelled. He then worked for a decade with the political underground in the Caucasus, experiencing repeated arrests and exile to Siberia between 1902 and 1917.

Stalin's revolutionary life began in 1898, at the age of nineteen. He had not yet heard of Lenin, but joined the Messame Dassy, one of the many petty bourgeois socialist groups active in Russia then. His father was a shoemaker and mother a washerwoman who wanted her son to become a priest and so sent him to a church school. His result was exceptionally brilliant and this got him to the Theological Seminary of Tiflis, Georgia, run by Jesuit monks. His attitude regarding the oppressive atmosphere of the Seminary and its priesthood was rebellions. But, he started studying Darwinian biology and Economic history already, books forbidden in the seminary, and became member of the Messame Dassy. He was expelled from the Seminary in 1889. For a time, he took a job in the Tiflis Observatory. It was in fact his secret shelter. From what little is known of this period, it appears that socialists in Georgia, including members of the Messame Dassy, were divided on almost similar lines as the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks - and that young Stalin was nearer to the Bolshevik line, without knowing it. In 1900, he and his colleagues organized the first May Day demonstration in Tiflis. Before the May Day in 1901, the tsarist police discovered and raided Stalin's ''secret office'' at the observatory and arrested others. But Stalin escaped and addressed the May Day rally in the centre of Tiflis. He was soon elected to the Social Democratic Committee of Tiflis and it sent him to organize the workers in Batum, where he took the name of Koba. Within just four months, as the tsarist police record says, ''As a result of Djugashvili's activities, Social Democratic organizations began to spring up in all the factories of Batum...'' After spending 18 months in tsarist prison, he was exiled to Siberia but escaped and arrived in Tiflis again in 1904. He ''travelled from one prison or place or exile to another'', in his own words, including Siberia, for several years between 1901 and 1917.

Later addition from Eric Jon Phelps, obtained through email correspondence:

Stalin was trained as a youth by Capuchin Roman Catholic monks at a Roman Catholic school in Gori. He was a favorite and was given a scholarship to Russian Orthodox Tiflis Seminary in Tiflis, Georgia. Now would those Capuchins---were were in fact Jesuits under cover---send their prize student to be educated by their enemies, the Russian Orthodox priests? Never! The foremost Orthodox priest at the Seminary was in fact a Jesuit under cover as the Order had infiltrated the Orthodox Church since the days of Catherine II the Great. That priest "expelled" Stalin and then Stalin was involved in the overthrow of the Orthodox Church via the overthrow of the Orthodox protector, Tzar Nicholas II. This same Orthodox priest (which I mention in VAIII) survived the Bolshevik Revolution and the Great Purges of the 1930s. If this priest was really an enemy of Stalin who signed all the death lists prepared by his alter ego, Poskrebyshev, then why was not this priest elminiated in the purges? Because he was a Jesuit!

Further, Stalin was made the secretary of the Communist Party in 1922---the very years Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh was in Russia "negotiating" with the Bolsheviks for the Vatican. The fact was that Walsh was organizing the communist leadership for the benefit of the Order ruling the Vatican. Stalin then began the consistant killing of the Russian Orthodox People via murder, starvation and banishment to Jesuit-ruled Siberia. In 1933 when FDR recognized Stalin's USSR, Jesuit Walsh from Georgetown University was at his right hand in the White House.

When you realize the the Jesuits have controlled the US since no later than the murder of Lincoln; when you see that the Order has used the US CFR controlled government to aid, feed, finance and arm the USSR, then you will conclude that the USSR has been under Jesuit control thanks to the designs of the Order ruling London, New York City and Washington, D.C. Then you will understand how Stalin and Hitler worked together for the entire duration of WWII---the American Knights of Malta and 33rd Degree Freemasons ruling Wall Street financing both sides!

The Jesuit rule of the USSR is one of the greatest kept secrets to date. VAIII complete explodes the lie and lays bear the Jesuits involved in that Orthodox Holocaust.

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