
Friday, September 02, 2011

Time continues to change, but the Truth never does

As time goes on, people have exposed the errors in the 9/11 Commission. The 9/11 Commission claimed to try to find the truth on the events of 9/11, but conflicts of interests and obstructions occurred throughout the investigation process. The members include the names of Thomas H. Kean (as Chair), Lee H. Hamilton (as Vice Chair), Richard Ben-Veniste, and Max Cleland (he was replaced when he started to ask questions), Fred F. Fielding, Jamie S. Gorelick, Slade Gorton, John F. Lehman, Timothy J. Roemer, and James R. Thompson. Even chairs of both the 9/11 Commission and the Joint Intelligence Inquiry into 9/11 said that the government minders obstructed the 9/11 investigation. The Washington blog documented how some in the government intimidated witnesses into saying anything that the government didn’t like. The New York Times back in 2003 that the 9/11 Commission said that the Bush administration failed to allow officials to be interviewed without the presence of government colleagues. This could impede its investigation. Kean and Hamilton said that the Justice Department was behind a directive barring intelligence officials from being interviewed by the panel without the presence of agency colleagues. Mr. Kean said that: “…I think the commission feels unanimously that it's some intimidation to have somebody sitting behind you all the time who you either work for or works for your agency," he said. "You might get less testimony than you would." "We would rather interview these people without minders or without agency people there," he said. The 9/11 commission didn’t investigate Cheney’s energy task force documents, all of the foreign warnings of 9/11-style attacks on American soil, and the radar tapes and tapes of air traffic controllers in the FAA, military and all other agencies with access to this information, with a "chain of custody" to prove that this information had not been altered in any way. The 9/11 Commission don’t give full details on the CIA / National Reconnaissance "war games" underway on 9/11 simulating a plane-into-building scenario and the NORAD / Air Force war games that were also underway that morning that confused some air traffic controllers for crucial minutes, thinking it was the exercise and not an attack. Who gave the orders to conduct these "war games" at the exact same time that 9/11 happened? Max Cleland said that: “…we learn that this government knew a whole lot more about these terrorists before September 11 than it has ever admitted.... Let's chase this rabbit into the ground. They had a plan to go to war and when 9/11 happened that's what they did; they went to war."

It’s easy to see that abortion has a mental health link. There is a new study that is being hailed by an organization of women that regret their abortions and leaders of the pro-life community. This new study was published in the British Journal of Psychiatry by the leading American researcher Dr. Priscilla Coleman of Bowling Green State University. It found out that women who have an abortion face almost double the risk of mental health problems as women who have their baby. Coleman’s study is based on an analysis of 22 separate studies which in total examine the pregnancy experiences of 877,000 women, with 163,831 women having an abortion. The study proved that abortion accounts for one in ten of every adverse mental health issue women face as a whole. The Silent No More Awareness Campaign leaders (the world’s largest network of women and men harmed by abortion) have said that the report validates that many post-abortive women already know. “This is not just another study. It’s historic,” Silent No More co-founder Georgette Forney told Life News. “It combines the results of 22 studies conducted over a 14-year period in six countries involving 877,181 women. And it confirms what Silent No More members have been saying all along – abortion harms women.” Janet Morana, another co-founder of the group, told LifeNews, “This report is devastating to those who try to deny the hurt and anguish women suffer from abortion.” “The cruelty of those who lie to pregnant women about abortion’s impact is compounded by the heartlessness of abortion industry propagandists who dismiss post-abortive women’s pain as non-existent. After this enormous scientific study, abortion’s apologists should apologize to the millions of women they’ve tried to marginalize,” she said. It’s easy to prove that the abortion can cause many women anguish. The death of an unborn child is very tragic. All people should be aware of any abortion risk factors. Coleman’s study found that 81 percent of women having an abortion have had an increased risk for significant mental health problems. This study is a meta analysis, so the research is much more thorough and reliable than any other single study or review to date. The study said that as many as 10 percent of all mental health problems are directly attributable to abortion. The peer-reviewed study indicated abortion was linked with a 34 percent chance of anxiety disorders, and 37 percent higher possibility of depression, a more than double risk of alcohol abuse (110 percent), a three times greater risk of marijuana use (220 percent), and 155 percent greater risk of trying to commit suicide. When compared to unintended pregnancy delivered women had a 55% increased risk of experiencing any mental health problem. Dr. Coleman said she conducted the study “to produce an unbiased analysis of the best available evidence addressing abortion as one risk factor among many others that may increase the likelihood of mental health problems. There are in fact some real risks associated with abortion that should be shared with women as they are counseled prior to an abortion.” Similar studies have been found similar results. Dr. Coleman’s results are far stronger than a single study or a qualitative review since the wealth of the data incorporated and the objective methods for combining effects. “The paper is being published in a very prestigious journal, the British Journal of Psychiatry, which is considered one of the top psychiatry journals in the world. This means the paper has been extensively scrutinized by well-respected scientists and the results of studies are trusted by practitioners throughout the world,” Coleman said. This is the new era of real research that proves the humanity of the unborn.

It’s easy to see that the neo-cons want to attack Middle Eastern nations. They have been planning this for years. Former four star general and NATO commander Wesley Clark talked about the neocon plan to invade 7 nations in 5 years. This plan includes an attack in Libya. The video was recorded in October 3, 2007 at the Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco. Clark’s views and comments aren’t new at all. Yet, the attack in Libya fits into the intentions of the globalists. War mongering is still a part of the mindset of war mongers after election of President Barack Obama and the new Congress. The troops are still in nations globally. There are still chaos, mayhem, and mass murder, etc. in the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, etc. The Democrats and Republicans are 2 parties funded by the same corporate people. This is creative destructive (a Marxist concept) as the neocon Michael Leeden have used. Clark has talked about the neocon plan on numerous occasions. Clark made a speech about these issues in the University of Alabama in October of 2006. He recounted with a general at the Pentagon. Clark said, “Are we still going to invade Iraq?” “Yes, Sir,” he said, “but it’s worse than that.” Clark said, “How do you mean?” He held up this piece of paper. He said, “I just got this memo today or yesterday from the office of the Secretary of Defense upstairs. It’s a… five-year plan. We’re going to take down seven countries in five years. We’re going to start with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, then Libya, Somalia, Sudan, we’re going to come back and get Iran in five years. I said, “Is that classified, that paper?” He said, “Yes Sir.” I said, “Well, don’t show it to me, because I want to be able to talk about it.” The neocons are puppets under the establishment. Even the “Arab Spring” have used legitimate grievances against oppression of human rights as an excuse for elite NGOs and the CIA to attack Syria, Libya, and other nations. Many neocons have roots in Trotskyism and the neocons are pro-Likudite in their geopolitical stance. The global elite could care less about real people in Israel or real people in the rest of the Middle East. They care about harming Arabic and Muslim nationalism that threaten their drive for hegemonic rule (like Sharia law with its restrictions on banking poses a threat to the bankers. I don’t agree with Sharia law on every issue). Also, the elite use Israel as a means to promote the war on terror while scapegoating falsely Jewish people and Arabic people collectively for the evils going on in the world (while the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, high level Masonry, high level Nobility bloodlines, etc. receive little to no criticism at all. These are the real players in the geo-political stage that some even in the “alternative media” refuse to expose). Syria and Iran are targets by the neocons. The globalists for eons wanted national sovereignty, borders, etc. to be eradicated. Multiple wars, etc. can harm financially America. We don’t need more wars with our problems in America. Wesley Clark being involved in the slaughter of civilians in Yugoslavia makes it ironic that he would talk about the neocons’ intensions.

Economic History is readily known. President John F. Kennedy’s tax proposal decreased the top marginal tax rate from 91 percent to 70 percent. Yet, he closed the tax loopholes that allowed the super rich to avoid paying anything near the actual rate. By ending welfare and loopholes for the wealth class he, in effect, RAISED taxes, or revenues. He spoke about this “revenue increase” in his third debate with Nixon in the 1960 debates and again after he was President in May of 1961 in front of a joint session of Congress. Also, lowering top marginal rates to 71% at a time when the economy was growing a 4 to 5% a year is not comparable to today’s lethargic growth. Kennedy was the first to advocate planned deficits in a time of neither war nor economic emergency. The aim was for the tax cuts to stimulate demand, driving the economy from the bottom up. JFK’s tax cuts caused the richest Americans to pay more in taxes. This caused an increased in revenues, while Reagan and Bush’s tax cuts resulted in huge deficits. JFK’s chief economic advisor John Kenneth Galbraith wasn’t Austrian, but more Keynesian. What we have now under the Bush era tax laws isn't responsible tax policy. Clinton raised taxes by 8.6% in 1993 to 39.6% & the economy boomed. So, JFK wasn’t totally conservative as he promoted Medicare years before Lyndon Baines Johnson passed it in July 30, 1965. JFK wasn’t a supply side tax cutter. President John F. Kennedy believed in tax cuts and spending increases to stimulate the economy. He moved first on tax cuts because he didn't think increased spending was initially politically viable, but it remained a large part of his agenda for 1964. "First we'll have your tax cut," he told chief economic adviser Walter Heller, 11 days before his assassination, "then we'll have my expenditures program." As he put it in his first address as president: "If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." Kennedy called for cutting tax preferences for the oil and gas industries, saying in 1963 that, “while these are complex as well as controversial problems, we cannot shrink from a frank appraisal of governmental policies and tax subsidies in this area.” Kennedy wasn’t hawkish in 1963. He wanted détente, the gradual ending of the Vietnam War, and he refused to invade Cuba.

Popular Culture is still very strange in the world. Even more information is coming out about Lady Gaga’s “Judas” video. The video is more than a post-modernist retelling of the Judas New Testament story. It has a deeper meaning. The video describes a rejection of mainstream religion or mainstream Christianity in order for people to accept a new age. The image of Horus tattooed in Lady Gaga’s eyes represents the new age agenda. Gaga in the video seems to be in love with Judas, yet Judas rejected Jesus Christ. Lady Gaga said that the video is not about a religious statement, but a social and cultural statement. She wants to talk about falling in love with the wrong man over and over again. She admitted that: “…The song is about honoring your darkness in order to bring yourself into the light. You have to look into what’s haunting you and need to learn to forgive yourself in order to move on...” Real people don’t embrace their darkness to see the light. People reject the darkness completely in order to embrace the light. The video has Jesus and his biker gang riding around with the skull and bone insignias on their backs. Gaga plays Mary Magdalene riding with Jesus. The person playing Jesus curses at people with profanity that people won’t use. At end of the video, Gaga’s character of Mary Magdalene I stoned to death implying that Jesus has failed to save Gaga. Gnostics and New Agers believe that Mary Magdalene has some affair, which is blasphemous to say the least. The character played by Gaga works with Judas to betray Jesus. For decades, the Illuminists in real life want to bring down religions in order to make their “spirituality” rule in society. Gaga washes in water and wears purple garb that is similar to the purple and scarlet color found in the book of Revelation. Crowley was also fascinated with the Great Whore, naming his scarlet women “Babalon.” While Gaga is singing “I’m in love with Judas” one of the dancers is wearing a shirt bearing an inverted pentacle surrounded by Hebrew script. This symbol is used the Sigil of Baphomet, the symbol identifying Lavey’s Church of Satan. This isn’t the holy situation, but a slick mocking of what Jesus Christ really stood for. A lot of these artists are brainwashed and Fritz Springmeier have wrote about MK Ultra issue, Monarch programming, trauma based mind control, etc. in the music industry. Some of these artists use alter ego and nicknames to express their personalities (or multiple personalities). The identities handlers of these artists are one clue in finding out who control these people. A lot of these artists use a strange British accent that some believe is a part of Monarch laves programmed with British alters used for sexual roles. The real world is stranger than fiction. Some of these artists in the music, movie, and entertainment world are very smart people. It’s just that some of them feel that they need to sugarcoat their message in order to have acceptance in society.

By Timothy

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