Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Europe Must Fight Back Against US-UK Speculative Attacks



Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Reminds me of that 'solving crime' report written by the CSVR, by a bunch of 'Proudly Rainbow South African' two faced gutless coward Ph.D's with fuck all common real life sense; and only knew how to be Ph.D's paid to say what the fucking goverment were paying them to say.

They blamed all of crime on apartheid. They did do any serious undercover investigation for REALITY ORIGINS OF CRIMINALITY IN SOUTH AFRICA. NO SUCH FUCKING THING. These PH.D's had fuck all knowledge about the hierarchy of criminality; about how whites and farmers are singled out by SA criminals, like hunters single predators for status kills. Crime in SA has fuck all to do with most of poverty and has far more to do with climbing the kaffir social status ladder. Just like some stupid Hollywood bitch thinks buying a gucci handbag somehow makes her someone to be respected (where the fuck did these morons leave their brainmatter?); an african kaffir thinks that viciously killing a white farmer, or gang raping his wife, gives them some kind of social gang status of respect. Who to thank? ETV porn channels are broadcast in SA prisons, for prisoners to watch and be educated about 'gang sex' forcing others to watch. Kaffirs do not understand the concept of 'consent'. Eish; what the fuck is consent? Just like the Kaffir Dept. of Intelligence Officials: "Eish, who is the Pentagon?"

Like those politicians preaching multiculturalism: FUCK ALL CREDIBILITY. Married to white women/men; with white children, living in lily white neighbourhoods, sending their kids to lily white public schools; and if they visit a goddamn ghetto it is in the company of dozens of security guards. FUCK ALL CREDIBILITY.

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...


You were recommended for consideration as a possible candidate for the Melzhidek Corps; by RC East, as part of Lords of War JCS Joint Force 2020 AUSA Twitter Townhall Meeting.

Further info available at: [RHS777INT:007]: DRAFT3: DARwin's JAGUSCMDYE Buck Stops Here JCS Joint Force 2020 Future Options: FICCOW & FICROF; should you be interested informing yourself so as to make a fully informed decision on the matter.

Honourable questions welcomed; if I have access to an answer, I shall provide as crystal clear as possible; without any consideration for any PC bullshit.
