
Sunday, November 04, 2012

Fall Begins 2012 Part 2

Kevin Hart and Jae-Sang Park - 2012 MTV Video Music Awards - Show

Popular Culture Galore Part 11
Fame, fortune, and faux popularity is still the fruit of the popular culture Matrix or the Beast system. Many people have tried to achieve fame at any costs even to the point of selling their own souls. For years in our specific generation, heroes and real truthseekers have exposed the real side of the entertainment world. It is not totally made up of rainbows and rose colored petals. It has some of the same scandal, murder, deception, economic exploitation, and other facets of evils that are found in the streets or in the political system. Times are changing and a younger generation more readily realize the nefarious aspects of popular culture indeed. We are living in a age of awakenings since 2012 is here. Occult symbolism, controversial lyrics, and old dangers still exist in our world. Also, new controversies envelop the framework of our world as well. One aspect of the popular culture system is the obsession of the concept of "FAME." This concept of fame has been very much popularized by a famous pop artists. We know who she is? Her name is Lady Gaga. Her recent fragrance is ironically named "FAME." More people know what she stands her and the many complex meanings of her videos and photo shoots indeed. Now, Felix London is an Australian fashion student. She wrote an excellent article about Lady Gaga's FAME fragrance having ties to the occult and the twisted mindset of the "popular" entertainment & music industry. Felix writes that some of the ingredients in the fragrance (like tears of belladonna, crushed heart of tiger orchid with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and the combinative essences of saffron and honey drops) were used by occultists and witches years ago. The herb Atropa Belladonna was famously used by witches. Even the commercial Lady Gaga is in for her fragrance is distributing and occultic to say the least. She speaks in almost in a chant like fashion. The whole video was directed by Steven Klein, who is a fashion photographer. Klein is known to made provocative fashion imagery. The commerical was a ritualized event as a means for her to promote her product in a controversial format. Lady Gaga is very smart and knows popular science, so in these acts, she probably knows what the real deal is all about. Yet, celebrities are only part of the puzzle. I blame the corporate executives and the elites more so, because they are the ones that organized the military industrial complex in the first place. They are the ones who instituted the national security state, which violates our precious human civil liberties all of the time beyond what the celebrities are doing. That is all the more profound justification for us to advocate real radical reforms in the world from believing in truth, equality, and real revolution. Real revolution is change and it isn't about hating anybody unfairly. It's about loving humanity and believing in forming a better society amidst imperfections.

"Total Recall" in 2012 is a remake of a previous movie. It comes from the work of pro-Gnostic Philip K. Dick. Philip was a famous, prolific science fiction writer. He wrote a short story entitled, "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" from 1966. The story questions reality and memories. It deals with the concept of cycles of time and repeating events. Dick lived from 1928-1982. The original Total Recall film deals with the protagonist Douglas Quaid. Qauid is interested in visiting the pyramids of Mars and the alien artifacts found in it. That's interesting since numerous UFOlogists believe Mars once harbored an advanced humanoid civilization. Some New Agers in real life believe that man was some descendant of some Alien race of people. There are also human-alien hybrids in the film. Dr. Joe Dispenza makes a claim in the documentary "What the Bleep Do We Know." He believes that memories are created via the events that we experience. He claims that by the time we're 35 years old, we've memorized enough thought patterns, emotional reactions and our behavior is 95% cemented and our personality is simply a memorized, repeated pattern. I don't agree with this premise, but the Total Recall film shows repeating cycles of time and how our bodies act as computers in it. It is true that some humans experience a repetitive pattern in their daily lives. Some folks ' lives are too routine. Philip K. Dick was also influenced by the Utopian Plato and Carl Jung. Jung was the famous psychologist. He believed in the archetypes and other philosophies. Jung was also pro-Gnostic in his ideologies. Dick's stories questioned current reality and explored the possibilities of alternative history and parallel universes. Dick claimed that he knew of the nature of reality. The 2012 version of Total Recall has advanced graphics and technological advancements. Colin Farrell is the lead actor in the film. The new 2012 film doesn't deal with a trip to Mars and it has more political overtones. It deals with the United Federation of Britain and the Colony. The 2012 movie was directed by Len Wiseman and it was written by the following people: Mark Bomback, James Vanderbilt, and Kurt Wimmer. Kate Beckinsale, Jessical biel, Byran Cranston, John Cho, Bokeem Woodbine, and other actors plus actresses star in the film. It describes a world in the aftermath of a chemical war. Farrell plays Douglas Quaid or a factory worker. The truth is that Quaid founds out that he is really Carl Hauser (or a leader in the resistance movement, but he was captured and implanted with false memories in trying to make him think that he is a factory workers). Quaid and Melina love each other and defeat Lori (an UFB agent that falsely acts as Quaid's wife).

It's easy to see that Wonder Girl's "Like Money" video describes information about transhumanism via K-Pop. More and more individuals understand fully about the concept of transhumanism plus those that adhere to this Utopian vision. Transhumanism is about the merging of humans and machines in order to cause the merger to create human godhood basically. The mass media, movies, TV, music videos, video games, and other technologies advance this agenda. Wonder Girl's "Like Money" video promotes this transhumanism motif. One member of this group is named Sohee. She is in a photo shoot with one eye and a Mickey Mouse mask (it describes mind control). It's a fact that Walt Disney is of the establishment and advanced covert esoteric imagery in his story lines. Disney was an ally of the liberty suppressor and the honorary 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald Reagan. So, the video presents the signers as robots. These robots are created by faceless scientists. They are shown as the new and improved versions of themselves. The improvement of these beings aren't so much of an improvement because these robots are remote controlled. The single eye is found in the beginning of the video. The video wants to promote bionic women or an improvement of humanity. Subsequently, some like Vigilant Citizen have classified this video as a predictive programming instrument in favor of transhumanism. The video wants human genetics and these new beings to domination the world and the future is now. The next seem shows members of the group undergoing the process into being the super human robots. This is similar to the music industry where some artists are transformed into something that they are not. The video has the internal organs even the heart being removed and replaced by mechanical parts. The video shows even an electronic eye. Materialism is promoted in the song (like so many songs today in 2012) with the lyrics of "...Love me like money, Love me like cars, Love me babe love me babe wherever you are." The project to transform the women into brainwashed robots is called Project WG. Transhumanism promotes a soulless agenda instead of respecting the unique creation of human life in general. It's also important for us to love our natural beauty. We shouldn't be ashamed of being us and of being unique inside of the Universe. There is a huge difference between legitimate technology (that can cures diseases, enrich life, and promote healing) and human augmentation to a machine. Art intimates life in numerous circumstances. For example, many artists sell their integrity or souls in order to be a part of Hollywood or the entertainment industry in general (which is controlled by the old dynastic European bloodlines as found in the Nobility families, the Saxe Coburg-Gothas, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, those in the Pilgrim Society, etc). As the years go back, tons of young individuals are discovering the truth. The truth is that there is a great abundant of value in all humans, but we have to disagree stridently with injustice. Disagreeing with injustices is a great sign of human character. Although, it is important to do good things. The elite thrive on fear. We shouldn't promote fear mongering. We should promote hope, joy, and truth. We should continue to go outside, help people, educate people, protest, build in our own communities, and inspire people to develop great social reforms in the globe.

The Cremation of Care ceremony in the Bohemian Grove has been explained for years. The ceremony relates to the burning of the Dull care in order for the people to leave their worries behind. The effigy of a human is burned near a ca. 40 ft. statue of an owl (outlining the image of wisdom or the old Goddess archetype. The God and the Goddess motif is one big part of the Mystery School tradition). The Lamp of Fellowship is found near the owl shrine. There are priests in the rituals that say words and some songs are presented during the proceedings. The High Priest criticize the Dull Care as an enemy of beauty. The Dull Care yells before he dies within the forest of the flame. The owl represents wisdom to the Bohemians and the other followers of esoteric tradition. The Cremation of Care ritual is a mega ritual of the elite. People sit down near the river to celebrate this strange, esoteric occasion. So, that ritual (and others) wanted to psychologically eliminate all of the stress, sins, and boredom of the previous year. The effigy is found in the owl shrine. The owl statue represents an owl deity of that organization. The rituals according to some causes a calm emotion by the classical and an heightened sense of emotion via the final burning of the human effigy. The burning of the Dull Care is similar to the ancient dying god mythos or archetype that is found in the Ancient Mysteries plus the Western occult tradition. The participants of the Grove perform revelry and sex with prostitutes from across the world. The most power camp in the Bohemian Grove is Camp Mandalay. This camp includes international leaders and members of intelligence agencies. Famous past members of this camp include Richard M. Nixon (he has ties to Le Cercle and the Pilgrims), John G. McLean, George Schultz, Paul Volcker, and others. Many of the Grovers claim to be conservative Christians, but they promote mock human sacrifice, greed, the pollution of the environment (via certain policies), adultery basically, etc. The Dionysiacs and Bacchanalians influenced the rituals of the Bohemian Grove in many ways. According to the Ph.D dissertation (from 1994) of the Grover attendant Peter Martin Philips, he wrote that the Dull Care wants Bacchus from the grave. The Roman Bacchus is the same as the Greek god of Dionysus is the god of wine, sexual and ecstatic freedom, fertility, and celebration. So, the Bohemian Grove want to relieve worries and enact their occult ceremonies. Ancient Roman poet Horace (who lived from 65 to 8 B.C.) wrote about the dull care. The Dull Care is like a being or a mocking spirit that needs to be banished from the Grove. The Sumerians even talked about the elimination of unwelcome spirits from the land. There is even the 1687 play 'Begone, Dull Care' of [John] Playford: Musical Companion, located in England. The words from old literature that described the concept of the Dull Care spread into the minds of the poets and the writers in America. Some of them came into the San Francisco area to develop the infrastructure of the Bohemian Grove secret Society in general. The Bohemian Grove has been alluded too in movies for years.

The Messianic concept is found in Christianity and other religions. To the occultist, this figure is represented by many images like the Phoenix. According to the R.O. Faulkner Translation of Egyptian Coffin Texts, the Phoenix is called On or Osiris. Osiris is concerned the great leader of Egyptian pagan religion. Osiris in Egyptian stories established maat to law and he initiated the worship of Ra (or the sun god of ancient Egypt). The occultists want a similar Osiris or Phoenix like figure to arrive after the First Time. They desire the golden age of absolute perfection on Earth. The soul of Osiris according to coffin texts is found in the bird Benu or the Phoenix. The Phoenix dies and rises again over the span of centuries. When the Phoenix comes aback, it announces the start of a new world age. This is why groups from Freemasonry, the Theosophical Society, and other New Age organizations desire the new golden age to reign in society. The concept of the Messiah or the Savior is found in the cultural aspect of humankind for eons, especially during the birth of the Christian religion. Jesus Christ according to Christians is seem as the Messiah during the reign of the Roman Empire. Now, today, we have globalists and corruption. True spirituality has exploit the original spirituality of humans as a means to promote materialism, economic exploitation, and abhorrent activities. As human beings, we have to promote a high moral conduct. There is nothing wrong with respecting alms giving, prayer, and compassion. The reality is that people have the Kingdom of God within them and there is spiritual eternity for those who follow the will of God. Yet, we shouldn't get caught up in worshipping a false Messiah. We have the right to worship God and believe in a higher sense of moral standards. We are not totally free when an invisible elite infrastructure governs a large part of our modern day political system. Banking and politics have been controlled heavily by international banking interests that seek to keep the 1 percent super wealthy while the 99 percent under control. Much of our educational system has been used to refuse to teach the total truth to children, while the glamorization of historical revisionism exists. Too much of the mainstream media and the entertainment industry promote the sick and superficial nature of some people instead of accurate, enlightening information. This invisible government has been talked about by President Theodore Roosevelt, ex-Mayor of New York City John Hylan, and even Edward Bernays. Edward Bernays was the father of public relations in America and he knew exactly about the components of propaganda being presented by elitist factions. Edward Bernarys wrote about this issues in his work entitled, "Propaganda" from 1928 in the following terms: "...The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country… We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of..." Only a select group of families, corporations, organizations, and secret societies control the vast majority of the power, land, and money in the world today. They own most of the natural resources of the Earth and they love privatization plus globalization. They are basically monopoly people. Monopoly and oligarchies are the evils in the world indeed.

The Vigilant Citizen created an excellent article about the song "Out of My Mind." He described the truth that mind control is an old action of the establishment. Mind control has been a part of the plans of the elite spanning thousands of years. Even Fritz Springmeier wrote about mind control extensively in its relation to the Illuminati. Now, the video overtly shows the musician B.o.B. trying to survive in a mental institution with a lot of twists and turns. The covert message of the video is that it gives a glimpse into the complex world of mind control programming, Monarch programming, and other forms of abuse that the elite carried out for eons. Even the war criminal Josef Mengele used evil forms of mind control upon innocent victims during WWII all of the time. "Out of My Mind" regularly show All Seeing Eyes and words on the walls of the mental institution. Some of the words read "They are us" and "We are them." Who are they? Is this in reference to the elite controlling the mainstream music industry via corporate executives and tycoons. The video depicts a man being forced to take treatment, yet he is tortured in surreal settings. In the beginning, B.o.B. and Nicki Minaj are found in a cell. They act irrational and out of control. The wall in the cell (as found in the video) has occult symbolism and it's a known fact that the occult elite used mind control programming in real life. According to Fritz Springmeier, the All Seeing Eye and other occult symbols are made an obsession by MK slaves. Soon, militarized people and one scientist comes to try to reprogram B.o.B. B.o.B. is taken by force to another location. In real life, militarized police are a common fixture in Western society and a police state society is a threat in America. Nurses come to B.o.B. to torture him. The nurses look stoic with a blank glaze in their faces. B.o.B. talks about electrocomplusive therapy, because they say that he needs therapy. The CIA and other government officials did secret mind control experiments for decades. Sick mind control against people is used to cause some victims to dissociate from reality. The CIA and other entities use drugs and electroshock torture in their secret mind control experiments. B.o.B. later visits Nicki Minaj as Dr. Minaj. Nicki Minaj used humiliation against B.o.B. in order to break down his spirit. In real life, mind control victims regularly experience insults, humiliation, and other trauma as a means for the victim to comply with the handler. Dr. Minaj strips her clothes off to show a leopard print pattern. The feline prints according to Fritz Springmeier is similar to Beta programming. Her eyes signifies that Nicki Minaj is portraying someone under mind control in the video too despite being a doctor. Nicki Minaj raps about graduated Summa cum Laude and people thinking she's in the Illuminati. This is a play on the Illuminati rumors in the record industry. Many artists are puppets of the music industry not necessary in the 1% or in the global elite per se. Minaj offers B.o.B. freedom from his shackles. B.o.B. later comes into a parole board with his head being covered. The judges are attracted to him and ask him to call her. The video ends with B.O.B. and Minaj looking lost and confused, asking repeatedly "If I'm here … and you're there … and I'm here … and you're there." They act like mind control victims, because they are confused about who they are. "Out of My Mind" is a specific outline of Monarch Mind Control and mind control in general. It outlines the harsh realities of mind control mixed with creative imagery. It glamorizes government militarization too. In a metaphorical scene, the victim represents the industry in general. Not all musicians are under mind control, but the industry regularly allow some artists to act dissociated from real societal ills, to glamorize anti-intellectualism, and to be confused on the reality of life. In real life, the handlers of these celebrities govern a great deal of these celebrites' lives. You can't get good fruit from a rotten tree. For over a century, Hollywood and the Western entertainment industry has presented their rotten fruit to the world. It has brought the fruits of materialism, greed, recreational drug use, bigotry against people with differences, excessive profanity, conformity for the sake of conformity, false romances, bad lusts, variance, the growth of the military industrial complex, jingoistic patriotism, and other disturbing trends. It is what it is.

There is a famous movie called "The Immortal: War of the Gods." The film came out on November 11, 2011. It describes about how the gods need a hero. The movie represents the revitalization of the Greek mythos inside of popular culture. The movie shows a story. It outlines the story about an ancient Greek peasant named Theseus. Theseus leads an army to defend humanity from attack of the Titans (or the the ancient Greek gods that want to wipe out humans. The Titans are older than the 12 major Olympian gods and goddesses). Theseus is related to the story about the Minotaur. The movie uses the character Theseus as a back story. The plot of the film is similar to other films that talk about battles and end times scenarios though. The movie talks about Heaven can't defend us, so the gods can save us. The gods are mythical beings as shown in paganism. They represent Nature, life in general, animals, personalities, and other facets of the Universe. The gods in real life don't exist, because there is only one true God that created the entire Universe. Some people exploit God's creation in trying to worship his Creation instead of the Creator. Some Christians believe that the term gods is code for fallen angels or demons. Continuing, the movie shows Theseus battling a hybrid Titan. This Titan has 2 horns on its head. Theseus is the hero of the movie or the Christos archetype (like the Neo character found in the Matrix trilogy film). In Greek mythology, Theseus was the offspring of a human woman and the Geek god Poseidon. The war of the gods is very similar to the Biblical war in Heaven between angelic beings and the armies of Satan. the trailer depicts the god Zeus falling like a star to the Earth (this is very similar to the prophecy found in Revelation 9). Zeus is the Greek god of thunder. This film alludes to the falling of the fallen angles into Tartarus where they were imprisoned. Also, Jesus in the New Testament said that he saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning. Hyperion is the villain in the film. He wears a helmet and has 2 horns on his head. He acts as a devil like character. He wants to free the imprisoned evil warrior beings from Mt. Tartarus in order for them to wage war on humanity. This distorts the Biblical prophecy that those imprisoned angels will be used at a time that God determines to be freed as part of the punishment of the unbelieving world. In the film, the hero is not God Almighty and His righteous angels (the "good gods" in the film, unable to interfere in the conflict, are relegated to the sideline), but a man, Theseus endowed with supernatural power. Theseus in the film wants to lead humanity to save themselves from doom. Judeo-Christian prophecy shows the Antichrist that fakes being a friend of humanity, but later he will betray humanity (leading the world into chaos, war, and destruction). The gods in the film use this human hero as a means to unite them. In the movie, the villain Hyperion's main goal is to become "immortal" and be godlike. He fails in this but Theseus, does indeed become a god at the end of the film. A final scene shows Theseus in the heavens fighting alongside hundreds of other gods. While on Earth statues are made in honor of him (similar to the image of the Beast as found in Revelation 13 where folks are forced to worship). Zeus is shown as the good god that uses Theseus to defend humanity against Hyperion. The film describes Phaedra of the Sibylline Oracle. The Sibylline oracles are claimed to predict the future and some were under drugs or exaggerations. Many of the books called the Sibylline Oracles mix paganism, and Christian themes as an excuse to promote the ideology of the Sibylline movement. Pheadra wears red. She or the oracle recruits and persuades Theseus to start the war in order for him to achieve godhood. Theseus is seduced by Pheadra. The "Immortals" film is a display of Greek mythology. Also, it has huge similarities and it spins the story of the war between God and his Angels (against Satan and his demons. This story is found in the Bible). The entertainment industry is very spiritual, but it has a fascination with the occult, Gnosticism, the occult, spiritualism, etc. The Gnostic/pagan false gospel is ever promoted in Hollywood Babylon. The hero Lord Yeshua ben Yoseph (a holy prophet, the Messiah, and peace be upon his name) certainly pronounced better words than the myths of Zeus or Theseus.

In human history, people issue signs about their religion, culture, and other parts of their cultural identities. The sun and the moon in secret orders and other organizations have unique meanings. Ancient priests and priestesses knew about the esoteric significance of the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon is pictured in Masonic apron, books, and other parts of the Masonic Lodges for centuries. The sun is related to the day and the moon is related to the night. The ancients used the imagery of the sun and the moon in their art and architecture (this is found in the Ancient Mystery Schools). Secret societies wanted to safeguard the ancient wisdom, but the common man didn't have access to this wisdom throughout the ages. In a few centuries, some secret societies have been hijacked by the elitists in trying to control society (and create a new world order system). The global elite don't want real wisdom to come about which can empower human beings spiritually. In Masonic art, the sun is on the right hand side and the moon is on the left hand side facing up. This same pattern is found in Renaissance artwork. The Renaissance was a time in Europe where the classics and other occult philosophies were revitalized in mostly Catholic Europe (as Constantinople fell via the Muslim Turks). Raphael's depiction of Jesus Christ via his "Crucifixion" work shows the sun on the right hand of Jesus and the Moon on his left. Michelangelo did the same pattern in his Sistine Chapel artwork. Scholars believe the the sun and the moon represents the dual male and female archetypes of the Universe. The sun is shown as masculine and the moon is associated with the feminine aspect of the Universe (as proven in many alchemical texts like Michael Maier's "Atalanta fugiens" from 1618). The alchemical work can never be completed without the complementary principles of the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon are the pairs of opposites in the Universe. It's very similar to the concept of Jachin and Boaz pillars in Freemasonry and the Yin/Yang symbol of Doaism. On average these heavenly bodies show their faces on Earth for about 12 out of 24 hours. The sun's diameter is 400 times that of the moon, but, due to the moon's close proximity, both orbs appear the same size in the sky (or the ratio of the sun's diameter over its distance from the Earth is similar to the moon's diameter over its distance from the Earth). This ratio pattern exists among the planets in our solar system. Now, this is used by some to be proof of a superior intelligence creating the Universe. For me personally, I call this superior intelligence as being God. The sun and the moon prove that there is a duality in the Universe (from male to female, hot and cold, 0 and 1 in binary patterns, etc.). Of course, things are more complicated as humans are beyond dualism. Humans are made up of fractals, advanced DNA structures, and other great qualities.

It's easy to witness that modern popular music is like a Babylon, deceptive system. We have so much evidence to view it as anything other than a system filled with lies and distractions. That is why much of the music shown publicly (as opposed to real, talented, and inspiring music that's found today as well) is filled with amoral thinking and blatantly nihilism. Bread and circus has been a monotonous way in how the establishment tries to control society. In essence, we should never be theocrats or embrace a theocracy. Yet, we should have morality, a love of family, and a respect for righteousness. There are still movies that promote complex, esoteric ideals. One such movie is called "Cloud Atlas" that recently came out in 2012. "Cloud Atlas" is a science fiction and drama film. It was written and directed by Lana and Andy Wachowski (they were involved in the Matrix film franchise) including Tom Tykwer. The film has many similarities to the Matrix in that both try to find the truth or connections among reality. Each desire to create an interpretation of what the future could be like based on the choices of the past made by human beings. The movie was adapted from the 2004 novel of the same name by David Mitchell. The movie "Cloud Atlas" is one of the most expensive independent films of all time. It includes an ensemble cast of numerous famous actors and actresses. The film wanted to see how acts made by individuals can impact other human beings in the past, present, and future. The film wanted to see how a killer can turn into a hero and an act of kindness can span centuries in order to inspire revolution. The movie is made of 6 interrelated and interwoven stories that take the viewer from the South Pacific in the 19th century to a distant, post-apocalyptic future. The film is not without controversy. Some feel that the film is wrong to protray Asian characters via non-Asian human beings. MANAA Vice President Miriam Nakamura-Quan asked, "If, in the making of this complex movie, the creators of Cloud Atlas can make creative leaps in time, place, characters, race and gender, why can't they also take a creative leap in the casting?" The film wants to promote the idea of reclaiming lost knowledge, reclaiming technology, and reclaiming what it deems as universal ideals. The 6 different time period comes from 1846 to 2346. The theme in each time period is the mark of some system of oppression against human beings. The 1846 talks about slavery and human trafficking where a Christian man saves the life of a good-hearted slave. There is the time period of sexuality issues as well. Halle Berry plays a journalist in the film too. There is a future time period where an one world government knows as "Unanimity" rules with a technocratic iron fist. In the future, the Sonmi-451 character shows up. This entity is a genetically engineered clone that works as an acolyte in the religion of the future.



There is value in philosophy. Philosophy is the use of the human mind in describing concepts, realities, and other concepts of the Universe. Using philosophy enhances human power of discernment. The reason is that true philosophy involving understanding concepts beyond what is evident to the average mind and to use practical judgment in defining what is tangible in human existence. We should be careful not to accept false philosophies of men since even humans can outline fallible displays of information. Philosophy can aide in our human thinking and grow our logic skills precipitously. Logic is interrelated to philosophy. Logic is how a person infers information. Logic is a way on how people can think about subjects conclusively and get proper conclusions. The law of identity proves what something is and what it isn't. For example, the sky is a sky and it is not a lion. The law of non-contradiction is something can't be both true and false at the same time and in the same way. That means that two contradictory statements can't both be true. There is the law of excluded middle. This means that a statement is either true of false. People live on planet Earth is a true statement and the lake is in my pocket is not a true statement. Some people that believe in God use logic as a means to prove his existence. People who believe in God view the Universe as having a beginning. Something before the universe and greater than the universe had to bring the Universe into existence (because the Universe has an origin). That something before the Universe that caused the Universe (with physical laws, fractals, mathematics, the process and movements of planets including stars, DNA, etc.) and it is God according to believers in God's existence. Logic isn't enough to solve all problems and to define all of reality, but logic is a great way in how humans can define concepts. Reality is much more complex than what is taught by the establishment. Cause and effect is a normal function of the Universe. That is why as humans, we should expand and grow our intellectual, mental, and spiritual developments. We must make decisions by making careful intellectual processes without an one dimensional reactionary response to every situation that we encounter. So, it's fine to perform alms giving and helping your neighbor, but if a person doesn't love their neighbor, then our works mean nothing. Our works alone can't save us, but only God can. We should do works, but we shouldn't possess arrogance nor egoism when we perform good works. When public power is immorally shifted into select private interests, then our democratic principles are threaten. All people must be free until we are all truly free. The good news is that more and more people are waking up. More folks are doing charities and having a love with instrumental, constructive improvements among the human race. So, I have hope, humor, and inspiration to carry forward with justice & truth.

Confucius was one of the greatest philosophers in human history. He lived from 551 B.C. to 479 B.C. His views of Confucianism were made the official belief system of the Han Dynasty in China. The Han Dynasty was one of the most important ancient dynasties in China, because a massive amount of inventions, cultural, and other forms of governmental development grew under that dynasty. Confucius wanted a society that deals with the improvement of the government and the human family in China. The Analects are the selected sayings of Confucius. Confucius was a man who was a governmental official. He wanted to improve the world around him as a means to formulate just society. His code of conduct in his perception is necessary in growing a better community. Confucius believed that man's basic nature was good and it was necessary to grow five basic relationships in the human race. These relationships involve older/younger brother, husband/wife, ruler/subject, father/son, and friend/friend. In these relationships, Confucius taught that the older brother must teach the younger brother, the father must teach the son, and so forth. He believed that society must function in order as a means for people to be content in their role of life. This can result in Confucius' mind to achieve social harmony. He believed in filial piety or respect for parents. He believed in a strong government and that people can be in government based upon merit (or you pass tests in order to have a certain position in governmental structures). He wanted good government and to have respect for the emperor or elders in China. Confucianism definitely believed in education as a means to benefit the welfare of society and the individual. Confucian thinking spreads into Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and then the entire world now in 2012. Confucius believed in a code of conduct that is still valued in China today. One is the common sense philosophy of do unto others as others would have done unto you (or the Golden Rule from Jesus Christ centuries after the time of Confucius). Confucius always believed in sincerity, justice, and he wanted personal morality to be extensive in ancient Chinese culture. The Qin Dynasty was influenced heavily by the authoritarian Legalist philosophy. Confucius believed in the reverence of the ancestors. His personal name was "Kong Qui." His courtesy name was "Zhongni." He was also known as "Kong Fuzi" or "Master Kong." Confucianism discusses concepts of the afterlife and Heaven, but it is unconcerned with other essential religious thinking like the nature of souls. Confucius wanted the government to rule ethically so the people in society can benefit without bribery and coercion. He explained that this is one of the most important analects: "If the people be led by laws, and uniformity sought to be given them by punishments, they will try to avoid the punishment, but have no sense of shame. If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of the shame, and moreover will become good." (Translated by James Legge) in the Great Learning (大學). If society was more moral in Confucius' eyes, the Mandate of Heaven would cause peace to exist among the people. The Mandate of Heaven is an ancient Chinese concept that believed that fair rulers would have the blessings of Heaven (while corrupt rulers will causes curses, earthquakes and other problems in the land. This concept is the opposite of the divine rights of kings where the divine rights of kings in Europe viewed the King as nearly immune from criticism from the people. Under the divine rights of Kings, Kings can do almost anything they want based on God's will. The Mandate of Heaven requires that the King must act moral in order for blessings from Heaven or "Tian" to come). Therefore, Confucius is a great figure in the realm and history of philosophy indeed.

Immanuel Kant was one of the most controversial philosophers in human history. Regardless of what you think of his fundamental views, he was a voice to be reckoned with. He was a German philosopher from Kaliningrad, Russia today (or from Konigsberg, Prussia back then). He was influential in Enlightenment thinking by the end of the 18th century. The Enligthenment movement stirred away from spirituality and sought humanist solutions to complex moral including philosophical issues. "Critique of Pure Reason" from 1781 (or Kritik der reinen Vernuft) tried to unite reason with experience to move beyond what he took to be failures of traditional philosophy and metaphysics. He tried to get into the medium position of not embracing what he thought was futile theories (or finding reason outside of experience), but not going into what he deemed were the extreme skepticism of thinkers like Berkeley and especially Hume. Enlightenment scholars wanted to use reason instead of divine intervention as a means to formulate solutions. He wrote on many subjects like religion, ethics, law, aesthetics, astronomy, and history. So, Immanuel Kant wanted to resolve the debates about empirical and rationalist approaches to reality. Rationalism wants to use knowledge or reason (like the studying of science, mathematics, etc.) in figuring out concepts and notions of reality. Empiricalism wants to use the human senses, human observation, or the scientific method to prove all evidence. Kant's views influenced philosophers like Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and Schopenhauer. Kant was right to deduce that the Milky Way was a large disk of stars, which he theorized was formed from a much large spinning cloud of gas. He wanted people to think autonomously without the dictates of external authority. Kant believed that people have the right to believe in God for the sake of embracing morality, but there is no way of knowing if there is a God or an afterlife (because of the absence of irrefutable evidence). Kant still respected the idea of God in the sense of humans believing in moral principles. Kant criticized mainstream Christianity for, in his mind, its superstition, external ritual, and hierarchical church order. So, it is obvious that Immanuel Kant wasn't a supporter of pro-traditional Christianity. He invented critical philosophy, that is of the notion of being able to discover and systematically explore possible inherent limits to our ability to know through philosophical reasoning. Kant wrote about Islam as well. Politically, Immanuel Kant wanted peace with constitutional republics. He wanted a federal of republic states as a means to improve the world. He rejected democracy, because in his mind, any form of a direct democracy would cause the majority of people to threaten individual liberty. You can disagree with this assumption, but that was his assumption. Georg Hegel later developed the Kantian method of reasoning by "antinomies" as the basis for his dialectical method upon which the structure of Marxism was built. Immanuel Kant was one of the greatest philosophers of Western civilization.

By Timothy

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