
Sunday, November 04, 2012

Fall Begins 2012

Fall Begins

2013 is coming soon.Time is going extremely fast since even I remember 2001 like it was yesterday. The struggle never stops when there is oppression in the world. Regardless of the negativity in the world, we can counterreact that evil negative influences. We can fight back against evil by doing some good. We can mentor, exercise, work in real programs, do charity, and even work in a variety of avenues in order to make society much better. Some have talked about the concept of nonviolence. I do believe in nonviolence as the most peaceful method in achieving reforms. I believe in self defense as well, yet I do respect any human being that solely accepts nonviolent resistance alone. These people have a lot of courage in my eyes since it takes courage to not use violence in the face of reactionary anti-human rights policies. In my heart, I do believe in compassion too. I believe in strength and I do definitely believe in love. Always, we should treat males and especially females with dignity and respect since oppression against females is just as immoral as the concept of white supremacy. The recent tradegy of Hurricane Sandy certainly make me more aware of things bigger than the election and bigger than the various trivalities that consume society. The storm killed over 100 people and still over 2 million people lost power as of early November 2012. The storm surge send huge feet of water into various neighborhoods. Hurricane Sandy is certainly a reminder that in the final analysis, we are our brothers' or our sisters' keepers. That is precisely why untold amounts of people are sending resources, money, and other forms of legitimate aid in helping the victims of that horrendous occurence. This event certainly reminds us that economic inequality is an epidemic not only in American soiety, but throughout the world. For example, if you're rich, then you can have the resources to leave the disaster zones of the Hurricane, but if you're poorer, you will suffer a a huge amount of suffering as compared to other human beings. Certainly, this economic inequality ought to be fought against with the same furvor as we would fight any injustice. When you get older, you further comprehend the more important things that are vital in our livelihoods. These things include our life, family, communities, friends, and neigbhors. So, it's certainly our job as human beings to use almsgiving and help our neighbors out. Also, it is important for us to respect differences. There is nothing wrong with being different, because diversity in human life (and Nature) is the spice of life. Beauty is not only never monolithic, but diverity is beautiful. Therefore, any human being, being created equal, has the right to experience happiness, equality, love, and true justice. There is nothing wrong with being you. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Life isn't perfect, so we have to continue to fight and struggle for the same uncompromising justice that is necessary foor us all of to be free. Liberation can only come via resistance or struggle against oppression. For no human being is truly free unless all human beings experience respect, equality, liberty, and true justice indeed. We need economic justice too. Billionaire coporate pirates don't need record tax breaks at all. The way of the future in my opinion is the community programs and the cooperative movement as a means to help the disinherited and the poor. For certaintly, the government isn't perfect, but that doesn't mean that we abolish all forms of government. Government ought to be reformed and revolutionized in order for real change to come about (that address classes disparities). Fascism is one of the biggest threats in the world, so we must speak in order to oppose it at every turn.

Soon, I will be thirty years old, but the truth doesn't have an age limit at all. America has talent, but America must promote more of a heart too. As human beings, we have the right to love liberty and oppose injustice whereever it is located. The world can't disrupt my soul and steal my flow. My flow is still abundant, strong, and firm like granite. I love my soul. My soul is golden and shines. In life, I will swim upstream into the freedom not backward into reactionary rivers. You know that I will come through and provide enlightened information. That's my precise M.O. no doubt. I never be well adjusted to unrighteousness at all. People understand about Freemasonry and GLOs. They are made up of people of numerous backgrounds and they regularly infiltrate the political, religious, social, and other modes of societal infrastructures. Why expose these groups? The reason is that these groups are wrong to promote secrecy and secret rituals. They are wrong in trying to distort real spirituality and mimic the codes of our oppressors (as some GLOs were based on the elitist Skulls and Bones secret society) in trying to be allied with the establishment. They are wrong for some of their members to harbor elitism, materialism, and bigotry against those who are different (just because a person is different physically, ethnically, personality wise, age-wise, or any characteristic of differences, doesn't mean that person is inferior or worthless. All people have value and all people should be treated with dignity and respect period). They are wrong in swearing death oaths as a means to claim to have the Light. The Light comes from God alone not by a Lodge or a pledge group. It is clear from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostle James that no human should swear an oath to anyone, especially using death related tones in them. It is wrong for the Lodge to have literature saying that it's fine to lie and send deception unto the low level Blue Lodge members. It is wrong to accept some spiritual relativism that merges theism with false mysticism. It is wrong to bow before an altar or praise some false Greco-Roman idol (or use this false Greco-Roman god or goddess in introductory rituals) when they can't save a single soul. So, it's easy to see the Masonry and the GLOs are the foot soldiers of the establishment as a means to contain and prevent real Revolution (and to control populations in world society). Freemasonry influenced the development of numerous fraternities and sororities. Many people are in these groups including the Lodge include folks like Sigma Pi Phi & Alpha Phi Alpha member Dr. Clifford Jones, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Pastor William H. Curtis (of Mount Ararat Baptist Church), Kappa Alpha Psi Pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant, Kappa Alpha Psi Eddie Long, Phi Beta Sigma Bobby Jones, Freemason John Elway, Freemason Roy Barnes or ex- Governor of Georgia, Kappa Alpha Psi John Lovelace, and others. So, our job isn't to be caught up and ally with the establishment-influenced Masonic Lodges or the GLOs. It's our job to meet the needs of the community via independent action (that means helping the poor, building confidence among both genders, opposing imperialism, stopping materialism,fighting against crime & horrible diseases, and following the will of God. For our sins, we should ask the Lord for forgiveness and move forward. Have you noticed that many GLO members and those of secret societies have a disproportionate amount of elitism, arrogance, disrespect, and abject egoism than true believers in God & even some average people. The works of Pike, Mackey, Hall, and others demonstrate the true essence of Freemasonry). Albert Pike and others falsely believed that human beings can reach moral perfection. No human can be perfect, but a person following God can have the Kingdom of God in them. Now, thankfully many people have left these circles and carried on to live more productive lives.

Still, the oppressor uses white supremacy. Our enemy is still fascism as well. That is why anti-fascist movements were harmed in the 1960's and the 1970's by the police, the National Guard, and the mainstream capitalist establishment. Many progressives are right to promote a cooperative democratic society. This society should affirms and respects the dignity of every man, woman, and child on Earth. Truthfully, happiness is one goal of society. All human beings deserves equality and happiness. If a person can find happiness with legitimate activities, then I am all for it. Our legacy is more than living life. It's about fulfilling the destinies and aspirations found in the longevities of our lives. That is why all forms of economic justice and freedom ought to be extended to all peoples. Now, we have a responsibility too. The government has a role in society to promote the general welfare. We have a role too. We have the role to do activism in our communities and to promote cultural improvements. Cultural improvements doesn't mean instituting some reckless, oppressive theocracy in the world. It's about treating people with respect (especially women since a lot of women are being assaulted in public. We have to do our part to prevent women or females in general  from being assaulted or abused in any way). We should do any actions that promote jobs and reforms. We have to reject violence and work in independent programs that fight against unwarranted violence in our communities. We have to listen to people among numerous ideological perspectives as a means to find accurate, beneficial information. Frankly, we must do what is right for our people and our babies as well. Our intention is all about being for the people, but not embracing a selfish mentality.

After the election, regardless of who wins, we still have to fight for our freedoms. There are many issues that we have to know about after the elections are finished. We know about the 2012 election as being one of the most contentious elections in American history. Emotions ran high during that election of 2012. We still have a war on unions. The Republicans are overtly anti-unions. Some Democrats are pro-union in words, but some of them are anti-union in practice. Even the Race to the Top national education policy targeted the teacher's unions (or the most powerful union in the country). Some wage cuts, benefit cuts, and seniority rights being attacks have been part of the compromises made by Blue Dog Democrats with unions. Many Republican and Democratic governors state by state want to use concession in cuts from public employees. These concessions made by some Democrats can lead into the ending of collective bargaining as advocated by the Republicans. So, we have the right to oppose the bi-partisan anti-union policy of lowering wages for all workers. Corporations readily benefit in profit when labor costs are lowered. There are environmental issues that we have to deal with. Some Republicans openly have some anti-environmentally radical positions. Yet, the other party wants to pander to Big Coal and Big Oil too. Some want to call havoc by shale natural gas drilling, the cross continental Keystone pipeline, etc. Regardless of what people feel about climate change, but there should be steps to handle environmental issues and ways to reduce pollution effectively. The handling of the Federal Reserve is too controversial even for both parties to deal with. Banks and corporations have trillions of dollars of reserves in cash while most people have trouble with loans. There is the austerity agenda that is still here too. Our national deficit has been a result of bank bailouts, foreign wars, and lowering taxes for the super rich plus corporations. Now, both parties ignore this reality. Most of them want trigger cuts or massive cuts in jobs and social programs. The difference is that each part disagrees on how much cuts there will be. Ryan wants as high as 6 trillion dollars cuts in a few years. Both parties want many cuts to Medicare, public education, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and other programs. The difference is that one party is more pro-austerity than the other. Foreign wars are still a threat. The 2 party system want more sanctions against Iran, they agree with drone attacks, and each refuse to have a progressive policy toward the Israeli/Palestine crisis. Frankly, the Israelis and the Palestinians both ought to experience peace, equality, justice, and pure tranquil living without exception. Our major political system has been influenced by corporate influence. The good news is that there are still people waking up globally. Many people comprehend the truth and desire to fight for justice. So, grassroots organizations are still in abundance that seek to give freedoms to society and to promote the same justice for all peoples that we all desire. As for voting, vote your conscience. I can't tell you who the vote for, but you should vote for the best person in your life. Liberation is a question of power. I am a black man. My people should have power, so my people have the right to advance the independence of Africans all over the world (where we depend long term on no one, but ourselves. Black people have the God-given right to have power to control their own interests and their own communities). Also, it is important to mention that there are tons of people of every color that want freedom, liberty, and truth to reign in the world. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. There is no shortage of dedicated folks that want real, meaningful social change in society.

World War II Part II

It's easy to seee that World War Two was an interesting, violent, and controversial phrase of human history. The following information deals with the conclusion of WWII. The end of World War Two started a new epoch of human history. After WWII, overt colonialism began to die off in numerous areas of the world. That was a good thing. Technological advancements grew from satellites, rockets, to computerized systems. Human beings in the world over wanted to be free. WWII also was a time where war crimes and atrocities existed from all sides. Although, the Axis Powers were definitely made up of fascists and Hitler was the leader of that movement. Hitler was an evil man and his racist ideology has been refuted since the beginning of time, because fundamentally all men are created equal. World War Two was a very destructive configuration and it reminds us that ultimately unjust hatred isn't worth it. We have the right to love and the spirit and power of Love is superior to hatred and bigtory. Life is worth living and all human beings have the fundamental capability to make a difference and engineer profound, positive change in the Universe.
1943 was one of the most important parts of World War II. 1943 was the time when the Nazi Empire and the Japanese Empire began to lose a lot of battles. It was the beginning of the end of the Axis Powers. Hitler's numerous military miscalculations and the resurregence of the American Navy helped to defeat the Axis Powers in Germany and Imperial Japan.

The Nazis began to withdrawal from the Caucasus on January 2-3, 1943. Hitler like Napoleon put too much of his resources in fighting the Soviets and this drained his military resources. People realize that the Soviet staged their first major offensive against the Germans in Stalingrad at January 10, 1943. The battle of Stalingrad continued from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943. Almost 2 million people from both sides died in the battle. Stalingrad is now Volgograd inside of the nation of Russia. The battle was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare. There was a disregard for military and civilian casualties. The Axis' 6th Army was cut off of resources because of the winter snow. Axis resistance became weakened by 1943. The rest of the Axis forces surrendered or were destroyed. Operation Uranus was the Soviet offensive against the Nazis. The Red Army unleashed it via the command of General Nikolay Vatutin. There were 18 infantry divisions, 8 tank brigades, 2 motorized brigades, six cavalry divisions, and one anti-tank brigades. The Soviets used 3 complete armies by the names of the 1st Guards Army, 5th Tank Army, and 21st Army. During that time from January 14-24, 1943, Casablanca conference between Churchill and Roosevelt. During the conference, Roosevelt announces the war can end only with "unconditional German surrender." Later, Montgomery's Eighth Army took Tripoli. The Americans created their first bombing raid in Germany at Wilhelmshaven by January 27, 1943. The Soviets after winning Stalingrad took over Kursk at February 8, 1943. The Americans fight the Nazis' Panzers in North Africa. During later spring in May of 1943, the German and Italian troops surrender in North Africa. During the summer of 1943, the Allies went into Italy. They land in Sicily in July 9-10, 1943. The Allies bomb Rome in July 19, 1943. The Americans captured Palmero, Sicily later. Benito Mussolini was finally arrested and the Fascist government falls by July 25-26, 1943. Marshal Pietro Badoglio takes over and negotiates with Allies. The Allies continue to bomb Italy. Later, the Nazis rescued Mussolini and Mussolini temporary reestablished the fascist government in September 23, 1943. Russia recaptured Kiev in the Ukraine in the end of November of 1943. Also, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin meet at Tehran to have their famous meeting by November 28, 1943. This was historical, because this was the first meeting of the Big Three. The Tehran conference lasted for four days. All of the men agreed with the confirmation of the Allies to invade Western Europe in the Spring of 1944. They planned to invade Southern France. There was a promise made by Stalin to join the war against Japan when Germany was defeated. The essence of World War II is made up of battles, ups and downs, and the evolution of the modern world. After WWII, the post-modern world began because an explosion of technology, and the ending of imperialist empires. The development of real social movements took shape after the war as well.

1944 was one of the most important years in World War II. 1944 was when all of the Axis Powers started to weaken militarily. (even in Japan, the Imperial Japanese Empire was weaken slowly, but surely militarily). Soviet Union troops came into Poland to fight the Nazis in January 6, 1944. The Allies start to attack in Cassino, Italy and the Allies land in Anzio, Italy in January of 1944 as well. The battle of Leningrad finally comes to a close by the end of January too. When the Allies bomb the monastery at Monte Cassino, the Germans counter attacked against the Anzio beachhead in February of 1944. The Soviets continues to use an offensive in Eastern Europe like in Belorussian territory. The Allies first used a major daylight bombing raid in Berlin by March 4, 1944. Another allied attempt to capture Monte Cassino comes about in March 15, 1944. Hamburg was bombed via an air raid via the British. About 3,000 bombs were dropped in Hamburg, Germany in March 18, 1944. Crimea is attacked by the Soviets in trying to liberate it by April. The Soviet troops soon recapture Sevastopol in May of 1944. South of Rome in the Gustav is attacked by the Allies in the same month. By mid month May, the Germans surrender in the Crimea. The German withdraw to the Adolf Hitler line. By the end of May, the Allies come into Rome finally. People realize about D-Day in June 6, 1944. A lot of Americans grandparents and great-grandparents were involved in the military landing of the northern coast of France. Even Ronald Reagan gave an eloquent speech about the sacrifice, bravery, and courage of the soldiers during the event of D-Day. The action was Operation Neptune and Normandy experienced multiple landings by the Allied forces. There were about 24,000 thousands of soldiers from America, the UK, Canada, Free France, Poland, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, and Belgium that either were apart of or supported the invasion. Troops came into France and then there was an amphibious landing too. The major amphibious landing came about in 6:30 am. The Allies use decoy operations in other parts of France in order to distract Hitler from the real invasion at Normandy. Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces was General Dwight Eisenhower while overall command of ground forces (21st Army Group) was given to General Bernard Montgomery of the United Kingdom. The operation, planned by a team under Lieutenant-General Frederick Morgan, was the largest amphibious invasion in world history and was executed by land, sea, and air elements under direct British command. There were several beaches like Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, etc. that the Allied forces landed in order to attack the Axis. Days later, the Soviets fought in the Finnish front. The Nazis become desperate, so they liquidate the town of Ordaour-su-Glane in France and they attack Britain with their first V-1 rocket attack in June 13, 1944. Then Russia continues to execute their Summer offensive called Operation Bargration. America liberates Cherbourg, France by the end of June. The Soviets get Minsk. British and Canadian troops capture Caen, France. Even German Army officers tried to assassinate Hitler, but it failed in July 20, 1944. The summer of 1944 caused more interesting development in World War Two. The Soviets continue to liberate human beings in Brest-Litovsk, and the concentration camp at Majdanek. The Warsaw rebellion occurred in Poland at August 1, 1944. This was when Jewish people and others used weapons to resist Nazi occupation. They were defeated, but they fought for their own liberation. Americans reach Avranches and Germans start a massive counter attack toward the same location. Anne Frank and his family were arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam, Holland by August 4, 1944. Paris starts another rebellion by the resistance and the liberation of Paris comes finally by August 25, 1944. The Soviets take Bucharest and the Allies liberate Brussels, Antwerp, Verdun, Dieppe, Artois, Rouen, and Abbeville. U.S. troops begin to reach the Siegfried line in Western Geramny. When the Allies liberate Athens, Rommel commits suicide. The Nazis surrender in Aachen, Germany and the last use of the gas chambers came about at Auschwitz in October 30, 1944. The Waffen SS murder 81 U.S. POWs at Malmedy in December 17, 1944. From December 16-27. There was the Battle of the Bulge at Ardennes. Americans with other nations led the battle. General George S. Patton was involved heavily in the actions. The battle was the largest and bloodiest battle that the U.S. forces fought during WWII. The battle was never in doubt, but the Germans held a strong resistance in the town of Bastogne. Patton's reinforcements and air attacks ended the German offensive. The Nazis tried to promote more advanced weapons like jet aircraft, new U-boats, and super heavy tanks, but they were defeated. The total Battle of the Bulge lasted from December 16, 1944 to January 25, 1945. It was a vcitory for America, but the Battle of the Bulge was one of the final major German last stands against the Allied forces militarily. General George S. Patton deserves a lot of credit for defeating the Nazis during the Battle of the Bulge.

1945 was year that signalled the end of World War II. By January 1-17, 1945, the Germans withdrew from the Ardennes. The U.S. 1st and 3rd Armies link up after a month long separation during the Battle of the Budge during January 16, 1945. The Soviets continues to capture previously Nazi territory. The Soviet troops captured Warsaw, Poland on January 17, 1945. Soviet troops even liberate Auschwitz by January 26, 1945. Later, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin meet at Yalta. The Yalta meeting occurs from February 4-11, 1945. The Yalta Conference was held in the Livadia Palace near Yalta (in the Crimea). There were many other people present in the Yalta Conference. Their names include Field Marshall Sir Alan Brooke, Fleet Admiral Ernest King, Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, General of the Army George Marshall, Major General Laurence S. Kuter, General Aleksei Antonov, Vice Admiral Stephan Kucherov, and Admiral of the Fleet Nikolay Kuznetsov. The conference wanted to deal with how to deal with post-war Europe politically and economically. Yalta was controversial in that some people felt that the Yalta conference was too accommodating to the Soviet Union. Churchill believed that Stalin was a devil-like tyrant promoting a vile system. Later on, Winston Churchill will describe the Soviet Union as of course casting an Iron Curtain across the eastern section of Europe after WWII. Roosevelt felt that Stalin could be worked with in order for the world to embrace democracy and peace. Roosevelt wanted Stalin to join in the United Nations. Yet, Roosevelt wanted the Soviets to support American Pacific involvement in its war against Japan. Churchill wanted free elections and democratic governments in Eastern and Central Europe (like Poland). Stalin wanted a Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern and Central Europe (so the Soviet Union can increase its national security agenda). The Yalta Conference wanted the Nazis to unconditionally surrender and divide Germany plus Berlin up into four occupied zones. America and Britain would make France an occupation zone. The question of Poland will be discussed. The USSR will be in the United Nations. Stalin agreed to fight the Empire of Japan within 90 days after the defeat of the defeat of Germany. Dresden was destroyed by a firestorm after the Allied bombing raids. Dresden being bombed was a war crime, because innocent men, women, and children were basically exterminated as a result of the bombings. This happened in February 13-14, 1945. The last German offensive of the war begins to defend oil fields in Hungary by March of 1945. The Allies move on into Europe to take Cologne and form a bridge across the Rhine at Remagen. By the end of March the Soviet troops capture Danzig. April of 1945 caused tons of developments during WWII. In the Spring of 1945, Prescott Bush formed a National War Fund. This was after he and others were caught practipating in controverisal banking policies. Prescott Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation, an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen.  In July 1942 the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders. A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations, but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II. Now, the National War Bank included some of the most powerful Western bankers in the world at that time (like National City Bank Chairman Gordon Rentschler, National City Bank banker William G. Brady Jr., Brown Brothers Harriman partner Roland Harriman, Chase National Bank Chairman Winthrop Aldrich, John D. Rockefeller Jr.).


Hiroshima is the one of the most controversial events in WWII. It's probably the most controversial act of the U.S. military in human history. Today, we see a glorification of militarism and even a justification of the sick war crime called Hiroshima. 67 years have came after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Millions of Americans believe in the fairy tale that the bombing had to occur. There has been no questioning of the event massively among the collective consciousness of Americans. In our time, independent researchers found imperfections in the narrative of the bombing which were told by the victors. Many false information about the issue was orchestrated by militarists like General Douglas MacArthur. He imposed a censorship of the events at Ground Zero. The General even confiscated and destroyed all unpleasant photographic evidence that exposed the horrors of the atomic bombings. Even as late as 1995, reactionaries hated when the Smithsonian Institute promoted a fair explanation of the atrocities of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. New historians feel that the war could of have ended as early as the Spring of 1945 without the August atomic bombings. A three month bloody battle of Okinawa could of been avoided as well (when thousands of American Marines, Japanese, and other Okinawan civilian casualties existed). The Japanese wanted an armistice, which could of ended the war, atomic weapons usage, or an American land invasion. There are the top secret intelligence data, declassified documents that were shown in the 1980's. It showed contingency plans for a 2 stage U.S. invasion of the mainland (which could come in November 1, 1945 and the Spring of 1946) in spite of the fact that bombings would be unnecessary. Japan was working on peace negotiations through its Moscow ambassador as early as April of 1945 when the battle of Okinawa was just starting. Harry Hopkins, President Truman's close advisor, was aware of Japan's desire for an armistice. He cabled the president from Moscow, saying: "Japan is doomed and the Japanese know it. Peace feelers are being put out by certain elements in Japan." By this time, the U.S. knew all of the Japanese code. On July 13, 1945, Foreign Minister Togo said: "Unconditional surrender (giving up all sovereignty, thereby deposing Hirohito, the Emperor god) is the only obstacle to peace." Yet, Truman wanted an unconditional surrender. He didn't want a diplomatic cease fire, a negotiated peace settlement (and allow Hirohito to be just a figurehead in Japan). The 1943 Casablanca Conference between Roosevelt and Churchill promoted this unconditional surrender for Japan (including the Potsdam Conference from July 1945 between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin). Even General Douglas MacArthur didn't want an unconditional surrender. He wanted a peaceful end to the war, which could stop Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be bombed. William Manchester, in his biography of MacArthur, American Caesar, wrote: "Had the General's advice been followed, the resort to atomic weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki might have been unnecessary." Even Secretary of War Henry Stimson, said: "...the true question was not whether surrender could have been achieved without the use of the bomb but whether a different diplomatic and military course would have led to an earlier surrender. A large segment of the Japanese cabinet was ready in the spring of 1945 to accept substantially the same terms as those finally agreed on." In other words, Stimson felt that the US prolonged the war, including the battle for Okinawa, and could have made using the bombs unnecessary if it had engaged in honest negotiations. Admiral William Leahy is the top military aide to President Truman. He admitted in his war memoirs "I Was There" that the Japanese were on the verge of defeat. He further mentioned that they were ready to surrender with an effective allied sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional weapons. General Dwight D. Eisenhower visited President Truman weeks before the bombings and told him not to do it. Eisenhower said: "It wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing . . . to use the atomic bomb, to kill and terrorize civilians, without even attempting [negotiations], was a double crime." After the bombing, the world changed. Almost 200,000 died in the immediate aftermath of both bombs dropped in Japan. Even in August 9 died in the 75,000 victims died in the fireball at Nagasaki. The lesson is that we should promote humanity and peace. Real patriotism isn't about a lust for war, but a love for reconciliation.

Washington's Blog did an excellent job in exposing how the attack on Hiroshima was unnecessary and evil. Military experts, scientists, and other experts back then even expressed reservations about dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order for WWII to end. Back in 1946, there was the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey group (which was assigned by President Truman) told the public that Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped. This surrender could have occurred before December 31, 1945 according to the July 1946 report. People already know that Dwight D. Eisenhower (who was the Supreme Commander of all Allied Forces. He handle a lot of the American military policies that dealt with the European theater of WWII) disagreed with atomic weapons being bombed in Japanese soil. Dwight said these words on November 11, 1963. The Japanese were about to surrender. Now, the attacks targeted mostly civilian locations not major military installations. Also, the loss of life and the generational genetic harm to the Japanese human beings was abhorrent. U.S. Admiral William Leahy said that the bombing of massive women and children was unethical and a throwback to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. General Douglas MacArthur disagreed with the atomic bombing. The reason was that there was no military justification for it and the Japanese was willing to surrender (as long as the Emperor would remain, which later occurred after the 2 bombings came about). To his credit, MacArthur was appalled by the Potsdam declaration in July of wanting Japan to surrender unconditionally or suffer utter destruction. The nuclear weapons were used in civilian populations and Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy Lewis Strauss proposed to Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal for a non-lethal demonstration of atomic weapons (in forest). This proposal was wrong, but still better than the events itself. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission historian J. Samuel Walker has studied the history of research on the decision to use nuclear weapons on Japan. In his conclusion he writes, "The consensus among scholars is that the bomb was not needed to avoid an invasion of Japan and to end the war within a relatively short time. It is clear that alternatives to the bomb existed and that Truman and his advisors knew it." President Truman allowed the bomb to be dropped, because he wanted to show the power of the U.S. against Soviet influence. The bomb droppings were the beginning of the Cold War since Truman accepted Churchill's premise that the Soviets wanted to dominate the world under the flag of Communism. So, we know the truth in 2012. The truth is that WWII began and ended under controversial activities. It was a war that was filled with controversy.

The Nuremberg Trials occurred after World War II. It was made up of numerous military tribunals. They were led by Allied forces of WWII. Many prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany was prosecuted. It was held from 1945-1946 at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg (Bavaria), Germany. The Yalta Conference early in 1943 desired for the Allied forces to dispense justice toward war criminals. There were 8 major judges from the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, America, and France (with people like Professor Henri Donnedieu de Vabres and the alternate judge Robert Falco). There was the famous 32nd Degree Freemason Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson as one of the chief prosecutors in the Nuremberg trials. The majority of the defense attorneys were from Germany. On November 21, 1945, Robert Jackson gave an important introduction speech for the prosecution that moved people. Robert Jackson admitted that he jumped at the opportunity to be part of the Nuremberg trials as a means to get at the Nazis who murdered Freemasons. He admitted to this agenda in the August 1949 interview from the Scottish Rite New Age Magazine. Other groups of people from the Jewish people to the Slavic ethnic groups suffered more persecutions and genocides than the Freemasons during World War II. The reality is that Freemasons shouldn't be exterminated via genocide for their views, but people have the right to peacefully disagree with their secretive doctrines completely. I disagree with Freemasonry on social, political, and religious grounds. Ironically, Freemason Hjalmar Schacht (or the economic banker and financial minister of the Nazis) was not prosecuted by the Nuremberg Trials at all. Schacht financed Hitler's rise to power and he was involved in the BIS or the Bank for International Settlements. The BIS also financed Hitler's war of aggression. Americans and the Russians wanted Schacht to be brought up on charges greatly, but the British refused to do so. Goering and Himmler committed suicide as a means to prevent them from receiving justice in this world. They received justice in the other world. Artur von Seyess-Inquart, Alfred Rosenberg, Joachin von Ribbentrop, and Wilhelm Frick were hanged. Bernard Key Fay and Rudolph Hess was sentenced for life imprisonment. Many of the Nazis were working with the Western intelligence establishment as a means to promote the contrived Cold War. Gehlen became a known ally of the CIA. The Nuremberg Trials became a model for future international criminal courts in the 20th and 21st centuries. The trials weren't without controversy like many events of WWII. Some criticized say that the trials had people lacking the right to appeal or adequate legal representation. Many Nazis were legitimately found guilty for their crimes during WWII. Yet, the Bolsheviks were yet to be condemned for their mass murder of millions of Russian human beings. The good news with the Nuremberg Trials is that they did allowed some real war criminals to experience justice for their wicked deeds. The Holocaust and imperialism by the Axis Powers were abhorent and unjustified, so a lot of these Axis Power criminals were made accountable for their terroristic deeds.

*A little before the end of WWII and after WWII, the following agencies and organizations defined the post-modern world in numerous ways: the United Nations (being created in 1945), the World Bank (being created in 1944),  the International Monetary Fund (it was created in 1944), NATO (it was established in 1949), the Pentagon, and the CIA (it was of course formed in 1947. Its headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia).

By Timothy

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