Eugenics Part 3....
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Eugenics didn't die when World War Two ended. The Nazis unfortunately acted like extremists and performed demented eugenics against untold millions of innocent human beings. The same ideological framework of eugenics exists today. Yet, the promotion of such anti-human population rhetoric is masked under slick euphemisms like "population control","substantibility", and "health care choice." Since the end of WWII, population control extremists with their anti-human ideology (as opposed to genuine family planning) have been angry at the growth of the population of color in the world. I call this great development a blessing of the Lord since children are blessings from the Lord. This is even a more reason for some of these elitists to advance the sick dream of wanting millions of human beings to not exist in the world. They want some Utopian where only select group of human beings would exist in the globe. Don't take my word for it. There are tons of quotations, documents, speeches, meetings, etc. that show many anti-population activists calling for the radical depopulation of the Earth's human population (including those who live in the Third World).
Eugenics is one of the biggest evils in the world today. One of the biggest lies of the establishment and even some in the mainstream media is that somehow our population growth is out of control and massive depopulation is what we need to handle environmental issues. Humans are not perfect, but humans can make a difference in improving the conditions in the Earth. We have a little more than 7 billion human beings in the world and our percent of growth per decade has decreased over the years. We should deal with the environment in a just fashion, but the reality is that U.S. carbon emissions are at a 20 year low. The establishment is wrong to embrace their population hysteria, because birth rates are dropping worldwide. The Western European countries of Germany, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, and Sweden have total fertility rates below the replacement rate. Denmark saw 4,400 fewer children born in 2011 than in 2010 with projections in 2012 on track for the nation having its lowest birth rate on record since 1998. Canada's birth rate fell to 10.5 percent per 1,000 people in 2002. That is the lowest rate it had been since 1921. New figures in 2011 have Canada's birth rate fall even further into 10.28. Australia's birth rate has fallen over two decades. That is why that nation wants to assist families and encourage growth. China even has its birth rates going down. It went from 16.12 per 1,000 people in 2000 to 12.31 in 2012. Mexico's population explosion is now a myth similar to China's; in 2010, The Economist declared the country's birth rate to be in "free fall." Russia's 2012 birth rate was lower at 10.94 per 1,000 people than its death rate at 16.03 per 1,000 people. Russia has the second highest death rate of any country in the world. In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared South Korea to have the world's lowest birth rate for the second year in a row; North Korea's birth rates were also in steep decline, from 20.43 per 1,000 people in 2000 to 14.51 per 1,000 people in 2012.Japan's government is now estimating that if birth rates in the country continue to decline on the same trend as seen in the past few decades, the nation's population will shrink 30 percent by 2060. Morocco, Syria, and Saudi Arabia's fertility rates have all declined nearly 60 percent overall. Singapore's birth rates dropped so low in 2012 (1.2 per 1,000 people), the nation's Prime Minister's office released a paper to combat the "serious" issue entitled, "Our Population Our Future." India and Poland are having a less birth rate as well. The good news is that the highest birth rates in 2012 are in the African nations of Niger and Uganda. That is positive, because we want to see more life in the world. Overall, human population growth is leveling off not massively increasing according to a population growth study conducted by University of Minnesota's Ecology Professor Clarence Lehman. There are rising disease rates in the world too. Childhood leukemia, brain cancers, and the autoimmune disorder Celiac disease are growing in the world according to the WHO. The WHO even mentioned that Alzheimer's and other debilitating dementias affect 24.3 million human beings and these ills are rising in developing countries. Type 1 diabetes has increased in the American youth according to the American Diabetes Association in the realm of 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Environmental threats are not just in the air or in the water. They exist in dangerous vaccine with formaldehyde. There are GMOs or genetically modified organisms that can cause infertility, liver disease, tumors and death in animals and humans. Big Agra companies even gave us DDT and Agent Orange. Geoengineering have been proven to harm the air as well including artificial fluoride is harmful to folks as well. The water in Nazi concentration camps even used fluoride as a means to make the victims of the concentration camps docile. Fluoride has been tied to kidney damage, arthritis, thyroid disease, pineal gland calcification, endocrine disruption, infertility, bone cancer, cardiovascular disease, joint damage, gastrointestinal issues, and lowered IQ. Artificial fluoride is a chemical byproduct of aluminum and phosphate fertilizer manufacturing. Some prescription drugs have killed folks as well even more than some illegal drugs. The Population Research Institute or the PRI document how massive overpopulation is a myth when we have record low birth rates in various nations of the world.
Al Gore, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and others are wrong to assume that population growth in the world is increasing in some unstable fashion. At least 50 African children were paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates backed meningitis vaccine. Bill and Melinda Gates have worked in a crusade for years as a means to try to vaccinate every single child in the world. They wanted Africa to be their geopolitical targets. Many places in Africa (not all places in the Motherland) have poor sanitations and a lack of clean water. This caused diseases like meningitis and malaria to run rampant in some areas. They can easily address these needs, but some of the multibillionaires including their allies have thrust vaccines on indigenous populations alone as the solution. This has resulted in a wave of paralysis among Africa's younger populations. There has been the investigative journalist Christina England at the who reported about the small village of Guoro in northern Chad. This village has recently fell victim to corrupt vaccines. 50 of the area's youth in that area developed paralysis following vaccination with MenAfriVac or a new meningitis vaccine, which was developed specifically for Africa. This vaccine was touted as a preventive cure for meningitis. MenAfriVac reportedly caused each of the children. Some of the children as young as seven have suffered hallucinations, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis. The horrific side effects of MenAfriVac began to transpire within 24 hours of its administration according to a cousin of two of the vaccine injured children. Many of the children affected by it immediately began to experience headaches and vomiting. This later progressed into uncontrollable convulsions while bent over with saliva coming from their mouths. Later, when parents and local authorities tried to call on higher up government officials to take action and help the affected children, their petitions for relief were all but ignored. The government of Chad tried to bribe parents into silence. This same cousin, who is referred to by England as "Mr. M.," added that when Chad's Minister of Health and Minister of Social Security finally showed up to Gouro nearly a week after the series of paralyzations first took place, they decided to evacuate the 50 paralyzed children to a hospital more than 300 miles away, as there is only one available doctor in the entire region of Gouro. The government refused to halt distribution of the vaccine until an investigation occurred. They tried to bribe parents and cover up the dangers of ManAfriVac occurring to Mr. M. "[T]he government and the media have gone silent about the tragedy, while there are still facts requiring clarification," stated Mr. M. in an email to England about the incident. At this point in time, virtually no media has picked up on this important story. "All this disturbs us and makes us fear the worst effects for the future. [I]t is very sad that (the) entire city is paralyzed." The Gates Foundation and the WHO lie about the safety of MenAfriVac. Even the MVP or the Meningitis Vaccine Project lied about safety of the vaccine by repeatedly claiming that the vaccine can be transported without refrigeration. The vaccine's package insert clearly states that it must be stored refrigerated and protected from light. I believe in voluntary usage of vaccinations, but not the usage of massively corrupt vaccines though. "Why have major organizations spent $571 million on a vaccination project, when wells to provide access to clean drinking water have been constructed for less than $3,000 by the International Committee of the Red Cross?" asks England in a series of important questions regarding this disastrous situation. "Why has this vaccination program not been suspended, (and) what are these organizations going to do about the atrocity that has happened in Gouro?" The answer is obvious. The reason is that some of the elite are obsessed with vaccine and corporate profit instead of promoting radical, revolutionary, progressive, and immediate solutions to assist those suffering in the world. ....
Eugenics is one of the biggest threats in the world. The authoritarians who believe in eugenics want individual rights to be submerged under the interests of the corporate elite. The eugenicists regularly view humans not as valuable beings created in the image of God. They view humans as a human resource to be planned and manipulated inside of complete domination. Some of them outright have a hatred of humanity. The people not corporations have the right to own their own health care, employment, housing, food, and reproduction. UNESCO's Science and Ethics Commission, researcher Gwen Terrenoire elaborates on the practice and philosophy of eugenics in France before 1945. The top eugenicist and pioneer researcher at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research was Alex Carrel. According to Terrenoire's research: "....Carrel expresses more clearly than other eugenicists the dream of a State governed by eugenics, what Muchielli calls a biocratic utopia, where public policy is inspired by the scientific elite, with medicine prevailing over all other disciplines. He believed that his scientific approach would enable social and moral problems to be solved, and with this aim he recommended not only measures relating to hygiene and the protection of childhood but also the elimination, occasionally directly by euthanasia, more often indirectly by the sterilization of thousands of individuals judged to be dangerous for the future of the human race and an obstacle to the success of so-called biologically superior people." The evil of eugenics believes that there are superior and inferior beings of humans and even extermination of certain types of human beings is necessary in the world. This is a lie of course since all human beings are created equal of course. The eugenicists of old wanted incremental policies as a means to get their Utopia realized. There is a booklet from 1913 called "Ancient Eugenics" from the late scholar Allen G. Roper. He advanced the information that some eugenicists want to use the incremental goal as a means to get eugenics. Roper opposed adamantly eugenics. Roper exposed eugenics as similar to killing off the sick and even babies thousands of years ago. Infanticide was common in numerous ancient cultures. The Spartans did a form of eugenics thousands of years ago. This was before the Nazis or the philosophies of Galton. Even biocrat Plato wanted a state to have 8,000 human beings. The George Guidestones wanted only 500 million human beings to exist in the globe as making perpetual balance with Nature. There are new developments in the 21st century eugenics movement. Recently, Oxford philosophy professor Julian Savulescu moved his campaign for "moral enhancement" out of the ivory tower and into the mainstream. This month Reader's Digest is carrying his article, "It's Our Duty to Have Designer Babies," in which he promotes the idea that "people have a moral obligation to select ethically better children." By select he means to screen embryos genetically to determine which will have superior moral traits. This is similar to the eugenics movements in the early 20th century that wanted to use law to have artificial selection of humans and forbade certain human beings from reproducing in the USA if they had a physical or mental ailment. Savulescu is wrong to assume that we know that most psychological characteristics are significantly determined by certain genes. This claim has not been scientifically proven. Even if some behaviors are biological, they are influenced by many genes. The idea that we can produce more moral humans by choosing this particular gene and eliminating another is simplistic and does not do justice to the real science of genetics. The scientific dictatorship concept is about elite trying to dominate the whole actions of the human race and the human mind as a means to bash human initiative under the guise of Nature veneration. In reality, this extremism of eugenics is not for Nature. It is for control, albeit unjust control over humanity. ....
Al Gore, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and others are wrong to assume that population growth in the world is increasing in some unstable fashion. At least 50 African children were paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates backed meningitis vaccine. Bill and Melinda Gates have worked in a crusade for years as a means to try to vaccinate every single child in the world. They wanted Africa to be their geopolitical targets. Many places in Africa (not all places in the Motherland) have poor sanitations and a lack of clean water. This caused diseases like meningitis and malaria to run rampant in some areas. They can easily address these needs, but some of the multibillionaires including their allies have thrust vaccines on indigenous populations alone as the solution. This has resulted in a wave of paralysis among Africa's younger populations. There has been the investigative journalist Christina England at the who reported about the small village of Guoro in northern Chad. This village has recently fell victim to corrupt vaccines. 50 of the area's youth in that area developed paralysis following vaccination with MenAfriVac or a new meningitis vaccine, which was developed specifically for Africa. This vaccine was touted as a preventive cure for meningitis. MenAfriVac reportedly caused each of the children. Some of the children as young as seven have suffered hallucinations, convulsions, and ultimately paralysis. The horrific side effects of MenAfriVac began to transpire within 24 hours of its administration according to a cousin of two of the vaccine injured children. Many of the children affected by it immediately began to experience headaches and vomiting. This later progressed into uncontrollable convulsions while bent over with saliva coming from their mouths. Later, when parents and local authorities tried to call on higher up government officials to take action and help the affected children, their petitions for relief were all but ignored. The government of Chad tried to bribe parents into silence. This same cousin, who is referred to by England as "Mr. M.," added that when Chad's Minister of Health and Minister of Social Security finally showed up to Gouro nearly a week after the series of paralyzations first took place, they decided to evacuate the 50 paralyzed children to a hospital more than 300 miles away, as there is only one available doctor in the entire region of Gouro. The government refused to halt distribution of the vaccine until an investigation occurred. They tried to bribe parents and cover up the dangers of ManAfriVac occurring to Mr. M. "[T]he government and the media have gone silent about the tragedy, while there are still facts requiring clarification," stated Mr. M. in an email to England about the incident. At this point in time, virtually no media has picked up on this important story. "All this disturbs us and makes us fear the worst effects for the future. [I]t is very sad that (the) entire city is paralyzed." The Gates Foundation and the WHO lie about the safety of MenAfriVac. Even the MVP or the Meningitis Vaccine Project lied about safety of the vaccine by repeatedly claiming that the vaccine can be transported without refrigeration. The vaccine's package insert clearly states that it must be stored refrigerated and protected from light. I believe in voluntary usage of vaccinations, but not the usage of massively corrupt vaccines though. "Why have major organizations spent $571 million on a vaccination project, when wells to provide access to clean drinking water have been constructed for less than $3,000 by the International Committee of the Red Cross?" asks England in a series of important questions regarding this disastrous situation. "Why has this vaccination program not been suspended, (and) what are these organizations going to do about the atrocity that has happened in Gouro?" The answer is obvious. The reason is that some of the elite are obsessed with vaccine and corporate profit instead of promoting radical, revolutionary, progressive, and immediate solutions to assist those suffering in the world. ....
Eugenics is one of the biggest threats in the world. The authoritarians who believe in eugenics want individual rights to be submerged under the interests of the corporate elite. The eugenicists regularly view humans not as valuable beings created in the image of God. They view humans as a human resource to be planned and manipulated inside of complete domination. Some of them outright have a hatred of humanity. The people not corporations have the right to own their own health care, employment, housing, food, and reproduction. UNESCO's Science and Ethics Commission, researcher Gwen Terrenoire elaborates on the practice and philosophy of eugenics in France before 1945. The top eugenicist and pioneer researcher at the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research was Alex Carrel. According to Terrenoire's research: "....Carrel expresses more clearly than other eugenicists the dream of a State governed by eugenics, what Muchielli calls a biocratic utopia, where public policy is inspired by the scientific elite, with medicine prevailing over all other disciplines. He believed that his scientific approach would enable social and moral problems to be solved, and with this aim he recommended not only measures relating to hygiene and the protection of childhood but also the elimination, occasionally directly by euthanasia, more often indirectly by the sterilization of thousands of individuals judged to be dangerous for the future of the human race and an obstacle to the success of so-called biologically superior people." The evil of eugenics believes that there are superior and inferior beings of humans and even extermination of certain types of human beings is necessary in the world. This is a lie of course since all human beings are created equal of course. The eugenicists of old wanted incremental policies as a means to get their Utopia realized. There is a booklet from 1913 called "Ancient Eugenics" from the late scholar Allen G. Roper. He advanced the information that some eugenicists want to use the incremental goal as a means to get eugenics. Roper opposed adamantly eugenics. Roper exposed eugenics as similar to killing off the sick and even babies thousands of years ago. Infanticide was common in numerous ancient cultures. The Spartans did a form of eugenics thousands of years ago. This was before the Nazis or the philosophies of Galton. Even biocrat Plato wanted a state to have 8,000 human beings. The George Guidestones wanted only 500 million human beings to exist in the globe as making perpetual balance with Nature. There are new developments in the 21st century eugenics movement. Recently, Oxford philosophy professor Julian Savulescu moved his campaign for "moral enhancement" out of the ivory tower and into the mainstream. This month Reader's Digest is carrying his article, "It's Our Duty to Have Designer Babies," in which he promotes the idea that "people have a moral obligation to select ethically better children." By select he means to screen embryos genetically to determine which will have superior moral traits. This is similar to the eugenics movements in the early 20th century that wanted to use law to have artificial selection of humans and forbade certain human beings from reproducing in the USA if they had a physical or mental ailment. Savulescu is wrong to assume that we know that most psychological characteristics are significantly determined by certain genes. This claim has not been scientifically proven. Even if some behaviors are biological, they are influenced by many genes. The idea that we can produce more moral humans by choosing this particular gene and eliminating another is simplistic and does not do justice to the real science of genetics. The scientific dictatorship concept is about elite trying to dominate the whole actions of the human race and the human mind as a means to bash human initiative under the guise of Nature veneration. In reality, this extremism of eugenics is not for Nature. It is for control, albeit unjust control over humanity. ....
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