
Monday, February 04, 2013

Winter in 2013

Winter in 2013

It is a new era and time. We are near 2020 and we are near even 2050 ever so slightly. There are old issues and new ones that continue to confront us in the human race. As you become older, you get to witness the diversity and beauty of diverse culture in the globe. Now, we ought to have activism in the Earth, because simply the Earth will never acuminate of perfection in this dispensation. We live after the final Inauguration of President Barack Obama in 2013. The changing of the demographics in America is reflected by the Inauguration celebration that recently came about. We see all of the pomp and circumstance, but this time is a realization of some facts. The facts that in life, we ought to place time for humor and fun while at the same time we ought not to omit the serious need to build up the human race. The human race is special in the eyes of God and to all of us. It doesn't matter what a person's physical appearance or socioeconomic status is. Anybody can make great accomplishments and excellent duties in their lives. Compassion not only strength is an important, vital activity for us to embrace. It took compassion to assist the victims of Hurricane Sandy and to inspire the suffering to carry forward with their education in the streets of America. It certainly takes compassion to advocate true love for the human race indeed. As the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, we have to keep moving. Moving forward means that we have to show respect to human beings and give true liberty to those that lack true freedoms. It means that immigrants ought to have be given the same treatment as we would want in our daily lives. Normalcy has nothing to do with suppressing individual diversity. It has to do with all us embracing diversity in a progressive, honorable fashion.

How Long, not long, because prejudice is never an eternal phenomenon. The reason is that bigotry is always refuted by the reality of love and human equality. The truth is that you shall reap what you sow. In our generation, we have to analyze ourselves ad reexamine our principles. Yet, our core principles of liberty, genuine cooperation, dignity for the human race, equality, and justice are to be the common fixtures eternally etched in our social consciousness. Regardless of setbacks in life of the human rights movement, we must press on. In spite of the obstacles or the travail in the long journey of life, we ought to carry on. For it is in these pressing moments, momentous, positive changes can flourish. The unjust deaths of the old martyrs inspired John Tyndale to advance religious freedom (which is one key concept of real Virginians and the whole the human race). It was the slave rebellions of the Western Hemisphere that inspired the abolitionists including real brothers & real sisters to end the Maafa including the slave trade. It took the actions of an oratorically excellent preacher from Atlanta, Georgia to express his authentic, majestic dream for humanity. The words of Marcus Garvey inspired the brother Malcolm X to speak of cultural connection among black human beings even after his visit to Mecca. Therefore, it certainly takes our efforts as a means to provoke meaningful success among the breadth of human civilization. We need love as motivation to do what is right too. We do not want to do what is right for all of the wrong reasons. We should have a soulful, legitimate justification of our activism. The growth of the middle class means nothing if something occurs. If the poor, if the homeless, and if the outcasts lack their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then the growth of the middle class is moot. It is immoral for a few hands to control the majority of the wealth of the Earth. We must learn about real power and real power is not loving the super-rich having covetousness. Real power is a fair distribution of wealth and power to all human beings of the world. That is power. It is the total crushing of the lie of white supremacy. It is the affirmation of our beauty in cultural diversity when we will be judged on the content of our character. We must be born again in following the truth.
Just because the government has superior weapons capabilities doesn't mean that people have no God given right to oppose government corruption. All people have the God given right to disagree with unjust laws and disagree with corporate corruption and government corruption too. I will never be punked by any nation by any name. I respect God and I worship God not a country. I respect nationalism, but I will not be intimidated by any country including the USA.

President Barack Obama: The Second Term

Times have changed indeed. In a span of four years, we witness some of the legacy found within the Presidency of President Barack Obama. He is a gifted intellectual and an eloquent orator. He worked in communities across America. Yet, the President is filled with great controversy. Some disagree with him for legitimate reasons and others disagree with him for illegitimate (and sometimes even bigoted) purposes. The President deals with a litany of vitality important issues ranging from the economy, immigration, health care, other domestic matters, and foreign policy matters. The President of the United States of America has executed legitimate policy decisions and he subsequently made apparent errors as well. His total legacy has yet to be written, but one thing we know for sure. We know for sure that he is a historic Presidential figure as the first black African-American President in American history. President Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother was from Kansas and his father was a Kenyan college professor from the University of Hawaii. President Barack Obama experienced a lot of trials and tribulations. He was educated in numerous places and he was on the Harvard Law School review board. His colleagues from Harvard viewed Barack Obama as a man that knew about to bridge the gap of perspectives among liberals & conservatives.

The truth always explodes like mental awakenings. The President tried to compromise with the reactionaries and they still tried to ruin his Presidency. This policy of attempting to placate extremists didn't work when Abraham Lincoln tried to compromise once with the slaveholding tyrants of the Confederacy in the name of national unity. That didn't work since the evil Confederacy wanted to permanently advance slavery and inequality in their territories. It took a Civil War to preserve the Union and to end the monstrous system of overt human slavery. That is why the nation of the USA had to do defeat the tyrannical Confederacy in order for the Union to be preserved. Compromising didn't work with Franklin D. Roosevelt either. FDR ended the Great Depression with the more interventionist New Deal plan. The Republicans and the reactionary Dixiecrats opposed him even when the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to extend certain economic and human rights to the poor and the working class in America. When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt came along, he tried at first to have compromise with the extreme Dixiecrats. FDR even made an error by agreeing with the Dixiecrat's support of creating internment camps against innocent Japanese American citizens. They or the Dixiecrats still opposed him at every step and hated FDR's progressive economic agenda. That is why FDR ended the Great Depression via strong governmental programs. He tried further to extend real economic rights to working people and the poor via a Second Bill of Rights. We as Americans and as human beings in general didn't compromise when the Civil Rights Movement grew into new heights during the 1950's and the 1960's. During the 1950's and the 1960's, Presidents and civil rights activists caused civil rights legislation to be a reality in the USA. There were hypocrites that opposed civil rights like the Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond. Many reactionary Republicans and Dixiecrats opposed the agenda of civil rights and other real parts of the social contract. This is the trait of a reactionary in disagreeing with human rights. Even the great reactionary Ronald Reagan back in the 1960's made the silly notion that Medicare would be a first step toward Stalinist America.

When the current President Barack Obama made the legitimate, reasonable measure of proposing a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures, it was undermined by both Republicans and Democrats undermined his proposal. The big picture is that real, progressive transformations will comesby relentless efforts without token compromise. We know that many Republicans are hypocrites since they claim to disagree with the stimulus, but they accept stimulus money in their own districts. I agree with the stimulus plan when it is used to assist our domestic infrastructure or when it is used to assist our fellow human beings wisely. That money has sent relief to some of the unemployed. Money to assist the common people not oligarchs to do what they want is fine with me. That is why when you have a centrist pragmatic approach, you have a centrist, very slow economic recovery. Radical economic policy can lead into radical economic improvement. So, in these days, legitimate critiques of the President are necessary, but also we ought to talk solutions as well. A person can balk all day long, but if that person lacks solutions, then that human being is balking up the wrong tree. I am older, so I do now realize that a person should offer to the public solutions not just criticisms against the current political order.

President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama applaud the crowd at the Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

The new second term of President Barack Obama is an interesting era of human history. It is a new era of America indeed in 2013. He sent the olive branch to the reactionaries of the Republican Party and they balled the olive branch up. This is typical of them since they view any federal government intervention as equivalent to socialism, which is silliness. History is a great teacher. What we see is that compromise or token measure never works as a means to need radical crises or injurious situations. Even Friedman was wrong to support the dictator Pinochet in Chile and Suharto in Indonesia. This came about not via compromise, but by dedicated efforts of protests, opposition to oppression, and perseverance.

The current President Barack Obama is an intellectual genius and has great political IQ. It is just for him to call for a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures as a means to stem our economic crisis. A real single payer health care must be instituted to include all those who lack sufficient, affordable health care for even the Affordable Care Act is not perfect (yet, it has some legitimate parts in it). Any reasonable human being wants change that we can believe in. Some of the changes in America over the years have been good and others have been very immoral. Pragmatic centrism will not defeat the excesses of corporate power. We must restore our beleaguered civil liberties. We have the right to establish single payer national health care. Real unions ought to have their collective bargaining position strengthened. An end to American militarism and imperialism ought to exist. Therefore, the United States of America can further work with other nations constructively and reasonably. The big lobbies should have no control over all of the political power in the world. The people ought to have the power to control the government and create solutions not corporate interests. "Dreams from My Father" is President Barack Obama's book that outlined his views and aspirations. His total legacy is unknown at this moment. We may never know about his true legacy until decades after 2017. What we do know is that the President has a chance to make a real progressive impact in the world stage or have the centrist status quo. The choice is up to the brother indeed. We all respect the White House's family and I respect the truth too. Now, first I will show what the President got correct in his Presidency so far. Then, next I will present some of his errors. Finally, I will include other miscellaneous facts.

The brother President Barack Obama has gotten many policies correct in the world. Far too often, reactionaries lecture us on individual rights, which I have no issue with. Yet, they readily ignore collective power in the lives of all humans. Now, the President is correct to sign the Claims Resolution Act. This law provided $4.6 billion in funding for a legal settlement with Black American farmers and Native Americans farmers who the government cheated out of their loans and natural resource royality in years past. I agree with him on signing the Fair Sentencing Act, which fights against unjust prison sentencing against those with possessing certain drugs. He expanded Pell Grant Spending, which I have no issue with at all. The legitimate portions of the Affordable Care Act like refusing discrimination against folks with a preexisting condition are things that I have no problem with at all. The President sent billions of dollars in federal grant to help HBCUs or Historically Black Colleges and Universities. He tasked all federal agencies to develop new strategies to address HIV/AIDS. He extened unemployment benefits for millions of workers among numerous years. The President of the United States signed the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act that deal with airplane safety. He also allowed new EPA restrictions on mercury and toxic pollution. This can reduce carbon emissions. He signed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009. This is designed to designate more than 2 million acres of land as wilderness. It created thousands of miles of recreational and historic trails and protected more than 1,000 miles of rivers. So, these policies are legitimate and I see no trepidation from these actions in my opinion.

To be fair, it is time to show the critiques of the current White House. The expression of the following facts is not to personally slander the brother, but the President has to be made known of some errors in order for the country to achieve better achievements. In our time, all of us haven't strongly fought for economic justice, peace, and ending the prison state not just the current administration. Now, the White House has not successfully addressed in a radical way on how to reduce the unemployment rate in America, especially in the black community. Economic inequality is still huge in the world not only in America. The White House is not totally responsible for this reality since this inequality has been growing for decades. Huge funds are rolling the profits. The Dow just had its best January since January of 1994. We have 47 million human beings on food stamps now from 17 million in the year 2000. Goldman Sachs made 400 milllion dollars driving up food prices in 2012 while hundreds of millions around the world existed on the edge of starvation. Some locations in America now make feeding the homeless illegal. The wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 Americans combined. America ranks 93rd in the world in income inequality. So, these statistics are real. We need to do something about these conditions constructively and radically. He didn't raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour almost as soon as he made it. We do not see a massive job creation program to address these bad economic conditions in America. We need a living wage and the real assistance to the oppressed in the world. We have to end the War on Drugs completely, because the violation of human civil liberties and the ruination of the lives of men and women too have been the result of the decades long War on Drugs. The White House has advanced numerous reactionary economic policies in America.

For example, President Barack Obama has advanced Wall Street bailouts and he allowed other austerity plans too. The NSA is reading millions of emails in the world and the White House advances this policy with our taxpayer dollars. On some foreign policy matters, the administration acts as a continuation of the previous Bush administration. For example, the President presides over Africom and other militarization policies in Africa. Libya has been attacked by US backed NATO forces that caused many civilian deaths and allowing a puppet regime to take over Libyan territory. Many black innocent Libyans have been raped, terrorized, assaulted, murdered, and even lynched by brutes or terrorists. Even innocent Syrian Christians and Shias have been killed by U.S. backed terrorist rebels in Syria. The unjust drone attacks in the Middle East and Africa is ever known today. The drone attacks occur now in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and across the African continent. Innocent men, women, and children have been killed via the drone attacks without due process or international law consideration. There are still some intelligence agencies that may continue the torture programs. There has been an expansion of the assassination program that has killed American citizens without due process of law in this administration. For example, U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki was killed without a trial by jury including his teenage son (who was innocent). There has been the advancement of policies that circumvent not only constitutional rights, but human rights or international via the authorization indefinite military detention of human beings (potentially of U.S. citizens under certain circumstances). Isn't ironic that the man that condemned the Bush's invasion of Iraq (and his violations of human rights) is now a prosecutor of imperialist wars (and he is using drone missiles and other tactics as a means to carry out this agenda). In foreign policy, the elevation of Obama's administrator of drone attacks, John Brennan—a man who under Bush publicly defended torture—to the position of CIA director signals an expansion of military aggression and extrajudicial killings. This reality means means that we still witness further attacks on democratic rights. So, the President of the United States of America Barack Obama is wrong to agree with the Patriot Act extension, the NDAA, with proposing Wall Street insiders & those linked to big banks to be in his cabinet, Presidential secret Kill Lists, with some massive cuts to the social safety net as justified with phrase of a "balanced approach," and the massive public school privatization.

By Timothy

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