
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

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Thanksgiving 2017

For thousands of years, people of every color and background have celebrated Thanksgiving in a diversity of ways. In America, Thanksgiving has its own unique and controversial origin. It revolves around the history of Native Americans, the Pilgrims, and the Puritans in early New England America. Early American Thanksgiving events occurred before the 1600's too. The history of New England Thanksgiving included the indigenous people's hospitality and the genocide of these same indigenous human beings throughout the Americas. The North American Thanksgiving story represented the contradictions and the conflicts of America too. Tensions engulfed America back then (during the 17th century). Today, we witness protests and bad policies from an authoritarian person who is Donald Trump. We are vigorously involved in continued fights against injustice. Almost four centuries have passed since these Thanksgiving events. Still, we eloquently discuss about its compositions to this very day. Many human beings (on this day) eat turkey, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, greens, sweet potatoes, yams, cranberries, cakes, pies, rice, jello, coleslaw, and other foods. Others view this day as a day of mourning because of the evil, unjustified genocide of the Native Americans that nearly ended the complete existence of the entire indigenous peoples of the Americas. Therefore, we can't be naive on this day. We have to show the complete, comprehensive truth about what transpired regardless of where it leads into.

There are many differences between Puritans and Pilgrims. The Puritans were non-Separatists. They wanted to purify the Anglican Church without leaving it completely. They included a larger group of English immigrants and many of them were middle/upper class people. They came into America 10 years after the Pilgrims. The Puritans set up Massachusetts Bay Colony. They were strict and authoritarian. Many of their famous leaders included John Winthrop, John Endicott, and Miles Standish.

The Pilgrims were Separatists. They sought originally to purify the Church of England, but they had given up hope of reformation in the Anglican Church. So, the Pilgrims decided to completely separate from the Anglican Church and form their own churches. They were mostly working class people numbering in about 100. Many of them were persecuted in England because of their religious beliefs. Therefore, some Pilgrims migrated into Holland or the Netherlands. The Dutch welcomed them and they lived in Holland for over 10 years. They were on the Mayflower (in 1620 to go to America) and settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They were more open-minded and gentle plus tolerant than the Puritans. Many of their leaders were William Bradford and William Brewster.

In the beginning, Native Americans lived in New England. Before the 17th century, the area of Massachusetts and the rest of New England was inhabited a diversity of mostly Algonquian language speaking indigenous tribes. These Native American tribes include the Wampanoag, Narragansett, Nipmuc, Pocomtuck, Mahican, and the Masschusett. They cultivated crops like squash and corn. They also funded and fished for food supplies. Wigwams were the lodges where they lived in their villages. They had long houses too. Tribes were led by men or women elders called sachems. From 1620 to 1630, early England Pilgrims started to live in New England. They formed their Plymouth Colony. European explorers visited the region, but they didn’t form permanent settlements. These explorers were Englishman Bartholomew Gosnold, Frenchman Samuel de Champlain, and the Englishmen John Smith plus Henry Hudson. Native Americans experienced smallpox, measles, and influenza that killed 90% of the Native Americans in the region from 1617 to 1619. Before 1620, England was in many changes. It has been over a century after the Protestant Reformation.

Back then, the English Parliament wanted to limit the powers of the British monarchs (since the monarchs wanted absolutism and the Parliament disagreed with that agenda). After the Tudors era, debates over power in the British Crown continued. King James I in the early 1600’s ruled England. He was a Protestant leader who wanted a compromise between Catholic and Protestant forces. He also desired no extensive military involvement in wars in continental Europe. He survived the Jesuit-inspired Gunpowder plot of 1605. King James I believed in the authoritarian, illogical divine right of Kings doctrine. This doctrine stated that any King has supreme authority to rule over its people and even legitimate dissent against a King’s action is equivalent to disrespecting God. This doctrine is similar to the Catholic belief of the supreme earthy power of the Pope, which I don’t agree with obviously. Basilikon Doron promoted the powers of a king too. King James I was disputed by the Pilgrims and the Puritans. The Pilgrims left England first. First, in 1607, the Archbishop of York named Tobias Matthew raided homes and imprisoned religious Separatists (or Pilgrims). The Pilgrims came into the Netherlands in Amsterdam and then in the city of Leiden in 1609. They did this in order for them to escape Anglican religious persecution. 

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The Pilgrim congregation in Leiden, Netherlands grew. Many of the children of the congregation adopted the Dutch language and customs. Many of them joined the Dutch army. William Brewster publicly criticized the English Crown and the Anglican Church. He faced death and many Pilgrims experienced harsh treatment from King James I for rejecting England’s official church, so the Separatists escaped into America. Many Pilgrims didn’t believe in the Dutch’s liberalism and openness of the Dutch. They left in the Mayflower ship and the Speedwell. The Mayflower Compact was a document created by the Pilgrims which outlined their own form of government or community. It promoted self-governance and it was heavily religious. The Plymouth Colony was created in 1620 and it lasted until 1691. The Mayflower landed in Cape Cod on November 9, 1620. They went into Plymouth in December 21, 1620. They suffered a great winter. Many colonists suffered scurvy, lack of shelter, and other bad conditions from being on a ship. Many people died. Myles Standish became a military leader. So, the Pilgrims came into Massachusetts in order to promote their theocratic religious system and many of them were involved in the genocide of Native Americans.

By March 1621, the Pilgrims met a Native American named Samoset. There was a village called Patuxet. The supreme leader of the region was a Native American Wampanoag man named Massasoit. He was the sachem or chief. The colonists learned of Squanto from Patuxet too. Squanto had been to England and he knew English. Massasoit and Squanto were apprehensive about the Pilgrims since many English sailors murdered several of Massasoit’s tribe previously. The Pilgrims also stole corn stores in their landings of Provincetown. Squanto himself was kidnapped by Thomas Hunt in 1614 and spent time in Europe. He returned to New England in 19 acting as a guide to explorer Captain Robert Gorges.  Captain Hunt, an English slave trader, arrived at Patuxet. It was common practice for explorers to capture Native Americans, take them to Europe and sell them into slavery for 220 shillings apiece. That practice was described in a 1622 account of happenings entitled "A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affairs in Virginia," written by Edward Waterhouse. True to the explorer tradition, Hunt kidnapped a number of Wampanoags to sell into slavery. William Fenton describes how Europeans decimated Native American villages in his 1957 work "American Indian and White relations to 1830." From 1615 to 1619 smallpox ran rampant among the Wampanoags and their neighbors to the north. The Wampanoag lost 70 percent of their population to the epidemic and the Massachusetts lost 90 percent. The smallpox was intentionally passed to the Wampanoag, one of the earliest perpetrations of biological warfare. Massasoit and his men had massacred the crew of the ship and had taken in Squanto.

Samoset returned to Plymouth on March 22 with a delegation from Massasoit that included Squanto; Massasoit joined them shortly thereafter. After an exchange of gifts, Massasoit and Governor Carver established a formal treaty of peace. This treaty ensured that each people would not bring harm to the other, that Massasoit would send his allies to make peaceful negotiations with Plymouth, and that they would come to each other's aid in a time of war. There has been debate about the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving. Scholars believe that the harvest took place in November 1621. Yet, the Pilgrims called their first Thanksgiving feast at 1623.

After the departure of Massasoit and his men, Squanto remained in Plymouth to teach the Pilgrims how to survive in New England, for example using dead fish to fertilize the soil. For the first few years of colonial life, the fur trade (buying furs from Native Americans and selling to Europeans) was the dominant source of income beyond subsistence farming. When Governor Carver died, William Bradford was the new Governor of Plymouth. The Native Americans offered peace treaties with the Pilgrims. Things would change.

Massasoit, Squanto, and several other Wampanoags had been captured by Corbitant, sachem of the Narragansett tribe. A party of ten men, under the leadership of Myles Standish, set out to find and execute Corbitant. While hunting for Corbitant, they learned that Squanto had escaped and Massasoit was back in power. Several Native Americans had been injured by Standish and his men and were offered medical attention in Plymouth. Though they had failed to capture Corbitant, the show of force by Standish had garnered respect for the Pilgrims, and as a result nine of the most powerful sachems in the area, including Massasoit and Corbitant, signed a treaty in September that pledged their loyalty to King James.

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Standish is a real scoundrel and murderer. This murderer Myles Standish organized a militia to get into the settlement of Wesagussett. He lured 2 military leaders into a house and Standish plus his men stabbed and killed two unsuspecting Native Americans. Word quickly spread among the Native American tribes of Standish's attack. Many Native Americans abandoned their villages and fled the area. As noted by Philbrick: "Standish's raid had irreparably damaged the human ecology of the region...It was some time before a new equilibrium came to the region." Myles Standish was the military leader of the Plymouth Colony.

Pilgrims traded in fur a lot. The power of the Massasoit led Wampanoag grew in the region. The Pilgrims also enslaved black people too. Many settlers blasphemed God by praising the death of Native Americans who had smallpox, which is sick.  In a letter to England, Massachusetts Bay colony founder John Winthrop wrote, "But for the natives in these parts, God hath so pursued them, as for 300 miles space the greatest part of them are swept away by smallpox which still continues among them. So as God hath thereby cleared our title to this place, those who remain in these parts, being in all not 50, have put themselves under our protection." By 1630, the Plymouth colony had about 300 inhabitants.

By 1630, a new era began in New England. This was when there was a large scale Puritan migration which caused the forming of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in Salem in 1629 and in Boston by 1630. This started the settlement of more New England colonies. The Massachusetts Bay Colony had clashes with the Anglican opponents in England over religious issues and the status of its charter. The Bay Colony had a royal charter. Most Pilgrims came from East Anglia and southwestern regions of England. From 20,000 migrants from 1628 to 1642 came into the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It became more powerful than the Plymouth colony in terms of economics and it grew to have more people too. They formed a merchant class. Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams left the Bay Colony over their religious views. Hutchinson held meetings in her home discussing flaws in the Puritan beliefs. Additionally, Williams believed that the Puritan beliefs were wrong and that some of the Native Americans must be respected. Roger Williams promoted the separation of church and state. Roger was wrong to be involved in slavery. Williams would found the colony of Rhode Island in 1636 and Hutchinson joined him in the colony 2 years later. Others, such as John Wheelwright, objecting to the religious rule in Massachusetts Bay moved north, joined existing small settlements. He was involved in establishing new ones in present-day Maine and New Hampshire.

European colonialism continued. The first major war in America among the Pilgrims was the Pequot War of 1637. This was about the dispute over the control of the Connecticut River Valley near Hartford, Connecticut. Dutch fur traders and Plymouth officials wanted territories and land. The British sent an influx of settlers to the area. The English settlers threatened the Pequot Native Americans.

Other confederations in the area, including the Narragansett and Mohegan, who were the traditional enemies of the Pequot, sided with the English. The event that sparked the start of formal hostilities was the capture of a boat and the murder of its captain, John Oldham, in 1636, an event blamed on allies of the Pequots. In April 1637, a raid on a Pequot village by John Endicott led to a retaliatory raid by Pequot warriors on the town of Wethersfield, Connecticut, where some 30 English settlers were killed. This led to a further retaliation, where a raid led by Captain John Underhill and Captain Mason burned a Pequot village to the ground near modern Mystic, Connecticut, killing 300 Pequots. Plymouth Colony had some people who had little to do with the actual fighting in the war.

The 1637 Massacre in Mystic caused at least 700 Native Americans to be murdered by Europeans. Men, women, and children Native Americans were burn alive and their buildings were destroyed. William Bradford or the Governor of Plymouth praised the massacre in sick terms by the following words: “…Those that escaped the fire were slain with the sword; some hewed to pieces, others run through with their rapiers, so that they were quickly dispatched and very few escaped. It was conceived they thus destroyed about 400 at this time. It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire...horrible was the stink and scent thereof, but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave the prayers thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them, thus to enclose their enemies in their hands, and give them so speedy a victory over so proud and insulting an enemy."

“This day forth shall be a day of celebration and thanksgiving for subduing the Pequots," read Governor John Winthrop’s proclamation.
You couldn’t make this stuff up. This is real and these massacres against Native Americans are totally evil plus disgusting. Later, Pequots prisoners were executed. Pequot women and children were sold into slavery in the West Indies. The Pequot War killed most of the Pequot peoples.

King Philip’s War came about in the late 1600’s. By the end of the conflict, the Wampanoags and their Narragansett allies were almost completely destroyed.  King Philip was the nickname of Metacomet or the younger son of Massasoit and the heir to Massasoit's position as sachem of the Pokanoket and supreme leader of the Wampanoag. He became sachem upon the sudden death of his older brother Wamsutta, also known as Alexander, in 1662. King Philip’s War came, because more English colonists came into New England and demanded more land. Native Americans were restricted in where they could live. King Philip didn’t like the loss of land of the Native Americans and he wanted to stop it. The Wampanoag capital was in Mount Hope. The town of Swansea was just a few miles from the capital of Mount Hope.

The proximate cause of the conflict was the death of a praying Native American named John Sassamon in 1675. Sassamon had been an advisor and friend to King Philip; however Sassamon's conversion to Christianity had driven the two apart. Sassamon was murdered. Accused in the murder of Sassamon were some of Philip's most senior lieutenants. A jury of twelve Englishmen and six Praying Native Americans found the Native Americans guilty of murder and sentenced them to death. There is a debate on whether the men were guilty of killing Sassamon or not. King Philip prepared for war. He raided English farms and harmed property. The war continued with Native Americans using guerrilla warfare. The Plymouth leadership mistrusted all Native Americans. The English formed an alliance with the Sakonnet to fight King Philip and his forces.  After the Church was given permission to grant amnesty to any captured Native Americans who would agree to join the English side, his force grew immensely. Philip was killed by a Pocasset Native American and the war soon ended as an overwhelming English victory. The Wampanoag chief Metacomet (or King Philip) was shot and killed by a Native American named John Alderman on August 12, 1676. Metacomet's corpse was beheaded, then drawn and quartered. His head was displayed in Plymouth for twenty years. His head was stuck on a pole in Plymouth, where the skull still hung on display 24 years later. Metacom's young son was sent to the West Indies as a slave, along with numerous other Wampanoag and surrounding tribes.

The Following text was taken from Russel Means' autobiography entitled: "Where White Men Fear To Tread." Russel Means is a well know Native American social activist. It discusses the background to the first "Thanksgiving" on American shores:

"The Wampanoag now wanted to remind white America of what had happened after Massasoit's death. Massasoit was succeeded by his son, Metacomet, whom the colonists called "King" Philip. In 1675-1676, to show "gratitude" for what Massasoit's people had done for their fathers and grandfathers, the Pilgrims manufactured an incident as a pretext to justify disarming the Wampanoag.

"The whites went after the Wampanoag with guns, swords, cannons, and torches. Most, including Metacomet, were butchered. His wife and son were sold into slavery in the West Indies. His body was hideously drawn and quartered.

"For twenty-five years afterward, Metacomet's skull was displayed on a pike above the whites' village. The real legacy of the Pilgrim Fathers is treachery. Most Americans today believe that Thanksgiving celebrates a boar harvest, but that is not so.

"By 1970, the Wampanoag had turned up a copy of a Thanksgiving proclamation made by the governor of the colony, the text revealed the ugly truth:

'After a colonial militia had returned from murdering the men, women, and children of an Indian village, the governor proclaimed a holiday and feast to give thanks for the massacre. He encouraged other colonies to do likewise -- in other words, every autumn the crops are in, go kill Indians and celebrate your murders with a feast.'

"The Wampanoag we met at Plymouth came from everywhere in Massachusetts. Like many other eastern nations, theirs had been all but wiped out. The survivors found refuge in other Indian nations that had not succumbed to European diseases or to violence. The Wampanoag went into hiding or joined the Six Nations or found homes among the Delaware Shawnee nations, to name a few. Some also sought refuge in one of the two hundred eastern-seaboard nations that were later exterminated.

"Nothing remains of those nations but their names, and even some of those have been lost. Other Wampanoag, who couldn't reach another Indian nation, survived by intermarriage with black slaves or freedmen. It is hard to imagine a life terrible enough that people would choose instead, with all their progeny, to become slaves, but that is exactly what some Indians did..." (end of the book source).

The King Philip's war decreased the Native American population in New England massively. The Glorious Revolution of 1689 (which caused a limited monarchy in the UK after James II fled to France) represented the beginning of the end of the Plymouth Colony.  The last official meeting of the Court occurred on June 8, 1692. The legacy of American Thanksgiving is filled with bloodshed, conflict, and controversy. Afterwards, more Europeans colonists would come into America to enact genocide of Native Americans, slavery, and other evils. America, itself, was created on the blood of black people and Native Americans. Many of the leaders of the American Revolutionary War (both the American colonists and the British redcoats) owned slaves.

Also, scholarship like Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz's "Indigenous People's History of the United States" is ignored in academia and popular culture. The early English colonizers and capitalists wanted to go into America to promote the myth of white supremacy and to expand their resources. Today, many Native Americans suffer various forms of oppression like: disease, homelessness, dilapidated and vermin-infested housing, substance abuse, inadequate education, unemployment, and police brutality. So, we desire true liberation.

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Now, we know the truth about Thanksgiving in North America. The truth is not about condemning every American for we realize that many Americans during the past had stood up for justice and numerous Americans fought for real human equality. In our time, many Americans are doing great things as well. The truth is about eliminating historical revisionism, so America's mistakes are not sugarcoated and we inspire America's future to be brighter (plus better). We desire a world filled with true human equality plus real justice for all forevermore.

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For thousands of years, art has been part of our consciousness as human beings. Art’s beauty is well known, because of its diversity, its qualities of exquisite form, and its diverse meanings or interpretations. In other words, you can look at works like Aaron Douglas' images from the Harlem Renaissance period and Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa plus get different meanings from those works.  Art encompasses many attributes. A painting of a forest, the sculpture of a great leader, and people performing dance are all examples of art. Architecture is a part of art as well. The large structures of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the Eiffel Tower make up real artistic expression. These exquisite structure require skill, patience, hard work, and effort. Stonehenge in the United Kingdom is another example of a great work of art too. Internationally, art ought to be appreciated. In Africa, Asia, and the Americas, elaborate, complex forms of art have existed. For thousands of years and in a wide spectrum of locations, art has flourished in the four corners of the Earth. Since the first humans existed in the Earth, art has captivated the human imagination.

The modern age has movies, theater, the Internet, Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, the IPhone 10, etc. Therefore, these platforms include a wide display of art. We live in an unique time in our history. Photographers have used very advanced types of equipment from specialized cameras to the Microsoft Cloud in developing a diversity of pictures (with color and excellent imagery). Art constantly evolves or changes throughout generations. Yet, it is uniform in its common link of advancing creative, human expression. Debates and controversies are related heavily to art history, but art remains an intrepid, powerful aspect of human civilization. Periods like the Romantic period, the Renaissance, etc. outline how expressive the visual and the decorative arts are. Now, we live in a new era of time and the power of art has continued to shine a great light in the Universe.

It will continue to exist forevermore.

flower-galaxy-stars-afro-hairstyle-black-girl-magic-pierre-jean-louis-3African Pattern. The earliest surviving sub-Saharan African textiles are cloth fragments and parchment fragments that date to the ninth century BC. African textiles are a part of African cultural heritage that came to America along with the slave trade.

The Types of Art

Art is very diverse. First, it is important to decipher the elements of art. The elements of art are used in order to create various forms of art. They include color, contour, dimension, medium, melody, space, texture, and value. They can also include visual design principles like arrangement, balance, contrast, emphasis, harmony, proportion, proximity, and rhythm. The visual arts (or using art that shows the creation of images or objects in various fields) includes fine art, modern art, and decorative art. First, the fine art includes drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking. Drawing can use charcoal, pencil, pastel, etc. printmaking can include woodcuts, engraving, etching, lithography, and other methods. Painting isn’t just about using oil painting of acrylics. It can use watercolors, ink and wash and tempera painting. Fine art is usually created to promote aesthetic value or its beauty (like art for the sake of art). Therefore, fine art is art developed primarily for aesthetics or beauty, distinguishing it from applied art that also has to serve some practical function, such as pottery or most metalwork. Some can use acrylic painting, silkscreen printing, collage, and other methods to create fine art. The decorative arts are involved with crafts or the design or creation of objects that are also functional. Decorative arts can be geometric as found in Chinese art and Islamic art. It can be found in various pottery, rugs, tapestry, and even costumes. It can be found in baskets, ceramics, etc. They are called the “crafts” too. Decorative arts do not necessarily have any intrinsic aesthetic qualities.

Applied arts are forms of art the uses the application of design and decoration to everyday objects. They can be used to promote aesthetic value. They relate to industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design, and the decorative arts are considered applied arts. That is why architecture and photography are part of the applied arts. So, museums like the Leipzig Museum of Applied Arts in Germany and other locations define applied art greatly. The Ziggurats of Sumer and the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World relate to applied art too since they include many diverse designs. The modern day skyscrapers and the Blobitecture art movement totally involve a serious application of art in modern day society. There is the performing arts. They include theater, music, film, and dance. Art just doesn’t involve painting or a building design. Art is also about human expression. Many of the great dancers used art to perfect their great performances and to inspire creativity in the Universe.  Dancers utilize form, strength, balance, flexibility, and other elements in their performances in order for them to achieve excellence. Creative art continues to exist today. There is interactive media that uses newspapers, the Internet, social media, etc. to establish a diversity of art as well. Art may be characterized in terms of mimesis (its representation of reality), narrative (storytelling), expression, communication of emotion, or other qualities.

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Careers Involving Art

A diversity of occupations is related to art. One career is an illustrator. They can work on drawings, photography, and digital illustrations using computers. Illustrators make interesting images and they inspire the creative energy to spread worldwide. CAD systems or computer aided design technologies readily aid illustrators in creating their pictures as well. A photographer can capture many images globally. A Master of Fine Arts specializing in photography can readily help photographers. Photographers develop portfolios, many have contracts, and they deal with weddings, advertising, models, photojournalism, and other aspects of human civilization. An animator and a graphic designer deal with art readily too. An art teacher, printmaker, and an art administrator have helped people for years to develop their skills and work in improving the cultural development of any society. A sculptor and a painter are great careers in dealing with art. Sculptors take hours and days to finish their works. Advanced images of many types of designs relate to sculpture. Painters also need a great deal of time, effort, and determination to establish their own works.

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Important Concepts Related to Art

Like any field, many concepts and definitions are found in it. Art is a beautiful field that certainly requires knowledge about various mediums, objects, and visual concepts. For thousands of years, human beings have used these various words and phrases as a way for them to engineer great works. The following definitions completely relate to art.

1. Acrylic paint- It is a plastic, water soluble pigment used for painting.

2. Analogous colors- These are colors next to each other on the color wheel.

3. Armature- It is a structural support for an object. It is particularly used in sculpture to build upon.

4. Bisque-It is when clay objects that have been fired one time. The objects are unglazed.

5. Calligraphy- The word literally means beautiful line. It typically refers to a type of writing that incorporates the use of a wide pen nib.

6. Canvas-It is a coarse cloth or heavy fabric that must be stretched and primed to use for painting, particularly for oil paintings.

7. Ceramic- This is when clay objects that have been fired twice, the second time with a glaze.

8. Charcoal-It's a drawing material made from charred wood.

9. Chiaroscuro-It's an Italian word for "light-shade". The use and balance of light and shade in a painting, and in particular the use of strong contrast.

10. Clay-It's a natural, moist earth substance used in making bricks, tile, pottery and ceramic sculpture.

11. Glaze-It is a transparent or semitransparent coating of a color or stain used over oil paintings, plaster sculpture or ceramics.

12. Horizon line-That is the horizontal line that distinguishes the sky from the earth, or the ground from the wall. The eye-level of the artists view. Also, where the vanishing point lies in a perspective drawing.

13. Marquette-It's the French word for "small model". Used particularly by sculptors as a "sketch" of their work.

14. Masterpiece-An artists finest work, or any particularly fine work.

15. Medium-The process or material used in a work of art.

16. Monochromatic-Tints and shades of single hue or color.

17. Monochrome-Light and dark tones of a singular color.

18. Pointillism-An image created with the use of small dots or points.

19. Portraiture-Painting or sculpture representing the likeness of a person.

20. Primary colors-The basic colors that can be used to mix other colors. The primary colors are red, yellow and blue.

21. Secondary colors-Orange, green and purple.

22. Slip-It's dried, crushed clay mixed with water to a creamy consistency. Used as a binder in joining two pieces of clay together.

23. Still life-It's an inanimate object(s) represented in a drawing, painting or collage.

24. Wedging-It's a method of preparing clay by kneading and squeezing it to expel air pockets and make it more plastic.

25. Tertiary colors- They are the resulting colors formed when an equal amount of a primary and a secondary color are mixed.

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The Benefits of Art

The truth and reality is that art has tons of benefits to society. It can improve the creativity of humanity. Art is known to spur up the mind to paint great images, to sculpt magnificent objects, and to establish beautiful mosaics. Also, art is readily subjective. It doesn't have to be in a one specific format. Art causes the mind to think, because art can cause people to focus on creating a work that can value and it can be part of the abstract mind of a human being. Art relieves human stress. Art also improves problem solving skills. Art is readily used to unlock the mysteries of art or fully express what someone is going through. It can also cause people to develop their own solutions for art, because thinking outside of the box is key in establishing charity of how complex the world is. A feeling of self-accomplishment definitely exists among artists after they completed a work. That work can be a painting using acrylic or a creative architectural building. That sense of fulfillment certainly represents an very essential element of the expansive capacity of art in general. New connections among brains exist every time when we learn something new. When anyone does art that is new, it just expands the connectivity of the human mind. We know that music can improve the mind and cause better brain plasticity. There are many studies that show that art can improve a student's performance in reading, math, and science. That is why investments in music and art is just commonsense.

We have new 21st century scientific studies that document how art can improve cognitive abilities and attention. Dr. Michael I. Posner and Brenda Patoine have shown research proving this to be true. Dr. Arnold Bresky (who is a physician) has used art training to help those with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Drawing and painting improves the soul and the mind greatly. Writing literature and using a diversity of art can lessen the tensions in people's lives. Art is for everyone too. Anyone can perform art. Performing dance is art. Using technology to create digital images is part of art. Therefore, when you see an artist sacrificing his or her time to do great things in inspiring humanity for their works, please take the time to thank them for their creativity and for their excellence.

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Art is part of our souls categorically. It includes a diversity of numerous aspects of our lives. Art not only deals with paintings and drawing exquisite images. It can include dance, rhythm, a myriad of color patterns, graffiti, mosaics, and even abstract displays of objects. Art has been debated firmly too. A multifaceted interpretation of artwork is commonplace. For example, on artwork can mean different things to different people. To this very day, there are scholars who disagree on whether the Mona Lisa painting has a person smiling or frowning. From the prehistoric cave drawings to concrete exhibitions, artistic expression abides in places worldwide. In our time, art deals with complex technology too. Some people use Windows Cloud and other programs in order for them to form advanced, creative artworks. Other people use 3-D printers to sculpt objects with extraordinary aesthetic detail. Now, we are near 2020 and the same love of art is engraved in our consciousness. So, art is beautiful. It is always important to give great praise to the artists who sacrifice their time in developing their works. Some of these artists are unsung and many of them are found in Facebook. They have worked long hours in numerous cases, they have focused on establishing great minutia, and they have exhibited magnificent talent too.
"I had something I was trying to say and sometimes the message is an easy transmission and sometimes it's a difficult one but I love the power of saying it so I'm gonna do it whether it's hard or easy."
-Faith Ringgold, who is an African American woman artist. She was born in Harlem, NYC.
Artists are among a plethora of ages, colors, creeds, sexes, and backgrounds. They are owed the utmost appreciation and respect as anyone else deserves. Art's qualities of creative power, of form, of color, and of its international influence have consecrated the human family completely. The beauty of art is that it is wide ranging, transcendent, and inclusive of a variety of genres. Cubism, Dadaism, Baroque art, African art, Modernist art, and Post-Modernism art are never monolithic. They encompass the exquisite diversity and the growth of art throughout the ages. Therefore, art is a field of expression that has stood the test of time. Art history deals with names such as Loïs Mailou Jones, Leonardo da Vinci, Aaron Douglas, Augusta Savage, and so many other human beings who desire to utilize their spark of glorious imagination to bless us. I have participated in painting, sculpting, drawing, and other aspects of art before in my life. Others in the world have done the same and artistic expression is filled with manifold blessings.

Art will always inspire the world to be better.

By Timothy

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