
Friday, October 28, 2005


I do respect the APFN (American Patriot Friend Network) website for mentioning a lot of information about the corruption in government, OKC, 9/11, etc., but now they censored dozens of articles in their Discussion Forum. Many of these articles have nothing to do with degatory language at all. This is even worse than Alex Jones' censorship for not even Alex censored dozens of articles in a span of months now at least. That's why many folks are not going into the Forum. Some people there have slandered Pam Schuffert (a real Patriot) and some of the people there are very vile anti-Semites. I refute them when necessary, but I'm only one man and usually AFPN doesn't censor that (though any form of censorship is wrong). Also, APFN says Free Lyndie England when she was convicted by law for her brutal treatment in Abu Ghraib. I do think the higher ups ought to be prosecuted as well, but freeing her is just as evil as not getting the higher ups. WINGTV is denying any Middle East connection to the OKC bombing, but that's wrong for many reasons. First, many Muslim radicals as we speak are butchering Christians in Nigeria, Sudan, Indonesia, Pakistan, etc. That's wrong and just because people expose that, doesn't mean that we're in league with the Neo Cons. Second, many eyewitnesses reported in Alex Jones' movie 9/11 Road to Tryanny have witnesses seeing Middle Eastern men next to Timothy McVeigh. They can't all be liars now. These Muslims were patsies and most of these Iraqis were sent to America in the Bush administration, so they had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein. The white supremacists were also patsies infiltrated by the federal government by the CIA, FBI, etc. In the final analysis neither the Arabs or the white supremacists had total involvement in the attack, but the Feds since multiple bombs in the structure of the OKC building exploded. The Feds also had total foreknowledge of the event. That can't be done by the Ryder Truck alone and many researchers have proven its controlled demolition as well. To say that the Muslim radicals are innocent 100% is just as much a lie as to illegal invade nations of the Muslim world. Many mainstream sources have proven a Middle East and white supremacist connection to OKC. Not to mention that many Neo-Nazis have colloborated with Muslim radicals indeed, because of their hatred of Jews. As for WINGTV's tirade against Zionism (especially Labor Zionists working with the Nazis in WWII that are traitors to Eretz Yisrael), any rational scholar knows that Zionism has nothing to with the Torah, God-fearing Jews, and authentic Judaism.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


  1. I believe in no phone sex at all.

    By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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