
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Perry Logan refuted.

Perry Logan from the site of

is a typical doubter. He refuses to look at the obvious mistakes of Bill Clinton (like aiding China with high-tech technology, connections with Mena Arkansas, lying about his adulterous affair, etc), even though George W. Bush is making mistakes that Clinton will ever dream. He refuses to look at the corruption of vaccines, the population control agenda, world leaders promoting a New World Order (global government), the demonization of conservative Christians, and other facts. I can refute him with my hands tied behind my back, but here's a person named phloydius answering his propaganda: (His words are in bold. I don't agree with Alex Jones on all things, but he's right about the Elite and I show this to present the mindset of the doubters. We must also constantly show rational information backed up by real evidence without theories as well. That's our responsibility. There must be no sensational garbage.)

Perry Logan uses ad hominem attacks against folks that folks who agree with Alex Jones have low IQ, etc. when that's a lie. Perry even denies that the government trained al-Qeada, when it's a historical fact that the government trained Muslim radicals to fight in Afghanistan in the 1980's. He refuses to admit that Arnold is a Nazi, when his father is a SA Nazi, Arnold praised Hitler, and refuses to withdraw support for the Nazi Kurt Waldhiem. If I had Arnold's life, I would be a Nazi. Perry Logan is sending the impression that anyone maintaining that 9/11 is an inside job is an extremists when government throughout history made terror attacks for thousands of years. Perry Logan is sending the impression that anyone maintaining the view that 9/11 was an inside job is an extremist when governments throughout history made terror attacks for thousands of years. Tons of researchers like John Conner, Victor Thorn, Alex Jones, Morgan Reynolds, David Ray Griffin, and other people hold on to the view that 9/11 was an inside job. They can be all extremists or crazy, so Logan is just wrong. The truth about the Skulls and Bones and the Bohemian Grove [not what Perry Logan omits] is that both organizations use occult rituals. The Bohemian Grove praise the false god Molech. A video of the S & B have a wierd ritual as well and both groups have members who make up much of the elite and powerful people in America like Presidents, business people, justices, and others. This liar talks about gun rights, but gun control was utilized against black people in the 1700's and 1800's to prevent them from defending themselves. is a link rebutting his pro-gun control propaganda. Hitler passed the Gun Control Act of 1938 harming Jewish people. Many of the Black Codes had gun control provisions in it. JPFO documents this but Perry Logan forgotten about this apparently. JPFO documents the racist nature of gun control, so gun rights has nothing to do with slavery as Perry lies about. Slaves were prevented to own guns and this gun control policy was spread across the south. , ,, , and offer facts of the racism in many folks (not all) who promote gun control.

He's in the Left/Right Paradigm by rightfully exposing the corruption and mistakes of the Republican party, while not ferociously admitting to any massive mistakes done by the Democrats (i.e. FDR's concentration camps used to house Japanese and other ethnic groups, Truman's slurs against blacks and Jews, many Democrats opposed anti-lynching legislation, some Democrats supported the Black Codes, etc.) He has almost a demonic obsession with blaming Republicans and conservatives for everything, yet people who are Democrats and those of the Left made errors as well. Both Republicans and Democrats have dirt, but there are some sincere people among both parties. He's pro-abortion as well. We must be ready to engage these people because it's a battle of minds and the hearts of the people in this time. He's totally pro-United Nations when they supported abortion, a lot of the leaders of the U.N. were Communists and socialists, even Cythnia McKinney exposed the U.N. being involved in child sex slaves rings (even the NY Post mentioned this), and the Christian Berit Kjos exposed the U.N.'s Agenda 21 plot. Many legitimate human beings have opposed the United Nations. He denies that FDR knew about Pearl Harbor, but mentioned a book called "Mother of all Conspiracies documenting FDR's criminal act. That book posseses tons of critical information. Even the history channel discussed about this. The only few things that I agree with him on is about opposing the Iraq War, George W. Bush should be impeached for messing up this country in many ways, and we can do better. My opinion is that government corruption should be exposed and dissent preserved. We should fight against evil, but we must not embrace crazy theories also like Perry rightfully tells as well. Perry is still a deception though. He needs to comphrend that many conspiracies have existed throughout human history and it isn't abnormal to accept a rational conspiracy fact.

P.S. Logan says that Gloria Steniem wasn't a CIA operative, but Dr. Henry Makow wrote elaborately about Gloria's CIA connection. He even denied that Margaret Sanger promoted eugenics when many authors like George Grant proved her pro-eugenics quotes and she advocated segregation of the "unfit" in her mind. That's eugenics. Dr. Cathy Burns proved that she was a drug addict and was into the occult. He's a useful tool of the establishment. Perry Logan is easy to refute since he present outright lies and half-truths.

By TruthSeeker24


Perry, I was just looking at your list of Alex Jone’s “beliefs”, and I just shook my head, and didn’t know where to start. So I just picked a couple of them to start with…
91% of Americans are Nazis (Alex says anyone who favors gun control is a Nazi; 91% of Americans favor mandatory handgun registration)

Perry, what is your source on this? The most favorable poll to gun control I’ve seen has been in the 50-60% for stricter gun control. That is a far cry from 91% for handgun registration. I’d like to see some documentation on this.
Here are some of the more gun-control favorable polls that I have found:

Perry Logan: Vicente Fox can morph into a green devil. (Alex says he saw him do it. Honest.)

Perry, I would absolutely love to see or hear some documentation on this. I went out and did a google search on this, and all I could find was posts by Perry Logan to forums and websites with lists almost identicle to the one’s he has posted here. I was not able to find anyone else making this claim, nor was I able to find any information about it on any of Alex’s site. And I’ve never heard him claim this either. Can you provide anything to backup this claim?

Perry Logan: The Founding Fathers were stupid (they were Masons––but they didn’t know about the secret conspiracy so obvious to Alex & his friends)

Perry, When did Alex Jones say that the Founding Fathers were stupid? I know he has mentioned that several of them were FreeMasons. But he is not the only one that says that, so do many history books. What are you trying to say with this comment, and do you have any documentation to back up your statment about Alex’s feelings towards the Founding Fathers?

Perry Logan: Most Americans believe the government was behind 9-11 (this is based on Alex’s misreading of a Zogby poll; Alex misreads EVERYTHING)

I believe that you are misrepresenting what Alex says about the Zogby poll. He says that most New Yorkers believe that the government had Prior Knowledge. Here is the Zogby poll from the offical site:

Perry Logan: Alex Jones can predict the future, because he goes to the SECRET WEBSITES where the New World Order tells you EVERYTHING IT’S GOING TO DO. Just think: if you can find those websites, YOU can predict the future too!

Perry. When, name one time specifically (and document it, which should be easy since all this shows are recorded and accessible) where Alex Jones says he can “predict the future because he goes to the Secret Websites where the New World Order tells you everything it is going to do”. Please, Perry, identify one time, just one time.
I think that maybe you are refering to many of the official government websites that he and many other read through and read all kinds of interesting things… These are not secrets. Here are some of the websites:
Project for the New American Century
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
United Nations Offical Site
Department of Defense
Department of Homeland Security
Neibhborhood Watch Program
Library of Congress (Search House & Senate Bills)
These are some of the “Secret” website you must be talking about.


Here's another person refuting Perry Logan:

Perry Logan: The movie claims the WTC buildings were bombed...without citing a single engineer


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