
Monday, January 23, 2006

The 33rd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade (a decision supporting murder)


Innocent blood: How lying marketers sold Roe v. Wade to AmericaIn one of the most successful marketing campaigns in modern political history, the "abortion rights movement" – with all of its emotionally compelling catch-phrases and powerful political slogans – has succeeded in turning what once was a heinous crime into a fiercely defended constitutional right. During the tumultuous 1960s, after centuries of legal prohibition and moral condemnation of abortion, a handful of dedicated activists launched an unprecedented marketing campaign. Their aim was twofold: first, to capture the news media and thus public opinion, and then, to change the nation's abortion laws. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
09:04 AM

LLM's Truth Truck to be in Detroit for Super Bowl XLLife and Liberty MinistriesSuper Bowl XL won’t be the only attraction that people will be talking about in Detroit. On February 3-5, LLM's Truth Truck will be on the streets of Detroit to show the reveling masses the hard truth about abortion. For more than three decades, America has sacrificed its children to be killed on the altar of convenience. Each year comes and goes with its parties, celebrations, and games. Little thought is given to the fact that babies are daily being murdered as we live our lives to the fullest. Will there be another 30+ years of blood to answer for in this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? We can be sure of one thing. If we continue to oppose abortion with the fervor and commitment that has characterized our last 30 years, child sacrifice will be here for the duration. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
09:03 AM

SPEECH: Defending the offending - Abortion protesters have a right to make their point in publicFreedom of speech protects the controversial, the offensive, the downright infuriating. Sometimes free speech makes a person mad enough to throw a punch. Many people might consider large placards of aborted fetuses being displayed at a Santa Claus parade all of the above. Nevertheless, it qualifies as free speech, and the Granite City Council is wrong to prohibit it. Granite City is the location of the Hope Clinic, where abortions regularly are performed - as are anti-abortion protests. The council recently enacted an ordinance banning signs larger than 8.5 inches by 11 inches within 25 feet of the city's four annual parades. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
09:02 AM

Anti-Abortion Activists Challenge Noise OrdinanceCINCINNATI -- Two anti-abortion activists are asking a federal appeals court to strike down Cleveland’s noise ordinance, saying their free-speech rights are being violated because they aren’t allowed to blare a 911 recording outside a clinic. Hugh Gaughan and Thomas Raddell want the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati to overturn a lower court’s ruling that the city was not selectively targeting the men in applying the ordinance. The two sued Cleveland last February after Gaughan was charged with violating the noise ordinance when he played a recording of a 911 call outside an abortion clinic. The recording was a regular feature of the men’s protest outside the clinic. It was a segment of a call made from one of the clinic’s doctors after a patient was injured during a second trimester abortion. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
09:01 AM

Passhe Attempts To Ban Pro-Life MessageWEST CHESTER, PA -- The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) is attempting to ban the free exercise of constitutionally protected speech on its college campuses through the criminal prosecution of a Christian pro-life activist. In October of last year, Repent America (RA) director Michael Marcavage was standing on a public sidewalk with a sign displaying the reality of abortion near the campus of West Chester University, one of 14 schools operated by the PASSHE. In response, university police cited Marcavage for “Defiant Trespass” for refusing to surrender his First Amendment rights to "free exercise of religion" and "free speech". Full story...
Posted by Editor at
09:00 AM

'TRAP' Laws Single Out Abortion ProvidersCHARLOTTESVILLE -- The Planned Parenthood clinic that opened in Albemarle County in 2004 has wider hallways, wider doorways and bigger patient-examination rooms than the two clinics it replaced. The hallways are wide enough that two gurneys transporting patients can pass each other if the need ever arises. The procedure rooms are big so members of a multiperson surgical team can have space to maneuver around one another. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
08:58 AM

NY Times: Three Decades After Roe, a War We Can All SupportIt's time for the abortion-rights movement to declare war on abortion.EVERY year, on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, pro-lifers add up the fetuses killed since Roe and pray for the outlawing of abortion. And every year, pro-choicers fret that we're one Supreme Court justice away from losing "the right to choose." One side is so afraid of freedom it won't trust women to do the right thing. The other side is so afraid of morality it won't name the procedure we're talking about. It's time to shake up this debate. It's time for the abortion-rights movement to declare war on abortion. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
08:57 AM

Pro-Life Groups See Brighter DaysAs tens of thousands of abortion foes prepare for today's 33rd annual March for Life, they are buoyed by developments they see as promising for their cause, both at the state and federal levels. "The pro-life movement is in the best position it has ever been in," said Wendy Wright, executive vice president of Concerned Women for America (CWA). Pro-life advocates are excited about broad abortion bans proposed by lawmakers in two states, Ohio and Indiana. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
08:50 AM

Abortion Rights at the Forefront on 33rd Anniversary of Roe v. WadeWashington -- On the 33rd anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe vs Wade decision, women's abortion rights are once again at the forefront of public awareness activities across the nation. Dr. Lise Van Susteren, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate from Maryland said in statement released this weekend, "that our Constitution protects our privacy as individuals and limits how far the government can reach into our personal lives. As a doctor and a woman, these are values I hold dear." Full story...
Posted by Editor at
08:49 AM

Right-to-life Rally Shifts Focus Away From Babies KilledGathering turns attention away from killing babies to issues raised by Terri Schiavo caseMore than 1,000 people paraded down Gervais Street to the state Capitol Saturday morning carrying signs that read “I regret my abortion” and “Making it legal didn’t make it right.” They gathered “to promote the dignity and worth of human life from conception to God-ordained death,” according to organizer Holly Gatling of South Carolina Citizens for Life. The rally, which typically has focused on the anti-abortion movement in the 33 years since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, shifted this year. Suzanne Vitadamo, sister of Terri Schiavo, spoke about the right of all people to live. Schiavo died of dehydration last March after a judge gave her husband, Michael, an order saying that a feeding tube keeping her alive since she collapsed of unknown causes in 1990 could be removed. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
08:47 AM

Religious Leaders Form New Michigan Anti-Abortion GroupFENTON, Mich. -- A group pastors and ministry leaders has announced the formation of a new statewide anti-abortion organization. The announcement by Michigan Chooses Life comes on the anniversary of the Supreme Court's 33-year-old Roe versus Wade decision that legalized abortion. The group says it will endorse and assist a drive to put a measure on the 2006 Michigan ballot. Petitioners seek to amend the state constitution to legally define a person as existing at the moment of conception. The campaign for the ballot initiative is led by a group called Michigan Citizens for Life. It could spark a legal challenge to abortion rights. Full story...
Posted by Editor at
08:45 AM

Local Abortion Rights Supporters Remember Roe v. Wade anniversaryMembers of the Northwest Arkansas Chapter of the National Organization for Women and others who support abortion rights held a vigil Friday night to commemorate the 33 rd anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. Nearly 30 women and men stood in front of the Washington County Courthouse in Fayetteville with signs supporting abortion rights as they commemorated the landmark court decision made Jan. 22, 1973. Full story...

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