
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Overwhelming is the truth. The truth can sometimes leap upon you sometimes. Life shows good and evil. Moral standards of right and wrong manifest themselves daily as one simple piece of evidence to outline the authentic existence of absolutes in the world. I wholeheartedly believe in absolutes. Additionally, politics is still a hot botton subject among many people. The 2006 Congressional election is coming up. Many Democrats classify Republicans as a "culture of corruption." The truth is that the leadership of both major parties are infested with CFR members, Trilaterial Commission members, Freemasons, Skulls and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Jesuit-trained University folks, Knights of Malta, and other organization which contribute to the polarization of this country. We constantly see divisions on many issues, yet those in the global elite aren't fully exposed by the majority of the American citizenry. Republicans and Democrats are nothing more than 2 sides of the same coin of political control, while independent parties aren't even shown national recognition in debates.

Well, my continued goal is to exhibit meekness, but inhibit activities to move forward in our duties. We need to display facts as well. A fact is that many of our leaders or well known people embrace the occult like Alice Bailey, the people in Bohemian Grove, Nancy Reagan , Tony Blair etc. The truth is that many researchers presented plausible evidence that a controlled demolition happened in Building #1, 2, and especially Building Number Seven during September 11th, 2001 . I can't forget about exposing the Jesuits. Nicholas Rivera sent new information to Eric about how Jesuit Edmund Walsh advised Freemason Robert Jackson at Nuremberg. Freemasonry is still a group where people swear death oaths in their Lodges (even mentioned in their own writings for the Blue Lodge rituals), has occult symbolism, and even Albert Pike said that lower level members are intentionally decieved from learning the total truth inside of their own Temples. It's a fact that not only political leaders like Prince Phillip and Ted Turner promoted extreme population control, but population control program exist to this day.

Hopefully, an invasion of Iran won't occur, but the CFR-created Project for a New American Century clique not only endorsed a "Pearl-harbor" like event and war with Iraq. PNAC also seeked a war with Iran if necessary. The Jerusalem Post article written by HERB KEINON (on January 24 2006) recorded John Bolton (the new United Nations ambassador) that President George W. Bush will not tolerate a nuclear Iran. Iran's leaders wants Israel to be destroyed from the face of the Earth, which is extreme, while Israel is threatening to attack Iran as well. If Bonesman George W. Bush is using half-truths about Iraq and the spy scandal (which he never used a FISA court and this further group the power of the executive branch of government, which is wrong), then how can we trust the policies of CFR member Condoleeza Rice and CFR member & Bohemian Grove member Vice President Dick Cheney?

I hope the Bush team wakes up, but their policies of not radically fighting against abortion, delaying legitimate responses toward illegal immigration, strongly going forward with alternative energy, changing their policies on torture, etc. equates an administration that I vehementily dissent with. Weird happenings have been going on in the news. For example, World Net Daily on January 23 2006 talked about a scheduled nuclear drill in Charleston, South Carolina area. Maj. Gen. Bruce Davis, the task force's commander, will oversee the operation in Fort Monroe. I believe this is pure paranoia, because there has never been a massive terror attack against Americans for years. Also, governments for decades have either funded or created international terrorism, so their is an incident to grow government plus limit people's civil liberties. You can see 9/11 and Homeland Security with the Patriot Act and the New Freedom Iniatative as an example of the U.S. government using crisis as an excuse to grow government and pass laws that violate the Constitution. As for Iraq, an Associated Press article on January 23, 2006 (which was written by LARRY MARGASAK) mentioned that Halliburton is occured of water contimination. Documents and ex-Halliburton officals claim it, but Halliburton denies it. Critics always enacted distain for Halliburton for its no-bid contracts during the Iraq War. I disagree with the Iraq War as you know.

It's the 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade decision.
ABC 7 on January 22, 2006 shown information on how D.C. used survellieance cameras on the Pro-Life protestors in the Washington Mall. There will be 19 cameras and that's one example of the Big Brother obsessed culture that we acquire in America. Paul Watson even wrote an article about a test in England asking children discussing about 9/11, government support, and other controversial issues. There was one patriotic test in the United States. on January 23, 2006 has an article written by Laurie Sullivan having iris scan for New Jersey Grade children. When will this Big Brother insanity end? This tells me that we must embrace alternative thought and not be intimidated by anyone (even those in the government). The government ought to be a tool for the people, not a nanny gaurding our every move.

As for Unhived Forum, I think that the criticism against 2tuff have been unwarranted. I don't agree with him on religion, but for a while, he has strongly opposed the Jesuits and I respect that. Eric Jon Phelps proved that the Jesuits supported the Council of Trent (from 1545 to 1563). Jesuit General Diego Laynez was apart of it and the Council condemned the concepts of the Reformation, even freedom of speech, religion, and conscience. In fact, even Pope Clement XIV issued a bull of suppression (called the Dominus ac Redemptor) against the Jesuits in 1773, because of them causing troubles in even Catholic nations plus their corruption. Ironically, Clement was murdered in the same year. The bull was revoked in 1815.
Hey, I don't agree with censorship or slick tactics, because we need to let everything out in the open. I not only disagree with Bush, but his allies and puppets like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold is a son of a Nazi, he's allied with Kurt Waldhiem, he used steriods, Arnold is pro-abortion, he's against the Second Amendment, and he's not into my agenda. James Northstar is certainly correct by mentioning that we must not try to tear each other apart. We must go out and present rational, accurate information plus building people up, while abhoring evil and the New World Order agenda.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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