
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Another WINGTV article


Spying: What if Hillary Becomes President? by Victor Thorn

Amazingly, it seems as if the GOP elite in various media and political circles have no opposition whatsoever to the government spying on its own citizens. Nor are they opposed to the Constitution being trampled, or the tyrannical expansion of presidential powers far beyond anything our Founding Fathers ever envisioned. In fact, what is happening today with the NSA, the Patriot Act, and certain Executive Orders is precisely what they warned us against. But still, since the Republicans are in power, they don’t seem to mind a bit.But what these myopic morons are failing to realize is that the framework and laws which are being established right now won’t go away when George W. Bush crawls pitifully from office in 2008. No no no – they’ll still be in effect long after his abysmal reign has ended.With this premise in mind, what is the Right going to do if Hillary and her Marxist-socialist cabal seize power in 2008 and then turn these instruments of control against them? Have they ever pondered this very fundamental question? Sure, it’s nice now to have their hands on the levers of power, but nothing lasts forever, especially in Washington, D.C.

So guess who are going to be the first ones screaming bloody murder when Hillary and her minion of dirty tricksters start laying wiretaps on them or opening their e-mail. All of a sudden, they'll consider these acts ‘unconstitutional’ and beyond the pale of executive privilege.Thus, the only thing I suggest to all the proponents of Big Brother-style eavesdropping and snooping is this: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What comes around goes around, and someday soon you may be on the receiving end of everything you now support.Look at it this way: what if Hillary Clinton declares that conservatives are terrorists; or those who oppose abortion are enemies of the state. Worse, what if she states that a belief in God is ‘fundamentally dangerous’ and therefore justifies government surveillance. Maybe in their short-sighted zeal the GOP hasn’t considered these future ramifications, but I sure as hell have. And guess what: once you open the door for more snooping and federal intrusion, it’s very difficult to close it again.Get the government out of our lives, and keep them out, regardless of who sits in the Oval Office!

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