
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Answering a Pro-Choice person.

*I refute this Pro-Choice Canadian. His rhetoric borders on racism and he uses many stereotypes against blacks as well. He's a piece of work. I wrote this response today in Tuesday. I've seen HickMan's words and it gave me enough inspiration to speak on the truth. You know I had to bring it. I'm intimidated by no man or nothing, but God alone.

HickMan: First off, how does Slavery figure into this equation...???? how does something that occured a hundred years ago really matter??? like i have said, Other races have enslaved and been enslaved, but it is only the blacks that seem to hold a grudge, or continue to harp on the "sad" issue...Get over it...what do you people want, recognition? well you got that, how about money? get it yourself, special treatment...earn it, Slavery is an old thing of the past...heck the jews were enslaved and nearly exterminated...but we hear FAr FAR FAR less abut that then we do about Slavery...And the HOlocaust was 60 years ago compared to over 100!?!?!? Honestly...YES you were discriminated against over in the USA, but a white person goes to south Africa and they will probably get killed that week, or atleats robbed, like wise of i go to the Bronx or HArlem...So dont cry crocodile tears about your past greivances in the new millenium, get over it and find something newer, more relevant, and more important to bitch about...(hint economics...politics...etc)

Response: First slavery does fit into the equation since both many folks who supported slavery and abortion viewed life whether in the womb or out of it as sub-human and inferior. Slavery enacted brutal treatment unto many human being. Slavery revolves around property and abortion denotes unborn life as sub-human to be deposed of if necessary. That's an abortion/slavery connection. Abortion is a destructive procedure that kill human life and even some of its body parts are sold in the black market. This is against common morality and you need to wake up about that. It does matter and evil events of the past must be remembered, so they won't happen again.

I'm not ignorant so I already know that other groups of people were ensalved before. Don't insult my intelligent. You praise Canada and are a ardent Liberal, but the Conservative party won the election. There is a new Prime Minister called Stephen Harper and I hope to God that he will ban abortion completely. You continue on with your ignorant. Most black people don't hold grudges against others. What you classify as holding grudging is outlining our history and accomphlishments to you. The Holocaust and slavery ought to be remembered and made sure they don't happen again. In fact, slavery is here and the Holocaust still exist in many areas of the world including our own with the Abortion Holocaust. You saying "what you people want" shows a sign of hostility towards blacks and racism.

You stereotypically assign blacks as monolithic, but many blacks are in many political positions. I don't wine or complain. I fight. Our people fought in this country for centuries. In a span of decades, we have been althetes, PHds, doctors, lawyers, theologians, political activists, and the list goes on an on. In the span of 30 years, the college graduation rate among blacks have gone up. Tons of blacks have earned their way and their prosperity by themselves thank you very much. Also, I don't support any oppression and assaut against blacks, whites, or any other people. Assault in South Africa is just as evil as assault in America.

Katrina is a perfect example of black people and all people suffering today in America. This once again shows not only your cultural ignorance, but your stereotypical mindframe. Not to mention that violent crime has gone in America since 2000. I'm not crying crocodile tears, but showing rational historical information and analogies of abortion to Nazi Germany. Instead of following your liberal tune HickMan of whining, I will expose abortion, torture, illegal wars, GM foods, occult Secret Societies, etc. That's my agenda and I'm your monolith. I'm a man and I will be firm and unravering in my mind. You don't want people to know that the Nazis and Hitler supported abortion to Eastern European women. The Holocaust must be learned whether 60 or 100 years from now just like other events. There is absolutely nothing wrong with bringing past events up put in proper context. I'm back. What you should be doing is stop whining about the truth and embrace the truth.

Hick Man: Margret Sanger used abortion to target minorties????????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, wow it all seems o me that you are simply a paranoid wreck... MArgret Sanger MAY have been a racist and Probably WAS a druggie, whats your point? Unless Margret Sanger kidnapped and aborted pregnat minority women, then your case is wrong as:
Response: Sanger did used abortion to target minorities. The Negro Project of the 1930's was about lying to black Americans that they had large population growths, which they didn't. LEARN, an African American Pro-Life group outline that history rather eloquently. I'm not a paranoid wreck. Historians and authors believe in this with her own quotes. People in her staff promoted white supremacy by their own words, so this isn't paranoia. You're the one who hate real history and believe in a Pro-Choice dream world. She was a drug addict and my point is that Sanger's fruit was evil and Planned Parenthood is therefore evil since they continue in Sanger's legacy of wanting child killing to be on demand. Sanger supported abortion and my case is correct.

HickMan: WOMEN CHOOSE TO HAVE ABORTION AND SO HOW CAN THEY BE TARGETED??? ALL IT SEEMS IS THAT MINORTIES GENERALLY HAVE A POORER FINACIAL SIUATION AND THUS CANNOT SUPPORT NUMEROUS OF EVEN ONE CHILD THUS ABORTION THE CHILD AT THEIR OWN CHOICE AND WITH THEIR OWN MORALS!!!!!!! None of you can impose any of your beliefs on pregent women, thats what we Canadians call "Opresseion" and our Truthseeker would know all about that right???
Response: I'm not afraid of your capital letters. I'm a debater friend. I'm used to this stuff. I'm not targeting woman to be assaulted if they have abortion. I'm targeting the evil practice of it and those who support it on the sidelines including the doctors plus extremist activists like NARAL and NOW. Women who have it should be given compassion. Many minorities are poor, but many poor minorites have choice to keep their children, despite their finanical problems. Haven't you heard of success despite adversity. Just because someone is a minority or poor, doesn't mean that there is no hope for success. I'm the perfect example of that. I was born in the ghetto, but I fought, been in debates, and graduated from college. Economic disposition is not a justification to killing people at all. Abortion has nothing to do with choice. Abortion is murder. Unlimited choice is not justified for unlimited choice equates doing acts that violate moral principles.

I don't have a choice in rape, murder, and assault, so we have laws to restrict evil acts. Abortion is killing a fetus and must be restricted. Imposing beleifs on pregnant women. I'm not imposing anything. There's a difference between free speech and imposing. I'm outlining free speech. Oh, you want us to be restricted in what we say, do you? Isn't that hypocritical. You want speech that you agree with fully open, but speech that you abhor, you want it to be placed in some box. That's cowardice, not freedom. Real Oppression is murdering innocent babies with no shot at life. Other options like adoption can easily help the poor to preserve the life of their child. Your cheap shots are getting old and this is the 21st century where we must acknowlege the humanity of the unborn and not degrade it.

HickMan: So the way i see it the problem lies in you economy or way of life or whatever you wackjobs call it...people get abortions because they dont want to have children...whats wrong with that??? Sex for pleasure not creation...try it you all might enjoy it...

Response: The problem is more than economy and way of life. The problems includes genocide against the unborn, torture, etc. There are many reason why people get abortion indeed. The problem with murdering babies is that is immoral and illegal under U.S. law to murder. Also, other options like adoption, etc. can exist for mothers who have unwanted pregnancy instead of killing it. There is nothing wrong with sex, but sex has consequences and responsibilities. When sex leads to a pregnancy, both spouses have a responsibility to take care of it. Just like sexually risky behavior can lead to a consequence of a possible STD. I bring it all of the time. You forget of the recorded negative side effects of abortion that occured unto women like depression, fertility problems, etc. That isn't very pro-women to me.

You're not pulling the wool over the lies over me. I'm ready and I'm a warrior. Some good news is that more young people are becoming more Pro-Lifer than ever in America. This is mentioned in and other polls. wow, I'm not so afraid of your argument. Abortion is a violation of the 5th Amendment, abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, and the Preamble mentioned the right to life. That's again something you omit. So, Harper is your new Prime Minister of the Conservative Party. Isn't that something. Well, abortion doesn't even have to reproductive rights since abortion prevents the total reproduction of the baby. Reproduction is ended by abortion.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
Dedicated to the Millions of Unborn Babies Murdered by Abortion

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