
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Updates on the Pro-Life movement.

are the links.



Were You at the March for Life?
Several authors attended the annual
March for Life along with an estimated 150,000 enthusiastic pro-life friends.
Related: check out the excellent March coverage by
Barbara Curtis (MommyLife).
Posted by
tim at 12:14 AM Comments (0) TrackBack (0)
-->Bound4Life at March for Life
One of the striking images at the
March for Life was a group of individuals who stood silently in front of the Supreme Court with their mouths covered by red tape. These were the Bound4Life crew, who use their silent protest to call "all whose hearts burn for mercy and justice to help raise up a powerful grassroots movement that will plead the Blood of Jesus over the sins of our nation and move people to action."
Their strategy is straight forward although challenging: mobilize massive prayer, voting, and activism that will strike down legalized abortion and bring compassion and justice to the orphan and the widow.
Posted by
tim at 12:05 AM Comments (0) TrackBack (0)




SD Legislature To Consider Abortion Ban

In the next six weeks, South Dakota lawmakers will decide whether to make abortion a crime.A bill that would ban abortion in the state will be introduced within the next two days.The bill will be called the Woman's Health and Life Protection Act. It will ban abortion, but won't prosecute a doctor who performs one to save a woman's life. And the lawmaker who's introducing the bill says he thinks now is the right time to try and over-turn Roe vs Wade.Rep. Roger Hunt says, "Abortion should be banned."Those four words will likely lead to many others in the South Dakota House and Senate as lawmakers will decide whether to criminalize abortion in the state. The bill's supporters are using findings from a controversial abortion task force report recently given to the legislature.Hunt says, "DNA testing now can establish the unborn child has a separate and distinct personality from the mother.

We know a lot more about post-abortion harm to the mother."The legislature debated a similar bill two years ago, but Governor Mike Rounds vetoed it because of concerns over some technicalities.Hunt says, "We have made those corrections to the bill."Sunday, Hunt and other anti-abortion advocates held an event promoting their legislation. They say now is the time to pass it, because other states are considering similar bills and because with new Chief Justice John Roberts, and possibly Samuel Alito, the US Supreme Court is changing.Hunt says, "Two very solid, we feel, pro-life candidates. Again you never know but based on their testimony to the senate we feel they're good candidates."

Hunt says he thinks enough other lawmakers support the bill for it to pass, but he still thinks the decision will be a close one.He says, "I learned a long time ago the only time you really count the votes is when you're taking the votes."Hunt will also introduce two other bills this week. One is meant to ensure doctors explain the risks of an abortion to a woman is writing. The other deals with sex education and says school districts need to include principles in their curriculums dealing with abstinence and personal responsibilities.

Jodi Schwan © 2006 KELOLAND TV. All Rights Reserved.



By: Phil Brennan
rnum=Math.round(Math.random() * 100000);

It was a two-day media sensation - a baby whale had somehow got itself lost in the Thames River and while British rescuers sought to carry it out to sea before it died television stations in the U.S. and Britain carried hour-by-hour updates of the saga, tugging at the heartstrings of viewers across the globe. The plight and subsequent death of this one animal was treated as a major tragedy.
In the same two days, some 8,000 unborn American babies were butchered in the mothers' wombs - their murders taking place out of sight and out of mind Just all in a day's work - merely an unnoticed addition to the ghastly statistics that show that over 40 million innocent unborn infants have been killed since the United States decided that it was a woman's constitutional right to turn her womb into an execution chamber.
Nobody in the overwhelmingly pro-abortion media saw fit to draw a comparison between the near-heroic efforts to save the life on one baby whale which attracted so much of their attention and compassion, and the unnoticed murders of 8,000 unborn American human beings in the same time period. That's how low we have sunken.
We're going to pay a price for our complicity in this wholesale slaughter of the unborn - despite the claims of the secularists who sneer at the concept of Divine retribution, a God who loves his children, a God who is Justice itself, cannot be expected to be a mere bystander at the spectacle of his most innocent children , the unborn, being the victims of wholesale, for-profit butchery.
rnum=Math.round(Math.random() * 100000);

Think about it. Abortion is more than a word or a simple medical procedure. It is a grisly practice that involves chopping unborn humans into tiny pieces, using vacuum tubes to demolish and suck them out, poisoning them, and in the most horrific of all forms of abortion - the infanticide of partial birth abortion, dragging them most of the way out of the womb, jamming a pair of scissors into the base of their skulls, inserting a vacuum tube and sucking their living brains out as they writhe in agony.

Politicians and the billion dollar abortion industry prate about what they deceptively term "a woman's right to choose." They carefully ignore the unborn human being who is the victim of that right to choose. It is given no right to choose to live.

And it is a human being. Medical science is unanimous in stating that human life begins at the moment of conception, when everything that makes a human being human is present in its DNA, from the color its hair will be, to the height it will reach, to the power of its intellect - to what kind of a person it will turn out to be.
Poll after poll has demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of Americans believe that abortion is murder, plain and simple. Incredibly, they also believe that a woman has the right to execute the child in her womb - to allow her child to die a horrendous death without ever being allowed to experience the life God willed that it should have.

The agreement with the fallacy that a woman can abrogate the will of God makes everyone who believes that complicit in the crime of the murder of the unborn. Every time they step into a voting booth and cast a vote for a politician who supports abortion they become his or her accomplice in the killing of the 40 million unborn Americans already murdered and the 4,000 more who are slain in abortion mills every day of the year.
They ignore the shameful spectacle of a major political party blatantly and proudly displaying their craven obeisance to the abortion industry that has bought their voices and their votes, as America is now witnessing in the matter of the conformation of Judge Samuel Alit to be a justice of the Supreme Court. The Democrat Party is proving that it is owned, lock stock and barrel by today's version of Murder, Inc. - Planned Parenthood and their competitors in the business of slaughtering the innocent.
If you fit in that category of willing accomplices, you have blood on your hands. And even if you can't see it, God can. You, and all of America will be hearing from Him soon. It won't be pretty.
Domine Iesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, salva nos ab igne inferiori, perduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
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Phil Brennan is a veteran journalist who writes for He is editor & publisher of Wednesday on the Web and was Washington columnist for National Review magazine in the 1960s. He also served as a staff aide for the House Republican Policy Committee and helped handle the Washington public relations operation for the Alaska Statehood Committee which won statehood for Alaska. He is also a trustee of the Lincoln Heritage Institute and a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers. Phil Brennan is a regular columnist for Ether Zone.Phil Brennan can be reached at pvb@pvbr.comWe invite you to visit his website at Wednesday on the WebPublished in the January 25, 2006 issue of Ether Zone. Copyright © 1997 - 2006 Ether Zone.
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