
Monday, January 30, 2006

Debate about the Passion of the Christ.

This is one of the greatest debates about the Movie “The Passion of the Christ” in October 6, 2004 where Pale Horse (a Catholic who follows Vatican I teachings which includes the lie that people who aren’t Catholic and are Christians are going to Hell) supports it wholeheartedly and I refute him.

Pale Horse wrote:
What reference of authority is that from? The Talmud?

Response: Actually, the literal translation of it is: “Vaticanus then is a combination of Vatic + anus, just as Romanus is a combination of Rome + anus. Therefore, vaticanus collis or vaticanus mons mean "the prophetic hill or mountain", which can be rephrased as the hill or mountain of prophecy. The word Vatican is just a shortened form of the word Vaticanus, just like Claudian is a shortened form of Claudianus, as shown above.” (From ) This is my simple error. Even though I don’t agree with the 7th Adventists, they are telling the truth about the Papacy and this is not from the Talmud.

Pale Horse wrote:
Who said Jesus The Christ is a graven image? He isn't a golden calf. God didn't forbid anyone to make an image of His Son.

Response: Christ isn’t a graven image, but the Bible perfectly says that we aren’t to create an image of God. The Son is God, so I won’t do it or venerate any image at all. The golden calf in the OT was worshipped as God and this was forbidden.

Pale Horse wrote:
So, where does God forbid anyone worship His Son? And since He is hated so much, Talmud anti-Christs would depict Him as always as the same as they are - porn stars, unscriptural Hollywood scenes, sanitized scenes, excessive violence in Hollywood ungodly movies, and occultic and incoherent messages. We can name several. All your claims apply to Hollywood movies of above, certainly not the Passion of The Christ. Hollywood movies depict the violence done to Jesus as depicted in The Passion of The Christ.

Response: I didn’t say we aren’t forbidden to worship the Son, but any image that depicts the Son in any manner is forbidden to worship since the Son is God not an image. I do realize that the Talmud is false since it was created by Apostate Jewish people around 500 A.D. adding to the Word of God. A religious movie must have reasonable license to have people who repented to play important roles. Occult scenes, excessive violence, bad symbolism, and ungodly components can easily rebuke the movie as a deception. All of these facts are clearly found in Hollywood movies and in the Passion. Watch Unto Prayer Ministries at and have fully outlined this clearly. Just because a movie depicts violence doesn’t justify it for the Passion. The Bible says little on the violence Christ suffered which were about 2 incidents nothing more or less. His violence never saved us, but his blood.

Pale Horse wrote:
An addition to Scriptures by you. Will you be rebuked by Jesus for learning of the Pharisees?

Response: What is my addition to the scriptures? Christ exposing the Pharisees [with pride, anger, and strife], who added tradition to the Law, is found clearly in the Bible. To say that a man can’t rebuke heresy is fantasy. There is no evidence whatsover that the real church used an image of God to venerate. The Roman Catholics were heretics for doing that in the Middle Ages and the Iconoclasts rebuked them for it.

Pale Horse wrote:
"There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church." Mel stated the truth of the Catholic Church teachings direct from Jesus Christ who taught there is no salvation outside of HIM.

Response: Mel Gibson told a lie when he said anyone who isn’t part of the Catholic Church is going to Hell. The Word of God clearly states that any man or woman or child who repents, follows his Word, and lives a godly life until death will go to Heaven regardless of denomination. WE ARE SAVED BY FAITH THROUGH GRACE NOT BY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. The Catholics just believe in a lot of superstitious beliefs, so God is telling the Catholics to reject false doctrines and come out.

Pale Horse wrote:
There were 3 or 4 nails. The All Seeing Eye is God's. Freemasons stole the symbol and have corrupted it as you have seen. Catholicism vs Freemasonry will never be reconciled, only cosmetically as you see in the taken-over-by-Freemasons Vatican today since 1958. (Suggested reading about Bella Dodd's testimony to the Senate Committee). The brutalizing was done by Jesus haters. The brainwashing of millions of Christians to this day is done by Freemasons. There is a difference between ecumenical and antichrist Masonic "pontiff" John Paul's "ecumenism" whereas he adjoins pagans to heaven along with other antichrists. Welcome to your wake-up call.

Response: Any scholar of the occult knows that when a man talks about nails in a religious context, he means Satan. The man from Switzerland in the Sun Cult Site have truly exposed that. Mel even gave a clue of his Satanic impulses by saying straight up that I used the Left Hand to put the nail in Cavaziel’s body. The left hand (as any occultist knows) means the Sinister hand or way or the way of Satan. Christ said those going on Hell are on my Left Hand. The Order of the Left Hand is a real Satanic group dedicated to try to destroy Christianity [which they won't obviously]. The All Seeing Eye is not of God single God doesn’t have one eye and throughout ancient history, pagan religions have always used one eye to denote the occult and Horus (Satan). Look at is a site there to prove its existence before Christianity came along in ancient Egypt.

Freemasons use it today and that alone means the one eye is Satanic plus its the logo of the Council on Foreign Relations. HOW BLATANT CAN I GET. Yes, indeed Freemasonry is an evil group and the Catholics are right to oppose them in the 1700’s-1800’s. You must be a Vatican I Catholic and yes John Paul II is a Koran Kisser and a compromiser. As for this Vatican I and II stuff, this is rather striking proof that your church isn’t infallible at all. You added tons of unscriptural precepts for centuries and now you divided in 1958. The Passion just focuses too much on the brutality done by Jesus haters. We should not set our eyes on the disgusting brutality, but Christ’s blood which saves us from all sin. Freemasons have brainwashed people and I agree with you on that.

Pale Horse wrote:
Already you've shown your errors. Who will believe you now? The Catholic Church, not Talmudist John Paul II, has kept the Infallible Word of God.

Response: The Passion being a international hoax isn’t a deception. I will believe in Christ and his Word. God kept his word and the Church is solely the custodians of his word. The Word of God has higher authority than the Church. Christ has higher authority than the Church. The Catholic Church embraces false precepts.

Pale Horse wrote:
You've not shown any deception.

Response: I’ve shown plenty of deception. The movie says that Christ was tempted in Gethasame by Satan, but he wasn’t. The movie called the cup chalice during a scene when it didn’t occur in the bible. Many of the prominent actresses are intentionally known pornographers. The movie has Mary knowing about Christ’s suffering from underground the Temple when she never seen Christ in that scene which is wrong and Merovingian symbolism is poured into the film. Hundreds of Christians worldwide are exposing this trashy movie for what it is being a pure hoax and blasphemy against God Almighty.

Pale Horse wrote:
What is Truth?

Response: Truth is God. The Truth is also found in his Word.

Pale Horse wrote:
So,you are against anyone's conversion to the Truth? If my posts are "redundant" and "deceptive", then why is it that you've added to the Scriptures?

Response: I’m not against anyone’s conversion to the Truth, but if a man follows false doctrines, you have no choice but to inspire people to leave it. I haven’t added anything to the Scriptures. Robertson, Hagee, and Falwell are proven ecumencials and should be told to leave the One World Church crowd immediately and end all ties to the Council on National Policy.

Pale Horse wrote:
We Catholics are also pro-John the Baptist, protest against un-Scriptural "bibles" which have missing canonical books, pro-Bible and Tradition of Apostles, and we're all red with the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. WE CONSUME HIS BODY AND BLOOD at worship in the Holy Mass as Jesus said "as often as ye shall do these things, do them in commemoration of Me." We do perpetually as Daniel stated the "continual sacrifice". This will never change.

Response: I know you’re a Papist. As for the Bible, the Waldensians, Protestants, Baptists, independent religious groups, etc. have preserved the real Bible for 2,000 years. The Apocrypha is secondary to the Bible and has tons of errors and was rejected by even Jerome and tons of folks in the early church. Tradition is inferior to God’s word since tradition includes oral communication (plus Papal sayings, words of “saints”, and other dogma) equating totally incoherent information of a variety of subjects that don’t stack up to the simplicity of the Bible. Communion is always symbolic and Christ said to do it in remembrance of me meaning he wasn’t cutting himself to let his followers eat him, but use the bread and wine to symbolize his ONE AND ONLY SACRFICE. IT IS FINISHED. The circular disk to denote the “Eucharist” originated from ancient Mystery religions in Babylon and Egypt. Wycliff, Paul, Benegarius, and others are totally opposed to your viewpoint on Communion. THE BOOK OF HEBREWS PERFECTLY OUTLINE THE SOLE SACRIFICE OF CHRIST ON THE CROSS. IT’S OVER.

Pale Horse wrote:
"The world may pass away, but My Word will not pass away." - Jesus Christ

Response: I have no problem at all with that last quote.I hope you wake up.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)




  1. Fellow Christian!

    Why the vicious attacks on Your Brother-In-Christ Pale Rider?! And the Roman Catholic Church?!

    Has the Roman Catholic Church commited wrongs?...YES!...has the various Protestant Churches commited wrongs?...YES!...The Bride Of Christ is full of 'Gods Retarted Children'!...hateful persecutions of each, theological errors by each, greed by each, sucessful and unsucessful reforms in each, commonality in each, kindness in each, and CHRIST IN EACH!

    Gentlemen, WE as Christians have a common enemy...the Enemy himself!...and the evil one, may GOD rebuke him is using our divisions, some legite...some not...against The Bride Of Christ...he uses the blackness of Freemasonry and other secret societies and their desires to rebuild the Fourth Temple so Anti-Christ will sit upon the False Throne, he uses Christian Zionism to restore the Fourth Temple and sacrifice the Jewish people and 'usher in the Second Coming (as if they could do so), secular Jewish Zionism, unadulterated capitalistic greed, atheistic communism, Jihadist Islam, humanism, secularism, distorted human freedoms, homosexuality, the Holocaust of The Unborn, subtle desensitizing of our youth through violent movies and video games, and the list goes on MEN!

    Christendom needs your intellects to do HIS WILL and DEFEND HIS HOLY FAITH!

    Seek the Truth as you both are doing!

    Thanks for you time!

    Pray for me a sinner, filthy as name is Gary

  2. This is not a vicious attack, but the truth. Roman Catholicism is apostate Christianity. Many Messanic Jewish people are Zionists, but aren't a threat to people. There is a difference between secular Jews and conservative Jews. The Bible says that God hasn't cast away his people, that the land is for an eternal possession for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and that salvation is of the Jews. I've shown kindess, I know the threat of Freemasonry, etc.
