
Monday, January 30, 2006

No Compromise

Jumping up and down at me are highs and lows in my life. Every challenge that came my way in terms of making my views known, I've made victories. I've refuted tons of these skeptics, doubters, Freemasons, etc. You skeptics know who you are. I've send over a dozens of links validating my opinions, but these people still won't believe. I guess they embrace their delusions in life. Well, I'm not going to compromise. The truth is too important to fall back and give up, because documentated sources, experts, history, and the nature of humanity are on our side. There have been loud rumblings about Iran. China and Russia wants to further their economic relationships with Iran to have more access to Iran's oil supplies. Unlike, the Neo-Con hawk, I don't favor a war with Iran neither a strike. If we go out and strike their nuclear facilities (if they exist in high levels), then Iran will retiliate not only against Israel, but our G.I.s in Iraq. The whole Middle East could erupt into an unstable atmosphere.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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