
Thursday, January 05, 2006

I haven't lost a step

Many folks are talking about the Letterman and Bill O'Reilly debate. The truth of the matter is that both men were suprisingly correct on some points. Letterman was right to point out the immorality of the present war inside of Iraq and the non-fair and balanced presentations of Bill O'Reilly plus FOX News. Bill O'Reilly was right to display that there is a culture war in American society. Bill O'Reilly doesn't discuss a lot of important issues to galvanize the people to enact authentic change in this nation. For example, Bill O'reilly doesn't report on the widespread voting crisis in America, the massive violations of the Constitution, Big Brother, the truth on 9/11, National ID cards, the UN's control of some of our national parks and its population control and abortion promotion, the prison industrial complex, torture, etc. Many liberals extremists do indeed want all religious expression banned from the public square. These far left extremists demonize Conservative Christians as "theocrats" if they disagree with their agenda. Obviously as for Christmass (or false Christ-Mass), the Bible never required Christians to worship his birthday on Christmass. Most of the components of Christmass (Yule greetings, mistletoe, tree, star, Santa Claus, December 25th, etc.) existed from the pagan religions thousands of years ago, not from Christianity at all.

Well, I don't believe that the Republicans are to be blamed for everything as well and I've debated and refuted those who do. Although, now the Republicans have more corruption on greater levels than the Democrats on so many scandals. Today, there is a lot of deception in Christendom. What I mean is that far too often big dome churches, embrace of the Passion, the rare discussion of serious issues (i.e. Big Pharma, Secret Societies, the Iraq War, 9/11, etc.), etc. plague many folks. You have Jack Van Impe promoting ecumencism. Tim LaHaye's book Left Behind is a bestseller, but it promotes salvation even after taking the Mark of the Beast, suicide, and other unscriptural things according to Gary and Lisa Ruby's Liberty to Captives Ministries). Even supposedely "Pro-Life" Pat Robertson was funded by the powerful Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace. Pat Robertson's father was Absolom Willis Robertson. He was a Democrat, Cutting Edge called him a 32nd Degree Freemason, and he served on the Senate's Committee on Banking and Currency.

Loyola Marymount University, Fordham, Farfield, and Georgetown are 4 famous Jesuit controlled universities as well. Viet Dinh in fact was a Georgetown law professor who was one of the artitects of the USA Patriot Act that was signed by George W. Bush. Some good news is that hundreds of cities have passed resolutions banning its enforcement unto the American people
. We must never forget the truth about the Jesuits. It was a group created in the 1500's by Ignatius Loyola who done occult Spiritual Exercises. The Jesuits were involved with Napoleon and other events spanning centuries. Freemasonry (not only the Jesuits) have infiltrated many churches and universities in this country. Therefore, the Jesuits and Freemasons control many of our universities. That's why those who legitimately criticize the Jesuit Order and Freemasonry are unfairly labeled as "ignorant" or a "bigot." We must be brave to oppose the Jesuits, Freemasonry, and all Secret Societies.

For example, 33rd Degree Freemason/liberal Democrat Oral Roberts runs Oral Roberts University. Texe Marrs wrote that Oral Roberts University had New Age and Masonic symbols on it. I once saw the Masonic "G" on my campus. Also in my university, I heard people refer to each other as Brothers and give each other a Masonic handshake. Fraternities also reflect Masonic influences as well. Why is that? The reason is that many fraternities like Phi Beta Kappa and Pi Delta Psi have Masonic handsigns, secret rules, and odd rituals. Many members of these fraternities and sororaties go on to Freemasonry, the Eastern Star, and other occult organizations. The Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity has its crest with a snake biting its tail (called ourborus), a Masonic hand sign, Skulls and bones, a cross with equal sides on it (a sun symbol), and a six pointed star (a Hexagram). This image is below in this article. Many have some networking systems to let them excel in certain avenues of life. I was always suspicious of fraternal orders and Secret groups since I was a child. listed tons of occult symbolism not only in fraternties, but in the corporations running this globe. Baylor University was headed by many Masons in times past.

For example, 33rd Degree Freemason Abver V. McCall headed Baylor. Also, Herbert H. Reynolds (another 33rd Degree Freemason) ran the University as of 1993. The Scottish Rite Magazine mentioned these facts as well. 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller is not only ecumencial and loves the Pope, but he believe in a false self-esteem gospel, embrace some concepts of Eastern mysticism, and proclaims that Christians and Muslims worship the same god. Don't get me wrong: Most Freemasons don't know about the unscriptural concepts and Ancient Mystery Religion influences in their Lodges. Most Masons believe that they want to do the Great Work of helping society, but their groups have pagan symbolism, death oaths (even if it's symbolic), and other components that people shouldn't join. If you don't believe me that some Masons support one world government, then 33rd Degree Freemason C. William Smith said that he wanted a "..."to pave the way for the new race, the new religion, and the new civilization." (The New Age, Sept. 1950)

If that's not a New World Order, then I don't know what is. People talk about the ADL, but few people know that the ADL was created by B'nai B'rith Lodge. That Lodge is nothing more than an offshoot of the Gentile Scottish Rite Freemasonry (validated by Anton Chaitkan's research). So, the Jewish people are used as front folks by the Elite, so all Jews in general can be unfairly blames for all of the problems running around in society. One famous Elite Jewish person (which is not representative of good Jewish people on the street living their own lives) is CFR member Edgar Bronfman, who runs and owns the evil Seagrams alcohol and liquor corporation. Now, I want to talk about John Calvin. I'm a Baptist and I agree with him that man's free will doesn't merit salvation, but God's grace does. Also, predestination and election exists and is clearly found in the Holy Bible. On the other hand, I disagree with him that Christ died only for the elect. The Bible clearly states that Christ died for all men (Isaiah 53:6, 1 Timothy 2:3-6, Romans 5:18, etc.) Calvin not only was amillennial, but supported infant baptism that I totally disagree with. It's a fact that the heretic Servetus was unfairly killed and religious persecution existed in Gevena. David Cloud made mention of this and I support David Cloud's view on Calvinism as well.

I haven't lost a step and I will continue to write in '06 and beyond.
I wished the mainstream media showed this information. Recently, Defense from January 4 2006 reported on how the military wanted to perform space games in outer space. This is one example of the militarization of space that the military industrial complex promotes. Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke. While I wish no man death, he said controversial things and done aggressive activities in his history. Now, reports are coming in that he has a coma. Many entertainers love to show hand signs like producer Pharrel displaying the "V" or Shin hand sign. Cathy Burns called that sign satanic as well. I keep on look at the apostacy of the Episcopalian Church (Nothing more than Romanism without a Pope) as almost insane sometimes. Tony Blair is an Anglican, but follow the occult ritual of channeling the "Light" and his wife (Claire Booth) is a Catholic. Even the head of the Anglican Church [Rowan Williams] is a Druid priest.

Much of the politicans are Washington are in the CFR and are Freemasons like 33rd Degree Freemason/ex-KKK member Robert Byrd and CFR member John Kerry
. As for the Rose Bowl, Vince Young and Texas defeated #1 ranked USC. A lot of people who show the Texas horned symbol don't realize that it was used thousands of years ago in relation to Nature and some Satanists use it as well. I like showing the truth on Abortion as being fundamentally evil.
Stephen St. John and Bob Scheidt are spewing their anti-Semitic stuff again. I don't support any evil done by Israel, but I will not condemn all people inside of Israel either. They won't talk about the Bible elaborately, because the Bible says that All Israel” is used in Ezra 2:70, 6:17; 8:22, 35; 10:5, and in Nehemiah 7:73; 12:47. The return of the tribes also are from Ezra 2:1-2, and that Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews (Mt. 27:37). Jesus Christ is called the King of Israel (the twelve tribes) in Mt. 27:42 and John 12:9-13).

The Magi called Christ King of the Jews (Mt. 27:11), Luke 2:36 mentions Asher, John 4:19-26, Jesus said that salvation is from the Jews, Paul (from the tribe of Benjamin) is called a Jew in Acts 1:39, In Acts 18:24, there is a Jew named Apollos, native of Alexandria, Egypt, Anyone who hates his fellow man is a murderer. (1 John 2:9-11, 1 John 3:15), and Israel is the apple of God's eye in Zech. 2:7-11. Obviously, I read tons of the Bible. Now, St. John wrote this in the APFN (American "Patriot" Friends Network) forum and they censor my and other works many times. APFN are a hot bid of anti-Semites. To me, they are the worse censors in the Internet in terms of the alternative media and should be ashamed of themselves in censorsing people's articles. Even the conservative Paul Craig Roberts compared Bush to Hitler, wanted him impeached, and disagreed with his policies. Kurt Nimmo wrote an artilce about HR. 3199 that promotes a national police. Rep. Sensenbrenner promoted this, introduced and sponsored the creation of the “United States Secret Service Uniformed Division” (USSSUD) or a national police force.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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