
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Who Were the Real Terrorists Behind 9/11? by Brian Price


Who Were the Real Terrorists Behind 9/11? by Brian Price 10/8/05

Intro Indeed, this is a question among many that must be answered. Were the supposed 19 hijackers from Saudi Arabia to blame for 9/11? Or did someone else execute betrayel? What are some consequences that have happened since, and what can we expect in the future? We will look into these questions further in this article.
I was like most Americans when this tragic event occured. I was in my high school art class, watching on television the Fox News covering. I was scared. I remember thinking, "Oh no, we are going to war!" I was just one of millions though.

It was not until God actually opened my eyes Septemeber 12, last year, when he saved me, that I began to go against the grain of society, and discover the truth behind 9/11. My findings have made my stomach turn. The truth can sometimes hurt and can sometimes come across as ugly, but nevertheless, it's the truth. I choose not to be in blind ignorance. Others, however, would rather not know the truth, because what's it to them? They have their riches. They have their TV, their nice things, and whatever else makes them complacent, fat and happy. They say, "What I don't know can't hurt me." That's a load of hog wash. The Bible says that hell is a place of "weeping and gnashing of teeth!" That means, there will be a lot of people who think they are going to heaven, but who will actually end up hell! What you DON'T know CAN hurt you. So if you really don't want to go to a place of such torment, you need to
wake up and smell the coffee.
If you desire truth, then my friend, seek and ye shall find! Don't be content with what you hear, do yourself a favor, research!

The Land of the Free and Home of the Greedy? America is run by evil wicked men, whose own bellies they serve. It's all about the Almighty Dollar. Greed and lust are man's best friends. The Bible says that, "God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. Every one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no, not one (Psalm 53:2-3)." I was watching this short video about the Ten Commandments, and one person who was interviewed said, "Well if the Bible is true, then the whole world is full of liars, adulterers, thieves, and murderers." Yes my friend, it sure is.

"Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts." - Proverbs 21:2

"For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies..." - Matthew 15:19

"For the love of money is the root of all evil..." - 1 Timothy 6:10

The truth is America was betrayed by our own. Concerning the aircrafts that were not intercepted, states: "On September 11th, there were fighters in the air less than five minutes away from the Twin Towers when the first was hit, 25 minutes after Flight 11 was believed to be hijacked. There were a number of air stations with combat-ready fighters within ten minutes' flying time from the New York City and Washington targets. There were well-established automatic procedures for intercepting aircraft that were either off course or had lost communication. Yet there were no interceptions of any of the four hijacked aircraft, with the possible exception of Flight 93, whose interception and shoot-down is officially denied. What conclusions can be drawn from this failure, given the awesome capabilities of the air defense network?"

How is that 4, not one, but FOUR aircraft were airborne, and yet not ONE was intercepted? I'll tell you why, it's because evil greedy men are getting something out of all this choas by standing aside, or causing it to happen. The opposing team is playing on our home field. Do you actually think a few Muslim terrorists coordinated such a strategic attack? Not even the most trained professionals could fly a plane with such precision into the Pentagon, let alone some first timer Arabs!

If you know anything about History, you would understand that such empires like Rome, or Nazi Germany, did anything they could to totally enslave their people, whether by force, or by deception. In Rome, Nero blamed the Christians for torching Rome, thus they were thrown to the lions in the arena. In Nazi Germany, Hitler blamed the communists for torching the Reichstag, hence Hitler came into power. In 1963, General L.L. Lemnitzer proposed a plan in which the military could plant a bus bomb in Washington D.C. in order to have an excuse to go to war with Cuba, this was known as the Northwoods Document. Just do a google search on these topics. Today, it's the Feds blaming the terrorists in the Middle East for all attacks. Did the terrorists have a hand in 9/11? I'm sure they did. What do you think a mercenary is? A mercenary is a paid soldier or killer, and he doesn't have to be nice. Osama Bin Laden was even nursed back to health on an American Army Base before 9/11. Just who's side is he on?
The Dark Secrets Did you know that your "Christian Conservative" President just happens to be in the
Skull and Bones society? Did you also know that this society is Satanic? You know, I've heard it said that ignorance is bliss. When you are in ignorance, life is just wonderful, but oh watch out when someone tells you the truth, it's like insulting someone's own mother. The same happens when a person finds out that his beloved Republican President is a secret Satanist. His ignorance is shot, and he wants it back.

Did you also know that there were 3 buildings that were demolished on September 11th? That's right, not 2, but 3. It was
Building 7. It was actually demolished supposedly by debri and a fire caused by some diesel fuel! Even the world's greatest building engineers know that you can't bring down concrete and steel with just diesel fuel! That building was filled with explosives and brought down because the feds wanted it gone.

There are lots of secret societies that are not widely known about, in which politicians and world leaders are actively involved in. There are the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, the Rockefellers, and on and on. If you don't believe me, I encourage you to purchase and watch the
Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones. In fact, much of the political leaders of the world are heavily involved in the occult. Tony Blair and his wife are just one example that are into the occult. So it's no surprise if Bush himself along with a handful of our own politicians are into the same kind of occultic practices.

"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" - Amos 3:3

"Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." - James 4:4
Repentance is the Key America needs to repent. We have gone to war with a country that did not provoke us, nor attacked us in anyway. We have fallen away from the landmarks which our forefathers had set in place. We have done so much wickedness in tolerating abominations to God like open homosexuality and abortion, and God's urgent plea to America is repentance. America was betrayed by our own cunning, sly, greedy leaders and the global elite who wish to annihilate anyone who clings to the Bible and the wonderful truths of salvation through Jesus Christ. I encourage you to become a thought criminal, and think against the grain of the majority. The majority believes that our government is overall, good with good intentions. The majority also believes that mankind is overall moral and going to heaven. Both of these beliefs are false views, skewed by our own perceptions and experiences. Mankind is desperately wicked overall, and our government does NOT have good intentions. It's time to wake up, and it's time to repent!

The Future So, what are we to expect in the near future? Well, you can expect more laws. And who are laws made for? The unlawful! But if you are a law abiding American, you have something to be worried about... Laws like the Patriot Act are NOT good! Laws are like chains, the more you have, the more of a slave you become. Our rights which our forefathers established for us in the U.S. Constitution are being chipped away, piece by piece, until there is nothing left. It's kind of like going into debt. At the start, you have $20,000. The first month, you decide to spend a thousand dollars. You figure, "What's a thousand dollars? I still have $19,000 left." A few months later, you decide to spend 2 thousand dollars. You think, "I still have $17,000 left. I'm okay." A year later, you decide to spend 10 thousand dollars. You think, "$7,000 is all I really need, I'm good." Three months later, you spend the rest of your money. Before you know it, you are kicking yourself, saying, "What happened to all that money I had? Life was good then."

The freedoms we have now is just like having 20,000 dollars in the bank. We think, "So what if they can search our houses unreasonably? I can still watch tv, and besides, I am no drug dealer or murderer, so what's it to me?" Yet, you fail to realize that the freedoms you do have are being slowly taken away. Pretty soon, you won't be allowed to watch TV anymore! And the sad thing is that all this is being done in the name of Anti-Terrorism. Well folks, let's get something straight, we got plenty of "terrorists" in our own jails, and still on our streets. It's a part of life in a community. There will always be a thief and a murderer as long as there is sin in the world. But when you start searching the elderly, and baby strollers for bombs, you have just crossed the line. You have now made the "innocent until proven guilty" guilty on the presumption that everyone wants to blow up everybody. May God have mercy on us for our sin.
Take Care. ---Brian

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