
Monday, March 27, 2006

Another Unfair imprisonment in America.


Ohio Attorney Persecuted And Jailed For 232 Days Under Nazi-Like Treatment Right Here In America
Elsabeth Baumgartner also spent 10 days locked away, held without right to counsel and clergy, for merely speaking out at a city council meeting. Saying she was held as a political prisoner, she now faces a sentence of 66 years and 6 months for what she calls "trumped-up" charges.27 Mar 2006
By Greg Szymanski

The top dogs in Ohio and the White House are "foaming at the mouth" over allegations made by a former Cuyahoga County attorney who uncovered "their illegal bones" buried deep within the fields of political corruption.

Attorney Elsabeth Baumgartner, corruptly disbarred by Ohio officials, dug a hole so deep into local and state corruption it ended up all the way at the doorstep of 1600 Pennsylvania and its illegally installed occupant, George W. Bush.

Baumgartner, a well-respected bio-tech attorney who graduated first in her class from the University of Toledo law school, basically tried to do "something right" against the "wrong people."

And for trying to expose Illuminati corruption the 50-year-old attorney turned activist is experiencing the nightmare her life, facing a rather strange but ominous sentence imposed by powers that be of 66 years and 6 months.

Baumgartner is due in a Cuyahoga County courthouse today on the charge of Intimidation for simply "emailing and questioning" Ohio's Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

This week another warrant for her arrest was issued in Cuyahoga County in a related matter concerning her web site recently compromised and destroyed by Ohio officials.

"I expect to be arrested on the new charges carrying another 45 years in jail when I show up at the courthouse Monday asking for a continuance," said Baumgartner last Friday on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal. "All my rights as an American were violated and I have been held as a political prisoner."

Calling the charges "trumped up and ridiculous," Baumgartner knows she uncovered "something big and evil" since she has already spent 234 days in jail on another trumped-up misdemeanor charge, as well as spending 10 days "in the hole" when first arrested.

"I was essentially put in a hole for 10 days and held incommunicado as a domestic terrorist," said Baumgartner. "I wasn't allowed legal counsel, the right to clergy and even the opportunity to make a phone call."

And if anyone thinks Americans don't already have two feet buried deep into the mud of fascism, pay close attention to how and why Baumgartner was originally jailed for 234 days on a misdemeanor charge.

"I basically was jailed for standing up and speaking at a city council meeting," said Baumgartner about the night in 2001 leading to arrest five days later on technical charges of Falsification.
The charges stemmed from statements she made questioning a huge ferry boat contract awarded to an Ohio businessman, citing affidavits from some of her clients alleging the boats were being used for illegal drug running with full knowledge of state politicians, law enforcement and federal officials.

Further, she questioned the legality of awarding the lucrative Lake Erie contract since it amounted to nothing more than "a political favor" as another company was overlooked who was more competent and provided the same ferry boat service for less money.

"All I did was speak out and use my right as a citizen to question our government," said Baumgartner, adding that she must have struck a nerve that night, leading to corruption at the highest levels of Washington, as well as the Ohio Governor, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Ohio Attorney General.

Baumgartner said five days after the city council meeting she was arrested, the state twisted the law to say she falsified statements at an official public hearing.

However, legal observers say the technical law used in her "illegal arrest and incarceration" was never intended for mere statements made at open forum city council, but rather the Falsification misdemeanor law was intended for official government hearings when witnesses are placed under oath.

"They just twisted the law and I was jailed," said Baumgartner. "As a lawyer, respected in my community, I never thought this could happen in America, but I am living proof it can and it's not over yet."

As a bio-tech attorney representing influential clients, Baumgartner's original troubles also began when she notified state and federal authorities about sensitive bio-tech information being hi-jacked, information which could have been used to wage bio-tech warfare against the U.S.

But instead of receiving cooperation from the feds, she claimed any serious investigations were stonewalled, as she became the brunt of harassment and illegal surveillance for reporting the alleged bio-tech misappropriation of information.

Besides the bio-tech and ferry boat matters, Baumgartner also tried to save her local school district $1.5 million involved in a contract scam she uncovered, a scam involving top officials and only the tip of the ice berg, leading to how money may have ended up in the coffers of George W. Bush's 2004 re-election campaign as a for return on political favors.

"I think they wanted to contain the scandal brewing to the state and local levels and this why they came down hard on me," added Baumgartner.

After serving 234 days and then losing her law license, Baumgartner started a web site, deciding to go all out, exposing how she was being "railroaded" and exposing even more state and federal political corruption.

As she faces more jail time today making her appearance in court, in a recent letter directed to family and friends, Baumgartner tries to explain what's now unfolding in her battle against government corruption:

"A 15 county indictment was issued for me today with a warrant in Cuyahoga County. These charges relate to my alleged intimidation of my former business partner Bryan DuBois and his wife Mandy DuBois related to Erie Voices in Erie County while I resided in Ottawa County. It appears Cuyahoga is trying to boot strap the case to the current case in Cuyahoga in order to keep the case there to complicate my defense and deny me a fair trial. Those of you who have followed the story know that while I was held in the State Mental Hospital, Bryan and Mandy stole Erie Voices from my family and turned it in to a Baumgartner bash and disinformation site.

"When I got out and started aggressively publishing the truth of what happened including the fact that over $35,000 had been misappropriated from us or our company exclusive of equipment and the value of the contents of the website itself; (well over $50,000 invested) the DuBois felt the truth intimidated them. It was at this point that the site was shut down by the DuBois at the government's urging in order that all the evidence necessary to my defense, the public good and of their own intimidation of my family and me was not available. This was also the reason for the raid on my home. To obtain all my computer records related to pay to play, and evidence gathered related to the website.

"I do not understand the need to issue a warrant. Perhaps it is yet another example of their desire to degrade me and see me in chains at the start of trial on Monday when Bryan DuBois will enter his plea and turn state's evidence against me.

"I still believe Bryan has been coerced into this plea by his wife, his attorney and Kasaris.
This action follows closely increasing revelations of pay to play in Ohio and testimony adduced at my contempt hearing that clearly showed Judge Markus filed the citations out of a desire to obstruct inquiry into criminal actions in the courts. I firmly believe this to be a desperate ploy to avoid trial on Monday and continue to drag out my proceedings so as to discredit me and inhibit my advocacy and activism.

"My lawyer indictated Kasaris was inclined to agree to let me be arraigned on Monday before Judge Saffold. This would indicate that the while the warrant issued it was not transmitted to Ottawa authorities. I will try to confirm this statement.

"Please include the DuBois family, my family, me and most of all our nation in your prayers at this difficult time."

And a concerned onlooker, sending emails to rally support for Baumgartner, had this to say about her case:
"They aren't trying to prosecute Elsa -- they are persecuting her. This is a witch hunt and vendetta of epic proportions to suppress the truth! They not only put her in jail for 234 days, but now they want to put her under the jail for doing the right thing. This is not only punitive and pejorative, but arbitrary and capricious.

"This is cruel and unusual punishment. People should be outraged and this should be on the front page of every newspaper and every TV/Radio network. Let me give you a history lesson, because if you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it."

For more informative articles, go to

Greg Szymanski
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9pm pacific time.Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to and will be starting a daily program on the Genesis Communications Network soon at Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site
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