
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

David learning about the Jesuits.


Dear David,

Thank you for contacting me.Your comments and frankness are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reconsidering your positions, as we all must do from time to time. It is for this reason that I have an email list, forward as many emails deemed pertinent to the group and await comments, some of which are corrective ultimately inuring to my benefit, or rather to the benefit of the truth.Charles Wilcox's work is wonderful and I have used a portion of it in VAIII. Indeed, Keith has done a great job in providing an arena for myself as well as others in exposing the ubiquitous and perfidious Jesuit Order. And the comments from those like yourself make it all worth it when counting the cost for this relentless information warfare.VAIII will be available on CD in about eight weeks. Hardcover will be sometime thereafter.May the Lord bless you David as you continue to seek to do His will in accordance with the Reformation Bible for English-speaking peoples, the AV1611.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

----- Original Message -----

From: David xxxxxxx


Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 12:02 AM
Subject: I thought you were crazy; now I'm sold

Eric,I look forward to the next hard-copy printing of your book. I will try to be one of the first in line, as I can't afford to pay the 1000-some-odd bucks that your last copy is going for (used) on amazon.I must tell you, Eric, the first few times I heard you, on a few different shows, I must humbly apologize, come clean, and admit that I thought you were nuts. I just about said as much in an email correspondence to Vyzygoth. His show is my favorite by a long shot. More important, I TRUST that guy. Heck, I'm on the verge of loving that guy. So when he told me to step back, do some research, do my homework, before passing judgment, lemme tell you, I listened. It also helped that he told me that he knew exactly where I was; that he had once not been too sure about this "Vatican stuff"--until he did the research.

So I did. I went out and bought Charles Wilcox's book, The Transformation of the Republic, along with a guy named Bill Hughes', The Secret Terrorists. I would have bought your book as well, had it been available. Wilcox's book in particular floored me. I was dumbfounded. I knew about the Masons and the Zionists--but this stuff that Wilcox put forth was answering so many questions for me IN DETAIL (more detail than a talk show can allow you yourself to give, perhaps?). Anyway, to cut a long story short, I'm on board, Eric.

I'm sold.And I can't wait for your book. I mean I am really really really chomping at the bit for your next printing of your book to come out.Thank goodness--no, thank God--for Keith Hansen, that he should be able to help me to be open to the truth you were saying.May God Bless you and Vyz and Charles Wilcox all together, and the work you are doing.David xxxxxxxx

P.S. I suppose the really humorous thing in all this is that, at the time I had emailed Vyz about you, which was about 6 months ago, I had no idea that you were a regular guest on his show. Duhhhhh. Boy do I feel dumb. I have since gone out and bought all of Vyz's archives, and now I see your name as his repetitive guest. And guess what--I look forward to the next time I can have the pleasure of hearing you on his show!

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