
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Vatican In Possession Of Top Secret CIA Documents


Vatican In Possession Of Top Secret CIA Documents About Nuclear Weapons Programs, According To Discovery Made Recently In Northern California Federal Court Case Involving Vatican Bank

Experts were shaking their heads over the shocking discovery, as Church critics were questioning what the Vatican was doing with sensitive CIA documents ultimately involved in protecting national security interests of the United States.25 Apr 2006
By Greg Szymanski

What really goes on in the underground catacombs of the Vatican has always been a deep, dark mystery. Over the years, disenchanted priests and unwilling eye witnesses have come forward with horrific tales of child sacrificing.

But now according to an explosive CIA document - never before made public - top Church officials have also been hiding under their black robes sensitive secret documents about high-powered rockets, atomic energy and nuclear weapons.

A top secret 1947 CIA document, never declassified, surfaced last week during a deposition in the case of Alperin v. Vatican Bank. The case filed on behalf of Emil Alperin and others against the Vatican Bank aka Institute of Religious Works (IOR) in the United States District Court for Northern California deals with an accounting of World War II assets allegedly looted by Church officials from Yugoslavia.

Although the case is "strange enough," according to court observers, as the trail of numerous illegal Vatican bank accounts is like following a winding river to hell, experts left the deposition in Northern California last week shaking their heads in disbelief over the startling discovery of sensitive CIA national U.S. national security documents in the hands of the Vatican hierarchy.

It has long been theorized that the Vatican has held knowledge of atomic secrets, but this report now raises serious questions that the Vatican hierachy may play a key role in manipulating and guiding the outcome of world affairs.

According to a source close to the federal court case, the CIA document obtained from an internal Vatican source specifically detailed the "Secret Scientific Axis" as it existed in 1947.

The document classified "Secret," apparently never declassified by the U.S. government, came from the files of X2 in Rome, a secret code name for the infamous CIA spook, James Jesus Angleton, who later became CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence.

Angleton resigned from the CIA in disgrace in 1974 after his domestic spying came to light. And according to a source close to the case, how the Vatican Bank came into possession of the document is still unclear.

The 1947 document describes an investigation of certain Italian fascists termed the "Secret Scientific Axis" by Angleton. These Italians including a priest, Fr. Eusebio Zappaterreni, held Third Reich secrets about V1, V2, and V3 rockets, atomic energy and nuclear weapons.

The ultimate outcome of the investigation into the newly discovered CIA documents is unknown, but it provided further fuel to the fire that the Vatican has had more than just a passing interest in nuclear weapons.
Researchers and writers, Barry Chamish and Eric Phelps, have both insisted for years that the Vatican has been in possession of nuclear secrets, acting as a war promoter instead of peacemaker.

The documents and the Vatican's close association with Angleton, according to critics, serve as another clear example how Church officials have always attempted to control and manipulate world affairs.

The story of Angleton is well known, but the CIA recruited him shortly after its formation, and he continued his counter-intelligence activities there, first returning to Rome and his previous counter-intelligence position, where the knowledge of cryptography he had obtained from MkUltra is said to have served him well. He turned his attentions to the KGB and the Soviet nuclear weapons program with its probable reliance on technology leaked from the American Manhattan Project.

According to a short summary that follows of his activities in Wikipedia, further details about Angleton's connection with the Vatican are not indicated, but the possession of the nuclear weaponry documents may show the Vatican either using or working with Angleton to play both sides against the middle.

"Some of this information and subsequent leaks which helped the Soviets develop the hydrogen bomb were made by way of Donald Duart Maclean, with whom Angleton would have been acquainted from his ties to MI5 and whom Philby, in his capacity as counter-intelligence lead for the British embassy in Washington, DC, assisted in escaping capture by the Americans and British by facilitating Maclean's defection to the USSR. It is likely that Angleton came to suspect Philby's allegiances in this period, even as the two maintained a regular lunch date. Maclean's espionage and defection effectively ended Philby's regular career in MI6 just as he was thought to be in line to become its director.

"The efforts of Angleton and his CI staff also led to the discovery of a Soviet mole in the National Security Agency in the person of Jack Dunlap. Some alleged that Angleton orchestrated Dunlap's death.

"Dunlap, an employee of the NSA, was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in an apparent suicide. He also was a Soviet penetration agent, who had concealed in the attic of his house a treasure trove of sealed packets of classified NSA documents bearing on its most secret deciphering and interception operation. There were many reasons why it would have been inconvenient to arrest and try Jack Dunlap. For one thing, he was a liaison with "Staff D" in the CIA, and could expose areas of CIA-NSA cooperation in domestic interceptions that might be deemed illegal.

"Beginning in 1951 Angleton was responsible for cooperation with Israel's Mossad and Shin Bet agencies, a relationship he managed closely for virtually the remainder of his career. It has been claimed that, in this capacity, Angleton directed CIA assistance to the Israeli nuclear weapons program.

"In 1954 Allen Dulles, who had recently become Director of Central Intelligence, named Angleton head of the Counterintelligence Staff, a position he retained for the rest of his CIA career. Dulles also assigned him responsibility for coordination with allied intelligence services.

"He came to public attention in the United States when the Church Commission, formally known as the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities), following up on the Warren Commission, probed the CIA for information about the Kennedy assassination. The Nosenko episode does not appear to have shaken Angleton's faith in Golitsyn, although Helms and J. Edgar Hoover took the contrary position. Hoover's objections are said to have been so vehement as to curtail severely counterintelligence cooperation between the FBI and CIA for the remainder of Hoover's service as the FBI's director.

"As Golitsyn helped Angleton identify sections within the Soviet Russian Division that were leaking information to the Soviets, Angleton pressed Golitsyn on the KGB technique and strategy for planting information at the CIA. Golitsyn's indication was that the KGB was orchestrating a larger campaign to understand how the CIA analyzed information, supporting a larger goal of a capability to manipulate the CIA unwittingly to assist the KGB in their objectives.

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Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
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Why is anyone shocked at this? I certainly aren't! Everyone with any sense realises that the CIA is a Jesuit organisation which answers it all just there. Remember on that James Jesus Angleton is a knight of the Sovereign Military of Malta and Viowla it no longer becomes a mystery does it?


CIA Angleton and KGB Golitzen were both Knights of Malta. The collusion between the two is frighteningly detailed by Anthony Cave Brown in his Treason in the Blood. Nosenko was a real defector whom Angleton imprisoned and tortured for three years according to one of my advisors who was a former Air Force Intelligence operative.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

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