
Friday, April 07, 2006

Jesuit info galore


Dear Mxxx,The Bohemian Grove is of Jesuit orgin. The owl has been a symbol of the Order for atleast three centuries---accomplishing their dirty deeds at night. Indeed, Dick Cheney is a regular and is a Roman Catholic CFR member giving one third of his income to the RCC.Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

----- Original Message -----

From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

To: Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 1:03 PM

Subject: Bohemian Grove

Hello Bro.Eric.....Are you aware of the activities going on at Bohemain Grove,Sonoma county,Calif.?....I f so can you tell me what,if any,is the Jesuit involvement? Rumor has it Dick Cheney is a regular there...TYVM for your time.



Note by Me: I don't agree with Eric's views on race, but this is interesting information.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

Your article is very interesting and connects many things I already suspected.

Thank you.

I always wondered why the Vatican had a seat in the UN when no other religious groups did not. It should not have been there at all since they are God's business not Caesar's. If they read their Bible they'd know that. Like our government leaders today they make their own laws and rules.


Most entertainment has been around since the beginning of time. It's not a new distraction. The fact that the media talks about it constantly is. I have to question the fact that you called "Disneyland-Freemasons". If anything it is Zionist or Corporate-Fascist. No Masons that I could see there.

There was 33rd Degree Freemason Walt Disney and 33rd Degree Milton Hershey (Hershey Park). There are others. Hershey was affiliated with the Knights of Malta, married in St. Patrick's Cathedral in 1899 to an Irish Roman Catholic, Miss Sweeney.

My father was a Mason. He did not want to take over the world (nor hate any religious, sexual, or racial group) but was part of the organization because of his Scottish engineering heritage. Masons were the stone masons of Scotland mostly. They met as a secret trade union to protect their jobs, etc. from the British elite power. Some bad people may be using it today but that was their original agenda.

Low-level Masons such as your father have no idea as to the true purpose of the Craft. I attack the high-level Masons, many of whom knowingly serve the Order, Masons like J. Edgar Hoover---one of several Masonic JFK assassins.

The Internet has many web sites calling Masons...the Illuminati when they are not part of that organization. Many Jewish authors have written books about the "secret organizations" trying to destroy democracy and such. They and the Catholics have been trying to ruin the reputation of our founding fathers who were mostly Scottish Protestants (and Masons). Hitler and his Catholic connection jailed Masons. Why would Masons be part of world government or the elite when they were the oppressed? They fought the Anglican church and it's Queen forming the Presbyterian church of Scotland. They hated tyranny and Fascism since they were victims from the British elite.

Jesuit/Illuminist Adam Weishaupt joined a German lodge in 1777; British Intelligence agent, Illuminists and OTO head Alister Crowley as a 90th degree Freemason. Masonic Jewish Zionists (present day Sabbatian Frankists), men like Henrk Kissinger and Arlen Specter, serve the Papacy via their ties to the Knights of Malta and Jesuits. There were 9 Masonic signers of the Declaration of Independence and 13 Masonic signers of the Constitution. Indeed, Protestants set up this government as I prove in VA.

Even Mozart was a Mason fighting the tyrannical rule in Europe of the monarchy. They controlled and limited creativity and freedom of expression.

There was a Great Masonic Schism in the late 1700s. This resulted in the Craft resisting the Jesuit Order in expelling the Society of Jesus from Spain, Portugal and France. But the Jesuits gradually retained control of the Craft after the turn of the century via its 1782 Council of Wilhelmsbad. True, there have been some very honest, patriotic and brave Freemasons, Men like George Washington; but they were in no way tied to serving the Order.

That's why the new propaganda from Zionists, RW church and such call them evil. Indeed, Rome and her agents always focus on Freemasonry as the heart of the subversion of the nations.

This is typical Jesuit cover-up propaganda, as the Order secretly rules the Craft---at the top. For example, Jesuit Augustin Cardinal Bea was a high Freemason in Italy's P-2 lodge.

The Catholic clergy in this country have said openly, they will disobey the immigration laws. One priest from California on CNN yesterday said, his brother ownes a nearby chicken packing plant where many Hispanics work. He would protect their right to be here. Ya...for profit and the "glory" of a Catholic nation. When it comes to religion and profit....they are lawless.

Absolutely correct. Yet Masons Vincente Fox and George W. Bush are backing this wicked illegal Atzlan Movement of the Jesuit Order to justify martial law and the use of the existing Concentration Camps as the only solution to the problem. Illegal immigration justifies Jesuit fascism.

The Catholic hospitals, etc. were given special wavers to bring in cheap immigrant priests and workers. That was not enough for them. They want even cheaper labor with illegal immigrants. You have to wonder if they aren't into slavery in the name of their own power and wealth?

Agreed. The entire Roman Hierarchy is totally behind this racial, linguistic and political destruction of what was once a White Anglo Saxon Scots-Irish Protestant and Baptist, English-speaking naiton, so as to "ecumenically" drive all Whites, Protestants and Catholics, into the Right-wing camp of Bush Nazi Fascism.

If anything we should become Presbyterians and Mason to protect democracy against theocracy and tyranny. Religion is used by the greedy and power hungry to rule and divide. My God would not have approved.

Historic Calvinist Presbyterianism, yes: Masonry---the essencial religion of Egypt? Never! It is Masonry that has destroyed all of the historic Protestant sects, bringing heresy and infidel rationalism into the churches as was done to German Lutheranism a century before Hiter was brought to power by the Order's Bavarian Jesuits.

Instead of using any certain religious group or organization, we should just call them common crooks, murders, and traitors. There are many good people in the world who are not. They commit crimes, they go directly to jail.


Today is like a time machine back to the Dark Ages of the Medici family with Machiavellian like rule. I was shocked when the media ignored five RW Catholics on the Supreme Court. Five RW Catholics in a mostly Protestant nation. Did they not notice? I can't believe that. Seems GW Bush made a deal with the Roman Vatican for votes and power. They knew they couldn't (and didn't win) without it. They had to steal two elections to get their power...the other party helping them.

Agreed. The Order's quest is to return the world to the Pope's Dark Ages, the Pope to rule the world from a Third Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem. (This is the connection between the Papacy and the Pope's Masonic Jewish Zionists ruling Israel---ruling for the benefit of the Pope.) Three of those Supreme Court Justices are members of the subversive Opus Dei. Yes, the Bush Dynasty serves the Papacy, and the Order controls both political parties via the Council on Foreign Relations overseen by the Archbishop of New York and mastermind behind 911, Edward Cardinal Egan.

"There was a time when the church ruled the world. It was called the The Dark Ages." Unknown. We know how well that worked out for the world. After the fall of the Roman Empire, it took 400 years for civilization to recover. If it wasn't for the Irish monks, who ignored Rome church elite, ancient history and learning would have been lost forever.

Irish monks? It was the Reformation and ultimate birth of the Modern Era in 1648 that revived the instruction of ancient history and empirical science thanks to the Protestant defence of "freedom of conscience,' i.e., freedom of inquiry.

Will our future generations look at these e-mails and articles wonder why we allowed this to happen to our powerful democracy?

Since 1868 this nation, now an empire, is indeed a socialist democracy which is no different than a communist democracy in the USSR or a socialist fascist state in Nazi Germany. Socialist democracies are always led by absolutist commanders-in chiefs, be they Stalin, Hitler of Bush. We Protestants and Baptists established a limited, constitutional, democratic republic in 1787, not a democracy in any form or fashion. For, democracies always lead to military dictatorships---Greece being the classic example.

We can tell them it was Rome all over again. It was an Empire whose leaders became corrupt/arrogant/ full of hate and war for their own power and greed. They forced Christianity [apostate, AV1611 Bible-rejecting, Masonic Protestantism and Romanism] on the people as the state religion. The people followed fearful/ignorant and full of chaos over what was happening around them. "As nightfall does not come at once," wrote Justice William O. Douglas, "neither does oppression. In both instances, there's a twilight where everything remains seemingly unchanged, and it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become victims of the darkness."

Douglas told the truth here, but he was another conspirator who issued some of the most iniquitous decisions ever "handed down." Let us depart from such authorities and return to such justices as the first John Marshall Harlan and Stephen Fields as examples of true patriots who sought to stop the Order's subversion of our once White Anglo Saxon Protestant Calvinist Federal/Confederate Republic of these United States of America (1787-1868).

Citizen: Judtith Stevens

Brother Eric Jon Phelps
Citizen of the Sovereign State of Pennsylvania
Article IV, Section 2, U.S. Citizen
Non-Fourteenth Amendent U.S. Citizen



Dear Jxxxxxx

Thank you for your encouraging words.I have given interviews with Peering Into The Darkness and several with Lenny Bloom. There is one with Victor Thorne and one with Sherri Shriner. There are a few with The Grassy Knoll. Others I cannot remember off hand.Yes, Masons Hirohito and FDR worked together throughout the entire duration of the War in the Pacific. This includes the blowing up of the USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor by the ONI and the sinking of the USS Indianapolis, the Japanese sub just waiting for the heavy cruiser to arrive to its designated position. In fact the Indianapolis was sunk on July 31, 1945, the annual feast day of "Saint Ignatius Loyola." So while the Jesuits were celebrating a huge feast day within their communities throughout the world, the sharks were feasting on our abandoned sailors in the Pacific. The whole story infuriates me. Captain Charles McVay was framed by that traitor, Admiral Nimitz.

VAIII on CD will be available June 1---Lord willing.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric



Here are the pics in another format sent out yesterday on the Jesuit Skull and Bones display in one of their churches.Brother Eric

Notice the Chemtrails -2tuff

This is the ultimate Skull and Bones production. The Vatican is the heart of Skull and Bones, the high Jesuits being the true Bonesmen.

Brother Eric

LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS .... English translation.Kutna Hora Republic in Checoslovakia.In the 13TH. Century There was a vast find of silver ore in Kutna Hora.Many people came to the city hopping to make a fortune by digging this metal.But with the miners also a plague came that killed a lot of them,quickly filling the local cementery.The capacity of this was very limited, so they decided to build a chapel to store these bones. This idea was not very smart until a monk came with the Idea to utilize the pelvis and skull for decorations, the job was left incomplete. It wasthe labor of FrantiseK Rint to finish The project utilising the bones of over 40,000bodies. It was told that the cementery becamed so Famous that people donated their bones to form part of this creation.

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