
Friday, April 07, 2006


Fireworks is one description to denote the problems transpiring in the world. The ability to overcome adversity is the path of numerous individuals. Since all humans go through certain obstacles, our goal must be permanently to defeat adversity. A gift of learning and teaching is a valuable asset to folks. I truly love to learn new facts. Also, I love to teach the dangers of vaccinations or the moral problems in America. Constant re-evaluation is apart of human experience. To have self examination is just, so we can always gaurd ourselves from evil. Additionally, we can easily and effectively correct our mistakes. The mainstream media (abbreviated MSM) hasn't displayed the total truth to the people yet. To this day, billionaries in a handful of corporations own most of the MSM. Therefore, there is rarely a diversity of views. Individuals who own the MSM infrequently convey real issues. Those that do are maligned. One example is Charlie Sheen just questioning the offical story of 9/11. The mainstream media went on a slander campaign against Sheen (though I don't agree with his Jesuit connections), instead of questioning the offical story of 9/11 themselves. This isn't suprising, because of the federal agency of the FCC monitors the airwaves of major channels like CNN and FOX. Censorship, editing, and covering up information are activities done by the MSM. Robert McChesney written an old article for FAIR. That article is true now that the 5 major media giants that control most of the mainstream media today are from Time Warner Disney Bertelsmann Viacom, and of course Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. The Austrailian billionare Rupert Murdoch owns the FOX News Channel, which is the most pro-Bush channel that I've seen in my life.

A lot of individuals, especially some Christians, unfortunately adhere to George W. Bush's agenda. Now, I realize that corporate interests (of course) quell Bush as a puppet. On the other hand, George W. Bush is still accountable for any mistakes that he had done. All human beings are responsible for their own mistakes. It doesn't matter if someone is a scapegoat (or puppet) or not. Many brainwashed people praise George W. Bush as a conservative, but he had given millions of dollars to the pro-murder Planned Parenthood organization (Bush is against South Dakota banning abortion and his wife Laura Bush is pro abortion). records tons of info on the evil legacy of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Bush believes that killing unborn babies is ok for rape and incest (Bush's spokeman Scott McCellan admitted to this as recorded by John-Henry Westen's article on February 28, 2006 for Thats isn't Pro-Life. Bush favors the 2 occult Secret Societies of the Skulls and Bones and the Bohemian Grove. Bush had done little to solve our illegal immigration problem. He signed the Patriot Act, National ID Act, and other laws, which are a violation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Even Texas Congressman Ron Paul have exposed the errors of the USA Patriot Act. With that being known, Bush isn't to be blamed for everything in this nation. I'm not like some far left people hating Bush. I don't hate any man, but I do hate evil. Bush still has a chance to change course in his life and repent. People should still be active and pray for our leaders to change, whether righteous or evil.

I will admit that the excessive bickering about Bush [on both sides] haven't contributed to the stability in our political system. We're at each other throats on issues. Could it be that the existence of the 2 major parties of the Republicans and Democrats be one reason for this agitation? I believe so, because the media and think thanks try to force Americans into these 2 camps. For real, I'm not a Republican or Democrat. The leadership of both of them are dominated by folks from the Council on Foreign Relations, Freemasons, Trilateral Commission, Knights of Malta, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, and other high level organzations. Our option should be to become indepedent thinkers. Also, we can work with independent people without any affiliations to the elite. I really can't believe that Professor Dr. Eric R. Pianka wanted to exterminate 90% of the total population of the world. He wanted that with viruses. This has been confirmed by Forrest Mims, who witnessed the speech. Dr. Eric wants ebola and other diseases for his dream to be a reality. It's funny that Rebecca Calisi, who is from The University of Texas at Arlington (inside of the Biology Department) is pro-Dr. Eric R. Pianka. Her biggest lie is that the world is overpopulated, when every human can fit in the state of Texas if given almost 1,500 sq. ft. each. Rebecca and Dr. Eric are nutty extremists and Rebecca even wrote that Eric wants to go first. These type of people hate populations in general, which populations are a blessing. Conservation International's own study revealed that 46% of the earth's surface was an untouched wilderness, that is land areas not including sea. Even the U.N. believe that by 2050, world population will stabilize and decrease. Population today hasn't skyrocketed. There is an underpopulation of people in Sweden. Many Third World nations and Japan (its birth rate per 1,000 people have falling from an average of 19 in the early 1970's to as low as 8.8 in 2004), Europe, Russia, and other locations have decreased their populations as well.

Evils in Government

Examining and accepting the truth is a motto for us. Governments for thousands of years have achieved tons of evils and crimes. This doesn't mean that I'm anti-government. I'm not anti-government. What I am is anti-evil government and anti-government corruption. When the government goes beserk, individuals have a right to protest and speak up against evil. That's one example of some in government running amok. The Chicago Sun Times on Saturday, July 3, 2004 reported on a woman jailed for 7 hours for just leaving marshmallows and hot chocolate in Yellowstone national park. The same news article talked about how an elderly woman was arrested for failing to trim her bushes. This is common place for many innocent people are in prison now. According to Alex Jones, America imprisons more people than any nation on earth.

Well, there is no dispute that the government have been involved drug smuggling. The late Gary Webb was one of the many authors who proved that the CIA send drugs like cocaine into America to make profits and detriotate society further. All of the money from taxpayers funds the fake Drug War. I don't agree with using cocaine, heroine, etc. but the corruption involving the handling of the Drug War must cease. Voting fraud is another problem in government. To think that, all our votes now had been carefully counted and evaluated is to live in a fantasyland. Greg Palast wrote a book called "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" about the election fraud that occured in 2000. Even recently, on March 29, 2006, the Associated Press reported on Florida Attorney General sending subpoenas to the three companies, which are certified to handle voting in Florida. Those companies are Diebold Inc., Election Systems & Software Inc., and Sequoia Voting Systems Inc. AP wrote that the companies refuse to sell their machines to disabled people in Leon County, Florida. The article say that this is a violation of the federal Help America Vote Act.

A new Virginia "terrorist" manual equates pro-property rights owners and anti-government activists as terrorists. They cite religious extremist. That could mean that anyone that oppose abortion and evils in society as an extremist. To them, hating babykilling is being an extremist, which is a lie. This is similar to the earlier Phoenix FBI manual comparing civil liberty proponents and people who make numerous references to the Constitution as extremists or terrorists. The Phoenix Manual even said that those who strongly disagree with the pro-population control, pro-abortion, pro-internationalist UN are similar to an extremist or terrorist.

Concentration Camps

Concentration Camps haven't just been used in Europe and Asia. It was used against Americans during World War 2. During WWII, German, Japanese, and Italian people were sent to concentration camps. Freemason Earl Warren supported the Japanese detention of citizen, even though they have been convicted of no crime. Reparations have been sent to the Japanese in response to this unjust treatment. During the 1960's and 1970's, the FBI created the "ADEX" list to list people that they deemed "surversive." In the 1980's, there was a program called Rex 84. Rex 84 was supported by Oliver North. It was about a plan to house thousands of illegal immigration in case of an emergency. What do we have today. We do have FEMA centers or camps across America. Even in this year, on January 24th that Halliburton subsidiary KBR (formerly Brown and Root) had been awarded a $385 million contingency contract by the Department of Homeland Security to build detention camps. The Pentagon's Civilian Inmate Labor Program in calling for civilians to be placed in camps at Army installations.With all of these plans and circumstances, it doesn't suprise me that many detention centers are being built. I don't believe in this agenda. It combines the federal powers with the state powers.

There is a Culture War

There is no question that we're in a special time. One of the most common arguments secularists say is that there is no hostility toward people of faith in America. That is lie when you investigate the facts. Bush used SWAT teams to shut down an Indianpolis Baptist Church for not paying its taxing when Bush promised the church that he will not shut it down. Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America risked jail time and a $2,800 fine in 2004 for just reading the Bible. This occured in his area of Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. The president of the council, who stated that God's Word is "hate speech." In Tupelo, MS, Christians face 47 years in prison for just protesting a gay rally. They were reading the scriptures, yet the prosecutor called them haters. This occured in 2004. In Philadelphia, 11 Christians were arrested and jailed for just preaching the gospel. Luckily, the judges dropped the charges. In Canada, it's worse. Up in their, there are strict laws against certain religious expression. WorldNetDaily on February 6, 2000 reported on a newspaper publisher and a man who placed a newspaper ad faced jail and were fined $4,500 each, merely for running an ad containing references to several Bible verses regarding homosexuality. Ted Pike just listed tons of example of the far-left, Anti-Defamation League's policies of making hate crime laws that criminalize dissent of certain lifestyles. They don't have Jewish interests at heart, because many pro-family, pro gun Jewish groups oppose the ADL like JPFO's Aaron Zelman. I really don't need to go forward with other evidence. What more proof do these doubters of a religious bigotry crisis in America need?

It is indeed a culture war and the city of San Francisco is one proof of that. An Evangelical Group called Battle Cry protested in that liberal city about the evils of popular culture impacting the youth. These peaceful Evangelical follow their First Amendment rights of the right to peacefully assembly and protest, yet the San Francisco city council condemned them as extremist, which is a lie. Also, another far left group called the World Can't Wait (Mark Brewer called them a Communist group) blasted Battle Cry (in reference to spiritual warfare) as anti-choice, racist, sexist, and anti-gay. The truth is that abortion is murdering the unborn in a graphic way, which has nothing to do with authentic choice. The World Can't Wait hypocrites rightfully abhor torture in Guatanamano Bay and Iraq, yet won't recognize the torture of the unborn. No where in the Constitution supports abortion at all.

The Battle Cry marchers weren't extremists, beacuse they have a right to peacefully dissent about the lifestyle of homosexuality (people who are gay have a increased risk of depression, STDs, suicides, etc. in levels extremely dissaproprionately higher than their own populations in America. The research of Dr. Patrick Johnson and Dr. Paul Cameron have proven this time and time again) For example, a study [i.e. Joanne Hall's "Lesbians Recovering from Alcoholic Problems: An Ethnographic Study of Health Care Expectations," Nursing Research 43 (1994): 238-244] published in Nursing Research found that lesbians are three times more likely to abuse alcohol: 91% of the participants had abused other drugs as well as alcohol, and 46% had been heavy drinkers with frequent drunkenness. G. Ramfedi, "Sexual Orientation and Youth Suicide", MSJAMA - Review, Vol. 282, pp. 1291-1292, October 6, 1999 cited that suicide attempts among homosexuals were six times greater than the average.

A recent March 2006 study (of a sample of heterosexuals and non-heterosexuals in a sample size of over 17,000. Both groups were studied on matched criteria, that being that they had to be over 18 year of age and entered into a state-approved chemical treatment program) by Cochran, B. N & Cauce, A. M entitled "Characteristics of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals entering substance abuse treatment" [on Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 30, 135-146] mentioned that "...openly LGBT individuals enter treatment with more severe substance abuse problems, greater psychopathology, and greater medical service utilization when compared to heterosexual clients..." (These quotes were written by Dr. James E. Phelan). Battle Cry members love all humans equally even gays, but just disagree with homosexuality. People have a right do that. I disagree with homosexuality myself, but I don't hate homosexuals at all. Some good news is that the state of Tennesse support a license plate. The title of the plate is "Choose Life." That's a beautiful representation to outline the humanity of the unborn. The immorality of murdering innocent unborn life is also presented accurately in the plate. The World Can't Wait group isn't so tolerant of protestors who don't agree with their secular, progressive agenda.

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