
Friday, April 21, 2006

Pure Tranquility Part 2
Popular Culture Part 9

Aggressive is the way the world works at times. just like clockwork, popular culture is a multi-billion dollar business. It's more than just a business. It's a platform where corporations and the rest of the elite formet to force society to accept certain norms, which are against basic traditional values. They want more than just profit, but to mold life and stifle alternative viewpoints that differ from their own. Tons of genres in film, music, books, etc. are exploitated, so the genres are controlled and watered down (sometimes in a filth filled fashion). Therefore, popular culture is controlled by the elite in power. Death can be a terrible consequence of being at the wrong place at the wrong time or at the aftermath of violence. Proof, a Detriot rapper from the group D-12, died by a gunshot wound in the head. He was born in 1973. He had a wife along with 5 children. It's kind of eerrie to mention this, but Emenem's song called "Toy Soldiers" show the rapper Proof shot and died in a hospital before it happened in real life. Far too often, musicians (in rap, rock and roll, country, etc. This doesn't manner which type of music, (so I'm not discriminating against anyone) exploit the tragedy in urban and rural areas to make music that promotes violence. It is violence that more than about normal occurences in cities, but make belief violence in fantasies. For example, it's no way a rapper or rocker could shoot tons of people, say it publiclly in records and still live the life of rich person. 9 times out of 10 people discussing about the crimes that have committed and with who are arrested. One strange news is that many musicians are trying to talk about the truth about civil liberties, 911, the war on terror, etc. like Paris, etc.

David Stewart wrote article about the deception from David Blaine and Dolly Parton. David Blaine calls himself a magician. He leviated, reads minds, and other things to try to convince people of his power. He even tried to mimic the miracles of Jesus, which is mocking Christianity. I've seen Dolly Parton not only on Larry King Live, but on FOX's John Casich's show. Parton supports the Lep Zepplin song "Stairway to Heaven." Now, I know about rap music and rock and roll, so I know what Lep is about. See, the lead Guitarist Jimmy Page supported Crowley and use occultic symbols in his logos and music albums. Page not only tried to perform Crowley's magic, but done magical rituals on stage. Parton claims that God is a just a higher energy and won't take strong positions on serious issues like abortion and homosexuality. A real committed person who take positions one way or the other way.

An HBO show called "Big Love" is on promoting polygamy. It started in March 12, 2006. Mainstream scientists know that a father and a mother taking care of a child makes the best chance for a better life, higher intelligence, better marriages for childrens, and other benefits. Many like the March 20 Newsweek article are saying that radical gay rights activists are using polygamy as an excuse to get their agenda across. Even those who support polygamy from the Bible fall flat on their face. In the OT, it was rarely supported and God grieved about it. In the NT, Jesus condemned polgamy and said that a man must marry only one wife (Matt. 19:4). Also, a bishop and an elder is to have one wife as mentioned by the apostle Paul (Titus 1:6, 1 Timothy 3:12, and 1 Cor. 7:2). Let Us Reasons Ministries only found 15 insistences of polygamy in the Bible. The Bible does support monogamy (Ps.128:3; Prov. 5:18; 18:22; 19:14; 31:10-29; Eccl. 9:9). Many cases of sexual abuse have occured in polygamy as well. talked about how abuse in happening in June 2005. Polygamy can led to an increase of adultery. Tapestry Against Polygamy is a non-profit organization located in Salt Lake City, Utah that is anti-polygamy. is another site that exposes the dangers of polygamy as well.

India & Pakistan

Fresh wounds and reconcillations have existed among India and Pakistan. Both nations are mostly made up of the same ethnic group. The great Dravadian civilization is the primary origin of both nations. In the 2200's B.C., temples, toilets, ziggarauts, and other complex infrastructure existed. Dr. Naidu wrote about how Mongoloids, Semites, Australoid, and Black Negriod Sudras (proven by skeletal remains, language, images, genetics mentioned by Dr. Naidu and others) lived in the great Dravadian civilization. By the early 1900's, the British Empire ruled India. The pro-Hindu Gandhi protested against the British and supported nonviolence resistance. This was done, so the British wouldn't rule India in oppression. Once India earned its independence, India divided into Pakistan (which is mostly Muslim) and India (which is mostly Hindu) in 1948. Civil wars came as early the 1940's. In the 1990's, the Muslim region of Kashmir became a bone of contention for India and Pakistan. The tensions now is about the nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan. Both sides want to outdo each other. It's only recently when the nuclear tensions between both nations have cooled off. As for geopolitics, Bush is trying to have dealings with both nations. The White House is dealing with Pakistan in trying to be an ally in the "war on terror", even if the President of Pakistan is risking his life from radical opponents. Bush is dealing wih India is an attempt to make a buffer against the growing nation of China and promote India as a "democracy." The other reason is of course globalization and an increase of trade between the United States and India.

Some good news do exist. A group called "Seeds of Peace" are trying to help Pakistanis and Indians to have peace with each other. The image above include beautiful looking girl from both India and Pakistan. Over 100 Indians and Pakistanis have graduated from the program. The problems started in the year of 2001. They've gathered teenagers from Mumbai and Lahore. All human beings are in the same human family, so I do hope that peaceful co-existence will happen in Pakistan and India.

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