
Friday, April 21, 2006

Pure Tranquility
Pure Tranquility

Endurance, temperance, and meeknees are themes that all us of need to thrive to live by. The planet Earth is zooming very spontaneously. Total pessimism ought not be the final goal. Many individuals in chat rooms, blogs, the streets, and other locations are openiing their eyes to the truth. Numerous people are starting to talk about the evils of depleted uranium, Bush's Presidential directive W199I, and the many criminal activities done by members of the government. Just recently, a government official from Homeland Security was arrested for trying ask sexual favors from a person posing as a minor. Still, a long way is to go. Much of the American people are fixated in perpetual denial. Sometimes human beings who even discuss these things (in a conzaint manner), the mainstream media [and even peers] would characterize them as a conspiracy "nut." That is a lie. These people don't want to talk about how conspiracies existed throughout human history. Governments have killed people in the millions during the 20th century. Well, I could care less what people who are into fantasies subscribe to. I'm going to present my information with sources and try to be as accurate as I can. As long as I have breath in my lungs, resistance against evil and tyranny (along with other things) will be part of my obedience to God.

Extra events keep on rolling in the world. I just found out that a Bush lobbyist may have been involved in the mass pro-illegal immigration protests across cities in America. Alex Jones and Paul Watson wrote about this in April. Vicente Fox of Mexico hired a firm to make propaganda in resulting the Bush administration to support the illegal immigration agenda. An LA Times report have Fox's lobbyist, named Rob Allyn of Rob Allyn & Co., to help Congress to follow Fox's agenda. It's widely known that the protests were instigated by Spanish TV and media telling people to protest for the sake of Hispanic pride. In reality, this hasn't nothing to do with the noble heritage of the Hispanic people. It has to do with creating tensions in this nation, and dividing this nation on political and ethnic lines. Of course, it's about many of the elites wanting globalism wherefore there is decentralization, deindustralization, driving wages down (especially involving the middle class), and ruining national sovereignty. Frosty Wooldridge wrote many articles about our terrible straits involving the problem of illegal immigration and globalism.

The Gospel of Judas have received a lot of airplay in the mainstream media. This is typical of them since tons of them (like CNN and ABC) hate conservative Christian principles. They want people to accept the New Age view that all paths are valid as long as we live moral lives. What is this controversy all about? It's about the claim that Judas was a good guy and Jesus made a deal with Judas to be evil, so Jesus' agenda was to be followed. Another common threat in this controversy is Gnosticism. Gnosticism is the belief that Jesus was not physical here, but existed in spirit like a hologram. The Gnostics were rejected by most of the early Christian church, but liberal theologians and New Agers like Elaine Pagels accepts the Gnostic Gospels as 100% fact, which is a lie. The manuscript of the Gospel of Judas is traced to the 300's A.D., which is way after the mention of them by the early church leader Ireaneus in his 180's A.D. book called Against Heresies. It's kind of ironic that Ireaneus called the gospels friticious history. Since we have copies of the NT before 100 A.D. found, the Bible paints the picture of Judas as the villian and his death as tragic. There has been no conclusive evidence that the Gospel of Judas was written by Judas at all. It's very hypocritical for modernist scholars to deny the accuracy of NT scripts, yet claim that the Gospel of Judas is almost 100% accurate. Actually, I don't need a lot doubt. The reason is that doubt far too often leads to inability, apathy, and inaction. Why would I want to be doubtful about all concepts, when embrace some absolutes leads to stability of mind and profession plus comptent action.

The Aftermath of 911

Irregardless of ideology, a new era came into the world after the destruction of the Twin Towers. The USA Patriot Act was soon passsed in October 26, 2001. Ron Paul wrote that Congress didn't have enough time to read the Patriot Act. During that time, the anthrax scare was in its peak. What numerous people don't realize is that the anthrax was traced to Fort Detrick, Maryland, which is a U.S. biological weapons lab. Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg is another researcher that believes in possible inside involvement in the anthrax scare. It's interesting to note that the Bush White House was on Cipro, the anthrax antibotic on 9/11. Judicial Watch wrote about this Cirpo fact. People were very scared and wipped up into a frenzy. Therefore, fear and emotion led into the passage of the Patriot Act. Then and now, liberals, conservatives, and libertarians have criticized it. The reason is that is decrees are contrary to the Constitution. Section 802 defines domestic terrorism as acts dangerous to human lfie that are a violation of state or federal laws. This ambigiously makes misdeamanor crimes as terroristic acts. Section 213 gives the government to have warrantless searches, which is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. The Aghanistan War was a big development. People died and cluster bombs spread across the land by the U.S. military.

The United States easily defeated the Taliban, but one strange event occured. This was when the U.S. sent 8,000 Taliban and al-Qaeda from Afghanistan (as Kunduz fell in November 2001) to Pakistan. Michael Moran from MSNBC wrote about this in November 29, 2001 article called "The Airlift of Evil." This was an odd event and even the mainstream media haven't reported heavily about this truth. The government says it's an accident, but how can thousands of people (classified as the "enemy") sent into another foreign land with C 130 large planes be an accident? While most reasonable people want the global nacro-trade to decrease, opium production soared in Central Asia after 9.11. Daily News on February 09, 2004 reported that as high as a worth of $2,300,000,000 of opium was produced in 2003 at Afghanistan. Opium and herion readily is increasing and sent into Europe, America, etc. Many wars like Vietnam had an outcome of a flood of oil profits and drugs destroying the morals of society at the expense of the blood of American G.I.s plus innocent civilians.

What's easy to explain about one outcome of the September 11 attacks was the increasing presence of Big Brother, the militarization of our police (which is 100% wrong. Militarization is nothing new and was utilized in Seattle during the WTO protests), and the controversy over enemy combatants and torture. Tons of people know about torture. What the media is not reporting that Donald Rumsfeld had a program called Copper Green. Green outlined many torture procedures and it wasn't just torture memos that Alberto Gonzales supported. Also, John Yoo, an administration official doesn't have a problem with children's testicles being assaulted. This is confirmed in Mathaba Net on January 9 2006. Yoo was one of the arctitects of the administration policies on torture and enemy combatants. Raw Story on April 14, 2006 talks about new torture photos from a sale in Afghanistan. VIPER teams and other militarized police are across the nation. Even Tommy Franks admitted that martial law can be declared if another terror attack occured in America.

Big Brother is all around us. Take a look at the logo above with the All Seeing Eye of Horus. Now, that logo represented the company of Information Awareness Office with has a database of informaton about Americans' money, life, and other facets. It was originally headed by John Pointdexter. John was convicted for involvement in the Iran Contra scandal (where weapons were sent to Iran, then money was sent from Iran into America to fund the Contras against the Sandinastas in Nicaragua). John was pradoned by Bush Sr. So, a convicted felon ran the IAO. Even in April 2006, (an article proves it which was written by DAVID TWIDDYfor the AP on April 13, 2006) talked about Sprint having GPS systems for kids' cell phones. I saw this on Fox's Gibson show. Tom Espiner from ZDNet UK wrote an article on how RFID chips are vulenerable to attack according to researchers. Terrible events have occured like Hurricane Katrina. FEMA made huge mistakes like restricting communication lines and foods to the people. People's guns were confiscated and mercancies from Blackwater and foreign miliataries were gaurding New Orleans, which is a violation of Posse Comitatus.

One prominent result of 9.11 was the strengthen of the military industrial complex (which includes big corporations, telecommunication industries, and military companies). One easy phrase to prove that is the Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group is a private investment firm, but it does invest in military contracts. It was found in 1987 by 1987 by Stephen L. Norris, William E. Conway, Jr., Daniel A. D'Aniello, and David M. Rubenstein. In January 8, 2002, Dan Briody wrote in an article that: "...In 1991 the company made a name for itself by facilitating a $590 million purchase of Citicorp stock for Prince Alwaleed bin Talal..." In the 1990's when BDM was owned by the Carlyle Group, the Saudi Arabian government sent BDM nearly 90% of the 1.4 billion, about 1.18 billion. Criag Unger wrote about this situation in his book "House of Saud." Oliver Burkeman and Julian Borger wrote that in 2001, the Group was worth 3.1 billion dollars. According to Wikipedia, the Carlyle Group has more than $30 billion of equity capital in 2005.Many of the most well known political leaders either are in it or retired from it. One is George H. W. Bush, who was in a Carlyle Group meeting with Osama bin Laden's brother, Shafig during 9/11/2001. Frank Carlucci is the chairman emeritus, James Baker III is involved, and even George Soros is affiliated with the Group.

The Carlyle Group isn't just earning billions from the war on terror. They are also into biometrics.Carlyle Group members like Brooke Coburn and Mark Ein (plus NSA operative Michael Arneson) are in the board of directors of "Matrics" which is an large biometrics group. Carlyle has also invested in Global Crossing, Nextel and Nortel (according to The Industry Standard Money Watch on April 23, 2001) So, we see a mix of corporate people wanting money and control. Arms, weapons sales, and wars equals tons of money for corporate interests like the RAND corporation, Global Crossing, Nortel, the Carlyle Group, etc.

After 2001, a lot of world has a hatred of Americans (without distincting between patriotic Americans who hate the evils in government and evil people in government). George W. Bush also supports internationalism. Regardless of the spin that you see by the media, Bush has praised the United Nations on plenty of occasion. If Bush and the neo-cons were really anti-U.N., he would immediately call for its removal from American soil. The United Nations readily have anti-sovereignty laws against the U.S. and promote the population control agenda in China, the Third World, and other nations. Bush has signed unto CAFTA, which people from all ideologies opposed for its stripping of sovereignity and globalist agenda. It's nothing more than a plan to create globalization and an Pan-American Union. Even the Patriot and Texan Gaylon Ross have discussed this. The smoking gun of Bush's globalist agenda is in his 2005 Inagural Address where he said that we must make a "new order of the ages" from the ancient hope of the Founding Fathers that must be fulfilled. What more proof do people need of this guy's intensions?

Most people in America oppose the way the war in Iraq is going. The Project for A New American Century document outline the war in Iraq and even a possible war for Iran. Most people know of the lost of life, Depleted uranium, the unconstitutionality of the war, and other problems with the Iraq War. Now, Iran is given a lot of media coverage, because Iran refuses to not stop its nuclear problem. Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Israel, America, North Korea, and other nations have nuclear weapons, yet Iran doesn't have a right to create nuclear energy. North Korea's President is probably more insane than the leader of Iran, yet North Korea hasn't used a viable nuclear weapon inside of America. It's kind of ironic and hypocritical by the neo cons to say these things.

Our political atmosphere have turned into a debating club since both parties and a high percentage of Congress are in the Council on Foreign Relations, a group dedicated to manipulating our foreign policy. CFR members head many of the media, businesses, and other things in the world as well. Some good news is that there is a renassiance of people waking up about the truth going on in the world. William Cooper died in November 2001 and the 911 Truth Movement plus the Patriot Movement have grown. People in the media are talking about 9/11. Charlie Sheen is talking about a real investigation of 9/11. WINGTV is urging people to be more active in society. Alex Jones did say some truthful comments about the government supported the Iranian revolution against Mossadegh, a drill, and 9/11 on CNN's Showbizz live. Webster Tarpley is talking about terrorism and government. The alternative media recently blown Neo Con Cinnamon Stillwell out of the water. Stillwell comparison of us in the 911 Truth Movement to anti-Semites is silly. When people know that wargames existed, some of the hijackers were trained in government facilities, how Building 7 collasped when no plane hit it and it fell in a symmetrical fashion, how firefighters and others heard explosives in the Twin Towers, the government hasn't released the video of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon (regardless if you think that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon or not, this is a vital piece of evidence denoting a government coverup), the CIA had a drill on 9/11 using planes hitting the Twin Towers, warnings about terror attacks hitting buildings were sent to the White House, people were warned not to fly like ex-SF mayor Willie Brown, etc. then the offical story is refuted 100%. Morgan Reynolds and other credible people have believed like I believe in. 9.11 was an inside job.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


  1. Anonymous13:05

    Hi Tim! We have tried to recruit you,but to no avail. This is for you and all other decent Christian Americans. We have good intelligence that the Latin Americans from Tierra Del Fuego up to Mexico and illegals here inside the U.S.A. are buying AK 47`S,AR 15`S SKS Rifles Mosin Nagant military rifles,9mm pistols and subguns,by the p.u.truckloads (literally)along with literal p.u.truckloads of ammo for all of these rifles and pistols. They have been getting Border Patrol uniforms, jungle boots,cammie BDU`s,food and necessities. They are to attack all Americans on or around May 5, 2006 (Cinco de Mayo) Mexican Independence Day. I have had good black friends and good chicano friends also,and as a Christian,I feel it is my duty to warn all Americans of what is to happen in the Zionist States of Amerika. Please post this at APFN also repeatedly,as this may save lives. God bless you and yours. A Friend.

  2. Hello, I agree with opposing illegal immigration, but I figure that it's bigger than Zionism. In my research there are 2 forms of ZIonism. One are sincere people who just want to call Israel as their home. The other form of Zionism are secular elites that are evil and want corruption to reign. I oppose the secular Zionists not low level Zionists who just want Israel to be a nation. Occult, Secular Zionism existed from the Ancient Mystery Religion that was created from Gentiles. So, it's a Gentile inspired situation. Many groups are more powerful than the ZIonism like Le Cerle, Knights of Malta, Jesuits, etc.

    By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

  3. Anonymous06:58

    Thank you Sir for posting my comments. All Americans had better unite come together and take this country back from these neonazi globalists. For all who are or have racist attitudes,they should take time to know each other,I did. I have had more problems with Caucasians (my race) and jews then with all of the other races combined. Racism is propagated by fear and ignorance. No normal person wants to kill or maim another,regardless of color.I know I don`t,but I will do my best to survive against any and all that try to harm myself or mine.We have many races joining us to help keep the peace and for self defense,and we are greatful for each and every person.The Mohawks have sent me memos to spread amongst the citizens of the world as they are under attack and siege at this time.We plan on taking our battle,when it starts (and it will),to the moneychangers satanists politicians and traitors,along with those that are their dupes and merceneries. You and myself,Tim,along with many other Christians will fight for our God,faith and undiscovered liberties, and will be sacrificed by demons like Bush and his Khazerkenazi genocidal experts.Power to Jesus Christ and all that truly love HIM. Thank you Brother. A Friend.

  4. I totally agree friend.

  5. As for the Khazars, Jewish tribes existed in Germany and Russia in 200 A.D., which was before any Khazar came into the region. DNA tests prove that much of the Askhenazi Jewish people are descended from the Hebrew people. Of the Sephradic, Ethoipic, Yemeni, and Indic Jewish people today are descended from the Jewish people. That's also been confirmed by DNA tests and historical information.

    The Ashkenazi have done evil things, but not all Askhenazi are evil. Our enemy are in Secret Societies who include both Gentiles and some Jewish people. Eric Jon Phelps recently wrote a 14 page work refuting the lie that all Jewish people that are Askhenazi aren't real Hebrews. I've looked at other evidence refuting that lie as well.
    I don't agree with any evil by anyone, but I do believe that Israel has a right to exist.

  6. I may not agree with your views on the Khazars though.

  7. Anonymous22:20

    Hello Tim! This is new info as of 7pm 4/27/2006. We have an officer that is monitoring various e`s posts and suspicious activities. He has reported that the Voz de Atzlan directors have contacted their subscribed members and ordered them to arm themselves against hostile American citizens as soon as possible and to defend themselves. This afternoon at LAX Airport in California,an all white United Nations 747 jet with no numbers or markings was on the tarmac in an area where it is immune from normal custom searches.A U N plane of this size is a bad sign regardless,but the worst case scenario is that there are U N Troops and weapons aboard to be used in LA during the marches,or elsewhere in this nation and/or Canada. People should watch for these planes elsewhere and for suspicious movements anywhere in this country and should post sightings immediately.This should go out to all Christians Sir. Respectfully, a Friend.
