
Friday, April 07, 2006

Quality Part 3

Illegal Immigration

Yearning for authentic absolutes is part of learning. All over television, I've seen protestors in Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dever, Atlanta, New York City, and other locations across the nation. I have no problem with people protesting or showing the Mexican flag. Many of the protestors were cordial and peaceful. On the other hand, some were waving banners saying this is their land, we're taking over, and other hostile and offensive language. The Mexican flag is about an eagle eating the heart out of a person, which originated from the Aztecs. Jose Angel Gutierrez ( professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party) said that: "We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."

I blame the multinational, greedy corporations for this problem more than anyone else. Owning private property is one of the many rights deserved for people. It is morally wrong for anyone is go and trespass unto another person's private property wihtout permission. This is the essence of the immorality of illegal immigration, which is about non-citizens going into another nation without documentation or permission given by the other nation. It is an emotional and complex issue. The Tucson sector Border Patrol union local 2544 believe that as high as 15 to 20 million illegal immigrations are in America. The vast majority of illegal aliens have the most sincere intention to achieve a better livelihood, but that doesn’t justify that activity. A wrong is still a wrong regardless if you acquire humble intensions. It’s a common occurrence that laws aren’t enforced to stop it. Corruption amplifies like drug smuggling plus human trafficking, so the problem is extremely bad today. Supporters of open borders use numerous arguments to promote criminal activity and this unlawful invasion. They say that illegals will work jobs that American citizens won’t work for in farms, janitors, etc.

The truth is that we Americans can work for any job given with justifiable pay, benefits, and conditions. Many jobs that illegal immigrants have actually degrade their human dignity. The explanation is that multinational corporations force them to earn slave wages, harsh conditions equating total exploitation. That’s not an example of human rights. If farming or other jobs that many undocumented workers have were using real pay and conditions, U.S. citizens would be more than happy to join them. We need free and fair trade to benefit the U.S. and Mexico’s economies, so there is no incentive for illegal immigration to rise to such an epidemic. Another argument that the open-borders crowd utilizes is that illegal immigration are akin to racists and extremists. First, the economy was struggling before this immigration crisis and during it. Many illegal people earn free health care benefits, school, and other services for free, while U.S. citizens pay higher money for them today. Most Hispanic Americans by polls oppose illegal immigration. A Quinnipiac University poll (in February 21 to 28, 2006) found that 88% of the Americans (1,892 registered voters nationwide) polled view illegal immigration as a serious problem in America. Most people in America certainly aren't racists. By 62 percent to 32 percent, voters oppose making it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens. By 84 percent to 14 percent, they favor requiring proof of legal residency to obtain government benefits. Thom Hartmann wrote that labor rights advocate Ceasar Chavez was against illegal immigration. I respect Hispanics, Hispanic history, and their culture. Tons of Hispanics are patriotic and born again Christians. Most Hispanics oppose illegal immigration. What I disagree with is illegal immigration done by whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Arabic, Jewish, and any human being regardless of color.

Also, it’s possible that illegal immigrants could deplete our income to send to their home country. Second, the leadership of the Minutemen publicly denounced racism. It’s obvious that the pro-illegal immigration ilk forgotten to expose the racism of the Ford Foundation funded Hispanic racist supremacist groups of Aztaln, La Raza and some members of La Mecha. Now, these racists are equivalent to the KKK, Neo-Nazis, Nation of Islam, etc. who all view themselves as a god-like, superior race. Some of them including the Hispanic supremacists talk about spaceships (like Louis Farrakhan, etc.) Aztlan readily embrace Aztec ideology. In truth, the Aztecs made great mathematical and scientific contributions, but many of them were involved in deadly bloody rituals. Many of the Spaniards (especially conquistadors) were no different in oppressing Native Americans. Aztlan and other groups openly advocate the reconquering forcibly of the entire Southwestern region of the United States. For them, it’s for La Raza (Spanish for the Race). Real Mexicans are a mixture of Spanish and Native American peoples. There is some German influence in Mexico as well. The Spanish people themselves are descended from the Germanic Visigoths, the Moors, Celts, Carthaginians, Iberians, Romans, Greeks, etc. who migrated into that area of the Iberian Peninsula for thousands of years. Many Hispanic supremacists bash white people, but it's kind of ironic that whites in the Ford Foundation fund their whole operation.

Racism, terrorist acts, and any criminal activity to any human, even unto any illegal immigrant is wrong, is evil, and the perpetrators should receive justice. It is indeed true that lawsuits are filed against people who committed these deviant acts on illegal aliens, but that doesn’t justify the argument of open borders. Also, I don't agree with punishing churches for just giving legitimate help to illegal immigrants as well. The reason is that the concept of boundaries is central to our stability as one nation. What is a solution in my opinion. Well, first I would try to secure the border with border patrol agents and the National Gaurd. I'll make a program allowing a 6-10 year period for any illegal immigrant to return to their country of origin then return back to America legally to apply for citizenship. To immediately deport millions of people may cause choas or a real race war. After that, anyone that refuses to do that will not recieve citizenship. I would enforce our laws and show compassion to any human. For no borders equals no boundaries and no sovereignty, which makes one world being an one world government a real possibility.

Sex Trafficking, Diseases & Other Global Problems

Manifold problems exist in the globe. One problem is about sex trafficking. It deals with the unfair, illegal, and force transport innocent people across the globe. It's not only occuring in the Third World. It's occuring in Europe, Asia, and even America. Kelly Patricia O Meara wrote many article exposing DynCorp being involved in the international sex trade industry. Even the Georgia Congresswoman Cythnia McKinney have exposed this truth. The New York Post on June 1, 2004 exposes the United Nations' involvement in sexual activities. Also, The Expresso report said UN personnel were involved in bringing girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes. Tons of folks believe that the government never carried diseases against anyone. The truth is the complete opposite. The government deliberately feeding radioactive cereal to kids for experimentation according to David J. Stewart. Poor black people being injected with deadly radiation in the 1970's. From 1932 until 1972, the Tuskegee Study Group (pictured below) deliberately infected poor black communities in Alabama with syphilis without their consent and withheld treatment as the diseased rampaged through the town killing families.Capt. Chemtrails, USN mentioned a Bush executive order from April 1, 2006 of allowing Bush to quarantine people with flu-like symptoms.Torture is something that we must oppose as well.

Solutions and to Act

At Denver International Airport, TSA airport people aggressively searched an 83 year old woman. Most Patriots know that Noam Choamsky is a controlled asset of the Left Gatekeepers. These gatekeepers are funded by the CIA, Ford Foundation, Rockefellers, and other organizations of the elite. Usually his main theme is to blame America first. He's forgetting that the evil in America is hijacked by elite groups and it doesn't represent all Americans or American interests at all. He refuses to talk about global government, the Bilderberg Group, the errors in offical story of 9/11, and other issues. Another new threat is about the American Union. See, Lou Dobbs and even Phyllis Schlafly admitted that a 59-page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community." Vicente Fox, George W. Bush, and the new Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper are working together. It's nothing more than a full combination of America's, Mexico's, and Canada's economics and poltical structures. The Oceanside Unified School District banned any patriotic flags or clothing wether American or Mexican. Even the ACLU is opposing this measure as a violation of free speech. I will keep my eye on Hillary Clinton, because she is a slick woman. There's a time to learn new facts. Then, there's a time for action. Solutions is to write, protest, go out into our communities, and help people.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
April 6, 2006








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