
Friday, April 07, 2006

Quality Part 2


Sometimes, I learn about controversial people. I first heard about Nostradamus in 1997. His supporters claim that he can predict the future. Films, books, and other devices involve him. Well, what was he and what methods did he used to write his literature? He live in France, whose grandfather was Jewish. His own family converted from Judaism to Roman Catholicism when he was 9 years old. He helped people during the plagues in France. He was educated in medicine. He also learned astronomy, astrology, and many other occult teachings. He knew Hebrew, Latin, Greece, and other languages, so he was very intelligent. Before going forward, his method in his "predictions" must be discovered first. The source of Erika Cheetham's book "The Prophecies of Nostradamus" published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons of New York, New York, copyrighted in 1973 (on pg. 20) accurately showed his method. The book says that Nostradamus would use a wand and put it in a dish to try to "predict" the future. Now, even Nostradamus admitted that when he did this "the god" sits by. Now, Erika Cheetham admitted that this was a form of divination and that Nostradamus used occult books like the De Mysteriis Egyptorum for inspiration. "The Nostradamus Encyclopedia" by Peter Lemesurier having even Nostradamus warning his son not to dabble in these methods:

"...he indicates how it is possible for the diviner to open the mind to divine inspiration not merely through the use of judicial astrology, but with the ritual aid of lymbe and exigue flamme ... Almost in the same breath, however, he beseeches his infant son never to dabble in such practices for, he says, they desiccate the body, disturb the mind, and send the soul to perdition. For that reason he has reduced to ashes the ancient books in which he first discovered the techniques involved. They burned, he says, with an unnatural brilliance (p. 64).

The Old Testament forbids the practice of the occult and divination: "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. "(Deut. 18:10-12)

Since Nostradamus acted in these manner, he violated the Holy Scriptures. His main work was his “Prophecies” They were organized into quatrains (a poem having 4 line that rhyme) that formed 12 Century (a century is one chapter of 100 quatrains). The languages he used in his literature were medieval French, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He had written other literature like his epistle to King Henry, almanacs, and medical pamphlets so he’s very versed in the world and very intelligent. In Century I, quatrain 63, Nostradamus wrote about air and water travel, before wars began. This is confirmed in many peacetime areas in the world. Nostradamus' allies claim that Hitler, Napoleon, and others were predicted by him. Century VI, quatrain 97 is verse his proponents claim talking about 9/11. Most of his prophecies have too much anagrams and cryptic messages. Most of his quatrains also are so ambiguous that they can’t be fully explained unless given a whole wide range of opinions (usually false). The Bible says that God’s word isn’t hidden, but clear and apparent. The test of a true prophet is a belief of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and God (Nostradamus isn’t a Christian, but outwardly embraced Roman Catholicism to escape death), accuracy of the prophecies (some of his prophecies are indeed proven false and the rest are either a few true or too hard to tell), and edifying value of the prophecies (increase of occult usage, astrology, witchcraft in the world, etc. are the negative results of his information). THIS IS NOT OF GOD. Follow God and His word alone.

The Brotherhood Part 2

What's real in life is that international bankers (along with heads of the business and corporate world), royalty, Secret Societies, and other influential human beings having great power over world affairs (and the control of the political, religious, and economics spheres of the world). On many levels, this is unfair. The reason is that the common man rarely recieves the real truth and knowledge plus rights that the elite does. Folks have the right to know about the evil done by occult Secret Societies like Freemasonry, the Jesuits, O.T.O., Bohemian Grove, Skulls and Bones, and other groups. People want to find out the capstone of world power. My research leads me to believe that the capstone is in the Vatican (with groups like the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, K of C, etc.), the area of the UK (headquarters of English Freemasonry, many international bankers, the Pilgrim Society, etc.), high level political groups (like the Bilderberg Group), European Royal Families & other powerful bloodlines (like the Windsor, which is the Germanic family called Saxe-Cothurg Gotha, Black Nobility, etc). In Freemasonry, the lower degree members are given intentionally lies admitted by Albert Pike. It's one thing to go into a group and it's another to be lied to in the lower levels. It's just wrong. Even many 32° Masons aren't given the real truth behind all of Masonry. Tons of the Masons do legitimate charity work, but they are still manipulated by the elite. Tons of elite have praticipated in the occult. Take a look at Ronald and Nancy Reagan using astrology as a means to chart their Presidential duties. Hillary Clinton, who claims to support Jesus, supports partial birth abortion. In the 1990's, Hillary consulted a medium to try to contact the "spirit" of Eleanor Roosevelt. Also, she done a shaman ritual with a Native American.

The image above show the double headed eagle. What does it mean? Well, the eagle was used for thousands of years in Babylon and Rome in reference for power. In Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, the Eagle refers to the Egyptian god named Mendes. He is also related to the Vulture or the Scorpion. It's further about changing society and changing man's perception of things to accept a new form of tolerance (i.e. Universialism). Freemasonry is worldwide, even existing in many rites. They include the Scottish Rite, York Rite, Grand Orient Lodges, Mizraim Rite, etc. Masons are even in China. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Freemasons have been in the U.S. court and police systes, military, NASA, the federal government, and other areas of life. Former Wiccan High Priest, Mormon, and 32nd Degree Freemason William Schnoebelen exposed the similarities between Witchcraft and Freemasonry. He said that: "The Masonic temple is a temple of Witchcraft! There can be little doubt about that. Veiled within its symbols are the deities and even the working tools of Witchcraft! The square and compasses are representations of the generative organs of the "sacred altar" of Witchcraft! The blazing star at the center of the Lodge is the Witch's pentagram, symbol of the god of Satanism."

Few people realize the Masonic connection to the Council on Foreign Relations. The RIIA, IPR and CFR originated from the Round Table group (one of its inventors was a Mason named Cecil Rhodes). Many of the original CFR founders were Freemasons. They include 33° England Grand Lodge Mason "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, 33° Scottish Rite Freemason Christian Herter, Scottish Rite Mason Averell Harriman, and 33° Grand Orient Mason Paul Warburg. Other 33° Freemasons who founded the Council on Foreign Relations include Jacob Schiff and Scottish Rite Mason Bernard Baruch. According to John Daniel, key members of the CFR include Freemasons now. The Masons are one of the architects of world events to chane the globe. Revolutions occur by Masons as well in the American, French, Turkish, Russian, and other Revolutions. I've just discovered this out. 33° Freemason Albert Lontaine sent a letter to the Pope in 1937 where he called himself a servant of Satan (later he called him a servant of Lucifer). This is the smoking gun proving that many high level Masons worship Lucifer (Satan). The words are found in the book "Blood on the Altar."

Brother Nicholas Rivera sent this image of Freemason A. Phillip Randolph shaking Master Mason Lyndon Johnson's hand. Well, this about the War on Poverty and the Civil Rights Movement. There is nothing wrong with civil rights protected by legitimate laws, but it doesn't take a rocket science that problems still reign in minority communities. This was in 1964 when LBJ presented A. Philp Randolph with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Today, prominent black Freemasons include 33° Freemason Jesse Jackson and Freemason Al Sharpton. One famous 32° Freemason was William L. Clark. He worked for Bell System and retired in 1963. He handled the company throughout Oregon. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church proving the inflitration of many Mason into Protestant churches. Like many Masons, he's involved in charity, yet many Freemasonry is about Universialism and the embrace of the estoric. Many Freemasons are now supporting the biometric movement. talks about this. It's about some Freemasonry supporting the use of microchips to children. The program is called Comprehensive Masonic Chip. As for me, I don't agree with this because it devalues human life, strips individuality, and it depletes privacy from human beings.

They offer free of charge to people, yet to me it just isn't right. They would be satisfied if all children were microchiped, yet this is the agenda of the Elite and Globalists who want a controlled population. Thurl T.R. McClanahan is a 32nd degree Freemason and a person who recieved a Homeland Security related award from Knight of Columbus Thomas Ridge. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Freemason people. I hate the evils in Freemasonry. Most low level Masons are readily decieved about the occult nature of Freemasonry. They are called "Porch bethren" in a degatory manner. So, all Freemasons don't have intentionally sinister motives. Some do have evil motives. We need to tell Masons that the Masonic Light is false, while the Light of God (Christ) is true.

It is vital to understand the Vatican role of power on Earth involving the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus, and other groups. I don't hate Roman Catholic people, but I do hate the evil and unbiblical nature of the Roman Heirachy. Jesuits folks still have power in our lives. For example, Vice-Chair of the Homeland Security Advisory Board William H. Webster received an honorary degree from Jesuit Georgetown University. The Knights of Malta are descended from the Knights Hospitaller. The Knights Hospitaller were a rival to the Knights Templar who got the Knights Templar's wealth in the 1300's. The Knights of St. John of Jerusalem is also descended from the Knights Hospitaller. Andrew Bertie is the worldwide head of the Knights of Malta (aka sovereignty Military Order of Malta). King Juan Carlos of Spain is a SMOM, Order of Garter member, and the head of the Golden Fleece Order. Carlyle Group founder David Rubenstein was a close personal friend of pope John Paul II according to Mark Brewer. The head of the Carlyle Group (the largest defense contractor on Earth) now is SMOM Frank Carclucci. When you look deep into life, you will see that high level Freemasons, Knights of Malta, and Order of St. John of Jerusalem people head many of the prominent intelligence agencies, corporate businesses, political offices, and religious groups of the world. Just look at the many Masons as Presidents of the USA. Opus Dei Robert Philip Hanssen called himself a Soviet spy. According to Nicholas Rivera, he sold PROMIS software to Osama bin Laden.

There are other groups having tons of influential power as well. There is the Pilgrim Society. It's made up of very powerful people from the business, political, and religious world. It was invented in the early 20th century. Most of the people in it are from America and England. Edward B. Vreeland, was a Pilgrim, and he was in the Jeykl Island meeting, which led to the development of the Federal Reserve Bank (a bank control by private individuals). According to Joël van der Reijden, a high percentage of the CFR executive councils, JP Morgan leaders, Carniegie members, Skulls and Bones members, and other groups have Pilgrims as members. By this alone, Fritz Springmeier is correct to assume the the Pilgrims Society is more powerful than the Council on Foreign Relations. Even Pilgrims John J. McCloy and Allen Dulles are members of the Warren Commission. Gerald Ford, a future honorary Pilgrim, is a third member. Lord Peter Inge is another Pilgrim Society person. He was in a five-member panel that looks into the gathered intelligence that was used to justify an invasion in Iraq the year before. All 5 are Privy Councillors and just as the panel's chairman, Lord Inge is a knight of the Order of the Garter.

Royalty still have power today. Queen Elizabeth II knighted Rudy Guiliani in February 13, 2002. Elizabeth herself is in the Order of the Garter and the Grand Patroness of World Fremasonry(according to Mick Oxley). Her cousin, the duke of Kent, became the Grand Master of English Freemasonry at its 250th celebration. Many Danish Kings were in Freemasonry according Fritz Springmeier.

Now, it's time to look again at secular Jewish people and an evil, secular form of Zionism. Rabbi Lapin opposes the secular humanism that has overtaken many Jews. Not all Jewish people are involved with this stuff. So, I want to make that clear. First, it's time to explain history. Now, these evil people existed primarily from the Babylonian Captivity. When the Jews went into Babylon, they apostatized further. They accepted false gods and believed that oral tradition was equal to the Torah. The Pharisees accepted this and it was called the Midrash. Jesus in the NT condemned the Pharisees who accepting their own tradition that contradicted the Torah. This apostacy went further into the development of the Talmud, which are numerous commentaries of the Old Testament. It's interesting to note that the Adin Steinsaltz edition of the Talmud on Ketubot 11b considers a grown man havign sex with a girl below the age of 3 as not a significant sexual act. This is support of pedophilia, which is morally wrong. The extension of apostacy continued into the Sabbeatean Movement (made up of people who wanted to destroy Torah Judaism and Christianity. Rabbi Antleman wrote a book about this issue eloquently). Sabbatai Zvi invented the Sabbaetean movement as a false Messiah. So, secular Masonic Jewish Zionism is a significant, yet secondary (they are under the Jesuits and high level Freemasonry) part of globalization because there always organizations more powerful than them. Also, there ideology originated from the Gentile Ancient Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt. Jacob Frank was a hater of the Torah who was in support of the Jesuit invented (Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit priest) Illuminati.

The Sabbeateans and Labor Zionism have been at the forefront of radical liberalism, Reform Judaism, and anti-authentic Judaism and anti-Christianity ideologies. These include abortion rights and getting rid of the Ten Commandments plus other forms of religious expression by groups like the B'nai B'rith Lodge invented ADL (headed by Abe Foxman, who bashed Christians recently). Even the Star of David according to O. J. Graham's research didn't exist from David. It was from the Caananites, Babylonians, and other pagan cultures. Even according to William F. Dankenbring, the Hexagram was utilized by the ancient Hindus. The Hexagram is used in Satanism to this day. A real symbol representing Jewish heritage is the menorah and the burning bush that is authentic for centuries. Barry Chamish have written extensively on how Labor Zionism colloborated with Nazis to make the Holocaust a reality and the Labor Askhenazi Jewish people murdering Sephradic Jewish people. Israel was created after the Holocaust. It's interesting to note the Secret Society connection to Israel. Webster Tarpley confirmed that Felix Warburg colloborated with Hitler through money during WWII. According to Barry Chamish, Warburg was allied to 33° Freemason Chaim Weizmann. After World War 2, Chaim colloborated with his brother 33° Freemason Harry Truman to support the establishment of the nation of Israel. In a sense, many of these Masons obess with Israel in an attempt to rebuild Solomon's Temple. To this day, most Israeli Prime Ministers have been involved with Freemasonry or Labor Zionism. Evil is present in Israel (i.e. oppression, discrimination, etc.), but I still believe that Israel has a right to exist. The reason is that there has always been a permanent presence of Hebrews (who today are in Yemen, Ethopia, Iran, India, N. Africa, and other places globally) in the land for 3,000+ years anyway. From the David, Solomon, Babylonian Captivity, Persians, Greeks, Romans, ByzantiumEmpire, Arab Empire, The Ottoman Turks, the Brits, and today. People talk about the Neo Cons, but most the PNAC Neo Cons are Gentiles and in the CFR not mostly Jewish, which was explained by Stan Monolieth.

Muslim radicalism is also a threat. I've talked about that for many months and years. We do know that Muslim radicals worked with the Nazis to kill Serbs and Jews. One man involved with this was al-Husseini, who was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Mark Brewer has mentioned tons of information about Islam and the Vatican connection. For example, he wrote that "...Michel Sabbah, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem and preacher of jihad, congratulated Hamas when they won the election in Palestine. I suspect that this man will have a large role uniting all Muslims with the Vatican...." What is the connection? Well, most Muslim leaders in the Middle East support the Vatican and are uniting with the Vatican to allow ecumencialism to reign. There are similarities of course between both religions like the reverence of Mary, hostility toward Jews, the use of rosary beads, the unscriptural practice of repeating prayers, etc. We must support the God fearing, patriotic Jews and Arabs in the Middle East, not evil people. The leadership of Muslim, Islamic nations and Israel (both funded by American and European companies-many of them headed by Knights of Malta) keep its citizens in division, so solutions aren't created among both sides.

One of the essences of the Brotherhood of Secret Societies, many international bankers, royalty, and high level political group is the usage of many symbols and concepts. I've just learned new things. According to Michael A. Hoffman II, Anglican apostate John Dee was one of the founders of the British Israel agenda and the idea of a British Empire. John Dee was an astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I. The whole plan of many Secret Societies then and now is to create a "New Atlantis" in the world. One DVD movie that I've seen and I do recommend it is called "Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: Volume I" The movie not only talks about Freemasonry, but it talks about Sir Francis Bacon's utopian dream and other issues.

The Ordo Templi Orientis or OTO is an occult group with more influence than the general public realizes. The OTO was founded between 1895 and 1900 by a pair of powerful Freemasons, Karl Kellner and Theodor Reuss. Craig Heimbichner (though pro-Roman Catholic) rightfully expose the OTO in his book called "Blood on the Altar." Aliester Crowley is a famous member of the OTO. Crowley is a total representation of the OTO since he wanted love of self and self gratification to replace the love of God. His followers included famous people like John Lennon, Timothy Leary, and otherss who supported the 1960's cultural revolution. Even L. Ron Hubbard was a friend of Crowley and found the cult of Scientology. The good news is that a lot of the younger generation reject this relativism and love socially conservative values like me. I'm in my 20's. According to John Daniel's Scralet and the Beast series, hardcore Irish Roman Catholic William Donovan (who recieved a St. Slyvester award from the Vatican for his intelligence work for the Vatican) is not only a Knight of Malta (many heads of the CIA are in the Knights of Malta) and a 33° Freemason, but a member of the OTO. It's isn't just Left Wing New Agers involved in the OTO. OTO member James Wasserman is trying to be "Right Wing", but he refuses to expose Freemasonry, Jesuits, and other things. He endorses the John Birch Society, which had many Freemasons in it.

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