
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bill Moyers Exposed


Bill Moyers Has A Conniption Over Republican VictoriesSummary:

Public Broadcasting System pundit Bill Moyers threw a fit last week over Republican electoral victories. Moyers’ anti-Christian bigotry was obvious as he railed against conservative Christians in positions of power within government.

Public Broadcasting System (PBS) pundit Bill Moyers went into a conniption last week in an on-air editorial against Republican electoral victories last week. Moyers thinks that these victories will mean that the power of the state will be used to “force pregnant women to give up control of their lives,” tax the poor to benefit the rich, “eviscerate the environment,” and that Christian legislators will promote a “biblical worldview” in government.
Rev. Sheldon’s commentary this week discusses Moyers’ long history of anti-Christian bigotry and his shallow understanding of religious freedom in the United States. Moyers has spent too many years imbibing occultic philosophies of authors like the late Joseph Campbell (The Power of Myth), Taoism, and other non-Christian religious belief systems.
To read Rev. Sheldon’s commentary, go to:


Bill Moyers Has A Conniption Over Republican Victories

By Rev. Louis P. SheldonChairman, Traditional Values Coalition

Washington, DC – PBS commentator and former Southern Baptist pastor Bill Moyers recently experienced a conniption on the radio over last week’s Republican victories. The text of his radio outburst is posted on the PBS web site. According to Moyers, the Republican victory last week apparently means that pregnant women will be forced to carry their unborn children to term, that our environment will be trashed, and that the Justice Department will soon establish a Nazi-like police state. Worse yet, says Moyers, there are actually conservative Christians in positions of influence within the government who believe in prayer and biblical morality! Says Moyers, “…if you like God in government, get ready for the Rapture. These folks don’t even mind you referring to the GOP as the party of God. Why else would the new House Majority leader say that the Almighty is using him to promote ‘a Biblical worldview’ in American politics?”

Moyers is horrified—absolutely horrified—that Bible-believing Christians might have some influence in the governing of our nation. Regrettably, Moyers is expressing what is all too common among our self-appointed media elites: They believe that conservative Christians have no legitimate voice in government.
Moyers’ anti-Christian bigotry is nothing new. At a speech in January, 2002 at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library in Austin, he lamented the Islamic terrorist attack on our nation on 9-11, but then told his audience that America faces its own threat from “theocrats” like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. According to Moyers, both Falwell and Robertson “detest” our Bill of Rights. In 1999, Moyers gave a speech at a meeting of the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs to honor the retirement of Executive Director James Dunn. According to Moyers, the Southern Baptist Convention was concerned over Dunn’s liberalism and defunded the group. Moyers referred to Southern Baptist leaders as “theological Stalinists” and Lenin. (Dunn once compared conservative Christians to the Crusaders as “full of hate, killing people in order to save them, dehumanizing and bloody.” Dunn also said he had “very profound respect for the sincere spiritual depth of Bill and Hillary Clinton.”)

Bill Moyers has a skewed view of Christianity but this shouldn’t surprise us. He has drunk deeply from the well of spiritual syncretism through the writings of the late occultist Joseph Campbell (The Power of Myth), Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Islam.
What Moyers seems to fear are individuals who actually believe the Bible to be the Word of God—and who wish to see biblical principles implemented in how our nation is governed. He must, of necessity, also fear our nation’s Founding Fathers because they too firmly believed in God and in the importance of ruling according to biblical principles.
President George Washington addressed a United Baptist Churches meeting in May, 1789. Washington told these Baptists: “While just government protects all in the religious rights, true religion affords to government its surest support….It is impossible to rightly govern…without God and the Bible.”
This is hardly a Stalinist, Nazi, or Leninist viewpoint. Nor is George Washington calling for a theocratic state. Moyers badly misunderstands the concerns of conservative Christians, and he also has a flawed understanding of our nation’s history of religious freedom. He would be wise to spend less time imbibing the occultic philosophy of Joseph Campbell and spend more time reading the Bible—not as a myth—but as the revelation of God to mankind.

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