
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tribute and the Future

Hollow buildings spread across the skies of urban areas in the Earth. Regardless of where we live in urban, suburban, or rurual locations, we all share similar experiences as being part of the human family. Now, there is a committed enemy, where purpose is to distort authentic nationalism and the existence of humanity in legitimate ways. That enemy is globalism. Globalism's agenda is to realign nations to form a one world system. This is evident by the World Bank, the IMF, UNESCO, etc. who readily control much of the policies among Third World countries. Still, many nations in Africa have to pay huge debts to the IMF. The new world order is a big deal that world leaders from DeMolay Walter Cronkite to Bonesman George H. W. Bush said publiclly for decades now. The new world order is all about a one world government, intergrated economies, and a new philosophical thinking to "solve" problems. This is impossilbe to maintain since one world governent strips national sovereignty and the true diversity of human capacility. We must follow the path of righteousness or fall down in life. Solomon is a prime example of a man who acquired great wisdom, but squandered his kingdom by following false gods into apostacy. Nigel Nelson from The People on Monday during January 8, 2007 wrote about fingerprints. In the UK, some will have to use their fingerprints to get a mortgage for their own home. Critics of this and the biometrics of the ID cards will cost £5.4billion cost.

Mark Anderson from American Free Press on Monday at January 8, 2007 mentioned something interesting. Anderson wrote about the rising strenght of China in the control of North American ports. The huge Chinese shipping conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa Ltd. has a significant presence at the Lazaro Cardenas seaport in Mexico and other Mexican ports. The company has had effective control of both ends of the Panama Canal for the last seven years. These Mexicans ports link to the the budding Trans Texas Corridor (TTC) toll road network spreading across North America. According to Mark Anderson, Hutchison Whampoa controls 12% of all container port capacity in the world and employs 200,000 people. Right now, part of Austin is shut down. People found that it's probably a person who poisoned pigeons. Usually, many of these events aren't related to terrorism. Also, Manhattan is investigating a mysterious gas. No one knows the origin of it. NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg claimed that this is a minisicule issue. Mushtak Parker from the Arab News on Monday, January 8, 2007 outlined that the British government plan on spying on suspected Muslim radicals. That plan will give 50 local authorities some 5 million pounds in special funding to be the eyes and ears of the police. In America, this is similar to the TIPS Program that gives the government extra power than the basic principle of due process.

There are some great news on stem cell research. Doctors from Harvard and Wake Forest reported that they found amniotic fluid-derived stem (AFS) cells can be just as flexible as embryonic stem cells (which involve the taking of human life). AFS cells aren't ethical controversial since no human life is taken. AFS cells can have the ability to be muscle, bone, fat, blood vessel, nerve, and liver cells in the laboratory. These cells are found in the fetus of the baby. This knock the wind out of the sails of pro-embryonic stem cell believers. Embryonic were never effective and they aren't even as effective as adult stem cells (which have many treatments and cures of diseases right now). This is good news for mankind regardless of Nancy Pelosi's (the self-proclaimed most powerful woman in America) goals of government funding of embryonic stem cell research. I saw this story on ABC in the morning for now. This is great news indeed.

Motivation is good. You have to be motivated to fight against evil from GM foods, presecutions, the North American Union, monetary problems, and human trafficking. Now, many so-called "big wigs" in the alternative media (like Alex Jones, Daryl Bradford Smith, and others) are whining about being criticized. The truth is that many who unfairly criticizing them. On the other hand, some of the criticisms are legitimate. The legitimate criticisms include some of them refusing to expose the Vatican/Jesuit/SMOM link to the new world order and other points. That's honorable criticism. Also, those who expose the Jesuits aren't maligning every Roman Catholic as part of the globalization, one world government agenda at all. Also, we fully encourage activism and expose other groups like Le Cerle, the 1001 Club, the Bilderberg Group, the Pilgrim Society, and the Mount Pelerin Society (not just the "Order of Death"). I'm really not dissing anymore. I'm just being real. I tribute the real Patriots and I hope for the best in the future.

By Timothy

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