
Monday, January 08, 2007

Eric Jon Phelps on The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and more


Eric Jon Phelps on The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Show: P.I.D. Radio:

The link is at:

Hosts: Derek and Sharon GilbertDate: November 26, 2006As this holiday week marked the 43rd anniversary of theassassination of President John F. Kennedy, we decided tobring you an interview from the P.I.D. archive that willgive you a whole new perspective on the events of that day.Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins, lays out theevidence for the involvement of the Jesuit Orderin the assassination of JFK.Links:Eric Jon Phelps’ website

Download the Interview:MP3 Format60 minutes,




To: "Eric Jon Phelps"
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2006 6:07 PM
Subject: Wheres the Permindex and London connections


The problem I have with all this J.F.K talk is that none of you ever speak about Permanent Industrial Exhibitions let alone that they actually did the ssassinations. It is well known that most times agencies of the soil in which the event is to take place will simply use foreign assassins. So yes the planning may have been all CIA but unless you speak of Permindex then we could call you a coadjutor just the same as you/i do to others for doing the same thing. What you reckon to that one? I think its fair and I certainly don't see why Permindex that British STINKING SIS group should go unseen. I know of only a couple of sources who will speak of Permindex and that Lenny Bloom and Dr John Coleman.

I speak of Permindex in VAIII. Knight of Malta Louis M. Bloomfield was one of the heads of that assassin cabal along with SMOM Spadafora in Rome. SMOM Clay Shaw was also on the board of Permindex.

Also while we're on the subject of Orders to the U.S President then can you explain why its the Royal Institute of International Affairs and not the CFR who give him/her the orders via J.P Morgan and Chase using its Chief executive officer which right now is Jamie Dimon. He gives the orders to the Secretary of State who then passes them onto the President which has gone on since 1919.

As you know, the RIIA was created in 1919; the CFR in 1921. Both are connected to the SMOMs ruling the Old City of London controlled by Rome. Remember, JPII called Cardinal O'Connor "the Archbishop of the Capital of the World." New York is the political capital of the world; London is the commercial capital of the world and Rome is the religious capital of the world.

We also know its the RIIA who actually choose the U.S President just as they did with all usually giving them fancy trips to London and hotels like the Rochester prior to them taking the position.


No doubt that the CRF and the RIIA work together.

Brother Eric


Dear Friend,

Again, WELL DONE.Both Farrakhan and "Warith" Muhammad are high Masons. They are Black right-wing fascists backed by Rome evidenced by several "audiences" with the Pope given to the NOI's rep to Rome.I recently learned that the NOI has been given federal contracts for providing security in major cities only after the Pope's White CIA/Mafia has brought guns and drugs into the Black communities, further inciting the crime which the NOI is contracted to resist.

It is no wonder why the NOI and the high command of the FBI killed Malcolm X---with the help of the Pope's "boy"---Louis Farrakhan. Malcolm rightly said that "the [Masonic] NOI and the [Masonic] KKK have the same paymasters." The Order's Tim Rissert and Sean Hannity both give NOI spokesmen time on their shows further proving the NOI's connection to CFR media moguls including CFR/Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch. Farrakhan is also a beloved friend of brother 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

2tuff: It should also be noted that the ANCIENT & ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE OF FREEMASONRY created and controls the KKK, ref: Albert Pike. It should also be noted that it was the Scottish Rite who created the B'Nai B'Rith and control it even to this day. Its agitation creation by the same elite paymasters above. Now look who created the Scottish Rite and look notice in the high degree with the JESUIT MOTTO haha. All roads lead to ROME!

wolveshater: Where is Bill O' Reilly in all of this? some facts to help me slamm this doink would be great. and Senator Obama?. I can not believe Americans think Bill is their friend, RETARDS.

Alexandria: Then there's another smokescreen...the KKK is SUPPOSEDLY anti-Catholic. They claim to be Protestant.Just another dog and pony show.



recorded on January 6, 2007



Thomas Richards: Noam Chomsky: 9/11 inside job? "Who Cares"

I would guess everyone here is aware of Noam Chomsky's recent comments saying that even if 9/11 was an inside job, "Who Cares" !! What a profoundly stupid remark aye? Now, listen to this. To me that is such an absurd statement that he is purposely shipwrecking his whole credibility and for a reason. It's like a chess game and by him saying what he said he is no longer a someone to look up to therefore, he can not be threatened any longer. He is saying, "I am no longer a valid source of information or insight." I'm just thinking of possibilities out loud. People who are evil have ways to get to you. If they can't threaten you one way, they'll get you another way. They can threaten family members. They can do awful, awful things. I think a case of this can be seen through the Lindburg baby kidnapping story. plus worse. ok, say Chomsky knows all about the vatican and jesuits and so they have something that they are holding over his head. anyway, it could just be he's a jesuit coadjutor. but I just got this as a google news alert:from this website (eric, this isnt you is it? lol!):

Taken from:

It makes sense when you start to realize that Noam Chomsky is a Jesuit coadjutor and therefore part of the 9/11 media blackout problem.
More info on his Jesuit Order ties:- He only makes _positive_ remarks on the Jesuit Order on his website: (direct link failed to parse)- His 9/11 stance: google links:
Jesuit coadjutors are the deception/distortion/distraction speakers (since they have a hidden agenda) of the Illuminati elite, to try to control the debates, to ultimately be able to control the flow of information on all sides. This is the Hegelian Dialectic in media form, contrary to its violent destabilization forms or financial destabilzation politics (central banking / inflation / money printing / lending / robbing)

Other Jesuit coadjutors:

# Alex Jones- He has consistently refused to discuss the Jesuits Order involvement in political history- Is he being paid and directed by ABC via GCN? If so, why does ABC do this?- See also his interview with Pat Buchanan:
# Oliver Stone
# Mel Gibson
# Martin Sheen
# Charlie Sheen
# John Loftus
# Tupper Saussy
# Jeff Rense
# David Icke (not sure, but he never mentions the true history of the Jesuit Order and the Vatican in his presentations)

Thomas Richards: the following is a reply I received from Eric Phelps from in response to my Noam Chomsky post above.

Dear Friend,


I have said Chomsky has been a coadjutor for years in that he NEVER touches the CFR or mentions the Order of SMOM.

Your list of other coadjutors is correct including David Icke.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

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