
Friday, January 05, 2007


It's the end of the work week. The public is awaiting what will happen in the newly arrived Congress today. Nancy Pelosi (a daughter of the mayor of Baltimore) is the new speaker of the House. I saw ABC News presenting a piece that totally loved her. My view is a wait and see attitude. We must wait and see what this big Democrat Congress. Free speech is good. Unlike CFR member Newt Gingrich (who blatantly called for limited the First Amendment), everyone should be protected by their First Amendment rights.
RANDOLPH E. SCHMIDAP on Friday during January 5, 2007 wrote that Bush claimed the right to open mail without a warrant. Slickly, Bush attached this new power into a postal bill that the President signed. What does this mean? It means that in certain exceptions, the President can open first class mail without a warrant (under the ambiguous phrase of exigent circumstances). Ann Beeson, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union, plans to file a request for information on why Bush can do this. Obviously, I personally don't agree with Bush's policy on mail. Our Constitutional rights are depleted since 9/11 from militarized police, Big Brother, the Patriot Act unfairly utilized against innocent citizens, and corruption in government agencies. Webster Tarpley is right that 33rd Degree Freemason Gerald Ford (on the Warren Commission, yet LBJ slured Ford as stupid. LBJ was an Entered Apprentice Freemason and his close friend was a Catholic clergyman ironically) was a puppet of the establishment. Watergate involved the explosure of puppet, crooked, & apostate President Richard Nixon (he was anti-Second Amendment I might add), yet the real power brokers weren't prosecuted or imprisoned. Even the pumbers were Gordon Libby, Hunt, etc. with CIA ties in breaking into the Democratic headquarters. These same criminals in the Knights of Malta, CIA, etc. have their lands tied into WWII, Operation Paperclip (Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace were one of the leaders involved with it. It was about the USA using Nazi technology for their own purposes), the Korean War, the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, the JFK assassination, Iran Contra, the building of Muslim "extremists," (a lot of them was created by British & Arabic Freemasonry. British St. John Philby was one key agent in organizing the House of Saud) religious ecumencialism, 911, the war on terror, Iraq, and it isn't just Watergate.

A new study (reported in a prestigious medical journal of the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology) confirms that the the morning after pill does not reduce either abortion or pregnancy rates. The survey covers the use of the Plan B drug in 10 countries. Authors Elizabeth Raymond and James Trussell wrote that the pill's effectiveness was overstated. the attorneys for Chen Guangcheng a leading advocates against the brutal campaign of forced abortions in China were beaten again. This occurred shortly after Christmas. 8 unidentified men beat the lawyer with hot iron rods. I would say that the Pro-Life Movement has a long way to good. What I do see as positive news is that more and more young people are Pro-Life nowadays since decades ago. There is no dispute on the humanness of the unborn despite Planned Murderhood's claims. Abortion (first legalized on demand in America in a high level by 1967 in Colorado and California) is still murder. It's obvious that we in a culture war. Either we have a land that embraces life or a culture loving death. We have a land that praising sluts and whores like Britney Spears & Paris Hitlon, or we want women (and men) to treat themselves plus other with legitimate respect. James Randerson from London Guardian on Friday during January 5, 2007 described how Bill Gates said that a home helper robot is near. Technology is advancing rapidily.

The illegal immigration situation is still horrendous. I don't even blame the illegal immigrants the majority of the time. It's the globalists (with their allies) who are involved with this a lot to break down American national sovereignty, earn cheap labor, and create a North American Union (said by CFR member Robert Pastor). George Haynal, senior fellow at the Norman Patterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University, called for this. Today, Arizona State University is teaching that the U.S., Mexico and Canada need to be integrated into a unified superstate, where U.S. citizens of the future will be known as "North Americanists." This program also calls for a North American economic intergration. The media doesn't report on these facts like they don't report on the murders done by illegal immigrants (and drug gangs) against innocent people (both Mexicans and Americans) all across the Southwest plus Mexico. London Telegraph on December 31, 2006 written by Justin Stares describe illegal immigrants receiving satellite technology in crossing the border by the Mexican government. Shane Ellison M. Sc.from wrote information on Thursday, January 4, 2007. Shane described the dangers of some products like the drug Splenda. McNeil Nutritionals is a corporation creating these poisons. Splenda has the drug sucralose, which is sweeter than sugar. When it's merged with carbon, it forms a dangerous molecule that can internally explode. A weakened immune system, egular heart beat, agitation, shortness of breath,, etc. are risks factor with sucralose. Therefore, organic foods are a legitimate substitute for the garbage Big Pharma endorses.

It's kind of interesting that indepedent writer Ed Haas (was told by a man the former Israeli Defense Force member in a Hebrew cemetery) something. The man said to Haas that in 2000, he recalled a conversation where 3 men said that: "The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September." Haas said that he had his source that's accurate. Government foreknowledge is not even debated anymore, so this information is one piece out of a long list of proof of foreknowledge. As for Israel, there is a lot of evidence pointing to Israeli foreknowledge and significant involvement in the events of 9/11 from the Urban Moving Systems and Detained Israelis, Larry Silverstein (the lease owner of Building Number Seven), Israeli spy ring, and Dov Zakheim. This isn't to say that Israel done everything in 9/11 (because Cheney, Bush, etc. aren't Israelis. British Intelligence, Mossad, CIA, FSB, etc. worked together for years, so it isn't a one group or a one race or a one creed deal) or everybody in Israel are evil. Many good Jewish people and good Arabic people live in Israel. I also respect the right of Israel to exist, but I oppose any evil policies done by the governments of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, etc. There's a big difference. All of us must think on a whole different level of global control. It's cool to talk about the Bohemian Grove and the Skulls and Bones, but these organizations aren't the head of real elite power. Groups like the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasons, the Pilgrim Society, the Bilderberg Group, Le Cerle, the Pilgrim Society, and others are the real power brokers of the Earth. It's time to expose all evil groups, not just limit ourselves into exposing one evil group. I can't forgot about Pam Schuffert exposing the new world order and the threat of total tyranny in society. FOlks talk about underground. It's fine to be underground in the sense of not being of this world. Yet, we can't be underground in the sense of not being active. We have to be active, fight evil, and stir up the mainstream.

By Timothy

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