
Monday, October 06, 2008

Near 2009 and the Future




mysThere is another big reason to oppose the bailout law that President George W. Bush signed days ago. The mainstream media isn't reporting on The IRS and the Bailout connection. The bailout law isn't just a Treasury dictatorial takeover of our whole economy and it has extreme amounts of pork in it. It makes former Goldman Sachs chairman and current Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson an economic czar, which is unconstitutional. The bill also have police state powers given unto the IRS. Declan McCullagh, writing for CNet, wrote that the bailout bill gives the IRS (or the Internal Revenue Service) the new authority to conduct undercover operations. In other words, it would give immunity for the IRS from federal laws (like making IRS agents to run businesses for an extended sting operation, to open their own personal bank accounts with U.S. tax dollars, and so on). It's really wild. This is nothing new. The reason is that in 1968, under the so-called Anti-Drug Abuse Act, the IRS began functioning as a secret police force. Yet, this authority was temporary and intermittent. In April of this year, senators Max Baucus (D) and Chuck Grassley (R) began an effort to make this authority permanent. Those Senators ought to be made ashamed of them because the IRS has no right to act as a secret force to act undercover in order to harrash taxpayers at all. The bill according to McCullagh allows the IRS to give information from individual tax returns to any federal law enforcement agency investigating suspected 'terrorist' activity, which can in turn, share it with the local plus state police. Intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the National Security Agency can also receive that information. That's ironic since the CIA committed terrorism (like Operation Ajax) and created terrorists since its inception. Even in the 1960's, the FBI worked with the IRS to go after peaceful antiwar and civil rights activists. In 2005, it “warned one of Southern California’s largest and most liberal churches that it is at risk of losing its tax-exempt status because of an antiwar sermon two days before the 2004 presidential election,” according to the Los Angeles Times. That's all the more reason to end the Johnson Amendment because it goes against the First Amendment (to restrict churches' free speech rights). This bailout will devalue the dollar because we're borrowing money to pay for over 700 billion dollars for Wall Street's mess. It's about select bankers trying to centralize their control over the American people's financial security. You can easily help victims of bad mortgages (with a relief fund, building up our infrastructure, and cutting the huge budget from the war on terror), have competing currencies, and do other solutions without paying this bailout bill. According to some Congresspeople, they were threatened with martial law if they didn't pass the bill. That was wrong of course. The bill will do nothing more than burdening more taxpayers to pay higher taxes toward the same criminals involved in the financial mess in the first place. Not to mention that the stock market has plunged down after the bailout law was passed. The law (called the the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008) also have more anti-liberty rules in them. The law allows the Secretary of the Treasury to steal all assets deemed "troubled" (which can be ambigious defined as almost all assets from stocks to bonds). It specifically authorizes the purchase of securities held by foreign banks and central banks. Section 109 allows the Secretary to rewrite mortgage contracts unilaterally. The powers of the Secretary are not bounded by judicial review at all from Section 119 of the Act. This is dictator-like power by the government. It's about centralizing the power of a few elitists benefiting a select few of private bankers. These globalists want to use America to destroy America (via war, economically unsound policies, militarization of our society, etc. Even China is holding much of our debt) and the legitimate concept of national sovereignity. So, real solutions are needed not Robin Hood in reverse.

The FDA claims that a poison named melamine is not harmful for adults. The FDA said on last Friday that it's only unsafe when melamine was placed in baby formula. Melamine tainted formula has sickened more than 54,000 children in China. It's been blamed for the deaths of at least 4 tots. The chemical is in products sold across Asia. These products include candles, chocolates, and coffee drinks. Authorities in California and Connecticut have found melamine in White rabbit candies imported from China. Infant formula doesn't have the substance, so the FDA classified baby formula as safe. Its safety experts have concluded that eating a very tiny amount of melamine -- 2.5 parts per million -- would not raise health concerns, even if a person ate food that was tainted with the chemical every day. Separately, a New Jersey company announced a recall of Chinese-made yogurt drinks Friday after FDA testing found melamine. The Blue Cat Flavor Drink, also called Lanmao, is sold nationwide in Asian groceries, said a spokesman for the company, Tristar Food Wholesale of Jersey City. Melamine is harmful to human kidneys and can cause kidney stones (or kidney failure in life threatening, extreme cases). Therefore, the FDA says that a tiny portion of melamine is safe for adults, but I wouldn't trust to place that substance anywhere inside of my body at all. FDA is the same group saying that flouride is safe for us when it's a notorious neurotoxin. The deal is that we need to becareful of our health in our lives. The FDA is notoriously for its errors.

Michael Bloomberg is trying to have a third term for be New York's mayor again. Now, the only course that he can achieve to do it is to change the law. He wants to run in 2009. Michael said that since the economy is on the verge of a meltdown, this is enough justification for him to run for office. He claims to be an independent, yet that is further from the truth. He refused to give adequate money to help the victims of 9/11 with sicknesses. He passed a law banning photographers to monitor certain places. He also allowed illegal, militarized police to roam the city along with them conducting random searches. These random searches even include innocent citizens without probable cause. That is immoral. Bloomberg is one of the leading mayors of the anti-gun movement, who believes that restricting the rights of law abiding citizens is fine. There are other laws he endorses from the Patriot Act and to other pro-paranoia about terrorism policies. He claims to be the billionare businessman who has the best chance to lead the city out of the financial crisis. While Mr Bloomberg's stint as mayor, which is due to end next year, has generally proved popular with New Yorkers, a recent survey found that 56 per cent of them would not want him to serve a third term. Before the announcement, a pro-Bloomberg roster of the rich and powerful asserted the mayor was uniquely qualified to guide the city through the economic hardship to come. Thirty elite New Yorkers including David Rockefeller, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger and JPMorgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon published an open letter urging the city council to extend the term limits. These men are of the elite, so the elite loves Bloomberg. The elite always loves gun control, abortion on demand, and a militarized police state in our society.

George H. W. Bush had an interview with Geraldine Ferraro. Both talked about their Vice Presidential debate in 1984 including the new one which took place in 2008 (among both Sarah Palin and Joe Biden). Both talked in NBC's Today Show. Each reminisced about the event. He is pictured wearing a cap with the Bohemian Grove owl logo on it. The owl represents Minerva (which is another term for Wisdom in the ancient world. Occult symbolism exists then and now). Bush 41 said that the electoral process is a legitimate representative of the people. Although, these election include 2 elite sponosored major candidates. McCain and Obama agree with global warming hysteria, Georgia's preemptive strike against Russian peacekeepers, gun control, the Patriot Act, the FISA Law, war in Afghanistan, and I could go on and on. It's ironic that he's discussing about woman aspiring to be Vice President when the Bohemian Grove forbids women from being members of the Grove (except for cooks or workers in the Grove areas). Bush Sr. is wearing a wind jacket with the term of 41 on it. Ferraro, Palin, and others are puppets who are under the slick rule of the COG (or the continuity of government aka the shadow government). George H. W. Bush is known promoter of population control, he's belonged to the CFR (along with the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission), and was the head of the COG program. The COG program was exposed during the Reagan administration. Bush is known as being in the "Hillbillies" clique of the Bohemian Grove. Even Ralph Nader back in 2005 criticized the inappropriate power the Bohemian Grove has in the affairs of Washington D.C and Wall Street. The Grove is an exclusive club making decisions from the Manhattan Project to the placement of political. It's wrong to that. The Grove is a mid level nexus point between governments and international corporate interests. Not to mention, those in the Grove perform occult rituals and has sexual prostitutes (when many of them claim to be Christians. Mainstream news articles prove that prostitutes of both sexes go to the Grove. Masses are performed there and they have a Catholic patron saint named St. John Nepomuk there as well. There, a Catholic link to Bohemian Grove exists).

It's a good thing to see Dr. Alveda King to oppose John LaBruzzo's sterilization proposal. John's evil proposal wants to use taxpayer money to fund sterilization for poor men and women. Also, he wants to offer tax incentives for high income people to have more children. It's eugenics plain and simple. This John person could be a racist, even though I don't know about that. Alveda exposed how Margaret Sanger supported and adopted such measures. See, Sanger said that she wanted more for the fit and less for the unfit. Sanger was a humanist and believed in eugenics. That is why she abhored charity by her own words. Allowing the government to bribe the poor for sterilization is never a real solution to solve our economic or poverty problems in America. We have done this for decades via Roe, Sanger's anti-population programs, and other forms of abortion. If you want to fight poverty, you have to build up poor communities from the ground up via education, communities development, mentorships, and other independent actions made by many quarters. These things historically have worked not sterilization. There has been news about the Supreme Court. The next President might have a huge say on the issue of abortion. Roe could be gone if one Supreme Court Justice was added to the court. I would glad if Roe v. Wade was eliminated the abortion issue won't end (but it might be close to be ending one and for all). Roe was a bad decision allowing the federal government to control the entirety of the abortion issue. As many realize, abortion is the intentional destruction of innocent human life. It is wrong and immoral. We know Obama is even more pro-abortion than NARAL, but even McCain isn't off the hook on this issue. Many Republican President have been came into office and were gone with Roe v. Wade still existing. McCain accepts embryonic stem cell research and abortion for certain instances. Therefore, McCain isn't as pro-life as the media protray him as.

Harper have been aligned with the North American Union agenda for years now. Dana Gabriel from Canada have been one of the most intelligent people to describe this situation. Stephen Harper recently wanted to remove barriers to foreign investment in the airline and uranium sectors if he's re-elected. Harper stayed clear of other more controversial recommendations from the panel, such as allowing bank mergers and opening up Canada’s telecommunications to further foreign investment. This should tell you that both the Liberal and Conservative Parties of Canada have errors in them. Now, the SPP (with its pro-North American Union integration provisions in them) is a bane for Big Business. That is why anti-national sovereignity trade deals like NAFTA have rules benefiting multinational corporations at the expense fo workers and the environment. In June, the Competition Review Panel released their report, Compete to Win. The report didn't just show legitimate concepts of competition and investments. It wanted a corporate economic agenda with having bank mergers and have a more globally competitive mindset. This is the essence of globalization. Globalization is about multinational corporations having the supreme authority in trade policy (including allowing foreign companies to buy up national infrastructure) at the expense of national sovereignity or national interests. It's simply about corporations have more control over the lives of citizens (at the expense of rights or standards). Globalization is inheritly anti-national soverignity as well. For example, Chapter 11 of NAFTA gives corporations the right to sue governments if they feel that their investments have been restricted. Corporations have used this new found power to challenge national and domestic laws, as well as governmental decisions. The good news is that the SPP agenda have gone slow, because of increased opposition among Americans, Mexicans, and Canadians. Yet, even on October 14, Canadian leaders want to work with the EU for more economic integration. I don't agree with that at all. Harper is in league with the corporate takeover of Canada. Harper isn't just anti-gun, but he might be pro-abortion (despite him being apart of an Evangelical Church). Stephen Harper said that he will not protect unborn children. He told reporters that his Conservative government will not permit any discussion on abortion. He's a coward for that, because every issue under the sun has the right to discussed at any forum. Abortion is murder and it should be discussed.

Cyber Weapons are being promoted by Michael Chertoff (who is the head of the Department of Homeland Security). There was Einstein, which was about the federal government's effort to protect itself from cyber attacks by limiting the amount of portals to government computer systems (along with searching for signs of cyber tampering). Einstein 2.0 is a system is now being tested to detect computer intrusions as they happen. Einstein 3.0 is proposed to give the government the ability to fight back. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff on Friday said he'd like to see a government computer infrastructure that could look for early indications of computer skullduggery and stop it before it happens. The system "would literally, like an anti-aircraft weapon, shoot down an attack before it hits its target," he said. "And that's what we call Einstein 3.0." On National Cyber Security Month, Chertoff reiterated the point that the government should defend its computer system. He believed that terrorists threaten to wreak havoc on government centers. He is going at developing Einstein 3.0 slow in order to, in his mind, not make the government infringe on the private arena's Internet rights. Far too often, the government wishes for safety when the Big Brother action it promotes only complicates the rights of citizens in America.

Political News are going on. The debate is coming soon among John McCain and Barack Obama again. It will occur tomorrow. People are still discussing about Palin and Biden debate. Sarah Palin criticized Barack Obama for his ties to Bill Ayers and his judgment. Bill Ayers was a terrorist as a member of the Weather underground. They've bombed buildings in the late 1960's and the 1970's. Barack Obama denies any direct involvement with Ayers in bombing locations. Obama says that he was a member of a board with him. Ayers was involved in the creation of a board of an education organization (called Chicago Annenberg Challenge) on which Obama served as chairman. Ayers was the founder of the CAC. The NY Times say that Ayers didn't have a role in being appointed chairman (but by a woman named Deborah Leff, who was then President of the Joyce Foundation). Obama says that he met Ayers, but he isn't close with him. The truth is in between the two extremes of Obama supporting all of Ayers' agenda (which is false) and Obama having no ties whatosever to Ayers in any fashion (which is false). The more important issues are health care, right to life, our civil liberties, education, energy, the environment, foreign policy, and other subject matters that people should learn about their candidates (including the Third Party candidates). These points take precedent above Ayers since there is no evidence that Obama endorse the Weather Underground movement at all. John McCain accuses Barack Obama of raising taxes and Barack Obama accuses John McCain of disregarding the need for tax cuts for the middle class. This election will be close in my opinion. Either way, it will make history in many facets. The media in most part has hatred of Sarah Palin in my opinion. Rabbi Ben Kamin from the calls her grandchild a bastard in 2024 and she should operates a Lenscrafters. A real rabbi wouldn't say these trashy words. He wrote that Palin fakes her love for the boys, pictures Todd palin as a disgrunted man, and other smears. If this rabbi written similar comments about Obama, McCain, or even Biden, the response from the media would be extremely criticial of this person. Of course this rabbi loves abortion and is anti-life. He lies and claims that no one will love the grandchild of Sarah Palin, who haven't been born yet. It's hypocritically for people like that to spew hatred against those that disagree with them, but constantly harp on real conservatives who are pro-gun, pro-individual liberty, and pro-life. So, the deal is that I disagree with Palin on some issues, but that isn't an excuse to say sick comments about the woman. If you're a man, you're a bigger coward for using stereotypes and lies in order to promote your political philosophies.

The Government in Britian wants to spy on every call and email. David Leppard from the London Times on Sunday, on October 5, 2008 reported on this story. Ministers there are considering to spend up to 12 billion pounds on a database to monitor and store the internet browsing habits, email and telephone records of everyone in Britian. GCHQ, the government’s eavesdropping centre, has already been given up to £1 billion to finance the first stage of the project. There were hundreds of cladestine probes will be installed to monitor customers live on two of the country's biggest internet mobile phone providers. They are thought to be BT and Vodafone. BT has nearly 5m internet customers. There is definitely going to be a backlash against this. British is the most pro-Big Brother nation in the Western world. They have millions of cameras in the London area alone. Now, the good news is that tons of UK citizens are opposing this stuff. There are activists who realize that personal liberty is important to maintain. They also comprehend that the government has no right to decipher and store all forms of personal information that people have throughout their lives. Dominic Grieve, who is the shadow home secretary, said: “Any suggestion of the government using existing powers to intercept communications data without public discussion is going to sound extremely sinister.” MI5 already conducted limited email and website intercepts. This is approved by the home secretary using specific warrants. The Ministers agreed in principle to the program. Officials claim live monitoring is necessary to fight terrorism and crime. However, critics question whether such a vast system can be kept secure. A total of 57 billion text messages were sent in the UK last year - 1,800 every second. UK has huge other problems with civil liberties as well.

Russia is having an exercise. DEBKAfile from Sunday, on October 5, 2008 described these incident. Russians have launced dozens of nuclear bombers for an exercise. Exercise Stability 2008 will take place Oct.-6-12 over sub-Arctic Russia uncomfortably close to the US state of Alaska, and Belarus. The DEBKAfile military sources reported that the exercise is apart of a month long war game described by Russian air force spokesman Col. Vladimir Dirk as “practicing the strategic deployment of the armed forces including the nuclear triad.” The exercise will have Russian ships armed with nuclear missiles docking at Syrian ports on October 8. This is on the eve of Yom Kippur before going into the Caribbean for joint maneuvers with Venezuela. This exercise will have more than 60,000 troops and 1,500 tanks including APCs. There will be land-based and submarine-launched nuclear missiles, were tested in the first phase of the war games. These exercises will occur in the Arctic and the Caribbean. The Russians want to outline their nuclear strength. This is in response to the conflict between America and Russian on about foreign policy. Russia believes that America is agitating Eastern Europe against them (with the missile shield proposal toward Poland and possible membership of several Eastern European nations into NATO. These nations include Georgia, the Ukraine, etc.). Conversely, America accuses Russia of using aggressive action to forment a new type of the Cold War. Russia wants to be the number 1 superpower obviously. Russia has many nuclear weapons, yet they still aren't more power than America in military strength. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that, for now, Russia’s air and naval strength does not match America’s military might. However, although Russian president Dmitry Medvedev stated emphatically last week that there is no cold war or any other war with America, Moscow’s actions tell a different story. Russia continues to modernize its navy and have doubled their military spending on armaments. I don't wish to be taken over by the Russians or the neo conservatives in our government.

By Timothy

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