
Monday, October 06, 2008



  1. Anonymous12:35


    Alamo will be proven to be the pedophile that he is. As for Greg??? I doubt he knows the details of Alamo's private life with young girls but I am sure when the facts are known he will distance him self from Alamo.

    You, on the other hand, should seek help for your inability to recognize when you are being fed garbage.

  2. Please show me evidence that I have been fed garbage. Exposing the Vatican's role in the Ecuemencial Movement isn't garbage. Exposing how many Knights of Malta having corporate power isn't garbage. Talking about the new world order and exposing the threats to our freedom isn't garbage as well. Even exposing the pork in the pro-Wall Street bailout law isn't garbage as well. Your demonization is silly. Since you offer no refutation about what I believe whatsoever, who's showing garbage. You don't even show your first name.

  3. You need to know what you're talking about because Tony is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. I wouldn't be suprised if he was framed.

  4. Anonymous10:33

    We DO know what we are talking about. We are victims and eye witnesses to his crimes against children. Did YOU live there? I don't recall ever having heard of you.
    Why don't you listen to the voices of the children that came out of that dungeon?
    Better yet. Look at the photos of the "child brides" he has had, like Warren Jeffs.
    No, better than that... GO to the Fouke and interview them!
    Dyann, ex member
    I'm only logging in as "annonymous" because I don't want a "google/blogger" account!

  5. Crime against children do exist. I never said that I denied this. The examples you site are fine. It's when you go and try to use character assassinations against me by claiming that I have been fed garbage when I have to respond. That is false. As being fair, I will look at you link and many points of view on this Tony Alamo issue to get a clear perspective. Yet, this doesn't escape the fact that I will continue to expose the new world order, the Vatican, flouride, etc.

  6. Anonymous14:27

    Tony Alamo is innocent and as for this Dyann and her site created by homo's, perverts, paid gov.liars like those hateful devils on there I wouldn't even answer that nutcase back...cast not pearls before swine and in her can put lipstick on a pig! They all have gone back to wallowing in the mire!!

  7. Anonymous14:27

    Tony Alamo is innocent and as for this Dyann and her site created by homo's, perverts, paid gov.liars like those hateful devils on there I wouldn't even answer that nutcase back...cast not pearls before swine and in her can put lipstick on a pig! They all have gone back to wallowing in the mire!!

  8. Anonymous14:27

    Tony Alamo is innocent and as for this Dyann and her site created by homo's, perverts, paid gov.liars like those hateful devils on there I wouldn't even answer that nutcase back...cast not pearls before swine and in her can put lipstick on a pig! They all have gone back to wallowing in the mire!!

  9. Anonymous14:28

    Tony Alamo is innocent and as for this Dyann and her site created by homo's, perverts, paid gov.liars like those hateful devils on there I wouldn't even answer that nutcase back...cast not pearls before swine and in her can put lipstick on a pig! They all have gone back to wallowing in the mire!!

  10. Anonymous00:24

    Tony Alamo is a manipulating kiddie-fondling pervert. Did you know he dug up his 1st dead wife's body AFTER it was interred and this SICKO Tony A-Lame-O kept her ROTTING CORPSE in a glass case for 8 months praying-over-it for a resurrection? If that is not a clear cut case of EXTREME MENTAL ILLNESS then I do not know what is. He did not turn the body back over to the family of the deceased 15 Years later and only after he was threatened with jail time. Do the research and KNOW who you are supporting, in Tony Alamo's case a person who neds to be inside of a PADDED CELL at the NUT HOUSE.

  11. Anonymous17:50

    The only nut case is YOU Dyann who is not in AR, but CA! and anyone who believes any of those ridiculous stories the vatican/controlled media liars come up with..
    They say must be so! Just like they told you a guy with a rag on his head blew up the twin towers..just to name one of MANY government lies.
    American is the land of the deceived..Not America land of the free!
    and, PACA, and factnet are all CIA fronts... here is another one you can read..
    And Dyann is just one of their paid witches paid to run a slam forum on Pastor Alamo

  12. Anonymous17:58

    And I got an opportunity to listen to you on Greg's Investigative Journal and you are doing a great job...I have also read the book smokescreens and it is a very informative and well written book!
    Good Job!

  13. Anonymous23:05

    I am not Dyann but have something to say. Like Dyann, I don't have or want an account. I just thought I would state that upfront since it appears anyone who posts anonymous is referred to as Dyann.

    As to my seems that both Dyann and Timothy share an interest in exposing evil. Unfortunately, you can never really know a person and, in your case Timothy, Tony Alamo will be one such experience that will teach you that loud and clear.

    Unless you know the people personally involved in this Alamo situation I advise you to hold your tongue until you are satisfied with the amount of information you have received in order to make a more informed decision. It appears you do an abundance of research on topics that interest you and so I hope you are equally passionate about really getting both sides of the Alamo story. Don't jump on the bandwagon just because people you respect do so. That is how the catholic church was started sort of huh? It certainly wouldn't have so many followers if they were more interested in being more informed about who they are following.

    For my part, I have known Alamo personally (not professionally--which by the way is a completely different, even likable relationship) and I have witnessed many terrible things he was responsible for doing.
    Mostly done to people who could be easily taken advantage of (like children).

    I can only speak to my own experiences and I am not paid by the government, am not a witch or sorcerer, have no interest in harming anyone. However, God has his own plan and if Alamo is meant to pay for his crimes then God will see that he does, one way or another.

  14. Anonymous11:34

    Tony Alamo has admitted he was married to the girls in his haouse. Why do his followers still deny it?

  15. Anonymous12:20

    July 24 2009 Tony Alamo GUILTY on all 10 counts!!!!

  16. Anonymous12:45

    The Lord saw to it that the pedifile Tony Alamo will never get
    out of jail!!! Hallaluah!!!

  17. That pedifile will finally get what is coming to him in prison for the next 175 years. Hooray for the judge and all of the people who put this sicko away!!!

  18. He's convicted and it's time to move on.
