
Saturday, January 03, 2009

Billy Graham

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Tackling the Tough Topics
December 15, 2005
Comments by Darryl Eberhart, Editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics”
On the outstanding book Billy Graham and His Friends: A Hidden Agenda?
By Dr. Cathy Burns

Dr. Cathy Burns, author of numerous excellent books, has written a great book exposing the ecumenical, New World Order, and New Age “connections” of many of Billy Graham’s “friends." This paperback book contains 788 pages (544 pages of text plus lots of endnotes, a lengthy bibliography, and an excellent “index”), and was published in 2001 by Sharing.
Many Americans are unaware of the fact that a Roman Catholic Order (the Knights of Malta – an order under the command of the Jesuit Superior General) helped make Billy Graham a famous evangelist. Yes, Knights of Malta such as William Randolph Hearst and Henry Robinson Luce – extremely powerful men in the publishing world – “puffed” Graham and gave him the publicity necessary to launch and maintain his evangelical career. Billy Graham received an honorary degree from a Catholic institute of higher learning (Belmont Abbey College) in 1967. Graham had lots of kind words for ecumenically minded Pope John Paul II during his reign as pope. In fact, he called Pope John Paul II “the world’s greatest moral leader”. Graham’s evangelical association has for years directed Catholics (who come forward at Graham’s crusades) back to their local Catholic churches. Indeed, the connection between Billy Graham and Roman Catholicism runs very deep!

Billy Graham has also been a friend to a number of high-level Freemasons (such as 33 degree Mason Norman Vincent Peale). (According to several sources, such as Texe Marrs of “Power of Prophecy”, Graham himself is a high-level Mason.) Indeed, many famous persons have spoken quite favorably about Billy Graham; however, we would do well to take note that the Bible tells us: “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you…” (See Luke 6:26)
Some of the famous “friends of Billy Graham” examined by Dr. Cathy Burns are: John Foster Dulles, Bernard Baruch, publisher Henry Robinson Luce, publisher William Randolph Hearst, Martin Luther King, Jr., Andrew Young, Robert Schuller, Armand Hammer, etc.
Dr. Cathy Burns tells us the following at the beginning of her book:
“This was not an easy book to write but…it has been extensively researched and documented. Many people will not like what has been uncovered – but I believe the truth should be shared with others. Many will want to hold to their cherished beliefs (no matter how false they are) – but I just ask you to read it and then check out the facts for yourself.
Remember, it is better to be disturbed by truth than to be deceived by falsehood.”
Indeed, this editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics” believes that Dr. Burns’ book Billy Graham and His Friends is a must-read book, and every American should, as Dr. Burns says, “check out the facts” for themselves.

Billy Graham and His Friends is $27.50 postpaid. To order a copy by credit card from “Power of Prophecy”, please call toll-free 1-800-234-9673. Or, make check or money order payable to “Power of Prophecy”, and mail it to: Power of Prophecy // 1708 Patterson Road // Austin, TX 78733-6507.
[note] Billy Graham and His Friends is available for $21.95 from the Liberty To The Captives secure online store.
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