
Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Outlaw Forum exposed



"This Forum is Becoming a Toilet" Outlaw Forum thread:

Also notice how Craig & I get banned after the diversionary KKK-display pic "ALANWATTSUCKS..." poster gets involved with his meathead routine: feigning support for my Jesuit-expose posts but then spreading his unhelpful excrement everywhere.

I asked him to reconsider his approach & obscene full display name & to PM me if he had any issues on this. It transpires that he calls himself "Marco Rossi". This it has since turned out is not his name, which I have found out from elsewhere is "Ricardo" (don't know the last name), a real Nazi-style fascist. This of course is the besmirching-by-false-association technique.

Truly pathetic that the self-styled critical thinkers can't see through such a blatant agent provocateur psy-op.

This of course was just the excuse needed to justify banning Craig & myself.

- TS



troy space 1.3.09 / 5pm

Yes. They can’t answer the questions brought out by the evidence presented & so resort to nonsense like complaining that we didn’t “integrate” there. If that means denying the implications of the evidence that we have come across & pretending that unavoidable conclusions are “nonsensical”, then no, I have no intention of “integrating” with those who obstinately maintain such a ludicrous & self-damaging position.

Why do they even pretend to be a “forum” for “truth”? The basic positions permitted there are to either:

1: Openly reject Tsarion, Watt, Maxwell & Icke, while believing their basic schtick - minus the theosophy, reptilians & abuse of wordology - & then to assume some pretense of originality. Very dishonest & weak.

2: Be a Jew-hating Antizio Nit.

Both positions must be accompanied by a fevered denunciation of the influence of the Jesuit/Vatican/Papal-loyal knighthood orders network, if the matter arises. Contenders of Rome’s unparalleled influence must be denounced, lied about & attacked. All attempts at defending the integrity of the information exposing Rome as the dark soul of the New World Order & the integrity of those making this knowledge available must be declared to be “attacks” themselves.

This is a classic textbook case of standard counterintelligence tactical procedure - & very Romanist.

To have key operatives posing as naive hecklers & naysayers, who either resort to the “playful” ruse when called out or try to make great mileage out of being a “simple, honest soul, appalled by this barrage of Hate” are both superbly deceptive tactics.

Those who aren’t witting diversion agents, but ARE just naive or fearful denialists - well, what can we say?

They are the New Age children of the New World Order & cannot face that their “light” is Luciferian.

The truth - despite such efforts to marginalise it & ridicule it - will be revealed to those with the wits & persistence to overcome such obstacles, regardless.

It’s sadly humorous that these self-styled critical thinkers cannot face the illogicality of their believing that those of us in the NWO-expose minority position, attacked from most quarters, are deceivers & spooks, while they simultaneously maintain how powerful & successful the intell agencies are at duping the public via mainstream & so-called alternative media - which can be shown to be just as bad (& sometimes, even often, worse) as the mainstream.

That the essentially internet-based “truth” arena - which is largely the product of the so-called alternative media - can be considered somehow sufficiently immune to the international intell network’s Psy(chological)-Op(eration)s machinations, to the degree that the dominant contended positions on who ultimately directs the New World Order & had the key people in place to execute the fulcrum event known as 9/11 are not those pushed by the agents of disinformation is confirmation of the success of the projects supposedly the focus of critique among such “truth” pundits.

The fact that presentations of the evidence, connections & theses presenting a cohesive & thorough, historically-supported perspective that is not one of the two majority “alternative reality” positions on the overall nature of the covert global power structure are deemed unworthy of consideration just goes to show that those who aren’t plants on such forums are merely intellectual products of these same covert, state-sponsored, Psy-Ops.

In truth & awareness

- TS


  1. Anonymous03:23

    Good Day i am new on here. I stumbled upon this website I find It extremely accessible and it has helped me so much. I should be able to contribute & support other people like it has helped me.

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  2. Anonymous23:09

    Whats's Up i am fresh here, I came upon this site I find It exceedingly accessible and it's helped me out alot. I should be able to give something back and aid others like it has helped me.

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  3. Anonymous13:53

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  4. Anonymous23:55

    Heya i'm new on here, I hit upon this site I have found It very useful & its helped me out alot. I hope to contribute and guide other users like its helped me.

    Cheers, Catch You Later.

  5. Anonymous16:42

    Howdy im fresh on here. I came upon this chat board I have found It incredibly accessible & it's helped me out a great deal. I hope to contribute & aid others like it has helped me.

    Thanks Everyone, Catch You About.

  6. Anonymous14:02

    Aloha im fresh on here, I came upon this site I find It exceedingly helpful and it has helped me a great deal. I hope to give something back and help others like it has helped me.

    Cheers, See Ya Later.

  7. Anonymous17:01

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  8. Anonymous19:55

    Hi i'm fresh to this. I came upon this message board I have found It exceedingly accessible and it's helped me loads. I should be able to contribute and aid other people like its helped me.

    Cheers, Catch You Around.

  9. Anonymous02:03

    Hi-ya i am new here. I came accross this board I find It absolutely accessible & it's helped me loads. I hope to contribute & support other people like its helped me.

    Cheers all, See Ya Around.

  10. Anonymous08:25

    Good Day im new here, I stumbled upon this message board I find It truly helpful and it's helped me out a great deal. I hope to give something back and support other users like it has helped me.

    Thank's, See Ya Around.

  11. Anonymous12:54

    Aloha i'm new on here. I hit upon this forum I have found It truly helpful and its helped me out a lot. I should be able to give something back & aid other users like it has helped me.

    Thanks, Catch You Around.

  12. Anonymous19:54

    Heya i am new to this. I came accross this site I have found It absolutely accommodating and its helped me out a great deal. I should be able to contribute & aid other users like it has helped me.

    Thank's, See Ya Later.

  13. Anonymous22:07

    Hey im new here, I came upon this board I find It positively accommodating & its helped me out a great deal. I hope to contribute & help others like it has helped me.

    Cheers, Catch You About.

  14. Anonymous19:33

    Hello i am new on here, I stumbled upon this chat board I have found It positively accessible and it's helped me tons. I hope to contribute & aid others like it has helped me.

    Thanks Everyone, Catch You Around.

  15. Anonymous15:05

    Hey im fresh on here, I stumbled upon this website I have found It exceedingly accommodating and it has helped me so much. I hope to contribute and assist others like its helped me.

    Thanks a load, See You Later.

  16. Anonymous20:44

    Hi i'm new on here. I came upon this website I find It absolutely accommodating & it's helped me a lot. I should be able to give something back & help other users like its helped me.

    Thank You, See You Later

  17. Anonymous00:39

    Greetings im fresh here. I hit upon this forum I find It quite accessible & its helped me out alot. I should be able to give something back & support other users like its helped me.

    Cheers, See You Later
