
Saturday, February 21, 2009

History in the Past, Present, and the Future

History in the Past, Present, and the Future

I'm still here. All of the contentious debates and striring occurences in my life, my consistent, core values remain intact. Winter is occuring still, but my mind is ever independent. A simple recap of the Barack Obama administration is similar to the administrations of Bush Jr. Clinton, Bush Sr. and even Reagan. One similarity is that Barack Obama's cabinet members are members of the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, the Council On Foreign Relation, and Jesuit-trained individuals. Joseph Biden is the Vice President of America and he's a Bilderberger. Biden used to be a Senator from Delaware. Timothy Geithner is the Treasury Secretary. He's a member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and was once President (and CEO) of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He worked with the Bush administration (among its last 4 months) to support constant bailouts toward failing companies. Some have called this bailout policy fascism, because fascism is about select companies controlling most of the economy under government supervision (including government cooperation). Paul Volcker is in Barack Obama's economic recovery advisory board. He was a CFR member and was the Trilateralist North American Chairman once. Additionally, Volcker was a President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and is a Pilgrim Society member. Lawrence Summer is a CFR member, a Bilderberger, and a Trilateralist (he was on Obama's National Economic Council). CFR member Janet Napolitano is the head of Homeland Security. Napolitano supports the Patriot Act and certain aspects of the Real ID Act. CFR member, Rhodes Scholars (Ironically Rice is African American when Cecil Rhodes was a real racist imperalist), Brookings Institute member, and Apsen Strategy Group member Susan Rice is the ambassador to the United Nations. So, Obama's cabinet is made up of human beings (who are members of groups that are dedicated to the establishment of the new world order like the CFR, TC, Bilderbergers, etc.) being in the same cliques as previous administrations. Indeed, the more things change, the more they stay the same. It's sad to mention this, but Barack Obama is indeed apart of a deception made by the establishment. The establishment via Wall Street and the corporate media allowed this Barack Obama to be elected President with their money and effusive praise. With Barack Obama great intelligence, tons of liberals are decieved in aligning with his agenda. The New World Order has made this puppet to work with those with ties to the Bilderberg Group, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve. Obama is going forward with the same globalist, unconstitutional policies as have been carried out under the Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, and Bush Jr. administrations. Barack Obama has already passed an executive order forcing taxpayers to fund abortions (against our will) overseas in his rescinding of the Mexico City Policy. Obama supports building a civilian national security force that will be just as powerful as the American military (Rahm Emanuel is on tape wanting to force young people to work for the government in a draft, which is against their will). Barack Obama agrees with the CIA rendition program and an escalation of the war in Afghanistan. He has allowed American strikes in Pakistan. According to Lou Dobbs, Obama will resume the Security Prosperity, and Partnership talks that was resumed under George W. Bush. The SPP talk deal with integration of North American nations politically, militarily, and economically (i.e. This is an assault of national sovereignity of America, Mexico, and Canada. Jerome Corsi and others have written extensively on this subject documenting what I'm typing here). Barack Obama publicly supports the word order in terms of outlining his foreign policy ideals. These ideals are similar to the plans of Zbigniew Brzezinski, which was Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor and ally. Brzezinski was a Trilateralists and a pro-Marxist. He was the one who aided Osama in Laden in the 1970's in the Soviet/Afghan war.

Economics is on the mind of the world. Barack Obama signed the stimulus package. Some believe that this plan will help the economy. Others feel that it will potend a sign that government socialism is one the way. The bill is related to socialism, but it's something bigger than that. It's about the international bankers further centralizing their economic control over the taxpayers. In fact, the international bankers are controlling the government and then the government is controlling more portions of our industries, etc. Many in the Heritage Foundation believe that the stimulus will increase welfare spending. Obama’s supposedly “socialist” borrow and spend bill “will add to the growing number of people dependent on government and, thus, politicians, who will never show them the way out of poverty, but give them only enough money to sustain them in poverty and then tell them if they don’t vote for Democrats, those nasty Republicans will take their checks away,” according to Rector. If you take it one step further, what's happening is that the bankers are imposing debt on the USA as a whole. That is why this plan is forcing the Treasury to borrow about about 2.5 trillion dollars in 2009 and about $4 trillion in 2010. Jerome Corsi said that this will increase the national debt by 65% in 2 years. Corsi cites Craig Smith, founder and CEO of Swiss America, who estimates it would take approximately four generations of Americans to pay off the interest of the U.S. Treasury bonds sold as debt to create the $1 trillion stimulus package (factoring in a 3 percent growth rate in the economy throughout that time). The final stimulus package that passed Congress gives $3 billion to homeland security out of the $787 billion total, including $1 billion for airport screening equipment, according to the Washington Post stimulus package article. The stimulus bill have grave mistakes. One is that it could ration medicine. WND recently reported on a little-discussed provision in Obama's plan that would demand every American submit to a government program for electronic medical records without a choice to opt out, raising alarms for privacy advocates. The $838 billion economic stimulus law has $300 million for the government to purchase green carts.

The whole plan is about debt slavery and control. That is why most Republicans supported George W. Bush's increasing the national debt by more than $4 trillion during his reign. That was the largest increase in U.S. history. The Federal Reserve was based on creating money out of thin air (while placing inflation on that money causing fraud, debt, and usury. This was apart of the fractional reserve banking system). The Reserve Act was created by the international bankers after they've met in Jekyl Island. Even Jefferson and Jackson warned against allowing private banks to control the issue of our money. The Constitution is very clear that only Congress has the authority to issue currency in the USA. Barack Obama's cabinet have many members of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Jesuit trained people, and the Bilderbergers (i.e. Obama's financial advisor is Paul Volcker). This stimulus bill isn't just about the government violating our privacy by controlling our medical records, some believe it can suppress gun rights on a covert level, etc. It's about the international bankers to economically enslave our nation and the world with debt and inflation. That's why it's imperative to have the policies of cutting taxes, cutting spending, encourage savings in America, have incentives to increase our jobs, have fair trade deals, and to allow true investments to occur in our nation. We should do something. Barack Obama is indeed right that we should something to improve our economy. Yet, all of his solutions aren't the right ones.

Some believe that there is no connection between Freemasonry and the Jesuits. I of course disagree with that assumption. One easy connection is that both groups are unscriptural. Morin was a Roman Catholic being in France. Morin was a major figure in the development of Scottish Rite Freemasonry being a Mason. Now, this along with the Jesuits today having the same headquarters as an Italian Scottish Rite Lodge (among other links) prove conclusively a Vatican/Masonic link. In other words, the headquarters of the Jesuits and the Scottish Rite Supreme Council 33° of the Gran Loggia d’Italia (or the GLDI) are in the same place. That place is at the Piazza del Gesu. The GLDI is recognized by the Scottish Rite’s US Southern Jurisdiction (”Mother of the World”) Supreme Council 33° in Washington, DC. The Grande Oriente Italiano obedience (founded 1975, not to be confused with the Grande Oriente d’Italia) is also to be found at Piazza del Gesù. If these Masonic groups had no links with the Jesuits, why would they're headquarters be located in the same place? The truth is that the Jesuits had connections with Freemasonry for centuries. Not to mention that both groups' components (from the mass, the mitre, the Double headed eagle, the Consitutions of the Masons plus the Jesuits, the occultism, etc.) come from the same ancient Babylonian Mysteries that is so commonly found in today's New Age Movement. Terry Melanson is in error to deny a Jesuit/Masonic connection in history. Terry seems forefight in exposing Freemasonry, but not as foreright in exposing the Vatican/Jesuit network (even me giving him many links about the Vatican issue). The Vatican has a clear relationship with the development of the international slave trade, the Inquisition, WWII, the Ratlines, the invention of the CIA, the Ecumencial movement, training plus guiding world leaders, promoting the new world order, and facilitating the illegal immigration movement in America. Again another Jesuit/Freemasonry example is Francisco Calvo (1820-1890). Calvo was a Jesuit priest. Calvo was also 33° Mason. He obtained a Scottish Rite charter from Spain, and organized the Scottish Rite in Costa Rica. (The President of Costa Rica 1847-49, Dr. Jose Maria Castro, was also a co-founder of the Scottish Rite in Costa Rico.) I could go on and on, but these words are sufficient in expressing these truthful points.

If there was no connection, why would Jesuit Edmund Walsh become friends with 33rd Degree Freemason Douglas MacArthur. Why would honorary 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald Reagan have meetings with Pope John Paul II to end the contrived "Cold War?" Why would the Jesuits work with many Freemasons to construct Vatican II. If the Masons and Jesuits weren't allies, Walsh would have nothing to do with MacArthur at all since he was very intelligence to realize that he was a Mason. During the French Revolution, Freemason Voltaire was a friend of the Jesuit Poree. The Jesuits were key in agitating the French Revolution and educating some of the leading Revolutionaries. 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller is one of the biggest allies and supporters of the Vatican including the Jesuit Order today. Both the Jesuits and Freemasons have a Constitution , both historically were involved in Revolutions, both have ties to the international bankers, both have occult symbolism from skulls to owls, both groups have similar logos (from the INRI, etc.), both claim to be biblical (but they dogma including their actions exposes them as unbiblical), both have military titles in their leadership (like General and Grand Commander), and both are related to the ancient Mysteries from the ancient world. The truth is that the highest levels of these organizations colloborate in attempting to create the new world order. The Jesuit's influence far extends beyond the 19th century as this forum and other places have exposed. Both cliques ought to be exposed without any reservations at all. Not to mention that legitimate dissent with Romanist false doctrines have nothing to do with bigotry. These same people lecturing about bigotry wouldn't call strong dissent with Freemasonry (or the ADL) bigotry at all. I'm not talking about Terry (about the following issue), but people like Ongir, Andre, etc. don't want this information to be known at all. That is why they bash Vatican/Jesuit exposers in slanderous terms. These real disinformationists ignore that the Vatican, the Jesuits, the SMOMs, the Constantinian Order, and other various Papal Knighthoods (including the Pilgrim Society, the Knights of St. John, Le Cerle, etc.), because these groups have far superior geo-political power than the Labor Zionists (even though the Labor Zionists have been involved in evil. Some of them are linked with the Vatican as proven by Barry Chamish and others). The Vatican is the most important link to the new world order puzzle in my opinion. I"m not like Alex Jones supporting the Passion unbiblical film, the racist Hutton Gibson, the Traditionalist Mel Gibson, and believing the lie that anyone who believed that the Vatican rules the world are mentally ill (when the Vatican was wicked from the beginning).

Here's some of the leaders of Freemasonry named. On October 3, 2003, Ronald A. Seale was was officially in-stalled as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. 33° Freemason John William McNaughton is the Soveriegn Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (in the Northern Jurisdiction). Douglas E. Maxwell is the Imperial Potentate of the Shriners of North America, in Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (AAONMS). Hence, Maxwell is the highest ranking Shriner in the world. Here's sources on this issue (about the Jesuits and Freemasonry):

"It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avingnon, the Order of the Temple, Fesslor's Rite, the Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West Sovereign Prince Mason, etc. etc. are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier, Ramsey, Tschoundy, Zinnendof, and numerous others, who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits" (Isis Unveiled H.P. Blavatsky Los Angeles California: The Theosophy Company, 1968: originally published in 1877), pg. 390).

Edmond Paris, who is France's greatest authority on the Jesuits, rightly concludes that:

"...The Russian Revolution, by eliminating the Czar, protector of the Orthodox Church, had it not decpaitated the great rival and helped the penetration of the Roman Church ? We msut strike while the iron is hot! The famous 'Russicum' [Russian College in Rome] is created [in 1929] and its clandestine missionaries will take the Good News to the schismatic country. One century after their explusion by Czar Alexander the First, the Jesuits will again undertake the conquest of the Slav world."

(The Secret History of the Jesuits, Edmond Paris, (Chino, California: Chick Publications, 1975), pg. 124).

"Its [the Jesuit Order's] objective was, and is still to destroy the effects of the Reformation and to re-eastablish the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation...A Greater Germany , in other words, must be made against the center of a revived Holy Roman Empire." (Leo H. Lehmann 1942 American Historian, Behind the Dictators, Leo H. Lehmann, (New York: Agora Publishing Co., 1942, pg. 26).

"The Jesuit Order, therefore stands before us as the embodiment of a system which aims at temporal political domination through temporal political means, embellished by religion, which assigns to the head of the Catholic religion-the Roman Pope-the role of a temporal overlord, and under shelter of the Pope King, and using him as an instrument desires itslef to attain the dominion over the whole world." (Count von Hoensbroech, "Fourteen Years a Jesuit, translated by Alice Zimmern, (New York: Cassell and Company LTD. 1911). Vol. II pg. 430) He was an ex-Jesuit and German Noble.

Some Catholic orders were killed for opposing the Jesuits. The Dominicans had the Inquisition when the Jesuits were suppressed.

The Eye of the Phoenix

I've just seen the whole film of "Eye of the Phoenix." This film has been highly popular on the Internet and on topics in my blog. The film was nearly 3 hours long. It was very long indeed. What do I think of it? I think it is worth every cent. It was one of the greatest documentaries I've ever seen in my life. It focused not only on the Great Seal, but other subjects like the Illuminati, the Theosophical Society (whose co-founder was of course Madame HP Blavatsky. She followed the Gnostic lie that the Devil in the Bible offering Adam the fruit of knowledge was the good guy, while Jehovah was the bad guy. These words are found throughout her book entitled, "The Secret Doctrine." That is one definition of the creed of Gnosticism), the Philosopher Stone, and other issues. The dollar was called thalers in Germany. One of the first silver dollar coined was by a man named Georgius Agricola (who seeked the Philosopher's Stone as an alchemist). He did this in Joachimsthaler, Bohemia. He viewed coining dollars as the answer he desired. David Ovason in his "The Secret Symbol of the Dollar Bill: believed that the dollar sign itself was related to Mercury (or Hermes) and a serpent on a stick (whose imagery is found in the Old Testament). The serpent on stick was done by Moses and this story is found in the book of Numbers. The bronze serpent find meaning to occultists In the occult, a serpent (relating to fertility) on a staff (relating to authority) is called the Rod of Acslepius (It's common in the ancient Greek world as relating to healing people). The Rod of Asclepius also represents the constellation Ophiuchus, also known as Ophiuchus Serpentarius, the thirteenth sign of the sidereal zodiac. Ophiuchus means serpent bearer. The Asclepius rod is today found in the logo of an ambulance. Masonic author Albert Pike has pointed out that the coins of ancient Tyre featured serpents coiled around trees, representing the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Knowledge – an equivalent symbol to the Caduceus. The famous author Ignatius Donnelly (who wrote the book, "Atlantis: The Antediluvian World") stated his belief that the dollar sign represented the Pillars of Hercules entwined with the serpent of Genesis. Atlantis to the esoteric crowd was their origin of their supposed lost "wisdom." Atlantis is commonly refered to as the time before Noah's flood or the Antediluvian world. Since the Bible teaches the the original World was perfect until the fall of Adam and Eve, the occult orders lust after restoring lost Atlantis in order to perfect the world. That's impossible of course, because man isn't perfect.

The Theosophical Society promotes Theosophy. Theosophy comes from the Greeks words of Theo (or Divine) and Sophia (meaning wisdom). Ironically, the ancient Gnostics supported the concept of Divine Wisdom. Helena's Secret Doctrine book according to Theosophist Robert Ellwood was about promoting the Gnostic lie of Jehovah being wicked, while Lucifer was the good guy. To Gnostic, the God of Bible was called Yaldabaoth or an "aborted offspring." The Eye of the Phoenix film made known that certain occultists want to create their utopian new world order (and involved in that goal is the re-establishment of Solomon's Temple). Freemasonry explicitly lust after this goal of recreating Solomon as quotes as Masons quote this plan (like Albert Mackey). The reestablishment of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem has been embraced by the Knights Templar (the ancient Catholic warrior monks). The word of ONE appears on the dollar bill 7 times. Ovason writes about 7 that: "...In magical numerology the number 7 is regarded with especial veneration....Certain texts that deal with the meanings of numbers insist that 7 'stand for the complete temple.'" ("The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill" pg. 9). The Temple is meant for Solomon's Temple from the city of Jerusalem. Some researchers believe that certain people have exploited America as a New Atlantis (as a tool) in order to get the new Temple reconstructed. CONSTANTIN IANCU who is a 33º Freemason (and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of AASR from Romania) wrote a letter calling for the building of Solomon's Temple also:

"...The fraternal love must work indeed and win. I think this is our message, especially that we are now on the verge of unifying - in the profane field of world union -, at the point of restoring and installing the new order of the Temple of Solomon. For this we all swore, this is our ambition and, within this, Romania and Romanian Masonry is in the proper position and has all the historical, cultural and spiritual rights to be part of the wonderful universal chain of fraternity, the universal chain in which we all are neighbours. Masonry should be what it was before, the promoter of this union on the world plane. We are convinced that Masonry, the Scottish Rite, represents the elite that leads and will lead the mankind towards harmony and peace and towards love, which is above all..."

Certain founders of America were members of secret societies like Freemasonry who wanted America to be like a new Atlantis (or a new order of the ages). Buff Parry believes that Christopher Columbus, and others wanted Solomon's Temple rebuilt as well. This New Atlantis agenda didn't just originate with Bacon. Yet, the New Atlantis plan has been extended as a transaltantic conspiracy to create world government. Other Secret Societies or elite groups want a new world order including the Theosophists, the CFR, the Pope of Rome, the Trilateralists, the Bilderbergers, etc. Theosophist Alice Bailey clearly wants this and stated: "..."We stand now on the verge of a similar but still more momentous event - the appearance of the fifth kingdom, as a result of the planned activity of the New Group of World Servers, working in collaboration with the Hierarchy of perfected souls, and under the guidance of the Christ Himself. This will usher in the New Age wherein five kingdoms in nature will be recognized as existing side by side upon earth." Discipleship in the New Age, Bailey, Lucis Publishing Co., 1944, p. 32). This planned new Temple is not a true Temple of God, but a man-made structure that will house the Antichrist (since Biblical prophecy says that a false Christ will be in a Temple, while claiming to be God, but he isn't).

The documentary outlined information that I knew about and it presented information that I didn't knew about. One of the major parts of the film was about the Phoenix bird. Now, the significance of this is that 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall believes that the eagle in the Dollar bill was intended to be a Phoenix bird. In fact, both an eagle and a phoenix appear together in the design suggested by the third Great Seal committee. Barton wrote of the Phoenix that: "the Phoenix is emblematical of the expiring Liberty of Britain, revived by her Descendants, in America." Earlier there had been a mythical phoenix on South Carolina's five-shillings note issued in April 1778. Hall also writes of the Phoenix:

"...Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers such as Clement, Herodotus, and Pliny; in size and shape it resembled the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color. Only one of these birds was supposed to live at a time, with its home in the distant parts of Arabia, in a nest of frankincense and myrrh. The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection." [Manly P. Hall, The Secret Destiny of America , 1958, p. 176-77]

According to Physiologus, the phoenix was a bird that originated in India. The Phoenix bird in legend would die and burn plus it would reappear later. In mythology, the Phoenix would have a life cycle of 500 to 1,000 years in its existence. In ancient cultures, it represented the false sun god (even a peacock or a strange feathered bird) or even Lucifer. That is why occult Secret Societies to this day outline a worship of Lucifer (or Satan) under the guise of the "sun god" or "Nature." Barbara Walker is a radical feminist. She says that the Egyptians and Phoenicians believed that the Phoenix Bird was the representation of a god who "rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth ..." [Walker, Now Is The Dawning ", p. 281]. One of the old names for the Phoenix is FENEX in the Greek language, which equals 666 in the Greek gematria calculation. F=6, E=5, N=50, E=5, and X=600 with a total of 666. Additionally, the Phoenix was called the shining one, which is an old name for Lucifer ironically. Today, politicans like John McCain wear a Phoenix like pin on their clothing. The occult groups believe that ancient knowledge didn't just exist in ancient Babylon, but in Ancient Atlantis (where objects like The Emerald Tablets of Thoth and the lapis exillis existed). The Emerald Tables of Thoth is the information about the Hermetic maxim recorded supposedly in stone. Sir Isaac Newton and other throughout the centuries translated its contents. These objects were lusted after by Rosicrucian Nicholas Roerich and his temporary ally 32nd Degree Freemason Henry Wallace. Wallace wrote to Roerich (Wallace considered Roerich as his Guru) about his desire to desire the Chalice and the Holy Grail or the Stone of Destiny. Roerich's works inspired 32nd Degree Freemason Henry Wallace to put the Great Seal design into the Dollar bill by the year of 1935. Nicholas Roerich was a member of the Theosophical Society and he was a Rosicrucian. Numerous folks in the Theosophical Society worship Lucifer (that is why HP Blavastsky falsely assumed that Lucifer was the good guy). Nicholas Roerich became a famous and excellent painter in New York City. Freemason Louis Horch (who was an investment banker that follow Roerich's views) help Roerich out economically. The mystic Nicholas Roerch traveled into Tibet to search for the coming Christ in Samballa (This isn't Jesus Christ of the Bible, because occultists believed that many Avatar-like Christs existed throughout human history. They believe that Jesus was a spiritual leader, but not the future Maitreya that will help the world to accept "enlightenment"). Occultists like Benjamin Creme believe that Jesus was Maitreya's subordinate, but not the real Messiah of the world. Of course, Creme is wrong since Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Creme is the leading spokesman of Share International. This group wants Maitreya to be the false Messiah to rule the world. Also, Benjamin Creme praised Lucifer when the Bible is clear that Lucifer fell from Heaven because he tried to fight God. Lucifer acts as a false light: "...And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works...." (II Cor. 11:14-15). Here's the Bible on the evil nature of Lucifer:

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High." (Isaiah 14: 12-15)

Incidentally, New Age leader John Randolph Price admits that, "Those who follow the path of Lucifer are called 'light-bearers' in the world." New Agers like Price and Creme believe that man can be a god and we have the true light. The reality is that only God is the light of the World. Roerich's wife was Helena. Helena was very eccentric and viewed that a spirit guide name Mooryi was helping her (this is the same "being" that Blavatsky viewed as a spirit guide also). Blavatsky claimed to be in contact with two ancient Aryans; named Koot Hoomi and Djwal Kool. Helena said that these "spirit guides" told her to travel worldwide in order to collect widsom (along with codifying them into one system, so she can present it to the world). Nicholas Roerich was viewed a successor to HP Blavastsky. Some viewed him as a mystical Guru. The Master Building (which was erected in 1929) in Manhattan housed many of Nicholas Roerich's paintings to this day. Today, it's a museum, a group of apartments, and it's utilized for other purposes. Joseph Campbell (a New Ager) once lived in the Master Building. Roerich developed his peace sign or seal made up of 3 darkened circles together in an pyramidal or triangular arrangement. There was a cornerstone in the Master Building as well with this sign. Louis Buff Parry once thought that the Stone of Destiny (which will be explained shortly) was in the cornerstone of the Master Building. Now, he doesn't anymore. Parry knows a lot about Roerich. Louis Buff Parry is an internationally renowned cryptologist/cryptanalist, intelligence advisor, poet, contributor to sciences, painter, inventor, and diplomat. Parry isn't a Christian, but an occultist, so I want to make that clear. Roerich claim to promote peace, but his fellow occultists and globalists would create wars, so they can create their one world order (a perfect example is WWII and the present war on terror). Even Pope Benedict XVI have proposed the new world order. The Vatican itself is based on the Mysteries since purgatory, the wafer, and the veneration of the Queen of Heaven come from ancient Babylon (and ancient Egypt). Pope Leo XIII claimed to have the place of Almighty God, but that's false. Romanism is definitely unscriptural.

One of the occult inspired object that signifies the new world order is the Philosopher's Stone. The Eye of the Phoenix film believes that this stone is about the foundation stone of America (or heralding the new world order). Now, New Agers like Samuel Aun Woer believe that this Philosopher's stone came from Jacob's pillar in the Torah (where Beth-el was founded. Woer believed that this stone was the cubic stone of Freemasonry. Albert Pike wrote in Morals and Dogma that Jacob's Ladder look similar to a pyramid). In legends, the philosopher's stone could turn base metals into gold (Some claim it was an elixir of life). Of course this is false since no conclusive evidence exists of this. New Agers would manipulate Biblical stories into their own dogma. Ladder imagery is found throughout Freemasonry. Later, this stone travelled into Europe and America according to legends.

Myths claim that the lapis exillis (another representation of the pillar) was the stone from Lucifer's crown that broken after Lucifer fought the archangel Michael. Occultists believe that this jewel represents enlightenment (or Venus, which means the morning star or Lucifer to occultists). Venus's travels around the sun looks like a Pentagram. In Freemasonry, this Pentagram is called the Blazing Star (being depicted as falling from Heaven). The Pentagram is also the Masonic sign of Fellowship or the Perfected Man. As Albert Pike writes in Morals and Dogma, The Blazing Star has been regarded as a false emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye. The Blazing Star is also called Sirius by Pike. The Pentagram and the light of Sirius are found in Masonic Lodges the world over. To numerous Freemasons, lapis exillis is the secret cornerstone of Solomon Temple, which represents the core of their teachings. Lucifer's war in Heaven against the Archangel Michael is recorded in the Bible. Michael won of course. The story about the lapis exillis is found in Manly P. Hall's literature. Other legends said that this lapis exillis gem fell upon Cain's head to give him his mark (Yet, the Bible is clear that God placed the Mark on Cain's head because he murdered his brother Abel in cold blood). Cain in occult lore was a builder and his descendant of Tubal-Cain is praised in Masonic literature. Lapis exillis is also called the Grail. Hall believes that the lapis exillis is related to the Holy Grail. For centuries, certain personages throughout history have lusted after the goal of discovering the Grail. Adolf Hitler lusted after the Holy Grail, because he felt in his occult, sick mind that the Grail will increase the power of the Nazi empire (in order to have his goal of a 1,000 years of rule). Hitler allowed Himmler to form a group of people to find evidence of Altantean ancestors to the Aryans, which weren't found. This group was a new SS faction called Ahnenerbe (or the Ancestral Heritage Society). The Nazis adopted the sun symbol of the swastika. Hitler also wanted to discover the the Ark of the Covenant, the Spear of Destiny, the Holy Grail, the Crystal Skulls (of Atlantis), the Emerald Tablets of Thoth/Lucifer, etc,The reason is that these artifacts in occult/Nazi lore existed in Lost Altantis. To this day, many are persuing Grail research. Some Grail proponents falsely believe that the Merovingians (or Anglo-Saxons) are descendants of the Hebrew tribes of Israel. The Merovingians are a Germanic bloodline that's related to Presidents, kings, and other elites for thousands of years. That is why Presidents George Washington, Barack Obama and George W. Bush are related to the kings of Britian (France, Scotland, etc.).

Ironically, Hitler and Alice Bailey would say anti-Semitic comments about Jewish people and were lovers of Madama HP Blavatsky's philosophies. Alice Bailey wrote these anti-God and racist comments about Jewish people:

"...The Jews are the reincarnation of spiritual failures or residues from another planet¼.The Jew represents materialism, cruelty and a spiritual conservatism, under the domination of the separative, selfish mind, that from which all good [Gnostic] disciples want to emerge.” (Antisemitic Stereotypes in Alice Bailey’s Writings, p.2 online)

“The Jewish race, who loved the possessions of the world more than they loved the service of Light, joined ranks with the rebels against God...The word ‘love’ from others is lacking in Judaism¼The Jew has never grasped the love of God. The God of the Jew is possessive and greedy. Jehovah is not God.” (Antisemitic Stereotypes, pp.1,2)

Bailey formed Lucis Trust (which was once called Lucifer Trust for obvious reasons). Now, today, Lucis Trust exists. Some of the big players in the world are members from the UN, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, etc. Lucis Trust always promoted the ideal of forming a new world order or a one world government (under Gnostic/Humanist principles. See, these wicked elites have a modus operandi behind their agenda. It's bigger than just about money, but a societal shift into their New Age tenets). In legends, Jesus drunk wine from the Holy Grail. Of course, I don't believe in this. Masonic apologists may deny that the Great Seal is of Masonic origin (even though Masonic symbols are on them), but the one Dollar Bill is definitely of Masonic origin. People certainly will compare the Eye of the Phoenix to Riddles and Stone. In my opinion, the Eye of the Phoenix is a level above Riddles and Stone in terms of the information describing America's secret history. What was particularly great about the film was how it described the Jacobite Rebellions in a simplistic fashion. It's interesting that the Templars existed and influenced the Jacobite movement to promote the Royal House of Stuart (from Scotland). The Jacobites supported the pro-Catholic King James II of England. King James II was forced out of the throne via the Glorious Revolution of 1688 (the Protestant Kings during that time were of the Germanic Hanoverian line). The Jacobites in large numbers went into America and their Scottish descendants influenced the American Revolution (with Masons like Hugh Mercer). Mercer's descendant would be WWII General George Patton. The Jacobites had Pentagrams and petals for logos. Petals are found in many buildings of Washington, D.C. Princess Diana is related to the House of Stuart. The Stuarts are apart of a bigger bloodline of the Merovingians. The Templars have been accused of for a long time of being the basis for the development of modern Freemasonry (including the Rosicrucians. The Invisible College was Sir Francis Bacon's idea that evolved into the Royal Society of England). The Knights Templar would escape into places like Scotland where their descendants would built Rosayln Chapel. This chapel would have occult symbolism just like D.C. Rosslyn Chapel is located in the Scottish city of “Edinburgh”, which literally means “Mount of Eden”, and which is also, believe it or not, built on seven hills. The Jacobites ironically originated from Scotland. The British in shipped the Jacobites in Maryland in 1716-1717 and 1747 (including other American colonies), because the Jacobites were unsuccessful in forcing a Stuart on the throne of England. The 1716-1717 shipment of Jacobite slaves in America include the names of Abraham Lowe, Thomas Spark, David Mills, William Grant, Spaulding, and others. The 1747 shipment had names of Claperton, Melvin, Murdock, and others. Those with Scottish heritage would play a prominent role in American history for good and ill.

In fact, the Jacobites produced the influence to create the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in France during the 1700's. Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay was a Roman Catholic (pro-Jacobite) Freemason and a Godfather of the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite competed against the Grand Lodge by having more degrees, etc. Another level of the Jacobites was Daniel Willens claimed that the Hell Fire Club had Jacobite links. The Hell Fire Club was members of King George III's government that performed sexual rituals, a Black Mass, and some were into Devil worship. Sir Francis Dashwood or Baron Le Despencer was the high priest of the group. Philip, Duke of Wharton formed a similar group that mocked religion. Wharton would be the Grand Master of the London Grand Lodge in 1722. Dashwood would be a Catholic, flirt with the Jacobite cause, and would later be a Satanist. Benjamin Franklin, who was a Freemason, would be a member of the Hell Fire Club. Now, authors like Michael Howard believe that Franklin utilized the Hell Fire Club as a conduit to influence policies of the British government (along with continuing the American Revolution). Some speculate that Dashwood might of been a closeted Roman Catholic after all. Chris Everard accuses the Knights Templar of doing Kabbalah rituals, envoking demons, and other sick ceremonies. Freemasonry itself is based on the ancient Mysteries (even Druidism) that is merged with Theism. Many of these high level occult groups worship Lucifer (which is cloaked and called the sun god. The sun god, the serpent, etc. is the same being of Lucifer/Satan in code).

The Great Seal was designed or influenced by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, William Barton, Charles Thomson, and Pierre Eugene du Simitiere. Robert Scot cut the first metal dye of the Seal in 1782. It took 3 major committees in order the develop the Great Seal. There is a high level of 13s in the One Dollar Bill. There are 13 leaves in the olive branch, 13 bars and stripes in the shield, and 13 arrows in the right claw. There are 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon, 13 stars in the green crest above (which appears in a Seal of Solomon Hexagram fashion), 32 long feathers on its right wing, 13 granite stones in the Pyramid, and 13 are letters in Annuit Coeptis (These words come from the Roman poet Virgil who wrote the false Roman god Jupiter). In the original Virgil poem, the words “Juppiter Omnipotes, Audacibus Annue Coeptis” were a plea for the deity to “favor my daring undertakings.” 13 typically means the 13 colonies, but others believes that there are higher meanings to the number of 13. In the Kabbalah, 13 means that you can raise above the influence of the Zodaic (with 12 signs) without being bound to influence of the cosmos. The Hebrew words for “love” (ahava), “care” (de’aga), and “one” (echad) all have the numerical value of 13. Some trace the number 13 back to the Knights Templar like author John Daniel. E. W. Bullinger writes another meaning for the number 13 as for rebellion (i.e. America was formed after its rebellion against the British Royal Empire, while covertly British still have certain policies that make America as a puppet colony of England plus the rest of the European elite):

"As to the significance of thirteen, all are aware that it has come down to us as a number of ill-omen. Many superstitions cluster around it, and various explanations are current concerning them....Unfortunately, those who go backwards to find a reason seldom go back far enough. The popular explanations do not, so far as we are aware, go further back than the Apostles. But we must go back to the first occurrence of the number thirteen in order to discover the key to its significance. It occurs first in Gen. xiv. 4, where we read 'Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they REBELLED.'...Hence every occurrence of the number thirteen, and likewise of every multiple of it, stamps that with which it stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration, revolution, or some kindred idea." (Bullinger, E.W. Number in Scripture, Kregel Publications, (c)1967, p. 205).

There is an obsession with numbers in the occult, because the occult is almost embraced as a religion to secret societies. In “The Reverse Side of the Seal of the United States and its Symbolism” Lang comments: “The reverse side must have been designed by a mystic, one well versed in symbolism…. all true Theosophists aught to be able to see the connecting link between true Theosophy and the reverse side of the Seal …. the time will come when the white headstone (capstone) of our government…. in the proclaiming of a new religion in which all spiritual currents flowing from every other religion shall meet in the perfection of the white stone, having neither dogma nor doctrine.”

By Timothy


  1. ***********
    “Sidereal Horoscopes”
    Count Gramalkin
    Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrologer
    San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology
    Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker
    Attention Pattern Manipulates Mystic Law Creating Experience Attentions on God or Not
    Reprogram Attention to Perpetual Meditation and Create Miracles in Your Life
    1 877 322 7238 Toll Free - http://www.CountGramalkin.Com - Gramalkin@Gramalkin.Com
    "Astrology Realities Manifesto"
    Dearest Truth Seeker Disciples:
    Everyone is welcome to have a go at the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Delineation Technique. For example FEEL FREE to CALL your BOOKIE BROKER and BET that MORTGAGE MONEY on anything on the ZERO RELEVANCE LIST such as get yourself a nice Comet all lined up and take it to the HORSERACE TRACK when you get tired of being HOMELESS reread the list. Everything in the San Francisco School Technique got there by PROVING itself with the CASH on the LINE. "This is real life school one either gets it or not the proof of the pudding is in the eating either you have the money or they have the money if it doesn't work at the track it doesn't work in your daily life” Mazurek.
    There is some natural curiosity about how The Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919-2oo3) the San Francisco School and I came to be heirs of the modern day father of astrology Cyril Fagan (1896-1970) legacy linage when Cyril said it was so we took his word for it. Observing astrology including prominent Siderealists wandering lost in misinformation shows us why he did details on Gramalkin.Com. In order to fulfill the mantle mandate that Cyril laid on the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology and therefore I that it is up to us to see to it that the knowledge is not lost again what may be done is done to give the public access to astrological information
    The Following Items Have Z E R O Relevant Delineation In Work-A-Day Astrology.
    Asteroids; Comets; Deacons; Part of Fortune; Moon Nodes; Geocentric & Heliocentric; Parallels; Paran; Celestial Latitude; Altitude; Right Ascension; Declination; Equator; Horizon; Apogee and Perigee; Ennead/Novile/Harmonics (Sun @3 aspect moon @9 as 3x3=9); How close a planet is to earth; Hierarchical Rulers; Exaltation; Dignity & Fall; Mutual Reception; Detriment; Reckoning Celestial Longitude/Horoscopes in Seasonal/Tropical Moving Zodiac Astrology; Tropical natal 12 house system of delineation & House Rulers; Whole Sign House System; Placidian Houses; Retrograde is bad; Aspects being good or bad by nature; Using first event charts as a natal to predict events; The Triplicities form of the elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water in order around the Zodiac; The cusps, such as being in the Aries/Taurus cusp or planets loosing power on the cusp; Midpoints Between Planets or between planets and angles; Natal, Progressed or Cyclic Horoscopes done for the place of residence rather than the place of birth; Almost all data about planetary orbs; Dealing with inner-personal relationships the inner-aspects between charts are much more important than having supposedly harmonious and inharmonious signs or consecutive signs or trine ascendants and such. Other items will be added to this list as they come to mind.
    Authors Note: It was after Mazurek wrote his pieces on Jesus and the Lunar Mansions that he finally proved the Hierarchical Rulers, Exaltation, Dignity & Fall, Detriment, Mutual Reception; are fallacies and have zero delineation value.
    Astrology, one would like to help ones colleagues and the general public understand how astrology and the mystery work. One would prefer to refrain from hurting anyone's feelings. Hopefully this information will be received in the manor intended. The Count Gramalkin policy is to refrain from bothering with any argumentative, combative or debate scenarios about the mystery. The best one can do is present the true information take it or leave it and good luck to you.
    Addressing, responding to the continual unending stream of astrological misinformation is a task too mammoth to undertake. Publishing correct data is a much more realistic effort. Mazurek would say “this is real life school one either gets it or not." It is like the Porsche guy trying to explain the difference to the Camaro guy - sometimes...they get it.
    When one spends ones entire personal and professional adult life on “Spiritual Evolution Self Realization Truth Seeker” one gets more than ample opportunity to observe the pseudo intelligencea seemingly continually endlessly inane prattle on preaching truth is a matter of opinion there is no right or wrong. Also amazing is the frequency of the essence of ones existence being governed by inhibition dominance syndrome choke-freeze freak-out psychosis or Truth Blindness posing as Blind Faith. Truth blindness and inhibition dominance are often initiated by ONES RESPONSE to politico machine hearsay propaganda brain washing fraud slander of the law masquerading as some version of philosophy, religion or science. Truth is NOT a matter of faith, belief, knowledge, opinion, perception, awareness or agreement. The truth marches right along regardless of ones existence. “Truth is that which changes not." Truth remains the same unbroken for all forever in every case on all levels of being this side of vibration. Data must meet this criterion or it is NOT TRUTH. That which appears to be changes constantly. It’s a nice day, an opinion. The Mystic Laws of Cause and Effect and Polarity a Truth regardless of agreement or awareness.
    The Astrology most often associated Western Civilization is INCORRECT and MISLEADING. The fundamental problem stems from Classical Greek and Moorish Astrologers who translated the Zodiac they inherited from the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians incorrectly. Nothing has been right since. However, in 1949 the modern day father of astrology the great Astrologer and Astronomer Cyril Fagan of Dublin, Ireland, (1896-1970) discovered the mistake. Modern Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrology was born.
    Before any understanding or education of astrology can take place one must first understand and agree on what the Zodiac is. Galaxies make up universes; universes make up Cosmic Spheres. Our cosmic sphere is the matter of which our sun is the center. Rather than being like a molecule with particles whirling about every which way all the planets orbit the sun in the same zodiacal ecliptic path of celestial longitude and that path is the zodiac. The Zodiac is the baseline of the three dimensional model of our cosmic sphere.
    The PATH the planets are orbiting through around the Sun is the Zodiac ecliptic and the path or orbit itself is not moving. For all practical purposes the path is sitting still and the planets are moving through the zodiac path around the Sun. The stars and space are in a fixed position and the planets are orbiting through the stars and space around the Sun. This is physical reality and Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrology. When you look at the night sky what you see is Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrology as Sidereal astrology reckons celestial longitude from the fixed star positions and Zodiacal Sidereal astrology reckons horoscopes in celestial longitude. The 12-constellation system validity with fixed star Spica at 29 Virgo 6'5" epoch 1977 is shown by properly done Ingress horoscopes.
    The horizon, equator, seasons and seasonal rotation affect only earth the Zodiac affects the entire Cosmic Sphere, ZODIACAL SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY. Sidereal means measured by a star, physical reality. Rather than being a philosophical matter of opinion this is plain old-fashioned Physical Astronomical Reality. Regardless of how one attempts to rationalize any misconception of this matter the Sun will still Rise in the East in the morning because the Earth is Rotating on its axis and Revolving about the Sun in its Fixed Zodiacal Sidereal Ecliptical Orbit.
    Of the most common astrologer errors is incomplete work also the accuracy of the event data. This is compounded by the fact that few astrologers even know what complete work is. The horoscope is a scientific document and must be done accurately with the correct documentation to prove the case. Many scenarios require identification and all manners of data; professional astrology requires complete and accurate I.D. and coordinates. The more complete and accurate the data the more complete and accurate the reading.
    Most astrologers are theorists with zero provable ground of being application with which to sort the truth and fallacies out of the multitude of astrological commentary. One can still hear the Old Man now “self-taught self-styled half-baked authority read a book on Zen and think they are Buddha." Read some astrology material Harry said this Billy Bob wrote that call that research then start talking and writing.
    Regardless of how accomplished one becomes with the teknoid scenario or how deeply one delves into antiquity it when it comes to work-a-day astrology its the comprehension of realistic divination technique applications which is the most meaningful. Such as a realistic grasp of the basics: The Art of Synthesis; The Art of Delineation; The Three Techniques of Delineation; The Intrinsic Values of the Planets; The Complete File Format Baseline; Fixed Stars and When They Count; The Operating Law and so forth.
    This seem so obvious however one may talk to astrologers all day and be lucky to find one that can even define the art of delineation much less realize how it actually works. The Art of Delineation is the individual and collective intermingling of intrinsic values count score on the +&- use applicable adjectives. Collaborating with even prominent Siderealists it is shocking to read that they lack awareness that a major part of the art of delineation is to count score if you will of the +&- repeated patterns of the Intrinsic Values of the Planets and their areas or stations of application eTc eTc. Example 27 Jupiter's and 11 Venus’s things are going good, 19 Saturn’s 23 Mars’s with 10 Neptune’s things not going so good. Example Jupiter conjunct the ascendant equals a plus two, a benefic planet on a superior angle. Seven Saturn's with one Jupiter there is much less chance of getting the higher self-manifestation from Saturn. Seven Jupiter's one Saturn much better chance of getting the higher self-manifestation from Saturn.
    Being able to calculate the right ascension of the Aries full moon in 3,036 B.C. old style lacks significance when the astrologer reading a twentieth century natal or cyclic horoscope fails to realize that for all practical purposes anything in the constellation on the ascendant of a natal or cyclic horoscope is angular or of high energy and intensity in the psychological makeup and prevailing psychological conditions therefore the events and results of the case at hand. As above so below as on the inner so on the outer the operating law of analogy the Hermes Law of correspondences.
    The teknoids especially the ones that fail to grasp the big picture tend to try to drag all manor of mathematical what not into it. They become enthralled with the mathematics of it all, confuse being a mathematician with being an astrologer and seek an astrological application for all the astronomical mathematical points most of which have zero astrological delineation. Essentially Azimuth, Altitude, Right Ascension, Declination, Equator, Horizon, Apogee and Perigee, how close a planet is to earth and so forth have nothing to do with work-a-day astrological delineation. IT IS ZODIACAL SIDEREAL CELESTIAL LONGITUDE THAT COUNTS.
    What happens is that when astrologers fail to use a complete file of horoscope charts for the event it results in mass wandering about psychic guessing. They wind up grasping at straws using the law of substitution trying to find symbology to explain the events that occur. Next thing you know they're talking you how it is straws like the right ascension of the heliacal rising of the left handed moon node was EXACTLY paran trine the mundo midpoint between their Mars and Venus - (see, SEE it's right there!!!). Ask them what the file looks like and it’s err, Uhh, DA. Things like demi-solars, quarter year solars and on and on are just not needed when using a complete file. When using a properly prepared complete horoscope file the repeated patterns that emerge throughout the file are just too obvious to miss. Incomplete creates inconsistent.
    Unless ones research is also displayed in the correctly produced full file format baseline there is no way to check what actually happened, to judge what is really going on in the case at hand and therefore verify the validity of the research and what realistic relationship the application of the data has. Again this file begins with ACCURATE event times and longitude and latitude coordinates.
    Empirical research is setting up COMPLETE FILES for thousands of cases in an absolute proof ground of being such as money, births, deaths, accidents to test each of the theories. Sally Sue will say “oh I wasn’t depressed last Tuesday” Armchair theorizing is one thing however one can not kid ones self about the money, either you have the money or they have the money.
    Example - Some astrologer wrote a piece assessing the 75 year career of some monkey (an actor) biased on a singular rising angular planet with a hundred year old turn of the century 10 AM birth time which tells us that one is clearly ready for the big therapy in the sky. An even hour birth time from any era much less one from the beginning of the twentieth century is most certainly a round off if not an out right guess. Therefore any speculation about angularity is just that. Delineate the horoscope chart as a whole in the baseline context of a complete file. One has a better chance of getting the higher self-manifestation from a rising planet in a well aspected horoscope than in a negatively aspected chart, all rising sign planets also sun and moon aspects affect appearance and so forth et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
    Contrary to popular belief one of average ability may learn to be a great astrologer very quickly rather than requiring years and decades or a lot of historical reference, astronomical or mathematical study.
    The historical study of astrology entails sorting through some ninety percent or more misinformation to prove out the truth and falsehood in some absolute proof ground of being which has already been done at least once and is herewith given to you for free and elucidated on www.CountGramalkin.Com. In fact historical study of astrology may be more of a hindrance than a help as unlearning and relearning can be much more difficult to impossible than learning.
    For example many if not most people infected with seasonal moving zodiac Tropical astrology who wise up to Sidereal astrology never get free of attempting to use the Tropical modus operandi in Sidereal astrology this does not work. E.g. the delineation of a tropical sign is different that the delineation of the Sidereal constellation of the same name or eternally prattling on about the house system of delineation eTc.
    Again people, in the twenty and twenty first century one born in a subterranean dwelling with zero TV, radio, or pictures or never saw the sky, the planet surface, the sun, moon or a star who never even heard of astronomy, right ascension, declination, horizon, the equatorial system of measurement et cetera who can add and subtract with a pencil a set of books and the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation could be a fabulous astrologer. The cardinal sin of mankind is mistaking the apparent for the real such as mistaking being a great astronomer, historian or mathematician with being a great astrologer. It is ok (even good) to know the astronomy side of it however unnecessary in doing astrology. The people who so famously managed to hit the comet half a kajillian miles from earth with the space probe all knew their astronomy however try getting one of them to correctly delineate ones horoscope.
    Even I in a good workweek teach a gifted student enough astrology to make them one of the best few hundred astrologers who ever lived the essence of which is given away on www.CountGramalkin.Com. There is a lot more to it of course however it will just have to wait for the book.
    It is very helpful to have a realistic understanding of the Intrinsic Value of the Planets (the meaning or definition / delineation of the planets) and where and when to apply them. The one word Intrinsic Value of the Planets and therefore the Signs delineation (more on
    Sun/Leo = Spirit; Moon/Cancer = Soul; Mercury/Gemini/Virgo = Intellect; Venus/Taurus/Libra = Love; Mars/Aries = Sex; Jupiter/Sagittarius = Win; Saturn/Capricorn = Lose; Uranus/Aquarius = Intuition; Neptune/Pisces = Imagination; Pluto/Scorpio = Death.
    "Zodiacal Western Sidereal Constellations or Signs" - Epoch 1950 - Aries = April 15th; Taurus = May 15th; Gemini = June 15th; Cancer = July 16th; Leo = Aug 17th; Virgo = Sept 17th; Libra = Oct 17th; Scorpio = Nov 16th; Sagittarius = Dec 16th; Capricorn = Jan 15th; Aquarius = Feb 14th; Pisces = March 15th. Actual dates may vary a bit due to the leap year thingy.
    The best advice I have for you is to take my best advice. Read and heed every word of the material on www.CountGramalkin.Com (the entire contents only amount to a pamphlet). This will provide one an accurate rendition of the secret of the cosmos / the meaning of life / enlightenment, how to read / predict it and what to do about it. Adept at everything on CountGramalkin.Com one would be at will at one with God co-creators with God. Each article must be composed, as though it is the only Count Gramalkin article the reader will ever see. Therefore a certain amount of duplication of information occurs as a necessity of stating the case.
    The zodiac ecliptic is the baseline of the three dimensional model of our cosmic sphere. Reckon horoscopes for the location of birth in Zodiacal Sidereal Celestial Longitude Ecliptic in the full file format baseline with the fixed star Spica at 29 Virgo 6’:5” Epoch 1977. Full BIRTH Name, Date, First Breath Time, Place (Longitude & Latitude), Race, Gender - Geographic, Campanus Table of Houses, Octoscope and East Point Angles, Arabic Lunar Mansions, Major Fixed Star Aspects and Constellation Breaks. Porphyry is the second best house system.
    The complete file is The Natal; Secondary Progressed Planets and Primary Angles; Secondary Natal Quotidian (SNQ); Solar Return, Monthly Solar Return, Lunar Return and their daily Progressed Main Angles also the Event Chart inner-aspected with the Transits and major Fixed Stars to all. The natal horoscope plus two horoscopes a year, two horoscopes a month and four horoscopes a day plus the Event Horoscope (Transits which is done for the location of event) inner-aspected. Incidentally the complete file format makes it easier to read events rather than harder as the repeated patterns are too obvious to miss. The essence of the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation is available free as a PDF eBook here.*
    The repeated simultaneous occurrence pattern of illuminated angularity (Sun Moon Jupiter Rising) being the most important factor. One copy of each horoscope chart by its self and one copy of each horoscope interaspected. Count Score on +&- intrinsic values to read Higher \ Lower Self, Yes \ No eTc. To delineate in any given sphere, use the Intrinsic Adjectives common to that sphere. E.g. Venus - Psychologically = Love & Peace. Mundanely = Food & Clothes. Medically = Kidney eTc. eTc.
    In the production of the horoscope all charts should be drawn the same way in the classical style just like Mazurek taught us at school as illustrated in the Marilyn Monroe Sample Horoscope available on Horoscopes must be hand drawn as at the time of this writing there are no known correctly produced computerized horoscopes.
    In drawing the horoscope do all math twice and write EVERYTHING left to right HORIZONTALLY. Date Time and Standard Time of event in the center. Name, Race, Gender and Place upper left. Coordinates; SVP; Delta T and GMT to RAMC in the upper right hand corner. Horoscope Identification in the upper middle Such as: Zodiacal Sidereal Longitude Natal; Geographic; Campanus; Octoscope; Arabic Lunar Mansions (and unless you physically see a birth certificate eTc. the word SPECULATIVE). Whatever decoding is necessary - Major aspects and angular planets and stars et cetera at the bottom. Draw in all the angles, the 4 Main, the 4 Octoscope Midpoint and East Point angles. Midheaven = tenth house cusp, ascendant = first house cusp. Draw angular planet glyphs on the angle, lacking space draw a line from the planet glyph across the angle. Dash Lines - - - = A Constellation Change. Draw one copy of the horoscope taken by its self, another copy for inner-aspect composite. Draw all composite charts the same way regardless of which type of chart it is. Natal in the center in black then Progressed in red then Solar Return in green then Monthly Solar Return and Lunar Return in available colors finally transits in pencil.
    This format for drawing charts is recommended because of being able to actually read the charts. When dealing with sixty planets and forty-four fixed stars on the ten charts that make up the complete file baseline having numbers written going every which way and or zero consistency, data scattered about, the Midheaven here or there and one this color the next another makes it difficult to impossible to physically read and comprehend the file. E.g. whoever drew the file all secondary progressed in red shazam one immediately knows what one is dealing with.
    In real life work-a-day astrology not all hand drawn charts get full label. A progressed lunar return in a complete file for example may just have - Progressed Lunar a name, date, coordinates, RAMC etc. On composite horoscopes one may use just the planet and signs to the degree, insert minutes for the angles and whatever else is necessary, zero fixed stars and such just refer back to the original copy of the chart done by itself as necessary. A second nature realization of the Intrinsic Values of the Planets (the meaning) is the most important thing in delineation.
    The Art of SYNTHESIS; To Synthesize a horoscope chart first look at the Sun taken by it’s self, then Moon (Sign, Watch, House, Lunar Mansion), the Ascendant then Midheaven (4 =Quarters), then Angles (which Solar Cross/Split Cross/Artabic Lunnar Mansion etc.), the most angular planet and its situation, the next most angular situation. There are usually two or three basic "the next most Angular situations."
    Always consider all charts with all the Techniques of Delineation then apply the appropriate one for the type of problem being solved.
    IIA. The Natal Technique of Delineation is used in reading Natal and Cyclic charts for the “Psychological Makeup / Psychological Conditions” one is dealing with, therefore the events - as above so below (With some cyclic exception rules).
    Aspects are via Sign and House (Campanus). The angle orbs are: East Point is always zero degree orb 60‘.
    The Constellation on the Ascendant and the first house is the Ascendant Angle.
    Minus ten degrees from the Midheaven and the Tenth House is the Midheaven Angle.
    The Descendent and Nadir minus five degrees and the Angular or Foreground house constitute the Angle.
    The Zodiacal Octoscope Watch Midpoint Angles are at the center of the 8 Watches and have a five-degree orb of Angularity. The Watch Midpoint Angles are the Zodiacal Midpoints between the four Main Angles. The Watch Cusps are the midpoints between the main angles and the midpoint angles. The Octotopus is the Octoscope without the watch cusps. Watches run clockwise from Ascendant 1=Self/Body-Will Power-Akin to 2nd moon colors mind; 2=Livelihood-$ Work For; 3=Status/Position in world-Career-Mother-Sisters-Brothers-Travel; 4=Home-$ Get; 5=Others; 6=Health Problems; 7=Spouse-Father-May affect home; 8=Death.
    Technically the Angles have a five-degree Angle Orb and planets within that five degrees are more intense. However for all practical purposes for Psychological Conditions and Makeup / Character the Constellation on the Ascendant is Angular eTc.
    Interpersonal relationships: inner-aspects you get your own; planets give to angles; Sun always gives. Natal and cyclic interaspects are by sign. He has Natal Aries Sun, She has Natal Aries Moon = His Sun/Spirit is conjunct Her Moon/Soul (the basic yin yang couple polarity) the closer the stronger. In business X has Jupiter in Gemini; Y has Saturn in Gemini = X wins. Progressed use close aspects.
    IIB. The Predictive Technique: The Natal; Secondary Progressed Planets and Primary Angles; Secondary Natal Quotidian (SNQ); Solar Return, Monthly Solar Return and Lunar Return and their daily Progressed Main Angles; also the Event Chart inner-aspected with the Transits and major Fixed Star aspects to all. Reading the Natal, Cyclic Charts, and Event Chart with a five-degree angle orb and the Progressed Charts at a zero degree angle orb. Illuminated angularity being the most important factor (e.g. Sun Moon Jupiter Rising on many charts etc).
    IIC. The Progressed Technique: For Timing of Events read all charts with the Progressed Technique, which is a zero degree Angle and Aspect orb. Normal rules apply, applying aspects are stronger than separating etc. Progressed Charts are basically daily charts, however they may be read as Event Charts with a Natal Technique for a several day span. The Annual Secondary Progressed a several year span.
    Manifesting; When there is an orange tail sticking around the corner and one grabs the tail rather than having a tail one actually has the entire Tiger. So it is with the “Intrinsic Values of the Planets." When one identifies having hold of any part of an Intrinsic Value one actually has the entire planet (or Sign) by the tail. When one is happy one has Jupiter by the tail and therefore all of the Jupiter qualities good and bad. The idea is to consciously project the “higher self” or positive qualities of the Intrinsic Value of case rather than “lower self-essence dominated reacting” with the lower self-qualities. Read the Intrinsic Value of the planet in your notes and send out the + side. Also read the “Satsang”, “Self Realization” and “Daimoku” articles on CountGramalkin.Com and it will help you cope with all that reality nonsense.
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    * is the home of Count Gramalkin; Professional Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrologer, Tarot Reading and being senior out of San Francisco School next in line the foremost practicing DIRECT heir out of his chosen linage of the astrological insights, knowledge and research of the modern day father of astrology, the great world famous Western Sidereal Astrologer Astronomer Cyril Fagan of Dublin, Ireland (1896-1970). There is some natural curiosity about how The Reverend Professor John Mazurek (1919 - 2oo3) and I came to be heirs of the Cyril Fagan legacy linage when Cyril said it was so we took his word for it.
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    What many are not aware of is that the very foundation of astrology most often associated with Western Civilization is in fact incorrect and misleading. The fundamental problem stems from Classical Greek and Moorish Astrologers who translated the Zodiac they inherited from the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians incorrectly. Nothing has been right since. At you can find the true facts of this and the thoughts of Gramalkin himself; a true Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrologer.
    View Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrology Horoscopes online at; from an acclaimed expert in the Sidereal Zodiac today.
    To receive The Count Gramalkin “Sidereal Horoscopes” Chronicle send an email to Sidereal@Gramalkin.Com with “Chronicle Please” in the subject field.
    When you gather or grasp enough evidence already gathered to pick five consecutive number one horses in a row using straight astrology as I saw Mazurek do get back to me with the daily double. Refer to the San Francisco School of Sidereal Astrology Technique of Delineation PDF at this URL - While you continue thinking for yourself (a good thing and how the SF School technique came to be) armchair theorizing is one thing back it up with the buck and other absolute proof ground of being.
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    1 877 322 7238 Toll Free - http://www.CountGamalkin.Com - Gramalkin@Gramalkin.Com
    The credentials for this data are displayed at these URL's.

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    Zodiacal Western Sidereal Astrology Horoscopes, Tarot Reading and Western Sidereal Zodiac Astrologer
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  2. Anonymous18:39

    "Morin was a Roman Catholic being in France."

    Morin was a French Protestant, of Huguenot extraction, in New York city.


    It is apparent from the records cited that the Morins were French Huguenots and settled in New York in 1691 or earlier, coming from the Protestant town of La Rochelle (which made such a gallant defense against the Roman Catholics); and from these a numerous American family of that name originated. The siege of La Rochelle by Richelieu and the bravery of the Huguenot mayor are well known historically.



    "same headquarters as an Italian Scottish Rite Lodge"

    Piazza del Gesu is prized real estate. That they both have their headquarters on the same street in the heart of Rome, only means that Masonry and the Jesuits both have pull. The Pantheon is located there too (< fit that into your conspiracy).

    "Francisco Calvo (1820-1890). Calvo was a Jesuit priest"

    This is a genuine connection, and one should investigate the circumstance that allowed such a thing to happen, and the consequences thereof. The other two examples you've cite, however - one was false, while the other is inconsequential.

  3. I will research your words and edit accordingly.

    Thanks for the critique. We all need it from time to time.

    By Timothy

  4. The Masonic link of,+Marples+04-06.pdf

    cites the following:

    "....On August 27, 1761, a man by the name of Etienne (Stephen) Morin was issued a patent, supposedly, by two competing French Grand Lodges permitting him to confer the Blue Lodge degrees and with some provisions in that patent authorized by a French Grand Consistory also charged him to spread and multiply the degrees of the "Rite of Perfection," and "to create Inspectors in all places where the degrees were not yet established." Some historians have asserted that Morin was Jewish; however the late Henry C. Clausen, 33°, states that Morin was Roman Catholic as were most of these French Masons. Inspector Morin's authority was cancelled by the Grand Lodge of France on August 17, 1766. He died in Jamaica, in 1771...."

  5. Anonymous20:32

    Re: Morin

    I believe the research of the Builder magazine is considered correct. For some time details of his life were mere speculation; the Builder, however, undertook a proper investigation. There's also a New Age Magazine issue that affirms the veracity of the research.

    His ancestors came to the new world after Catholic persecution at La Rochelle. I have an ancestor that came from La Rochelle as well. La Rochelle was the scene of the last stand of French Protestant Huguenots against the Catholics. Following the siege of La Rochelle in 1627, he settled in Nova Scotia after marrying a Mallinson from Yorkshire, and when he died his children took on their mother's name. The reason that they took their mother's name was because the mere fact that their father was a Huguenot, there was still the possibility of persecution from the Catholics - even in the New World (and especially in Acadia).

    By the way, that Corti/Rothschild book? Unless there's a totally different version form the one I have, and the one at Google books as well,
    it mentions neither the Illuminati nor Weishaupt. Just thought you should know.

  6. I've checked out Corti's book (and it doesn't mention Weishaupt at all as you have mentioned) and I've edited the words today.

    By Timothy

  7. Anonymous08:26

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