
Saturday, February 21, 2009

History in the Past, Present, and the Future Part 2

Another high level Freemason gives a gematria (gematria is about using numbers as code assigned to letters of an alphabet whether its Chaldean, Hebrew, Greek, English, etc.) connection to the Great Seal:

"...Scottish Rite Masonry had its origin in France; the York Rite is sometimes called the American Rite; the eagle thus clothed represents the union of French and American Masons in the struggle for Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. The total number of feathers in the two wings is sixty-five which, by gematria, is the value of the Hebrew phrase yam yawchod (together in unity). This phrase appears in Psalm 133 as follows: 'Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity,' and is used in the ritual of the first degree of Freemasonry. The glory above the eagle's head is divided into twenty-four equal parts and reminds the observer of the Mason's gauge which is also divided into twenty-four equal parts and is emblematic of the service he is obligated to perform. The five pointed stars remind him of the Masonic Blazing Star and the five points of fellowship. The arrangement of the stars in the constellation to form overlapping equilateral triangles and the Star of David calls to the Mason's mind King David's dream of building a Temple, to his God, the Companions who rebuilt a desecrated Temple, and the finding of the Word that was lost....On the reserve, is the All-Seeing Eye within a triangle surrounded by a golden glory. Besides the obvious Masonic significance of this design, it has a cabalistic value of seventy plus three plus two hundred, equaling two hundred and seventy-three which is the value of the phrase ehben mosu habonim (the stone which the builders refused) familiar to all Royal Arch Masons. It is also the value of the Hebrew proper noun Hiram Abiff, the architect of Solomon's Temple and the principal character of the legend used in the Master Mason degree. The triangle is isosceles, formed by two right triangles having sides of five, twelve, and thirteen units in length, illustrating the 47th Problem of Euclid. The triangle also represents the capstone of the unfinished pyramid and reminds the Mason of the immortality of the soul and that in eternity he will complete the capstone of his earthly labors according to the designs on the trestle-board of the Supreme Architect of the Universe. The unfinished pyramid cannot fail to remind him of the unfinished condition of the Temple when tragedy struck down its Master architect. " (Masonry in Texas, Background, History and Influence to 1846 by James D. Carter, 33°, G.'.C.'.)

Now, Doc Marquis (who is a Christian occult researcher) believes that a Hexagram image representing 666 appears on the design of the One Dollar Bill. Doc accurately points out that the Bavarian Illuminati had an alliance with Freemasonry in the 1782 Congress of Wilhelmsbad. Here's a source on this Congress:

“At Wilhelmsbad, near the city of Hanau in Hesse-Cassel, was held the most important Masonic Congress of the eighteenth century. It was convoked by Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, 20 Grand Master of the Order of Strict Observance ... there were delegates from Upper and Lower Germany, from Holland, Russia, Italy, France, and Austria; and the order of the Illuminati was represented by the Baron Von Knigge. It is not therefore surprising that the most heterogeneous opinions were expressed.”

- Albert G. Mackey. Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry, under the Congress of Wilhelmsbad)

Doc Marquis believed that the Rothschild family worked with Adam Weishaupt to form the Illuminati, but the Rothschild family never have any prominent economic power until the 19th century. Count Egon Caesar Corti wrote a book entitled, "The Rise of the House of Rothschild." In it, Count Corti talks about the history Meyer Rothschild (1743-1812) and the Rothschild family. Corti's book outlines tons of documentation from letters, business records, and financial transactions. Marquis maintains that Meyer Rothschild worked with Adam Weishaupt to plan for world revolution in 1773. Many Rothschilds in the 19th century would be powerful bankers and high level Freemasons (like Baron Mayer Rothschild and James Meyer Rothschild). In other words, Weishaupt worked with others to plan for a new world order plan. We do know for certain that 666 is an old sun symbol number that represented the sun god (or a code name for Lucifer/Satan). A magic square in the occult has numbers from 1 to 36 equaling 666 (if you add all the numbers from 1 to 36 together). 666 has been equated to Hexagrams in times past as well. The Hexagram is a very occult symbol, which is formed by merging 2 equilateral triangles together. In Ancient Hinduism, it represents the nara-narayana, or perfect meditative state of balance achieved between Man and God, and if maintained, results in "moksha," or "nirvana" (release from the bounds of the earthly world and its material trappings). Witches use the Hexagram to try to conjure up demons in this physical realm. In Freemasonry the Hexagram means: "...The interlacing triangles or deltas symbolize the union of the two principles or forces, the active and passive, male and female, pervading the universe... The two triangles, one white and the other black, interlacing, typify the mingling of apparent opposites in nature, darkness and light, error and truth, ignorance and wisdom, evil and good, throughout human life..." (Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Albert G. Mackey, 33rd Degree Freemason, and Charles T. McClenachan, 33rd Degree Freemason, p. 801, as quoted from secondary Source Codex Magica by Texe Marrs).
Occult sources have talked about this issue in very clear depth:

The Sephirotic Tree (ref. Gen 2:17) of the Cabbala, taught that the sum of the numerical values of Aïn-Soph (166, absolute empty) and Kether (500, unity) gives 666 or the Sun. Here's other sources on this issue: “666 is the occult number of the Hexagram, the symbol of the Sun, for a single line of the Hexagram contains three equal parts, each of which may be represented by the number 1, so that every line can be symbolised by the number 111. There are six lines in all, so that 111x6=666, the most Holy Number of the Sun. Each angle of the Hexagram is 60 degrees. 60 is the number of the Hebrew letter Samekh, which is the letter of the Holy Guardian Angel or the Solar Self in Man. Six angles of 60 degrees each equals 360 degrees, and 360 is the number of the Hebrew letter Shin spelled in full. Shin is the letter of the Sun and of 666. Also 666 is the number of a "Man" who lives in the Sun.” (Thelmic Numbers and Words by David Cherubim (Frater Aurora Aureae). The Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn)

From The View Over Atlantis” by John Michell: “666, the predominant number at both Stonehenge and Glastonbury Abby, has always been recognized as a solar number. Its traditional character is confirmed by its obvious significance as the sum of the numbers in the square of the Sun and it is the number of TEITAN, an ancient Greek name for Satan.”

666 as the Bible and other sources prove is the number of Satan and the Beast (or the Antichrist). 666 is also related to sun worship, which Christians maintain is a covert form of Satan/Lucifer worship. This conclusively proves that the number of 666 was utilized a code for the Hexagram. This is why it wouldn't be unusual if the Mark of the Beast will be a Hexagram. The number of 666 is falsley embraced by some that it is holy (like Miriam Donner) when it isn't at all.

There are words on the One Dollar Bill that should be explained. The words of E Pluribus Unum means Out of many one in Latin. In other words, America is made up of many peoples and backgrounds to form one nation. Now, Annuit Coeptis is Latin for He (or Providence, which is the Diestic version of God) have favored our undertakings. Novus Ordo Seclorum is Latin for the new order of the ages. FDR thought of this new order of the ages as apart of his New Deal Plan (There is an All Seeing Eye there which FDR believed represented the Masonic Great Architect of the Universe). The Eye wasn't touching the Pyramid, because the agenda of America isn't finished yet. Freemasonry views God as an Architect or representative of an All Seeing Eye. Yet, the All Seeing Eye has historically been the pagan eye of Horus and the sun god spanning thousands of years:

“These considerations lead us to an interesting topic, the Eye of Mind or the Eye of Horus ... and conveying the idea of the 'All seeing Eye'. The end set before the Egyptian neophyte was illumination, that is to be 'brought to light'. The Religion of Egypt was the Religion of the Light.” (Thomas Milton Stewart, Symbolism of the Gods of the Egyptians and The Light They Throw on Freemasonry, London, England, Baskerville Press, Ltd., 1927, p. 5)

Robert Keith Spenser on page 32 in his classic must-read: “the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye,” comments as follows:“Now we arrive at the point where we must consider that all-important symbol the All-Seeing Eye. Mr. Totten traced the history of the Eye in the triangle back to ancient Chaldea and its appearance as the Solar Eye, the Eye of Jove or Jupiter, of Phoebus or Apollo, the Eye of Baal and as the Eye of Providence. The Eye of Jove appeared on the front of Jove’s temple at Peloponnessus. As the Solar Eye it was the symbol of the Arabian god of Jethro, the black father-in-law of Moses, and of the Arabic motto, “Allah,” or “I am that I am.” All ancient temples of Arabia were decorated with the Eye, which had first appeared as the symbol of Osiris, Isis and Horus and the Egyptian Sun god Ra.”

Photo courtesy of David Icke's website symbolism archives.

The eye in a Triangle has also been used in future logo as a watcher of people in a Big Brother type fashion from MI6 onward. There is an owl symbol secretly in the Dollar Bill. The owl for thousands of years represented wisdom. The owl was embraced as a logo in the Bavarian Illuminati and it is an emblem of the modern Bohemian Grove (This occult group idolatrously praised a 40 ft. owl statue. Masses are performed there and their patron saint is the Catholic figure Nepomuk). Athena is a known goddess of wisdom and she is symbolized in the owl image. Owl images are throughout the Masonic city of Washington, D.C. especially in the Library of Congress Building. The architecture of Washington, D.C. is based on the same pagan images from ancient Rome, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, and ancient Babylon. Some point to an Owl design in Washington as well. The New Atlantis film place links to the Design of Washington, D.C. to Ley Lines (or magnetic fields of the Earth that resides near monuments). The many European Cathedrals are based on these ley lines (whose builders utilized Sacred Geometry). The "Bird of Minerva" has been a symbol for the goddess of wisdom (Athena/Minerva) for thousands of years. Hegel used it, the Journal of the Hegel Society of America employs the symbol of the owl. The image of Pallas Athene or Parthenos is the virgin goddess of Greek myth and the pagan divine patroness of civilization (It inspired the logo of the Virginia seal. The seal shows the Goddess Athena crushing the head of a male tyrant). David Ovason believes that Washington, D.C. was designed in relation to Virgo. Virgo is another Goddess figure in the occult. The Federal Reserve Building is replete with a five-petaled design motif, the symbol of Virgo. The great clock at the Library of Congress is depicted with a comet in Virgo. Back in the day, Sir Francis Bacon took Athena as inspiration to write his literature. Now, the pyramid was a symbol of stability and the Founders (who made the Great Seal) hope that America would last for eons just like the pyramid did. David Ovason believes that the Pyramid in the back of the Dollar symbol has the hidden meaning of the possible rebuilding of Solomon's Temple. There is an image looking similar to the Omega sign in the One Dollar Bill. Omega is the last letter of the Greek Alphabet. Freemason David Ovason believed that an Omega sign is in the Dollar bill to represent completion or the end of all things. In fact, early Christians utilized this symbol as meaning the end of all things or striving in the future. George Washington's vision for America is indeed striving in the future. In other words, the Dollar Bill represents the plan of secret orders to create the new Aquarian age or the new world order basically.

This symbol above is the Jewel of the 33rd Degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. It has tons of symbolism and according to some represents the essence of the agenda of Secret Societies. The symbol itself looks similar to a Templar cross. According to John Daniel's Scarlet and the Beast series, this jewel relates to 3 planes of occult creation (in Heaven, Earth, and Hell as found in other pagan religions). The basis of the jewel is a Teutonic Cross. On it has a nine-pointed star made up of 3 gold triangles interlaced with each other. The design also forms nine small triangles. Surrounding the jewel have the letters of "S.A.P.I.E.N.T.IA." This words of SAPIENTA is the Latin word for wisdom. A sword extends from the lower part of the left side of the jewel to the upper part of the right side. Freemason Jim Tresner writes more on the symbol: "...Crossing that is a "Hand of Justice". This forms a scepter, terminating in a carving of a hand. On top of the cross, triangles, crossed sword and Hand of Justice is a circular plate, and on the plate is a shield with a crowned double-headed eagle. To the right of the eagle is a balance and to the left is a square and compass. Around the design are the Latin words, "Ordo ab Chao", "Order out of Chaos", enclosed by two serpents, each biting its tail..." Notice that seprent bitting their own tail is called the ourboros. It means resurrection, recreating itself in a cycle, and beginning things anew. It has been related to Gnosticism, Hermeticism, and Freemasonry. It has also been frequently used in alchemical illustrations. The serpent have had a meaning for Satan for eons (under the guise of a sun god). Many high level Freemasons have blasphemeously equated the Serpent with God (just like Satanists). For example, in A Bridge to Light, an official textbook of the Supreme Mother Council, 33°, the highest council of the Scottish Rite, Rex Hutchens, 33°, reveals that "the body of the Holy Spirit, the universal agent," is none other than "the Serpent devouring his own tail." (Rex Hutchens, A Bridge to Light [Washington, D.C.: Supreme Mother Council, 33" of Scottish Rite Freemasonry], 1988). Even Albert Pike wrote that: "...It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the Universal Agent, the Serpent devouring its own tail..." Blavatsky falsely equates God with the Serpent in the Garden of Eden as well. Now, this is one of the secrets of Secret Societies which is the embrace of Satan/Lucifer as a teacher of humanity, which he isn't. Satan is a deciever point blank. In The Two Babylons, Hislop writes:

"In the mythology of the primitive world, the serpent is universally the symbol of the sun... As the sun was the enlightener of the world, so the serpent was held to have been the great enlightener of the spiritual, by giving mankind knowledge of good and evil.

Another extension of the serpent symbol is the caduceus symbol. This is when 2 serpents are intertwined with each other. The serpents (in the caduceus emblem) face each other on a staff with wings on the top. It's a magical symbol that is very ancient. It existed in ancient Indian temples and in Mesopotamia (at Babylonia, Sumer, and Assyria). The Buddhists also use it to represent the world (wand) and the kundalini force (serpents). Today, the cadueus is famous for its use in the logo of the AMA or hospitals. Serpent worship is a key part of the Mystery Religion. But what the twin snakes are always expressing is the "idea of active equilibrium, of opposing forces balancing one another in such a way as to create a higher, static form." According to Fritz Springmeier: "...This is a symbolic representation of the balance the leading Satanists attempt to maintain between their evil and philanthropic deeds..." One essence of Satanism is the total fullfillment of human will (and all forms of human desires acted upon. It is the love of evil and good combined. The Bible on the other hand says that we should love good and hate all forms of evil in the Universe. One part of Satanism is the worship of human free will) even if it's done for evil purposes. This is similar to Gnosticism and other philosophies that predate it. According to Alexander Wilder in his book Philosophy and Ethics of the Zoroasters (pub. 1885) "The Mithraic rites superseded the Mysteries of Baccus, and became the foundation of the Gnostic system, which for many centuries prevailed in Asia, Egypt, and even the remote West." Mithraism teaches that Ahura-Mazda is the good god while Ahirman was the evil god. Mithras to them was the mediator between the 2. These Luciferian Secret Societies have plenty of influence today, but Almighty God had total power in the Universe still. Manly P. Hall praised Lucifer as evident in this quote of his:

"...The day has come when Fellow Craftsman (Freemasons) must know and apply their Knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of the Craft. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy, he must follow in the footsteps of his forefather Tubal-Cain...." (Lost Key of Freemasonry, Manly Hall, 33°, p. 48)

Now, on page 321 of Morals and Dogma, Pike says the following:

Is the Phoenix a representation of the destruction of the American economy to turn our money system into a global currency (since the Phoenix story relates to the destruction of a bird then its resurrection centuries later)? It could be. For example, Henry Kissinger have said that Barack Obama could usher in the new world order. The EU, Sarkozy, and other leaders have called for a new global financial system to run our money. Occult researchers like Tracy R. Twyman believed that the dollar bill is a talisman utilized for the temporary global dominance of American money (to develop the New Atlantis). For years, many leaders have called for a global currency or a global economic system. Nicholas Roerich as the documentary proves wanted to create the global government system (even an Asian Union in a Buddhist theocracy first). As Georgetown professor and CFR historian Carroll Quigley noted, the goal of the banking families and their minions consists of: “..nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences...” So, the plan for a new world order and an one world currency has existed for decades at least. This excellent Eye of the Phoenix film is similar to presenting information overload since it reaches into more facts then elaborate into another level of concepts. The deification of man, the creation of a new age in the world, and unification of all religious concepts are goals of the esoteric world indeed. Manly P. Hall promoted the godhood of man: "...Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt, on the potter's wheel, he is being molded. When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood, and joins that throng of Master Masons, who in their robe of Blue and Gold, are seeking to dispel the darkness of night with the triple light of the Masonic Lodge..." (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Philosophical Research Society; 1996, pp. 54-55). The Eye of the Phoenix is an excellent film that delves into higher levels of information revolving around the agenda of Secret Societies. The reality is that as believers in God, we don't need mythological occult beliefs. God is here and without secrecy at all.

Carl Jung

Carl Jung is one of the controversial figures in human history. Carl Jung lived for a long time from 1875 to 1961. He changed the way we look at the human pscyhe. He was a pioneer of the New Age Movement. Jung (who had illicit affairs with other women being an adulterer against his wife of 52 years) said that we are entering into the Age of Aquarius. He was a pioneer of dream analysis, which is about interpretating human dreams. Some have criticized Jung as a medicine man who utilized descredited scientific views on the human mind. Others praise him. Carl G. Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist. His disciples called him the "Hexenmeister of Zurich" or the Master sorcerer. Some have classified him as a Christian or his father as a Lutheran pastor. This just isn't true, because Jung admitted privately that he was a Gnostic. He even borrowed elements of his thinking from ancient Gnosticism. Jung was a very intelligent man. He could read Latin, Greek, German, English, and French. He was a medical doctor, an universtiy professor, and an early disciple of the controversial Sigmund Freud. Jung was the founder of his own school of psychology called Analytical Psychology. Carl Jung expored dreams, myths, imagination, and the occult. He “experienced precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, and haunting” (Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience). His critics contend that he regularly used New Age thought under the cover of psychological science. Soon, Freud broke form Jung. Carl Jung experienced a six year breakdown afterwards. Jung believed that archetypes (or figures from his fantasies) can improve someone's conscious mind. Carl Jung believed that one archetypes (which he called daemon or a demon) named Philemon would guide his as his "teacher." These are Carl Jung's words about his "spirit guide" Philemon:

"...Philemon and other figures of my fantasies brought home to me the crucial insight that there are things in the psyche which I do not produce, but which produce themselves and have their own life. Philemon represented a force that was not myself. In my fantasies I held conversations with him, and he said things which I had not consciously thought. [?] Psychologically, Philemon represented supeerior insight.” (The Automatic Writings of Jung by Philip Coppens)

Carl Jung even worked with his mother and 2 female cousins in hypnotically induced seances. The Bible condemns spiritism and demon contact. Even the Bible says that Satan can masquerade as an angel of light. It doesn't matter if a so-called "spirit guide" expresses great intellect. If this being says something that is baltantly contrary to the Scriptures, you ought to reject that "being." John gave this warning: “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (I John 4). He has so much demon contact that Jung claimed to experience poltergeists in his house. Jung wrote the Gnostic book of the Seven Sermons of the Dead (that praised the false Gnostic god of Abraxas, which embodied both good and evil in one). In Scripture believers are admonished, "give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 19:31).

Carl Jung's embrace of the occult didn't end there. He promoted the embrace of occult phenomena as apart of the exploration of the unconscious. He cointed the scientific sounding word of synchronicity to describe it. Synchronicity can refer to meaningful coincidences as well. He tried to legitimatize divination, the I Ching, yoga, astrology, and all manner of psychic practices. This is strange for a doctor to embrace such unscientific methods such as astrology. Even automatic writing has been embraced by some scientists to explore the unconscious. Carl Jung believed that the metaphysical occult world have certain components that is found in all religions, therefore giving the human psyche equal status to all religious views. Jung believed in visualization and in the inner child (or that even an adult has a representation of a child that represents the way he or she was treated as a child. Jung views it as an archetype. An archetype is a mental image that are innate in human lives. They can have a life of their own and influence religious experiences). Visualization deals with using mental images and using the mind in esoteric methods (some want to do it for pain control, psyhcotherapy, and other reasons). According to Carl Jung, there is an impersonal "collective unconscious" or a type of library possessing all things ever known. This is present in each person's unconscious. The “collective unconscious” is pure myth. Richard Webster wisely observes that “the Unconscious is not simply an occult entity for whose real existence there is no palpable evidence. It is an illusion produced by language--a kind of intellectual hallucination” (Richard Webster, Why Freud Was Wrong, p. 250, quoted from Ed Hird). According to Don Matzat,

“Jung theorized that all humanity, past and present, were connected on an unconscious plane. Therefore, deep within each individual was the collective wisdom of the ages, including all religious, mythical content. ? Jung placed a "scientific" footing under occult phenomenaa and mystical experience. Jung was deeply involved in the occult and did his doctoral thesis on parapsychology. He also was interested in Catholic mysticism and conducted seminars on the teachings of Ignatius Loyola.” That's interesting since Loyola claimed that his unbiblical trances gave him inspiration from God. Actually, God doesn't lead people into trances. Either Loyola was hallucinating or demonic forces inspired Loyola to create his Jesuit order. Hence, there is a Jesuit connection to Carl Gustav Jung. Even the faulty lie detector test and the MBTI (or Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator, which is a personality and psychological test to see what makes people tick) are based on Jung's theories. Jung embrace pagan principles.

According to Elliot Miller, “The movement that Jung initiated is much closer in nature to a neopagan (Aryan) cult than the scientific psychiatric discipline that it has always claimed to be. It is not just religious but a religion.” (Book review “The Jung Cult: Origins of a Charismatic Movement” By Elliot Miller Includes all quotes by J. Budziszewski)

Fritz Springmeier in his "Be Wise as Serpents" book wrote interesting information on Carl Jung:

"...Many of the modern educational ideas within such a school are not even be realized by the general public as occultic. People get very defensive when one explains that psychology, which is considered a science, is but based on the occultic direction that Freud and Jung gave. Jung is openly recognized by occultists like the Rosicrucians as having been an illumined mind.28 Freud was a drug addict. Jung got his information from a "spirit guide." (What Christian's call a demon.) Jung was into mandalas. Jung wrote a foreward to the book The I Ching. Jung was into astrology. He wrote a commentary on The Tibetan Book of the Dead. He says that "to it I owe not only many stimulating ideas and discoveries but also many fundamental insights."29 This great Jewish mystic Jung, an associate of Freud, gave us much of the foundation of modern psychology. Leaders of the religion of psychology such as Maslow, Rogers, and Fromm all took their "trip East" into occultism...Those who are associated with the Theosophical Society, for instance, would be aware of Jung occultic connections, because the Society's catolog of Quest books advertises Jung and the Lost Gospels, Jungian Synchronicity in Astrological Signs and Ages, and Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons of the Dead...."

One of Carl Jung's false views is that he wanted to merge good and evil or light and darkness. The Bible of course condemns such actions. Jung's Gnostic teachings include the view that self knowledge is more important than morality. He viewed God as a quarternity not as a Trinity. He called this the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and Lucifer, which is blasphemy of course He viewed God as having an evil demonic side. Carl Jung of course believed that all religious truth relates to pyschological elements in human consciousness. In other words Christ, Buddha, Shiva, etc are just examples of "savior archetypes" that are part of the "collective unconscious." These archetypes in Jung's mind have equal religious value. I learned of this view of Jung from high school. Religious relativism is embrassing of this view and this is erreneously classified as "scientific" in many circles. He taught that man has a divine Self that can be unveiled via self knowledge. This thinking is exactly similar to Hinduism, the New Age Movement, and Gnosticism. Transpersonal psychotherapies enbrace Jung's view. Jung blasphemy Jesus Christ again. He taught the Jesus Christ only has the power, because he was possessed by the Savior archetype (i.e. Jesus was a man who was insane because he claimed to be God. This is related to the Gnostic verson of Christ that seperates the person from the "Christ Spirit"). Jung's lies are infiltrating some Christian groups. The long apostate Fuller Theological Seminary is offering a department of Psychology. In it they promote the books of Carl Jung. Jung's influence is on Rick Warren's SHAPE program that has been utilized by many churches (including institutions). John Spong, Richard Foster, and others love his work. Carl Jung openly doubted the Christian faith and he disrespected Jesus Christ (as not real and a god of death). Why would Christians align with him anyway? They shouldn't. Here's another quote on this subject:

J. Budziszewski, professor of Government and Philosophy at the University of Texas, says this about Jungianism: "[It] is based on damnable lies about the nature of good, evil, God, and the human soul. Yet these lies are being taught in ostensibly Christian seminaries and promoted by ostensibly Christian psychotherapists. I shuddered when I spoke to a Christian lady who said that her minister had been teaching her to 'gain strength from her dark side.'

The reality is that we should be careful about false doctrines. Deceptions are common and we should reject them completely. Carl Jung was a big deception. He even believed that good shouldn't overcome evil, but good should integrate with evil in order to achieve wholeness (He said that it is possible for man to attain totality or become whole by using the spirit of darkness. That's blasphemy of course). This is very erroneous. The Bible even says that God will overcome all evil and a Christan will be victorious over evil in following God's will. The apostle Paul forbids uniting with evil:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty..." We don't need to use false archetypes praised either. Carl Jung is a Christ-hater and a demonically deciever blasphemer. The truth is that man is sinful from the Fall of Adam. Only God's son Jesus Christ is capable of giving man salvation.

By Timothy

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