
Saturday, February 21, 2009

History, Past, Present, and Future Part 4

Saint Brigitta Exposed

As we know, there are many shills on the Internet. I have named them in 2008. Now, it's time to expose someone else (named Saintbirgitta, who promotes an Antichrist pro-Roman Catholic agenda. Some people have called their agenda cultic, which it is) who spread disinformation in 2009. Saint Brigitta and her supporters are other shills as well. They are a small group of people who idolize an old Swedish Catholic "saint" called Saint Birgitta who claimed to have recieved many revelations from Jesus Christ. These visions were complied and put into several books. The Bible forbids idolizing saints (as found in Isaiah 42:8), praising images, or venerating people at all. The Bible in 1 John 4:1 warns us that: "...Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world..." I heard of Saint Birgitta back in early 2008. I knew the person promoting her were Roman Catholics (who were pro-Vatican I). That's interesting since the Bible mentioned nothing about purgatory, nuns, and Popes. This easy example refutes Roman Catholic doctrine easily. This person's views are widespread in Youtube in order to try to infiltrate the Patriot and 9/11 Truth Movements. This isn't going to work just like the New Agers (like Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, and others) trying to control the Patriot Movement hasn't worked in times past. Saint Birgitta teaches heresies and false teachings. Usually, Saint Birgitta rips off Youtube videos and uses their own messages on them. This person on Youtube has multitude profiles to promote Saint Birgitta's lies. These profiles include ThePassionOFChrist, catholicjesusgod, and others. They promote the saint lying website of I wouldn't go into the site because of its false doctrine. There are many reasons wrong with Saint Birgitta and the person promoting her words. The man on Youtube promoting her believes in the additional revelations of the dead Birgitta. He believes in these revelations when the Bible says that we aren't supposed to communicate with the head (Deut. 18:11). vulle8b is a Youtube follower of St. Birgitta. People like that try to direct people to St. Birgitta under topics like ghosts, prophecies, the end of the world, and the new world order. These doctrines are similar to the evil from the group called Most Holy Family Monastery. They believe that only Catholics can be saved. Once member is a person named Michael Dimond. People like Dimond ignore the Inquistion and other wicked histories of the Vatican. They claim to have the truth, yet promote the evil authoritarian proclomations of the Council of Trent.

He says that Birgitta's revelations are inspired, and inerrant, but that's false (He even says this wehn many of these false teachings conflict with God's Word). God's Word is above Birgitta's false revelations. hetgow from Youtube confronted the person promoting Birgitta's teachings. The person mocked the Bible as not relevant today and this is to usher in Jesus Christ in his second Coming. This is wrong since the Bible is to remain forever and The Book Revelations have heavy consequences for those who try to add (or substract) form the Word of God. This birgitta might be a lying spirit. It gets worse. The person promoting Birgitta lies and says that all people must be celibate (even if they're married) or your a child of the Devil. The truth is that sex in married is holy and righteous. Sex done in the right manner is never evil at all. 1 Corinthians 7 praises marry. This person lies and says that having children is against God's will (and even if you own a TV, you're not a real believer plus you're condemned to Hell). Sex causes children and children is a blessing from the Lord. Also, owning a TV isn't a sin at all. Forbidding to marry was exposed by the apostle Paul as a doctrine of devils that will exist in the latter days (That is why God has given this person over to a strong delusion as found in 2 Thess. 2:11). We are living in the latter days now. Of course, the person (who promotes Birgitta) agrees with salvation on works (when the Bible says that God's grace is sufficient for salvation as found in Romans 11:5, 6, 2 Timothy 1:8-10, and other scriptures. Works are done after salvation and are never done to get saved at all. God saves humans alone not humans). We should never follow the words of a dead woman over the teachings of Jesus Christ at all. The birgitta site has truth mixed with error. The lesson here is that we should never follow a man, except God alone. We should test everything as the Scriptures stipulate. You should never take my word on anything I mention here. You ought to check my words with God and His Word (i.e. The Bible) along with using discerment. So, saint Birgitta (and the person on Youtube promoting her) are wrong since they want to obey someone other than Jesus Christ, the person said that the Bible is not for today, the heresy of St. Birgitta teaches mandatory celibacy for all humans (which is unbiblical also), and the person wants to do things that conflict with God's Word. This pro-Saint Birgitta person is also a coward. The reason is that when Christians exposing this guy's false pro-Catholic teachings, he will block people from commenting on his stolen vidoes. Cowards refuse legitimate discussion. The pro-Saint Birgitta person promotes the theory that 2012 will be the end of the world. The 2012 paranoia is the same thing promote by New Agers (even in the History Channel) as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius or the new world order. 2012 won't be the end of the world for many reasons. One is that Matthew 24:36, 42 says that no human knows when the end will come except the Father. We should know the end times, but not place dates on the end at all. Antichrist cults just like Islam and Mormonism believe they are new revelations, but view their tenets as authoritive or greater than the inflliable Word of God. The saintbirgitta cult mixes truth with lies (like believing that extra biblical pratices merit salvation like reading Birgitta's writing over plus over again. They view people can't understand the Bible or know God without their books of "revelation." That's a lie of course) to get people to accept their agenda. So, we need to keep the fight of faith and endure to the end. We should stand with God's Word and Wisdom. We ought to reject the heresy of St. Birgitta including the following of this false saint.

Mormonism Exposed some More

The following will prove that Mormonism is not real Christianity at all. Books that Mormons utilize are the Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants. Many apostate Christians and even pro-establishment Evangelicals have supported the false Christian organization of Mormonism. Mormonism wasn't created by Jesus Christ at all. It was created by Joseph Smith. Mormonism was created in New York State (at April 6, 1830) by 3° Mason Joseph Smith (that's why the 1st degree in Masonry is similar to the 1st Token of the Aaron Preisthood of Mormons). He believed that the angel Moroni sent him gold plates about the truth of God. Joseph Smith claimed to found golden plates in Palmyra, New York at age 14. These plates aren't found today in a Temple or any museum. Joseph Smith claimed that the angel took it after Smith created the Book of Mormon. Smith believed that 2 magic stones called Urim and Thummim contained the Book of Mormon. He moved into the Midwest with allies like Hyrum Smith. Joseph Smith was murdered for his teaching in support of polygamy. Brigham Young was a leader in Utah and a rumored Freemason. His ally was Jesuit DeSmet. . Now, Focus on the Family’s Citizen Link publication outline the religious testimoney of Glen Beck. This month's online edition describe it. They problem is that Glen Beck is a Mormon of the Latter Day Saints groups. Mormonism teaches many false doctrines. These doctrines include that it views that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit borthers. They teach that men and women can be his own god and have children in other planets. President Lorenzo Snow said, "As god once was, man is. As God is, man may become." The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 1973 ed.,from p. 346 - said that: "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man...I say, if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in a form-like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man." The Book of Mormon's Doctrine and Covenants 130:22 has the quote of "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also." People pay a 10 percent tithe to the Mormon church, be considered worthy, be a good Mormon, and follow the laws of the church to reach godhood status. This is crazy of course. This view of possible godhood among human beings is a key New Age concept. Mormonism believes that God used to be a man on another world. He became a god by following the laws of his home world. Later, his wife was married to him. They view God as creating spirit children. The first born in Mormonism was Jesus then Lucifer. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh (as found in John 1:1,14), he is the Creator of the Universe (Col. 1:16, 17), and he was uncreated (Colossians 1:15). The Mormon lie of human godhood is the same lie that Satan told Adam and Eve. Mormonism teaches polytheism when the Bible says that there is only one God and there is none beside him (Isaiah 43:10; 44:6,8). Fritz Springmeier wrote in his "Be Wise as Serpents" book that some Mormons fought for Hitler in Nazi Germany. Obviously, the vast majority of Mormons would reject Hitler and the Nazis during WWII. In Mormonism, Lucifer rebelled because he was jealous of Jesus. Brigham Young taught that God the Father had sexual relations with Mary to produce Jesus Christ in the flesh. This is blasphemy of course. Mormonism falsely claims that Jesus got married and had children (including that he was a polygamist). Mormonism believe that the atonement of Christ began in the Garden of Gethsemane before he went to the cross. The truth is that the Scriptures are clear that Jesus Christ paid for all of the sins of the world only at the cross. Other strange rituals exist in Mormonism. They include baptism for the dead, celestial marriage, and various oaths of secrecy and commitment. There are celestrial rituals for be permitted into the highest level of Heaven including handshakes. Ironically, the word Mormo (which is similar to the word Mormon) in Chinese means the Gates of Hell. Smith called himself "Enoch" and he classified his group as "the Order of Enoch." One other major goal of Mormonism is to make America "Zion" on Earth. In other words, they want to make America the New Jerusalem. This is a blatant threat to society since Mormonism advocates a man-made theocracy on Earth. The RCLDS is an offshoot of Mormons that rejects the LDS. Today Mitt Romney is a Mormon who ran for President. His great-grandfather was Gaskell Romney (whose wife was Anna Amela Pratt). Mormonism is not real Christianity. The reason is that it denies that there is no God, it add works unto salvation, it denies that Jesus is the creator, it distorts the atonement, and it tries to undermine the authority of the Holy Bible.

For years, researchers have discovered Gnostic and even Kabbala connections to the religion of Mormonism. Lance S. Owens (who is not a Bible Believing Christian) wrote articles on this subject. "The Mormon History Association recognized Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The Occult Connection" is one article Owens wrote. It recieved its annual award for best article in 1995 among Mormon studies, so this isn't biased at at all. Lance's writing openly reveal how occultism is connection to the Mormon religion. The Kabbalah is a form of mytisicm that combines apostate Jewish tradition with the Mystery schools of Babylon (and Egypt). The word kabbalah means tradition. The modern form of the Kabbala existed in the late Middle Ages. Solomon ibn Gabirol and Spanish Kabbalist Bahya ben Asher are said to be early Kabbala innovators. Its works include the Zohar and other literature. The Zohar is the main kabbalistic text. In the Kabbala, they claim that the Torah is similar to a secret code with hidden messages from God. They view every Hebrew letter as having spiritual significance. In the Kabbala, there is a mystical interpretation of the Torah and the Old Testament. This code includes Gematria or the Hebrew alphabet with numerical values. Kabbalists view God as neither spirit nor matter (but God created both. The Bible says that God is Spirit and those that worship him must do so in Spirit and in Truth). They believe that aspects of God (not the true infinite God himself) created the Universe. One aspect of God is caled Ein Sof (or the endless). The Kabbalistic tree of life has the ten Sefirot or the emanations of God that are involved in supposedly creating the Universe. These 10 entities are refered to as "gods" that reveals God's will. Their names are Keter (meaning will and crown), chochmah (or wisdom), Binah (or understanding), chesed (or loving kindness), Tiferet (or harmony), Netzach (or victory), Hod (glory), Geburah (meaning Power), Yesod (or foundation), and Malchut (or sovereigntiy or Kingdom). This tree has 22 paths in the 10 emanations. 22 is the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The Kabbalic tree of Life has been drawn by Robert Fludd. He was from the 1600's and was a famous English Kabbalist plus Rosicurcian. Fludd encorporated the allegorical image of a tree with roots in heaven above and plam like branches on the bottom (which represents Malkhuth meaning foundation). Kabbala has a Gnostic flavor as many of it adherents follow dualsim (or there is a supernatural counterpart to God Kabbalist view God has having a Male and Female form). Adam Kadmon in the Kabbala is the first primordial or archetypal Man. Even Maimondies (who is a famous Jewish rabbi of the 1100's A.D.) reject the Kabbalic view of the anthropmorphic vision of God. Kabbalist accept the heresy of Gilgul (or the transmigration and rebirth of souls). The Kabbala is very popular in the 21st century among Hollywood stars, Freemasonry, and much of the global elite. Now, pro-Kabbalah fellow Alexander Neibaur (who was a Jewish convert to Mormonism) was Joseph Smith's friend and companion. Alexander (whose father Nathan Neibaur was a physician to Napoleon) sent a big library of Kabbalic material to Nauvoo. According to Lance Owens, Joseph Smith would turn to the Zohar in his attempt to defend his doctrinal heresies (from godhood of man to many gods existing). According to Fritz Springmeier's "Be Wise as Serpents" book:

"...Joseph Smith believed the Jewish Cabala was sacred knowledge which had been passed from God to Adam and from Adam to Enoch, to Noah, on down the line through Melchizedek to Moses. This priesthood has performed magic. Remember, the Caballa is intimately part of magic. Indeed, much magic derives from the Caballa...Joseph Smith needed to restore the mystery religions involved in mystic Christianity, because he believed the magic and occult in Freemasonry was only a shadow, a vestige of the real thing. An examination of Masonic literature prior to the 20th century will reveal teachings on the lineage of Jesus Christ, the importance of the Holy Grail (a blood line from Jesus), the mystical meaning of the crucifixation, the discipling of Jesus by Eastern gurus and other ideas. These are mentioned here, because the lack of public awareness of the old age of these teachings..."

Hermeticism is even interrelated to the Kabbala. The reason is that Hemetic philosophy view man as being divine and composed among Nature (including that man is a reflection of the Universe and the Universe is reflection of man. This concept is called as above, so below). Orson Hyde tree in the Latter Day Saints' Millennial Star from 1847 has branches looking similar to Fludd's tree. Orson's figure is entitled "A Diagram of the Kingdom of God." William Clayton was Joseph Smith's disciple. Clayton was Smith's personal secretary and his associates during Smith's years at Nauvoo. Clayton had an interest in the Kabbala. He receved a guidebook of Cabala in 1864 in Utah. That's why it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Joseph Smith had an interest in Masonry, ceremonial magic, and the Kabbalah. In fact his widow said that Joseph Smith wore a Jupiter occult talisman on the night of his murder in a Carthage jail. Mormons killed 120 men, women, and children in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Joseph Smith made no real prophecies of the future, so he is a false prophet. Even Brigham Young outline false prophecies as well. Today in 2009, the FBI and the CIA readily recruit Mormons, because many of them are versed in foreign languages (including confirmity). The Book of Mormon teaches that Jesus Christ visited into America and ministered to people. It also claimed that Nephites (or light skinned people) and Lamanites (or dark skinned people) battles against each other. Of course, there is no evidence to substainate these claims at all. Mormons claimed they lived during the peak of the Mayans (i.e. 300-900 A.D.), but the Mayans cite no point to the Nephites or Lamanites' existence at all. Mormonism teaches that Lamanites was from Cain and was dark in a racist fashion.

As a side note, Lucifer is a being worshipped by numerous people in the inner elite of the Secret Societies from the Druids, the Freemasons, the OTO, etc. Ezekiel 28:17 describes Lucifer in negative terms as Satan. Lucifer was once a great creation of God. Since Lucifer rebelled against Almighty God, he is thrown out of Heaven. He and his angels are running around in Hell and in the Earth. Luciferian solar cuts also worship Satan/Lucifer in the form of the Baphomet. Eliphas Levi created a modern rendetion of the Baphomet image as a goated headed being (with horns, breasts, and hands in a "as above so below" form. These hands represent the Hermetic concept. The image represents an androygnous person as Lucifer/Satan). One hand is pointing to the moon of Chesed above and one hand is pointing to the Geburah below. Levi's image has the Baphomet having a Pentagram on its forehead (along with a lighted torch present). The torch according to Eliphas Levi was the flame of intelligence between the horns representing the magic light of Lucifer. The abdomen of the Bapomet has the caduceus symbol (which is a stylized phallic emblem). This refers to fertility and generation (as Secret Societies worship Nature and have sexual rituals). Some researchers theorize that the Baphomet is a code for the merging of the Goddess (aka Diana, Sophia, etc.) with the false god of Lucifer to produce the magical child (or the Antichrist). One Mormon President was Ezra Taft Benson. The Mormon called him a prophet and he was a fan of the John Birch Society. The John Birch Society have been exposed as controlled opposition. The reason is that the JBS has ties to the CNP, the Federal Reserve (among their old leaders not their low level members), and they obsess with the Communism (when Communism is an instrument of the Elite. It isn't the whole package of how the new world order operates at all). Ezra Taft Benson is a descendent of Alphonso Taft, who along with one of the Russell family (Russells are one of the top 13 families), William IL Russell, started the Order of the Skull and Bones (legally it has been known as Russell Trust). Remember, that George Bush was a Skull & Bones-man. Therefore, Mormon leaders have been related to the Merovingians, the Russells, and other elite bloodlines. One famous Mormon person is Bo Gritz, who tries to mix buzz words from Mormon prophecy (which describes the Mormons as defending the U.S. Constitution in a crisis in order to establish their theocracy called Zion in America).

We do know for certain that Secret Societies promote the "Great Work" or a secret goal of attempting to create an utopian society. The Bible is rather clear from the book of Revelation that we shouldn't add to what is mentioned in the Scriptures. Mormon Temples throughout the world like old Temples of the ancients (like the Great Pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge, the Partheon, and even the Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula) represent spiritual significance. Some of the more ancient ones represent false gods and goddesses being worshipped. In the Middle Ages, many cathedrals had symbolism in it. It's held that the speculative Freemasons (or the builders of buildings in Europe) evolved into the modern Freemasonry by the 1700's. A Freemason like Joseph Smith would be interested in the occult since Freemasonry has occult/Witchcraft relationships:

“... both Masons and witches today refer to their cult as 'the Craft.' The Third Degree of the witches refers to 'the Five Points of Fellowship,' just as the Third Degree of Freemasonry does, though with a rather different meaning. In the third Degree initiation, the candidate is blindfolded, has a cable-tow placed about the neck and is admitted upon the point of a sharp instrument, in both Gardnerian witchcraft and Freemasonry.”

- Valiente, Doreen (1989). The Rebirth of Witchcraft, London: Robert Hale, pp. 55-56. ( Source)

Later on, many Masonic imagery are found in Mormon Temples, especially in Utah. There are planetary stones on the Mormon Salt Lake Temple in Utah. There is especially the Pentagon in the Salt Lake Temple. The Pentagram relates to Nature and witchcraft. Albert Pike wrote that the blazing star of Sirius (or the Dog Star) is a star of Masonry and is related to the origin of the Pentagram. Sirius was called Set. Set (who is shown as a dog headed man. The ancient Greeks called Set Sothis) is the Egyptian version of the Devil today. There is the Big Dipper found in the Salt Lake Temple. The Salt Lake has the All Seeing Eye emblem, handclasps (which looks similar to Masonic handshakes), and the beehive (which means industry). In the Mormon Temple, weird ceremonies take place. They include wearing magic underwear after being washed with oils (as apart of the Garment of the Holy Priesthood), and being revealed a new name. January 31, 1984 was the date where the Grand Lodge of Utah repealed its long standing anti-Mormon resolution. Mormonism is a precise religion that adds unbiblical concepts to mainstream Christianity completely.

India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan are composed mostly of the same ethnic group. Now, they have huge arguments and conflicts spanning for a long duration. These acts of conflict among both nations have to do with religion, politics, hegemony, and other reasons. India and Pakistan's ancient history intersect, because their origin is from the ancient Indus Valley civilization. This civilization existed around the time of ancient Egypt and ancient Bablyonia. There was trade between Egypt, Babylon, and the Indus Valley as well. This civilization was highly advanced. The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro had toilets, the concept of zero, and great architecture in their areas. The Indus Valley civilization started in ca. 3300 B.C. It reached its peak from 2600 B.C. to 1900 B.C. Indus Civilization settlements spread as far south as the Arabian Sea coast of India in Gujarat, as far west as the Iranian border, with an outpost in Bactria. Among the settlements were the major urban centers of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro, as well as Lothal. Ancient Lothal in India was another magnificient city as well. Ancient India even then have a diversity of ethnic groups. Rawlinson said that: "Recent linguistic discoveries show that a Cushite race did in the earliest times extend itself along the southern shores of the continents from Abyssinia to India. The whole peninsula of India, the sea coast of Beluchistan and Kerman by the inscriptions belonged to this race." According to Prof. Uthaya Naidu's "The Bible of Aryan Invasions,"...The Indus Valley Civilization, consisting of Semites ( approx. 40 % ), Negroids ( approx. 50 % ) and Mongoloids ( ca. 10 % ) marked a period of wealth and prosperity in Indian history. Noted developments include the development of yoga, the erection of ziggurats and the discovery of zero. All these inventions were later appropriated by the Aryan priests in what must have been the greatest case of scientific theft on record. ..." Another important writer from antiquity, Apollonius of Tyana, who is said to have visited India near the end of the first century A.D.., was convinced that "The Ethiopians are colonists sent from India, who follow their forefathers in matters of wisdom." Dravidian was a common language spoken in the Indus Valley Civilization. Some speculate that the Indus Valley Civilization had about 5 to 6 million people. Many ancient Indians were black, but had curly hair as described by ancient Historian Herodotus in his History of the Persian Wars (which was created in ca. 430 B.C.).

By Timothy


  1. Exactly WHOM do you have in mind by your comment that the Birch Society "has been exposed as controlled opposition"??

    Any whomever you identify as your source --- why do you believe them, i.e. what independent research have you done into their assertions to verify that they are accurate and truthful?

  2. There are plenty of sources, my friends. Here's some:

    This doesn't mean every JBS person is a shill, but their leadership has been infiltrated by high level Masonry, the CNP, the CFR, etc. since its founding. I will never ever back down from that truth. YOu can't change my mind at all on that issue.

    By Timothy

  3. Another link on this issue:

  4. Anonymous03:26

    FALSE!! There is nothing in the Book of Mormon or any other standard works that cant be found in the bible do your homework son

  5. I've done my homework for years. Mormonism was created by the false prophet Joseph Smith. In describing Christ's crucifixion, 3 Nephi 8:20-23 says that the darkness was so great for three days that candles and torches could not give off light. The Bible doesn't show the candle information at all.

    1 Nephi 2:6-9 speaks of an Arabian river named Laman that flows continually into the Red Sea! There has been no river whatever in Arabia in recorded history! This isn't mention in the Bible at all.

    . You need to do your homework and realize that Smith not Jesus Christ invented Mormonism.

    By Timothy

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  22. Anonymous03:24

    The prophecy tells about Ahmad; 'Servant of God' whom will war to correct the wrongs and bringing judgement based on the law of God. He will liberate act of worshiping molten images and thus Arabia (wilderness desert, villages and cities) will glorify God since then. As can be seen today, inhabitants of Arabia are worshiping,praising God and singing words of God daily.

    And we continue reading Isaiah 42:18 - 25; God remind the 'blind and deaf' about the wrath of God towards Children of Israel, who neglect the message brought by past Servant of God.

    And not to repeat; the same mistake upon the coming of the new Servant of God,

    In Isaiah 42:1, it is not a coincidence upon seeing the writing of both אתמך (Atmc) אחמד (Ahmd). And the word before אתמך (Atmc), is עבדי (Abedi~My Servant). For indeed, It is indicating Ahmad; Abedallah (Ahmad; Servant of God).

    Not to mention אתמך (Atmc) is a special term foretelling the coming of a righteous man and is used only ONCE throughout the entire Book. [could this be a copying error or an intended error?]

    Children of Israel have been foretold upon the coming of Ahmad but sadly, only a few accepts.
