
Saturday, February 21, 2009

History, Past, Present, and Future Part 3

Fabian Socialists and the Coefficients

The Fabian Society are another wolf in sheep's clothing organization. HG Wells admitted in this 1939 "The New World Order" book that: "This new and complete Revolution we comptemplate can be defined in a very few words. It is outright world-socialism scientifically planned and directed..." Some have made connections between the Fabian Society, communitarianism, and the new world order. Ironically, the Fabian Society's emblem is a world in sheep's clothing. There are the letters of F. and S. standing for of course the Fabian Society. This group was created in 1884 and was chartered by the Crown (who are allies of the Vatican for centuries). They use gradualism instead of immediate, violent revolution in order to create the one world collectivist state. This is the basis of Fabian Socialism today. The word Fabian comes form the Roman general Fabius. Fabius utilized carefully planned strategies to slowly wear down his enemies over an extended period of time. This is similar to how the Fabian Society (with its fabian socialism works). They want to gradually create a global socialist state. That is why their international symbol for Fabian Socialism is a turtle (with the motto of "When I strike, I strike hard"). Some of the Fabian Society's earliest members include H.G. Wells, of course the famous George Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb, Annie Besant (of the Theosophical Society), Graham Wallas, etc. Today, ex-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is the most famous member of the Fabian Society in the 21st century. Blair is pictured standing next to a Fabian window. The window has great symbolism (of 2 people hammering the Earth into the shape on an anvil below the Fabian Society's wolf in sheep's clothing emblem). Above the window has the words of "Remould it nearer to the heart's desire" when the Bible says that the human heart is wicked. This group promotes socialism. Socialism claims to promote economic equity, but it is still about the government controlling as much activities of the people as possible. In other words, socialism restricts economic liberty and doesn't permit citizens to not be involved with the government if they desire. George Bernard Shaw made this evil point made by saying: "...Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodges, taught, and employed whether you like it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well."

Researchers believe that the Fabian Society came forth the British Labour Party, the London School of Economics, and the International Court of Justice at the Hague. Fabians did play a key role in creating the League of Nations. The League was a forerunner to the United Nations. Some Fabians were involved in creating the U.N. itself. The globalists funded socialism as an antithesis to capitalism in the dialetics. This forms the synthesis of each philosophy into a system that is neither fully capitalist or socialist. They is called the Third Way or communitarianism. Communitarianism means that individualism is to be relinquished for the "greater good" of the state. This is a fascistic system that is administered via a form of scientific socialism (This is similar to the system promoted by the Theosophic lie filled movie Zeitgeist Addendum. That films promotes the Venus Project and has propaganda that is similar to pro-NWO Alice Bailey's words plus the U.N.). Communitarianism believes that celebrating individual freedom have broke the bonds of community and the rights of the individual must be balanced against the interests of society as a whole. They in essence want community organization to control individual liberty. According to Dana Milbank, communitarian thinker Anitai Etzioni said that Bush's inaugural address has communitarian words like "civility" and community in it. Communitarianism is promoted by Barack Obama when he calls for the establishment of a civilian national security force that is just as powerful as the U.S. military.

There is a Fabian Socialist connection to the Coefficient Club. This group was created by Beatrice Webb who was an early leader of the Fabian Society with her husband of Sidney Webb. The Coefficients wanted to bring together the most powerful movers and shaekers of the British Establishment with social critics and idealists to chart the future of the British Empire. In other words the Coefficients wanted to promote interests of British elite under the guise of socialism and "social reform." The power Cecil Family are linked with this crowd as well. This balance-of-power stratagem had been British foreign policy since the time the Cecils assumed control (i.e. William Cecil established the British Secret Intelligence Service as Queen Elizabeth's I Secretary of State), with the backing of the Italian Jesuit Pallavicini family in the time of Tudor England. Lord Robert Cecil thought WWI would end in a few months. According to the book entitled, "Experiment in Autobiography" by H. G. Wells, on page 652, tells that the British Empire was having its hand worldwide and it had no natural economic unity. Coefficient member Edward Grey want Britian to go into WWI since of the German violation of Belgian neutrality. Some Cofficient member hated Germany building up its military in the early 20th century. According to Carol White, the Coefficient utilized tactics in order to make America to into wars including make European nations to fight each other. Other Coefficient members wanted British world supremacy in an oligarchy. Bertrand Russell was another Malthusian ideologue and a Club member (include pro-war with Germany proponent in 1902 Leo Maxse. Other member were Lord Robert Cecil, Lord Alfred Milner, Leo Amery, Halford Mackinder, and HG Wells). The Coefficients Club was a powerful thinktank in Britian. The Jesuits even had connections with the Cecils for centuries.The Fabian Socialists were key in promoting the British Labor Party including aiding the Russian Revolution (of whom Lenin readmitted the Jesuits in Russia at 1922). The Coefficent Club ended in 1908 and most of their member went into the Cliveden Set or the Round Table Group in 1909. They promoted "gradualism" in order to achieve globalism.

Today, global warming hysteria is a means to promote this communitarian/Fabian socialist dream. The eco-extremists' premise is that we msut give up our individuality and unite to serve the "greater good" in order to save "Mother Earth." The United Nations' Agenda 21 program even set international requirements on how people must live, learn, eat, travel, and communication. This has nothing to do with saving the environment, it has to do with controlling societies. That is why Harvey Ruvin (a Vice Chair of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives) said that: "individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective." Bashing individual rights is a key goal of the new world order.


The glory of Africa is still a reality today as it was in the past. Scientists from numerous quarters pronounce Africa as the precise continent where human life originated from. Africa has gone through trials and tribulations. Likwise, Africa is acculumated with a lot of positive stories and histories to tell. Africa has some of the most beautiful and diverse flauna and flora in the world. Its residents are made up of very humble, stong, intelligent, resilient, and imaginative human beings. Africa is apart of my blood since my ancestors came from Africa. Therefore, it's certainly time to present an accurate, fair, description about the great land of Africa. I really can't speak about Africa without discussing about Darfur and Sudan. For decades, the regions of North (who are mostly Arab and Muslim) and the South (who are mostly black being Christians and amists) have fought with each other. The North readily enslaves those of the South to immorally force Arab, Islamic culture unto them for centuries. A peace treaty was "signed" in 2005, but conflicts are still occuring in Darfur. Darfur is a region in Western Sudan with a mostly black, Muslim populariton. Muslim Arab radical "Janjaweed" militias are murdering those in Darfur. The genocide is therefore Muslims killing Muslims. I saw a protest in Washington, D.C. talking about Darfur from CSPAN on April 30, 2006. People from the Left and Right agree that something must be done to stop this genocide. There is the issue of blood diamonds. What is that? It's about how diamonds in Africa are readily created by the work of poor Africans (even children). Many fights and conflicts come about in creating diamonds as well. The blood in blood diamonds represent the death and bloodshed many Africans have suffered by corporations' lust for diamonds along with huge profits. West Africa and other region have this problems. An African professor taught us about blood diamonds.

According to many people, the Egyptian pharaohs in its first 12 dynasties (from 3150-1783 B.C.) were all Black Africans.Some would disagree with that view. Even White Archaeologists and Egyptologists like Gerald Massey have found evidence that Nubian Pharaohs pre-date the first Egyptian Dynasties by at least 300 years. In ancient Egypt, there was a diversity of people from the Semitic Shepherd Kings, Caucasians, to the black African Nubians. Yet, a Black African presence in ancient Egypt is even acknowledge by the most potent racist. The pyramids were built in this region and great literary texts (i.e. the Book of the Dead) were written. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima (an Anthropologist), in a lecture delivered to the Institute of Karmic Guidance, found iron and steel production in ancient throughout Africa (like Egypt with Tutankhamen, Zimbabwe, Tanzania [1500 years ago]), and other places with achieving temperatures of 1850 Degrees Celsius and using advanced machinery. Dr. Van Sertima also displayed a series of photographic slides proving that ancient Africans have attained a high level of scientific achievement. Count C. F. Volney accompanied the French Imperial Colonial Forces under the control of General Napoleon de Boneparte. De Volney was a French nobleman who was much troubled by the institution of slavery. His expressed opinion that the ancient Egyptians were black Africans much departed from the typical European view of the late eighteenth century, but it gave many people cause for reflection.) Here are his words on ancient black civilizations in ancient Egypt, etc:

"It was, then, on the borders of the Upper Nile, among a Black race of men, that was organized the complicated system of worship of the stars, considered in relation to the productions of the earth and the labors of agriculture; and this first worship, characterized by their adoration under their own forms and national attributes, was a simple proceeding of the human mind."3


"When I visited the Sphinx, I could not help thinking that the figure of that monster furnished the true solution to the enigma (of how the modern Egyptians came to have their Ômulatto' appearance)É(It's features) were those of the negro.. (the Egyptians therefore must have been) real negroes, of the same species of the natives of AfricaÉ..How are we astonishedÉwhen we reflect that to the race of negroes, at present our slaves, and the objects of our extreme contempt, we owe our arts, sciences, and even the very use of speech; and when we recollect that in the midst of those nations who call themselves the friends of liberty and humanity, the most barbarous of slaveries is justified, and that it is even a problem whether the understanding of negroes be of the same species with that of white men!"

-M. Constantine de Volney, Travels through Syria and Egypt in the Years 1783, 1784, and 1785 (London: 1787), p. 80-83.

Tutankhamun from the back
of his gold throne
According to French scholar C. F. Volney (1757-1830) in the Ruins of Empires, pgs. 16-17, 1991 version) that black people with frizzled hair founded the study of laws of nature, civil and religious system with the metropolis of Thebes and other places in Egypt and Ethiopia. The pharaoh Tuthmosis III was the son of an Egyptian father and Nubian mother. He founded the 18th Dynasty and crucial in expanding Egyptian land overseas. Pharaoh Rameses II had Black African features and one sign of that was that his hair was kinky as represented by the coils embossed on his helmet. The Egyptian King Sewosret who colonized Greece was the founder of Athens.

Cush existed for thousands of years B.C. From 3,300-2,200 B.C., the A, B, and Pan Group developed to form Iron making, trade, and commerce. The Kerma culture arose in 1800 B.C. One of its most prominent construction was the deffulfas which were massive towers made of mud bricks to store goods. Kerma, Meroe, and other cities in Cush had pyramids, gold trading, and elaborate forms of government to flourish. Piye (Piankhy or the living one) in 724-660 B.C., Shabaka (660 B.C.) Tannetamani (698-653 B.C.), and other kings ruled the land. Taharka (698-690 B.C. and mentioned in the Bible) was a famous king who ruled Egypt.

His empire even expanded up the Mediterrean Sea to as far as Spain. Queens came along as well like Teritekas (30 B.C.) and in the time of the Romans, they were called the Cancades. Axum came in ca. 500 B.C. at Ethiopia where many of them came from Saudi Arabia and migrated to Africa. They spoke in wrote in the language of Ge'ez. In their sophisticated agricultural system, they domesticated crops like coffee, grains, okra, etc. Before Axum, many tribes and kingdom existed in Ethiopia.

F. Back then and today millions of Blacks live in isolated parts of Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, the Philippines, Australia, Melanesia, and the rest of the Pacific Isles. The Agta are Black people who live in the Philippines, Negros, and the Northern Islands. Black Negritoes flourished in the Andaman Islands. Papua New Guinea had black in the Western part of the island, yet Papua New Guinea is facing racism and genocide.

There was a Black African presence in Britain:

“Excerpt from J.A. Rodgers - Sex and Race: 'Were the first Britons, Negroes? There is considerable evidence that the might have been. Grimaldi relics have been dug up in England.1 Very ancient huts, strikingly like those of Africa and the South Seas have been unearthed at Glastonbury. Ring money of the kind used by the Negroes of Sudan to pay tribute to the Pharaohs, which is still being hammered out by African goldsmiths, has also been found.2 Blue beads of 1500 to 1200BC, that are common in the Egyptian ruins, have been found in considerable numbers in the Stonehenge district. [See article on Druids].3'

In regards to color - J.A. Rodgers quotes Tacitus, a Roman historian of 80AD: 'The dark complexion and the unusual curly hair' of the Silures or Black Celts, who occupied England together with the 'fair-skinned, fair-haired' people. He believes the Black Celts migrated from Spain [pre-Moors]. According to Gerald Massey in his book ' A Book of Beginnings' to the Egyptian origins of the British Isles' He thinks that Stonehenge, the most famous ancient monument in England, was built by a Negro architect, named Morien. [ that is Mor or Moor, from the ancient Egyptian].

'He says, as a Negro is still known as Morien in English [British tongue], may not this indicate that Morien belonged to the black race, the Kushite [African] builders?' The word 'moor' is derived from Latin 'maures' meaning black. Maurice, Morris, Morrero, Moore, Maureen, Morien, Mary, Marie are the names of ancient African people in Europe. Also; Blackwell, Blackwood, Cole, Coker, Lenoir, Brown refer to Black people.

Coke is a derivative of Coal. Old King Cole was a merry Black Soul. From the same root we derive: Maur, Maurus, Marra, Moro, Morisco, Mohr, Moritz, Moor, Moru, Maru, Morelo, Maureta, Mauretania, Morocco, Maurice, Morien, Morin, Moryan, Moreto, and so on….BTW: Ashan is also the word used for Jerusalem and it's environs after the destruction and dispersion in 70AD - The Ashan tribe or Ashan-Ti of Ghana derived their name from this even, since they were part of the tribe of Hebrews that ran from the destruction and relocated in what is now Ghana, Africa.” (From )

Plus, Gerald Massey (poet and Egyptologist), Godfrey Higgins (who traced religious origins), and David McRitchie (who worked from folklore are archaeologists who found data of Blacks in Ancient Britain. Moors in Scotland came as late as 827-1016 A.D.
They were written about in McRitchie’s “Ancient and Modern Britians” Also in J.A. Rogers’s Sex and Race, Vol. 1, there were wholly haired black leaders as the paramount king of Transmarine, Scotland. In 1507, Moors were at the court of King James IV of Scotland. Ellen More acted in a main tournament of the black Knight and the Black Lady. There were blacks in Sicily and Italy in the middle Ages like Allesandro, the DeMedici Duke of Florence (1510-1534).

Allesandro was a biracial child of an African serving woman (a slave) and the 17 year old Cardinal Giulio de Medici (Pope Clement VII). Allesandro was a patron of the leading artists in the area and the first duke of Florence. He was the first black head of state in the modern Western World. Alexander Puskin was a black great poet and author of Russian epics, poems, plays, novels, etc. He wrote the anti-Tsar book Ode to Liberty made him an exile for a while and was the father of Russian literature. His great grandfather was Ibrahim Petrovich Gannibal, and Ethiopian.

Black man in early Rome

C. There was also a Black presence in Rome. According to Yosef-Ben Jochanan, Septimus Severus was an indigenous African (a Black Man). Septimus died in York at February 211 A.D. Africans had many contributions to Rome. There were far more Africans in the Roman Empire than what is shown indeed. The ancient Greeks and Romans did not display any hardcore race prejudice as is evidenced today in America. Here’s one of many of them:
“On the contrary, some were writers, generals, philosophers, and emperors (a good example of a Roman general was Septimius Serverus, whom the Antiochene chronicler, John Malalas, said was dark-skinned). Moreover, a number of African slaves in Rome became prominent citizens and contributed to Roman culture.

The African in the Roman Empire worked, lived without fear of racial animosity, entertained, and in many respects worshipped the same gods at the same place of worship together with other slaves, servants and freedmen. Seneca, the Roman statesman, philosopher, and intellectual said that among his own people the African's color was not noticeable… Tiro, an African born a slave about the year 103 B. C. in Arpium, a city of Latium. He was born on the estate of Cicero, the Roman statesman and lawyer. In fact, it was Tiro who invented shorthand. When Cicero, who was still his slave master died, Tiro opened a shorthand school in Rome. He died in 4 B. C.

Terence, another African was born about 190 B. C. He was sent to Rome as a slave and was bought by a Roman Senator, Terentius Lucanus, who named Terence after him. He was emancipated because of his extraordinary talents. He wrote six plays and his works were studied with great interest. He was/is highly regarded as one of the greatest humanists of all time. He wrote: "Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto" (I am a man and nothing human is alien to me). Terence died in 159 B. C.

Fronto was another exceptional African writer; he taught the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, who was up to a point depicted accurately in the movie. There was Apuleius another African writer, and Slavius Julians, an African who edited the Paraetorian Edict. On another note as it relates to our subject, Lusius Quietus was one of Rome's greatest African generals (in the movie it is Maximus, he was of minor significance). Quietus served under Emperor Trajan. The Emperor named him his successor to the Imperial Purple. Quietus and other African soldiers defended the Dacians. Moreover, when the Jews revolted, Trajan sent Quietus to suppress the revolt, which he did with extreme severity. The Jews called the rebellion "The War of Quietus."

Similarly, African soldiers distinguished themselves under the reign of Emperor Diocletian. Interestingly, at least ten Africans became Emperors of Rome. They are listed on the historical record as the following: Macrinu, Firmus, Emilianus, Septimius Serverus, Pescennius Niger, Aquilus Niger, Brutidius Niger, Q. Caecilus Niger, Novius Niger, and Trebius Niger who was a proconsul in Spain… Africans were authorities on medicine and they were often quoted by Caelius Aurelianus and Galen.
Other noted Africans were Domituis Afer, orator, Arnobius Afer, Christian writer; and Victorianus Afer, a scholar of rhetoric whose statue was erected in the forum of Emperor Trajan…” (“Africans Contributions to Rome” by Adib Rashad at June 13, 2001 From

Now, here's some history of Sub-Saharan Africa. Western Africa had many advanced civilization. The culture of Nok came about in Ghana in the time of 200 B.C. Benin and Ghana came up by 200 A.D. In ancient times Africa was a rich land full of Kings and Queens of reknown. One was Tenkamenin of Ghana. His reign was from 1037 to 1075 A.D. He institued religious tolerance, promote the great gold trade across the Sahara desert, and promoted justice in Ghana. Timbuktu was a large city with an University where scholars from around the world went into during the Middle Ages. King Askia Toure King of Songhay (from 1493-1529) had a historical record of efficiency and administrative genius. King Alfonso I of the Kongo (who reigned from 1506 to 1540) made his area to possess advanced knowledge and technology. Although a Roman Catholic, He opposed the slave trade because many European powers worked with traitorous native African tribes to kidnap people for slavery. Many passages from the Talmud and from other racists contributed to promoting the lie that being black was a curse.Colonalism against Africa didn't just occur by Europeans. Many Asian and Arabic people stole land in Africa and made slaves of black Africans as well back in the 700's A.D. European colonalism were more entrenched in the African continent with the British, French, German, Dutch, Belgium, and other nations.

The evilness and vileness of population control is still promoted in Africa now in 2009. Steven Ranson wrote an article entitled, "AIDS and Population Control," in describing this problem succintly. The deal is that pharmaceutical industries are trying to promoting cheap drug under the guise of "helping" the suffering people of Africa (including the fight against AIDS). Yet, the catch is that sterilization, abortion, and population control is promoted in the process. Some of the drugs in Africa and other Third world nations are toxic in their cosmology. The World Bank and the IMF are using this same catch of population control under the guise of using loans to Third World nations. Many Africans are suffering through very treatable diseases. One of the old international bankers involved in these actions was population control adherent J.D. Rockefeller.

Steven writes:

"...The Durban 2000 AIDS conference, held on July 9-14th 2000, had the funding of fifteen sponsors, eleven of whom are pharmaceutical industries and/organisations who have a direct interest in population control. That the Ford Foundation was one of the sponsors of Durban 2000 will come as little surprise to readers au fait with the population control 'league of friends'. They are billed on their web-site as 'providing grants and loans to projects that strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international co-operation, and advance human achievement....Whilst The Ford Foundation funds a number of worthwhile projects across the globe, it also funds various 'reproductive health' programs that do not best serve the interests of the recipient. Also, the Ford Foundation's longstanding links with the Rockefeller Institute, coupled with its own history of CIA collaboration in various destabilization programmes across Africa in the early 1970s, makes the purpose of the corporation's attendance at the Durban convention highly questionable...."

It isn't just the Rockefellers involved with this agenda. The Gates Foundation, the Bilderbergers, the IMF, the World Bank, the WHO (or the World Health Organization), the Rothschilds, and others are involved in population control (and economic imperialism against the people of Africa). Kissinger's NSSM 200 from the 1970's blatantly calls for the population control of the Third World (including using food as a weapon to control people). Bill and Melinda Gates support abortion and have giving at least $24 billion to population control activities. Numerous vaccines are dangerous. You can only look at Gardasil to see evidence of this. Bill Gates regularly attends former Communist party boss Mikhail Gorbachev's annual State of the World Forum held at the former Presidio Army base in California. Bill Gates supports Planned Parenthood. The American Life League, a pro-life organization, confronted software mogul Bill Gates last week, telling him that a World Health Organization (WHO) tetanus vaccination program undertaken with Gates' sponsorship bears striking resemblance to a similar WHO program which was exposed as a measure to involuntarily sterilize young women in the Philippines. Gates has donated $26 million to a WHO tetanus program in several developing countries.

Black History Month is important to recognize the contributions among those of black descent indeed. Virgie M. Ammons (he created the fireplace chimney device called a damper to allow smoke upward out of the house), W.A. Lovette (He invented the advanced printing press), W. Johnson, W.B. Purvis (He created the fountain pen and the hand stamp), W. H. Sammons, and dozens of others were great black inventors of various things. It was a black man named Garret A. Morgan who invented the Automatic Traffic Signal in 1923. There are great modern black inventors and scientists today as well. For example, Dr. Philip Emeagwali (a Black Nigerian man) solved 100 math problems in one hour. The African American inventor from Virginia named Dr. James E. West (with his colleague Gerhard Sessler) invented the Electret Microphone, and a Black American woman who is named Dr. Shriley Jackson made many advances in science and mathematics.

Many believe in order to fight Africa's poverty is a return to basis. There needs to be a promotion of modernization in Africa, real trade, economic liberty and the promotion of real, personal liberty to those that are suffering. There is nothing wrong with voluntarily sending money and aid to help Africa. Yet, if a comprehensive solution isn't done, money will only have a limited reach to develop the continent. Now, there is some good news in Africa. Far too often, the mainstream media and other factions would focus too much on the negative news going on in Africa. There are positive news in Africa. According to a study from the United Nations report, in Zimbabwe, there has been a drop in the infection rate among pregnant women from 26% in 2002 to 18% in 2006 and that abstinence is playing a role in encouraging people to have less casual sex. In nations like Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, and others, younger people are reportedly waiting longer to begin having sex. In Cameroon, the UN study says the percentage of children under 15 having sex has dropped from 35% to 14%. Fewer people are dying -- a decline of 200,000 from 2006-2007 -- and new infections dropped by 300,000 last year. "The global HIV epidemic cannot be reversed, and gains in expanding treatment access cannot be sustained, without greater progress in reducing the rate of new HIV infections," the report says. To Bush's credit, he allowed some improvements in Africa, yet there is still a very long way to go in improving Africa. There are rural areas in Africa and urban cities with Internet and other technological marvels. Tons of believers in God and leaders still exist in Africa. Africans of many colors and ethnicities in the past, present, and the future will continue to fight for liberty, truth, and justice for all human beings. That's some good news. That legacy of Africa from the past will continue in the present and the future.

By Timothy


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