
Monday, March 02, 2009

The Future and Snow

Surveillance by the government (from cradle to the grave) could reach new heights by the government. Last week, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood wanted the idea of a mileage tax. CNN reported that: "...The idea — which involves tracking drivers through Global Positioning System (GPS) units in their cars — is gaining support in some states as a way of making up for a shortfall in highway funding..." Barack Obama rejected the idea for now. The National Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission report is rolling out the mileage tax, because they want this intrusive technology to further track and tax people. Some still want this goal like commission Chairman Robert Atkinson. He wants private companies to help out the stimulus law that Barack Obama has passed. There is nothing wrong with private companies doing the right thing. Yet, we have a right to expose private companies doing immoral policies. One example is how defense contractor Lockheed-Martin is manufacturing and profiting from red light cameras now going around the country. The surveillance of Americans have increased with face identification cameras, speeding cameras, railroad crossing cameras, etc. GPS tracking is still occuring. At approximately the same time we were told Obama rejected the GPS track and tax idea, CFR member and current DHS boss Janet Napolitano was rolling out the idea of “enhanced driver’s licenses,” that is to say RFID national ID cards. There is a new radio chip plan that could make every adult in America have it (and allow agents to compile attedance lists at anti-government rallies by just walking through the assembly according to Bob Unruh from Napolitano said that enhanced drivers licenses will increase confidence of people. She is wrong. The Real ID Act is already wrong and that is why states are rejecting it. Michigan State Rep. Paul Opsommer told WND when he sought an exception to the growing federal move toward driver’s licenses with an electronic ID chip, and he was told that was “unlikely.” In addition, Opsommer was informed that the government is “trying to harmonize these standards with Canada and Mexico [so] it had to apply to everybody. I was absolutely dumbfounded.” The agenda of globalism and a North American Union clique is also apart of implementing facial recognition cameras, RFID chips, GPS track and tax system, and other intrusive technology. This control grid is violating our liberties now. The global elite want to track our every move with high taxes and electronic identification systems for all adults if they can.

Pro-Life groups of course are opposing Barack Obama's nomination for the spot of the Health Secretary. That nomination is pro-abortion Kansas Governor Kathleen Sabellius. Sabellius even want to vote against any limitations on abortion. This isn't unusual since Barack Obama have had a firm pro-abortion records for many years. Matthew Staver is a pro-life attorney. He head the Liberty Counsel law firm. He told, "Sebelius is unfit to serve as the Secretary of Health and Human Services...She is so blinded by her extreme commitment to abortion that she cannot be trusted to act in the best interest of those she should protect. Having her serve as the Secretary of Health and Human Services would be like the proverbial fox guarding the hen house..." Staver said that Sabellius has close ties with the late term abortion pracititioner George Tiller. Tiller is now facing multiple criminal charges for potentially doing illegal late term abortions. Yet, Sabellius has honored Tiller and his abortion center staff at a secret event at the Governor's mansion. Staver said that Tiller gave Sabelius huge contributions in 2003 (and that she vetoed legislation designed to regulate the health and safety of abortion clinics including Tiller's). Charmaine Yoest, the president of Americans United for Life said that Sabelius veteos bill that deal with restrictions of abortion from consent to limits on late term abortions. Charmaine Yoest said that her abortion record is extremist and that Sabellius is a polarizing figure. Many Pro-Lifers want Obama to reject Sabellius' nomination. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List spoke of the nomination as "...The nomination of Kathleen Sebelius for Secretary of Health and Human Services is further evidence of something gone terribly wrong for those seeking consensus on the abortion issue, especially the President..." Not to mention that Kathleen Sabelius is a Bilderberger, so her agenda is with the establishment.

Henry Lamb wrote about the Economy for on February 28, 2009. He wrote that Democrats and 3 RINOs spent nearly $800 billion for this new stimulus law. This law according to its supporters will stimulate the economy, create or save 3.5 million jobs, and reduce dependence on foreign oil. Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi all believe in this new law. Wall Street and especially Main Street will be affected by this new law. The problem with this law are many. The law will merge our medical records into a federal government database. Some believe that we can eliminate the need for foreign oil by simply increasing domestic oil production. A detailed study shows that by simply allowing access to offshore resources the economy could realize an $8 trillion shot in the arm. The economic stimulus that would come from opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has long been known. There is nothing wrong with using environmentally friendly ways in retrieving the oil from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at all. Yet, many Democrats have blocked every effort to utilize these domestic resources. Foreign oil is now almost 70% of our oil supply. This seems to be like hypocrispy. Lamb believes that domestic oil suply would last for at least 70 more years if no new reserves are found. This money to pay for the stimulus will be mostly borrowed. Harry Reid's earmark amounts to multiple billions to build a mag-lev rail system between California's Disneyland and Nevada's dizzyland in the center of Las Vegas. Helping people to get jobs immediately is more important than a mag-lev. Also, private industries with funds can build such a device. We cannot borrow our way out of the economic problems in the U.S.A. Drilling for oil is never the total solution, but it can be apart of solution to solve our economic complications. Wind and solar power should be pursued as a free market demands it, not by government decree. All potential energy sources should be explored as a free market chooses, not as directed by government. It's hypocrispy to want to end foreign demand for oil, but ban nearly all forms of domestic oil production indeed.

AP from Saturday on February 28, 2009 outlined about how North Korea is warning again of conflict on the Korean peninsula. North Korea accused the American military of making provocative moves along the tense border on the divided Korean peninsula. They warned on Saturday about unpredictable military conflicts. This is a rare threat coming from North Korea. The reason is that North Korea have cooled its rhetoric off in recent months. North Korea is already preparing to test fire a long range missile, which is believed to reach U.S. territory. Pyongyang has also stepped up its war of rhetoric against the South over Seoul’s tough stance toward its communist neighbor. North Korea’s military said U.S. troops advanced as close as 100 feet (30 meters) from the Military Demarcation Line in the western border and took pictures of a North Korean military post last month. It also said more than 60 U.S. patrols approached to within 330 feet (100 meters) of the boundary this year. The U.S. provocations ”at a time when the North-South relations are inching close to the brink of a war may touch off unpredictable military conflicts...If the U.S. forces keep behaving arrogantly … the (North’s military) will take a resolute counteraction,” the North’s military said in a message sent to the South, according to the North’s official Korean Central News Agency. The news agency didn't elaborate on what that counterreaction will be. South Korea's Defense Ministry dismissed the North's accusation as groundless, calling the U.S. military moves ''legitimate activities'' because the U.S.-led U.N. Command oversees the Demilitarized Zone that separates the two Koreas.The U.N. Command oversees the cease-fire that ended the 1950-1953 Korean War. North Korea has long maintained that the U.N. Command is irrelevant and a thinly veiled U.S. effort to claim international legitimacy for its forces here. The North Korean government doesn't need to talk about liberty since they suppress religious liberty daily in their country. If American forces are violating North Korean sovereignity, that is wrong. Yet, North Korea ought to get their own house in order as well.

James Dobson recently esigned from the Focus on the Family as Chairman. He will still play a prominent role in the organization. This isn't unusual since he was a leader in the organization for over 30 years. Dobson notified the board of his decision Wednesday, and the 950 employees of the Colorado Springs, Colorado-based ministry were informed Friday morning at a monthly worship service, said Jim Daly, who is the group's president and chief executive officer. James Dobson is 72 years old now. He will continue to host Focus on the Family's flagship radio program. Dobson will also write a monthly newsletter and speak on moral issues. James Dobson wants power to given given up to new leadership. Focus on the Family focuses on family issues and politics. Dobson was a child psychologist and an author. He supported John McCain for President when he is pro-abortion just like Barack Obama is. James Dobson is probably one of the most power American establishment Evangelical leaders in America. His radio broadcast has reached about 1.5 million U.S. listeners daily. He is controversial and of course liberals criticize him. Dobson is right that abortion is wrong and families ought to be improved upon. He's wrong in supporting this immoral war on terror and being a near flunky for the Republican Party. We should be all politically independent. Dr. James Dobson has been a member of the CNP. The Council on National Policy is a Masonic/SMOM group that tries to infiltrate sincere conservatives. Dobson supports the Diest view of Intelligence Design, he praised the Pope, he praised the unbiblical Passon of the Christ film, and James Dobson have recommended the witchcraft filled Harry Potter book series to children. So, James Dobson needs to wake up. Shirley, who is James Dobson's wife, also resigned from the Focus board. The new board chairman is retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Patrick P. Caruana, a longtime board member and a former executive with defense contractor Northrup Grumman. That should tell you something. Now, the good news is that tons of conservative Christians are pro-life, respect civil liberties, love to protect the environment (without global warming hysteria), believe in religious freedom, and accept individual rights. It's just that the mainstream media don't report on these people.

One of the new oppressive things going on is a Plastic bag tax. Rep. Rafeal Anchia wants the 7 cent solution to plastic bags. The Dallas Democrat wants Texas to join two other states pondering the problem. This issue relates to pollution and th politics of taxing each of the ubiquitous sacks (that start at groceries, hardware stores and retail shops but often end up in sewer systems, landfills, parking lots, riverbeds, up against fences and blowing down highways). His bill wants a small part of the 7 cents charged on each plastic bag would go back to the retailer while the rest would help cities run their recycling programs. Virginia and Maryland also are debating similar fees for plastic bags and so are cities such as Seattle, Washington and New York. More than a dozen other cities have passed or are debating bans on the convenient plastic bags. This is silly since alternatives can exist to help the environment instead of banning all plastic bags or lay a tax on it. Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, has a different handle on the bag problem. Anchia has filed the same bill in the House, as a Plan B. Her proposal would require stores that supply plastic bags to also offer recycling bins and reusable shopping bags. In addition, the plastic bags would have to be stamped with a reminder to bring them back to the store. "The smart, savvy retailers are going to embrace this," Van de Putte said. Indeed, Wal-Mart, H-E-B grocers and many other large outlets not only like her plan, they're already doing most of it. Wal-Mart senior manager Sally Aeillo believes that Van de Putte's bill will pass. Many stores are having their own recycling programs. The city of Austin considered a ban on plastic bags like El Paso and Arlington. But instead of an outright ban, Austin began a voluntary program in 2008 similar to the one proposed by Van de Putte. Data collected by the five participants – H-E-B, Randall's, Wal-Mart, Walgreens and Target. The data showed that in the first six months, plastic bag recycling increased 20 percent. The stores sold 443,227 reusable bags, and the demand for the disposable plastic bags dropped 40 percent. A voluntary plan to help recycling is a whole lot better than just banning all forms of plastic bags. Also, taxes are not to be tax on everything under the sun. Taxes should be done for a limited purpose with a just reason.

Global Warming that's man-made is being exposed by even more experts. Top Japanese scientists are saying that warming is not caused by human activity at all. These statements come from a major scientific report. These leading Japanese academics conclude that global warming is not man-made and that the overall warming trend from the mid-part of the 20th Century onwards has now stopped. The Western corporate media unsurprisingly ignored this new report like usual. This report was undertaken by JSER or the Japan Society of Energy and Resources. JSER is the academic society that represents scientists from energy and resource fields. The JSER acts as a government advisory panel, much like the International Panel on Climate Change did for the UN. The JSER's finding contradict the IPCC's findings. Only one out of the five top researchers in the JSER study believe that the recent warming have been accelerated by man-made carbon emissions. This report criticizes the computer climate modeling. They believe that U.S. ground temperature data set used to back up the man made warming claims is too myopic. The reports says that global warming stopped since about 2001, global temperature halted (while CO2 emissions have increased continually). The report then states that the recent warming the planet has experienced is primarily a recovery from the so called "Little Ice Age" that occurred from around 1400 through to 1800 (and is part of a natural cycle). Climate change according to the researchers are related to solar activity.
Kanya Kusano, Program Director and Group Leader for the Earth Simulator at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology (JAMSTEC) reiterates this point: "[The IPCC's] conclusion that from now on atmospheric temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonic increase, should be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis." These conclusions dovetail other Western scientists that dispute man made global warming (Yet they are compared with Holocaust deniers in an evil way for just questioning global warming hysteria). The promotion of this hysteria is a means where globalists and governments can have draconian taxation and use carbon taxes as a means of controlling citizens. This has nothing to do with helping the world, but controlling people. It's as simple as that.

Destiny is an important part of the American lexicon. Even now, there is a Pheonix bird pin promoted by a Republican women's website in their online bookstore called "Soaring Eagle of Destiny Pin." This pin has been worn by Hillary Clinton and others for years. The Phoenix has many meanings. According to Manly P. Hall, the Phoenix bird represents resurrection and regeneration. Its characters according to New Agers represent Lucifer or a Masonic Christ. The Phoenix was once considered for the design of the original Great Seal. This false Masonic Christ (as the Perfected Man as advocated by Eliphas Levi. Levi called the Perfected man as greater than angels, which I don't agree with) is destined to rule the new world order as Antichrist. Republicans and Democrats wearing this pin represents that both parties are controlled by the establishment (which is found in the Vatican, Pilgrims, elite bloodlines, etc.). In the National Archives Building there is an image of Zeus called Destiny. He sits atop the buidling facing Pennslyvania Avenue (near the White House). This man sits on a throne and appears to be ruling an area. There are 6 stars on his head. 32nd Degree Freemason and Shriner President Franklin Delano Roosevelt talked about America's rendezous with Destiny. This Destiny is the exploitation of America in facilitating the creation of the new world order (or the novus ordo seclorum). There are seashells right Destiny (or Zeus')'s head. Seashells represent Satan in black magic (according to Cutting Edge Ministries). It's doesn't take a genius to see that Washington, D.C. is an occult city with Masonic symbolism galore. Today, snow (sticking on the ground) came in my area of Hampton Roads, Virginia in the first time in years. It was strange to witness the snow that I recorded in my cell phone.

By Timothy

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