
Monday, March 02, 2009


"Someone can be opposed to abortion but still be pro-choice.

This is an outright lie. The only people in this country who are truly opposed to abortion are those who are calling for the unborn to be protected by law. This is simply the rhetoric of people who want to have their cake and eat it too. On one hand, they recognize, and want for themselves, the moral superiority of the pro-life position. On the other hand, they lack the character and courage to fight for it.

This position is similar to the “personally opposed” one discussed above. Again, there is no reason to be opposed to abortion except the recognition that it is the killing of a child. So what these people are really saying is, “I would never kill my baby, but I wouldn’t stop someone else from killing their baby.

To see how truly asinine that is, imagine someone who says, “I would never own a slave, but I wouldn’t stop someone else from owning one.
” Could we honestly conclude that such a person is opposed to slavery?

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