
Saturday, March 07, 2009

Jesus Christ


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. FROM: J-MC Patriot Alert Task Force (
    CC: Taber Shadburne (
    DATE: Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 6:46 PM
    SUBJECT: Beyond Religious Infighting/Beyond Blame

    Hi Mr. Black,

    CC: Taber Shadburne, Timothy Truthseeker

    Read your article: Beyond Religious Infighting

    Don't necessarily agree with allot of the christian 'dogma', for me actions and integrated actions, are more 'christian' than those 'christians' who talk the talk, but don't walk the walk. (Of course thats subjective).

    For me --- and this is the reason I write, to share this info with you, considering your alleged intention of 'beyond religious infighting' -- the only process that I have found helpful to enable people to share brutally and sincerely honestly, with a commitment to forgiveness has been Radical Honesty; where it is also the only place I have found people to get beyond dogmas' to real sharing. And radical honesty requires allot of emotional, psychological and noticing work, but also extremely rewarding.

    Anyway, the info is at if you are interested.

    It's really a process of BEYOND POLITICS; AND BEYOND BLAME.

    Taber Shadburne, is one of the Trainers, and Taber has for a long time wanted to incorporate Radical Honesty into a BEYOND BLAME workshop. I have always thought this a great idea. Taber is a really profound Radical Honesty Trainer; and he also runs a little church called: The Church of Soul.

    Anyway, not sure if any of this interests you in your Beyond Religious Infighting adventure; but should you wish to contact Taber, his email address is: Taber Shadburne [].


    Lara Johnstone

    Exponential Fx of Sex & War:
    'HUMINT' or 'Crimen Inuria'
