
Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Secret Holocaust in the Ukraine and more news

1 comment:

  1. FROM: J-MC Patriot Alert Task Force (
    DATE: Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 12:11 AM
    SUBJECT: "A prole is not actually happy when free; he is uncomfortable, a bit alarmed, and intolerably lonely; longs for warm, reassuring smell of the herd, and is willing to take the herdsman with it.”

    Ms. Starrett,

    CC: Timothy TruthSeeker

    In your article: We Can't Get Enough of What We Don't Want

    You ask:

    Why do American voters talk one way and vote another? We simply cannot get enough of that which we do not want. But, why?

    Not sure if you are interested in this perspective, but if you meant 'WHY', and you are serious in your search for answers to your question WHY; and it wasn't just a writers gimmick, that you pretend to be interested in; then here is a perspective you may find interesting to consider.

    Brief simplistic answer:

    POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, or put differently; the peer pressure to conform to a version of 'reality' that is politically correct; that does not question certain assumptions, behaviours and values..... and not only that, but the questioning of the particular assumptions, behaviours and values, is to be considered serious 'crime thoughts'.

    It is extremely easy to manipulate people who are emotionally, psychologically, financially and physically insecure.

    All you need to do to create a bunch of insecure 'CONSUMERS' (which you consider to be moron zombies), who will buy, buy, buy any stupid moronic product you release on the market, if it has a 'cool' public relations advertisiging show, is to provide them with a FAKE SENSE OF SECURITY; to make them PRETEND and LIE to themselves about how SECURE THEY ARE, while the REALITY is that they are VERY, VERY, VERY FINANCIALLY, EMOTIONALLY, PSYCHOLOGICALLY AND PHSYICALLY INSECURE

    What is to be CONSUMED, is not just technological or shopping products, from ipods, to sub prime mortgages; but PARTICULRY -- AND VERY IMPORTANTLY -- IDEOLOGIES; such as the ideology of the POLITICALLY CORRECT system that pretends to keep them physically 'secure' (i.e. the massive national security state, based upon a warfare/welfare economy) insecure, while financially, emotionally and psychologically raping them of their own personal responsibility, and psychological, emotional and financial integrity.....

    What is to be CONSUMED politically -- is to make a 'fake' choice that you are either a 'Republican' or a 'Democrat', and these allegedly give you two different ideologies..... but in essense, they are very much the same (with exceptions like Ron Paul), and much of the 'differences' is just in how the 'leaders' and particularly the media pundit COURTIERS, manipulate the 'sheeple' in the HATE BLAME GAME.

    Notice that the issues are never phrased in terms of addressing root causes, and if or where 'root causes' is referred to, blatant lies are told, that address such superficial root causes as to make anyone who is NOT A SHEEP, who couldn't care a fucking fuck about being politically correct, will immediately notice.... BUT THOSE WHO ARE SO BRAINWASHED TO FOLLOW THE HERD, WILL ONLY SHARE THEIR 'DISSENT' WITHIN THE BOXED PARADIGM OF THE HATE BLAME GAME.

    The sheeple are provided with 'scapegoats', and often the 'scapegoats' are indvidiuls or small groups of individuals, who do think for themselves, who have done some emotional, psychological etc. work on themselves, and have an inner sense of security, not only financially, but emotionally, psychologically, and who KNOW THEMSELVES. Who refuse to participate in the mindless 'Shop till unemployment drops' slavery on behalf of the Fortune 500; who live simple Thoreau Militia Patriot lifestyles in harmony with nature -- and these can be found on the far 'left' and 'right': often they are depicted as 'left wing fascists' or 'right wing fascists' and mostly if you give them the time of day, and hear their stories, they just won't sit around and take the goddamn fucking big goverment fascists bullshit; but can't afford the media propaganda the Fortune 500 throw at them.

    The only way in which you can help a sheeple to become a human, is to help them to learn to start telling themselves the truth; to confront themselves. This is very, very difficult; because for many they have to confront the reality that their ENTIRE LIVES THEY HAVE BEEN LIVING A LIE!!

    So, you can see that admitting REALITY, would mean they would have to admit they have been allowing themselves to be used as walking debt based economic growth 'consumer' ATM machines, for the financial and political elite. These people are not emotionally, or psychologically strong; they are very emotionally and psychologically weak and insecure, which is how the Fortune 500 prefer them to be.

    And so if you tell them this kind of stuff; out of concern for them; and not to 'make them wrong' or 'show them what idiots they were' or to say "I told you so' but because you give a flying fuck about them; then they will turn around and acuse you of being a fucking nutcase, or a paranoid conspiracy theorist, or so on.

    Confronting reality, for them is too hard to do. They do not have the emotioanal or psychological will to confront the reality of their codependent role, as willing economic debt enslaved slaves, for the Fortune 500 Politically Correct Paradigm of Political, Emotional, Psychological and Financial enslavement.

    Anyway, thats my simplistic answer; if you were interested.


    Lara Johnstone
    Exponential Fx of Sex & War:
    'HUMINT' or 'Crimen Inuria'
